I am always happy to chat with German artists on my blog in the Spotlight interview category. Ann Doka is the first local I met during 2021. She is one of the major German country music acts and even had a Nashville and East Coast tour. She is already working towards a 2021 album release and recently released a new single. Alongside Meg Pfeiffer, she published a great song, Fancy Boots, on 22nd January 2021. A lot of interesting topics to chat about. I am sure you enjoy my chat with the Frankfurt country lady, who is now living in Bremen.
Flyctory.com meets Ann Doka
FLYC: Hi Ann, thanks for joining Flyctory.com for an interview. You are one of the biggest German country music acts, have over 5,000 followers on Facebook only. How do German people typically react when they meet you and you tell them you are doing country music?
Ann Doka: Thanks for having me in the interview. In fact, it’s difficult to explain two people outside the country scene that you’re not wearing country boots and hats all day. But when they listen to your music, they start to understand that country has different sites and that I’m doing not doing the traditional, but new-country focused music with many pop influences. I often hear them say “ “Oh wow – that’s country?”
FLYC: According to your homepage you began to love country music at the age of 14. What is the special thing about the genre to you?
I love real music played with real instruments by real musicians – and that’s what country music always has been for me. Even in the modern new country productions you can hear some traditional instruments as for example violin, banjo, pedal steel. And I just love the sounds of these. That’s maybe why I’m also hosting a Bluegrass jam in Bremen and Frankfort. If I listen to these instruments, I’m completely fulfilled and happy.

FLYC: Was there maybe a special band or song, which especially inspired you?
Ann Doka: In my younger years I was totally inspired by country music artists as Garth Brooks, Jo Dee Messina, Lee Ann Womack and of course Keith Urban. But also by Tracy Chapman, to who my uncle always listened. And not to forget about the grand divas of pop – Mariah Carey and Celine Dion.
But the initial song that brought me to country music was ‘I swear’ by John Michael Montgomery, when I found out, that he was the songwriter behind the hit song of the pop band All4One.
FLYC: Germany has or had a couple of German-singing country acts in the past, like Truck Stop or Tom Astor. You decided to go for English lyrics. What has been the key reason for that?
I always like the sound of English music, as I grew up in the 90s. In fact, I also wrote some German songs but I always had the impression, that the sound of my voice was not fitting German lyrics. So I decided to go for English.

FLYC: Your first album release was the 2012 Never Ending Road. How does it feel when you listen to the album today, nine years later?
Ann Doka: It’s a weird feeling to listen to these old songs, because my songwriting has improved a lot since then. But I still like some of the melodies – and as I know all about the stories behind the songs, I’m still in love with each of the songs.
FLYC: Is there maybe a song you still especially like? And why?
Ann Doka: I still fall for my song Lea – because of the sweet little girl I wrote the song for, when she was standing in front of my stage, dancing her feet off. 😄 Also we did such a cute video for the song which is still on YouTube.
FLYC: Your first Nashville recording was the 2015 Could’ve been mine. How was it like for you to be in Music City as an artist? What does the city mean to you?
Ann Doka: In a word: FASCINATING!
I was just blown away by all the music that surrounded me. Nashville is music – day and night. In one moment you sit on Broadway, having a beer while listening to some country bands – in the other moment your sitting with stranger friends jamming on a front porch in East Nashville- and the next day you’re in the studio with the guitar player of Keith Urban to record your new songs. That’s f***ing great, isn’t it? 😄🤠
FLYC: Two years earlier, in 2013, you even did a club tour through the USA. How is the US country scene reacting on country music from Germany?
It was funny to play some gigs for native speakers – while you’re only a German girl who’s writing some songs. And then there are some rednecks standing in front of your stage, applauding and saying “Play us another song, Miss Germany” 😂 I really enjoyed that.

FLYC: You are originally from Frankfurt, but now live in Bremen in Northern Germany. Your producer is based in Nashville. How does the collaboration work in practice?
Ann Doka: Normally I wanted to fly over to Nashville to record my new Album House Of Change, which will be released in 2021. But with Corona my plans changed, of course. My producer Jonathann Lawrence Jrade-Rice and I are now working on remote. I’m sending him my new songs and he’s producing them in Nashville with his musicians.
The vocals are recorded in my own studio here in Bremen. To work like this has also some advantages: I have more time to think about the melody lines and work on the vocal tracks. But of course it doesn’t replace recording in Nashville. But in special times we need special procedures.
FLYC: Your second major release was Lost But Found in 2018 – quite a while after Never Ending Road. What makes Lost But Found especially different (better?) than your debut one?
Ann Doka: I’d say: the songwriting and the production! I produced Lost But Found with Björn Diewald (PLAN13) – a wonderful producer from Bielefeld, Germany. He did a great job on this album and made my productions sound radio for the first time.
FLYC: Again, what is your favorite on Lost But Found?
I love Talkin’ Like Before – because the story behind is very emotional for me. I was leaving my hometown near Frankfurt and moved to Bremen. And there were friends who suddenly didn’t feel as close as before. So I wanted to call the song No Talking Like Before. But then a friend of me reminded me that with some friends it will always be different.
FLYC: In 2019, you released Only If, together with Brooks West. What is that song about?
Ann Doka: Brooks and I wrote this song in his kitchen in East Nashville, Tennessee. We imagined a couple which separated from each other and didn’t know if there was a chance of getting back to where they’d been before. The answer was ONLY IF.
FLYC: You even had live TV appearance with that single. How was it like for you? And how was the feedback by the audience?
Ann Doka: It was weird because we knew that there were millions of people listening to us right now and watching every move we did. Brooks and I were really nervous – but we helped us through it by interacting with the audience. The even did a LAOLA wave for us! 😂
FLYC: You are also driving Nash*Dash Records, a small independent label for “handmade music”. From that perspective, what is the key thing we need to make country music bigger?
Ann Doka: The name NASH DASH became the name of my label because I always wanted to have a little ‘dash of nash(ville)’ in the music I publish.
For making country music bigger in Germany, I think it needs exactly this: we need to show the roots and emotions of country music and combine them with modern pop sounds. We need to tell stories and make them sound authentic.
FLYC: Apart from an Ann Doka album, of course – if you would meet a person like me (in the 40’s) on the street and would like to persuade him to listen to country – which album would you hand over to him?
Ann Doka: I’m not an album fan – I just love so many different songs. So I would provide him or her a wonderful playlist from the early beginnings of bluegrass until the modern nowadays new country. So they‘d maybe feel the music!

FLYC: Of course, we have to talk about your latest release, Fancy Boots, which you recorded with Meg Pfeiffer. How did you run into that collaboration and what is the story behind the song?
Ann Doka: Meg and I met some years ago on a concert that we Play together and stayed in contact. Then last year we had a phone call and found out, that we had more in common than we thought. We’re both songwriters which have the roots and country music. We both have our own label and organize our music on our own: songwriting, producing, publishing, marketing. We wanted to make a statement that everybody should be proud of what has reached and that we all should just do what we love. And everyone should wear these fancy boots, if they want it – without caring about what other people say. 😊
FLYC: The song has quite a strong pop touch – just best fit or a slight departure from country?
Ann Doka: Music is music. And in this case we just wanted to do an amazing pop song. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t switch to something completely different if we ever right another song together.
I think, every musician should be open minded to every music that comes to their‘s minds. If the song is good, it’s good. In whatever category it will fit.
FLYC: It is hard to do good planning during pandemic times – but what are your future plans for 2021?
Ann Doka: In 2021 (most probably in May) I will release my new Nashville album House of Change, which I’m currently producing with my wonderful Nashville producer Jonathann Jrade-Rice.
