25. March 2025
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Lauren Jenkins – Running Out of Road (Short Movie)

Running out of Road is not only a song of Lauren Jenkin’s first album No Saint, it is also a short movie. In some eleven and a half minutes, she is telling a story about her music and about songwriting – supported with her latest songs. I saw that movie for the first time at a session of the C2C 2019 in Berlin. The more, I am happy about that it is now available at YouTube since 21st March. Here is a short review.

Lauren Jenkins – Running Out of Road – The Story

The movie plays in a typical Mid-West location: endless plains, horses, nature. In fact, the video has been recorded in New Mexico and Wyoming, co-produced by Cole Smith. You see the notebook at the beginning of the movie, lying on a road. Lauren is no longer able to sort out the problems with her boyfriend any more. In the next scene, she received an old notebook from a friend and started writing. One day, when she was writing lyrics, her boyfriend comes home, obviously drunk. He is angry about she writing lyrics about their relation problems. They accuse each other of not being productive.

There next scenes are good and bad times of their relation. Then, they are driving through the prairie in a truck. They get into discussions and he throws the notebook out of the window. Lauren gets out of the truck to save it. Thereafter, they are in a bar, discussing if there is a really a common future. Jenkins enters the small stage and plays Running out of Road. You just listen to the song in the epilogue.

There are always flashback situations in which Lauren talks about how to order and compose a song correctly. Before she sings the title song, she states “I think I’ve made sense of it now. I made a map”.

Song List

Running Out of Road is far more than an extended music video. Several songs of No Saints are used in the movie. Here is the list in chronological order (just one mention):

  • Maker’s Mark and You
  • No Saint
  • Running Out of Road


Lauren Jenkins – Running Out of Road – The Video

Here is the link to Lauren Jenkins‘ short movie:

Lauren Jenkins – Running Out of Road – My View

I love the short movie and the idea behind it. A mixture of songwriter’s session, a short movie tale and promotion video. I feel it is amazing and worth watching. Hope you like it, too!


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