Vic Allen – Some Place I’d Rather Be

Vic Allen - Some Place I'd Rather Be



3.9/5 Pros

  • Beautiful songwriting
  • Good songs Cons

  • Eight already published tracks
  • Album might need one or two more surprising songs

Sometimes, I just have to say that I am proud of someone. Like I am proud of Vic Allen: the English artist finally released her debut album on 27th January 2023. I already chatted with her recently about Some Place I’d Rather Be – here is now my review of her first long-play release.


Vic Allen – About The Artist

Vic Allen is a British independent country-pop artist. I already reviewed her 2019 EP Enough (some songs are featured on this album as well) and at the Write Like A Girl concert in London in the same year. You learn a lot more about her and her thoughts about this album in the Spotlight interview I recently had with her.

Spotlight – meets Vic Allen (19th January 2023)


Vic Allen – Some Place I’d Rather Be – Track by Track

The ten track album lasts 37 minutes. Eight songs have been released before the album release already

1. Enough

The album starts with the title track of Vic Allen’s third EP, Enough, which has been a 2019 release. As Vic stated in the interview, the song also includes the line which lead to the album title – thus, it is somehow the title track of this album, more than three years thereafter. This also shows the main concern of Some Place I’d Rather Be: if you are a Vic Allen fan already, you might know quite some of the album’s contents. Nonetheless, Enough is a beautiful listen.

2. Pictures of Us

If you look into the number of streams, the 32k Spotify listens ballad is the most successful song of the English artist so far. Beautiful, gentle sound – even though my favorite is another one…

3. Drive-Thru

… namely the more rhythmic and energetic Drive-Thru, which is following right after Pictures of Us. Unfortunately, country pop listeners don’t feel to share my music taste… At least the streaming stats of Drive-Thru are significantly below the ones of its predecessor.

4. I Can

I Can has been released in June 2020. The song has a typical Vic Allen song with a rather “handmade” feeling while listening.

5. Confetti

Confetti has been the most recent release before the album. Vic shared it in July 2022 as one of four single releases that year. A beautiful ballad-alike song, which is driven by the piano in the background, even in its more energetic parts.

6. Barcelona

You have to wait for the sixth song to listen to the first really new track. I really like it – it has the typical Vic Allen signature and style. Beautiful storytelling and a beautiful vocal performance.

7. Ghost Town

Ghost Town is one of the most beautiful writes of Vic Allen to me. A very atmospheric song, which is not as spooky as the title might suggest.

8. Healing

The emotional song Healing was part of the 2020 release campaign by Vic Allen. That’s just where the Norwich lady is at her best.

9. Borrowed Time

In the interview I quoted above, Vic stated that she is especially curious how the people will like this song. It is the second really new track The song already has a special presence as it is the longest listen of the album. It starts very gently, but then has some more energetic moments. Dear Vic, I like what you did there 🙂

10. Suitcase

I would agree to Vic that this song is one of her best tracks. Unfortunately, this is not really reflected in the streaming stats. Give Suitcase more attention, please – it is a great song.



Vic Allen – Some Place I’d Rather Be – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify:


Vic Allen – Some Place I’d Rather Be – my View

I deeply like this lady. She is such a talented storyteller. Her first major showcase reflects that perfectly. It is a debut album, so that I am not too strict in it – but I would have loved to have one or two more new songs in here. And maybe some tracks which lead to more depth, some surprising tunes. Still a really nice listen by her. about Vic Allen

Here are all postings related to Vic Allen:


Travel (Nashville)

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