The album is so amazing and also different from what I did before – so hopeful we will also have the possibility to play some concerts to present the new album to the audiences. But in these times you just need to be flexible. So I just say it with one of the songs from my new album:
“In time of pace, you better walk on – girl”
FLYC: Last, but not least: when the infection risk is under control again – is there a venue you look forward to play in again?
Ann Doka: There are many – oh so many!! 😊🎶
But I’m so looking forward to play again in the garden of my favorite location in Bremen – the Pusta-Stube – near the river, with all the wonderful musicians of my bluegrass jam. And just enjoy the sound of all the banjos, steel guitars and voices!
Follow Ann Doka Online

All pictures: artist material / album covers. Fancy boots Ann Doka pictures: Marcus Reens
Country Music in Germany
Here is any Music & Media posting related to country music and Germany on Flyctory.com:
In my September 2024 Spotlight interview, I already introduced you to Frances Darling. On 7th February 2025, the German-US-American artist ...
Michael Moravek already made it into my Songs of the Week thrice. The last time has been as of 10th January 2025 ...
It all started in August 2019 - and it has become a key delivery of Flyctory.com since then. The Country ...
Time to look back to the Flyctory.com year of music, part 2. In my 30th December 2024 posting, I am ...
The first one of my Best of postings at the end of the year is always reserved for looking back to my ...
After I missed two early December 2024 country music concerts in Cologne due to trips to Switzerland and the United ...
German artist Mense traveled through Spain for half a year. It was only himself, his wife and his dog Angus, ...
I had a quite turbulent and emotional November 2024. The more, I appreciated good music. Here is my overview of ...
On 20th November 2024, I was able to report from an artist I had on my "bucket list" for quite ...
Club Volta again - just three days after I featured the Stephen Wilson Jr. concert there, I was back at ...
Time for some country music concert coverage again: On 4th November 2024, I headed to Club Volta in Cologne. Sound ...
My new way of presenting my Country Music Picks, i.e. having a focus on new songs, which I just did not ...
The country music September 2024 is in the books. At least in regards of my Country Music Picks, which feature ...
Just the evening after the Visions of Atlantis show in Essen, I headed to the E-Werk in Cologne. On 29th ...
Last week, Frances Darling had a big day in her young career. With the song Flight Risk, the US-American-German artist released ...
After a one day break, the Sound of Nashville Open Air2024 was back in Cologne. Sunday, 25th August 2024, featured ...
Country-rock made in Germany - there are not too many acts in my home country who are able to deliver ...
After featuring the Giovanni Zarrella concert the week before, another very special show was on my list on 12th August ...
Ben / Benjamin Moske is a quite well-known artist in the Northern German singer-songwriter scene. His songs are influenced by ...
On the weekend of 5th July 2024, I feature some interesting releases by German artists. One of them is T.G ...
Right after I returned from a weekend trip to Norway, my home town Cologne hosted another really interesting country music ...
Three years ago, I introduced you to the album True Stories by Jack McBannon. Despite his artist name, the country ...
End of April and beginning of May 2024 featured a couple of very interesting country music gigs in Germany. For ...
End of April and beginning of May 2024 came with quite some photographic dates for me. Right after the Carrie ...
What an honor - Darius Rucker kicked off his Starting Fires Tour World Tour in my home tome Cologne. The Live Music ...
Frank Renfordt is back - and this time he is wearing his cowboy hat again! The Cumberland River Project releases ...
The Cumberland River Project is on the final straight towards a new release. On 22nd March 2023, Frank Renfordt and ...
Right the day after the Sound of Nashville show in Cologne on 5th March 2024, I headed to Frankfurt. Again, ...
I am always a bit of extra-flattered when my most frequently used promotion platform shows an album by a German ...
I am always flattered when there are new, interesting German acts who are releasing country music. This week on Flyctory.com ...
Yeah, I am still more of an album person. I feel that a long-play is still able to tell stories ...
It's time to look back to . After I shared my new format My Year in Travel with you the first time, ...
