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Flyctory.com’s Latest Country Music Picks (22nd April 2018)

During my Weird Al Yankovic Tour trip through Georgia and Tennessee, I again listened to the country channels. Here is some stuff I feel it is worth listening to:

Kacey Musgraves: Butterflies

Kacey Musgraves new Album, Golden Hour, seems to produce multiple hits in parallel. First of all, I haven’t been too fond of it including the first single Space Cowboy, but the more I listen to it, the more I love it… Butterflies is just one of these songs you cannot stop listening to!

At the end of 2018, I decided to select Butterflies as one of my five best songs of the year.

Chris Young: Drunk Girl

I initially did not like this one too much, but the more I got into it and the more I listened to it, the more I liked it. Top of the Country Billboard in the USA, also due to the current discussions about that topic – hope you like it. By the way, Chris has recently been inducted to the Grand Ole Opry – his career seems to get a big boost at the moment!

Walker Hayes: Craig

I love his You broke up with me and Beautiful, but this one really seems to give Walker Hayes another high entry to the US Country Charts. His mixture of country music and hip hop-alike speaking lyrics is quite unique!

Danielle Bradbery: Sway

Yeah, I had this one already in my thread about my favourite Country 2 Country songs. I just cannot stop listening to it, so I put it in this list again. What a sunshine-good mood song! Hope Danielle makes it big also in Europe!


Flyctory.com about Country Music

Here are all Country Music-related postings on Flyctory.com: