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Morgan Wade – Psychopath

Morgan Wade - Psychopath




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Very personal, intimate album
  • Nice experiments with other music genres

Finally, Morgan Wade and her album Psychopath was the reason which made me break my typical release cycle of five album reviews on one weekend. I just had to deeply listen into the third studio album by the female country music artist. A key reason for that has been her sophomore album Reckless – furthermore, Morgan is about to tour Europe very soon. The album has been published on 25th August 2023.


Morgan Wade – About The Artist

Morgan Dealie Wade was born on 10th December 1994 in Floyd, Virginia. In 2018, she became a professional artist. For her self-released debut album Puppets with My Heart, she recruited a band through Craigslist. Until her 2021 album Reckless, she significantly improved her fan base, the feature single Wilder Days even received a golden record. At the 2023 ACM Awards, she was nominated as the New Female Artist of the Year. The Reckless review also features some bio information.


Morgan Wade – Psychopath – Track by Track

The thirteen song album lasts 48 minutes.

1. Domino

My roses are dead
All my pills are blue
The house is a wreck
My head is, too

The sound of Domino is a straight, melodic modern country one. However, the song, which deals with mental struggle and the fight not to fall back into these issues, has a much deeper story than it feels initially. Very nicely chosen opener.

2. 80’s Movie

The 1994-born already took us to this 80’s Movie in one of her feature singles. The song is a typical love song about a summer love story. The song comes with a nice melody, but overall I feel it is a bit of thinner then the more present Domino.

3. Losers Look Like Me

The third song comes with a very interesting style. Especially the opening has a nice indie-rock, almost grunge-alike touch. Even though the chorus is then turning out to be significantly more melodic, the song keeps that special touch. Cool.

4. Roman Candle

Even though Roman Candle is more melodic than its predecessor, it just cannot a touch of indie-rock in its structure as well. Overall, the song is very catchy and a flient listen.

Hold me, hold me real close
Right by your side and never let me go
I need you here
Yeah, baby, I need you here

5. Guns and Roses

The song opens with dark piano chords. These piano chords stay the dominating background instrument, even though later Guns and Roses is also featuring some strings. That’s almost all. There are just these basic instruments and Morgan’s voice, with feels very dramatic in this special ballad setting.

6. Alanis

Alanis is a damn cool country rocker. Again, there is a rather deep and dark character  – the song is definitely not a summer country party smasher. In this very intense setting, Morgan Wade’s vocal works amazingly in my point of view. Great listen.

7. Phantom Feelings

After the intense Alanis, Phantom Feelings is rather mainstream country-alike. The song surprisingly invests into a very detailed narration of the situation, which leads to a slightly “heavy” feeling.

When I met you I was young and I was dumb and my hair was black
Getting drunk at a bar downtown quoting Sylvia Plath
I loved you so hard, but you didn’t seem to love me back
Now I’m older and sober and my hair ain’t black

8. Psychopath

And I love you just because
But saying I love you don’t feel like enough
One day I’ll return to dust
Was there life before there was us?

This song already has the key quote You say I am a psychopath in its first stanza. Based on that, the song is rather light and comes with an easily swaying melody. I like it, but I rather see a good than a very good song in it.

9. Outrun Me

Compared to the title track, I much more prefer this one. The song starts slow with an instrumental intro and then more and more feels to gain energy. The focus on Morgan’s Wade feels magical, which is also somehow underlines by some spherical synth lines.

10. Want

The piano is opening Want. By that, the instrument is clearly underlining the melodic lead in the tenth song. The song first feels to be a piano ballad, but than rather turns into a nostalgic, jazzy sound. A very different style on this album, which is working out surprisingly well. To me, the song is one of the highlights of the album.

11. Fall In Love With Me

This very playful single release is rather touching R&B. This may feel a bit disturbing at first listen, but the more often you digest the song, the more you fall in love with the song. Unusual, but good one.

12. Meet Somebody

While I struggled with some parts of the first half of the album, this section of songs is definitely more spicy. The song is having some harder indie rock elements. Furthermore, the almost spoken word parts ad some aggression to the sound. This one might be a blast when Morgan Wade is on European stages soon.

Why the hell can’t I meet somebody?
All these people want to do is fuck someone at the party, and
I don’t wanna steal peaches in the dark
I wanna give someone my entire heart
Hey, hey, hey, I wanna meet somebody

13. 27 Club

The closing song is a lovely ballad with is full of emotions (not only positive ones). The band almost feels to be highly respectful when Wade is telling her story. Amazing finale with a positive ending.

I don’t know if I would call it luck
But I, I didn’t make the twenty-seven club
I’m twenty-eight
So, y’all ain’t gotta dig my grave


Morgan Wade – Psychopath – Spotify

Here is Psychopath on Spotify:


Morgan Wade – Psychopath – My View

Morgan Wade presents a very personal relatable 2023 album. She also feels to try to introducing some other genres to her music. Some of the experiments work amazingly, others do leave a bit of a negative feeling behind while listening. Nonetheless, this album almost seems to guarantee a very entertaining, European tour featuring a wide range of songs and feelings. I look forward to it.

Favorite Song: Want


Morgan Wade – European Tour 2023

Morgan Wade’s Tour through Europe will definitely be a highlight of the European country music summer.

Th 31.08.2023 Naksov (Denmark) – Lille Vegas
Fr 01.09.2023 Oslo (Norway) – John Dee Live Club
Sa 02.09.2023 Stockholm (Sweden) – Debaser Hornstulls Strand
Mo 04.09.2023 Berlin (Germany) – Privatclub
Tu 05.09.2023 Hamburg – Nochtspeicher
We 06.09.2023 Munich – Strom
Fr 08.09.2023 Amsterdam (Netherlands) – Melkweg
Sa 09.09.2023 Enschede – Tuckerville 2023
Su 10.09.2023 Cologne (Germany) – Helios37
We 13.09.2023 Paris (France) – Les Etoiles


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