His show in Aschaffenburg 2019, the main stage appearance at the C2C Berlin 2020 and now Cologne 2023: Eric Paslay ...
Afrer his very interesting album release Going Solo, I was really curious about how Gergor McEwan would be alike live on ...
At the end of September, some miraculous things were happening on the Instagram accounts of the Country To Country Festivals ...
Home Free - the a capella country band has built a fan base all over the world nowadays. I was ...
In March 2020, just at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, Melanie Wiegmann went to the Maltese island of Gozo ...
One evening with six different artists? The opening night of the Heart To Heart concert series definitely came with high ...
When I prepared for the review of this album, I read in one magazine article that Gregor McEwen is a ...
I am surprised that it has never been there before, stated Jackson Dean, one of the four artists, who will ...
Tom Astor is likely the most important living artist of the German country music scene. In 2023, he did not ...
After I gave you three postings about the music at the Seepark Biker Days 2023 in Pfullendorf already, it is ...
Closing day in Pfulllendorf - after Saturday came with a long line-up and a lot of acts, the musical side ...
After the great musical warm-up on the first day of the Seepark Biker Days 2023 in Pfullendorf, Saturday was something ...
I am not a Harley rider and I will travel to Pfullendorf by rental car. But I am really looking ...
Due to my recent illness, I have to reduce my travel activity in June significantly. Nonetheless, there will be ten Rock ...
On 23rd May 2023, the Sound of Nashville concert series had a very special even in Cologne's Helios37. Despite being ...
Sound of Nashville time again. Right after I returned from a brief trip through the Nordics, Semmel Concerts and their ...
I am always glad to present you German artists, who have a touch of international-style Americana and country music influences ...
Heading to Hamburg for a day just in the middle of Weird Al Yankovic tour-chasing for country music? February and ...
February and early March 2023 held a couple of concerts and shows for me. Thus, right after returning from the ...
Ireland, the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands, USA, Canada - and of course Germany lay ahead of me for the ...
27th January 2023, the first Flyctory.com concert coverage of the new year. I will feature a couple of really cool ...
While the music market is more and more focusing on singles and even writes weird stories like Taylor Swift's "Top ...
Since I started working with Flyctory.com, I present you a list of my favorite songs at the end of every ...
Just some ten days left until Christmas. Instead of my typical album preview, I this time go for a preview ...
Quite a lot of interesting music on Flyctory.com in November: after the Alexander Ludwig and Nik Wallner show in Cologne, ...
This is already the second time I met Nik Wallner for a Spotlight interview on Flyctory.com. While the first time we chatted ...
Right after coming back from New York City, I headed to the Helios37 in Cologne the same evening. Sound of ...
What a lovely combination of two amazing female country artists: on 12th September 2022, Sound of Nashville presented Carly Pearce ...
Hallo, ich bin Jolina Carl - "Hello, I am Jolina Carl" rather sounds like a debut album than the release of ...
23rd August 2022 has been a very special day to me. Always great to be able to cover a Lindsay ...
Legendary Gipsy Kings and one of Germany's biggest potential drivers of country music, More Than Words - I felt really ...
German schlager icon Wolfgang Petry is back with a new EP. After a "real" Wolfgang Petry album release, Auf das Leben, ...
Also due to their rather well-known band members, More Than Words is one of the most promising country music acts ...
Even though Chris Colter seems to be quite active artist since decades, I could not find too many bio information ...
So good to have a new one from The Cumberland River Project: one of Germany's finest manufacturers of country music ...
Some country music made in Germany: After the intense week traveling with Weird Al Yankovic to the first three shows ...
New songs from Mrs. Greenbird: Cologne's finest Americana pop pair released a new set of tracks on 9th April 2022 ...
House of Change by Ann Doka has indeed bin one of the German artist albums I have been looking forward to ...
TV appearances, support act of famous musicians like Heinz Rudolf Kunze or Rea Garvey: Jördis Tielsch has indeed grown quite ...
70 years of Klaus Lage - the rock singer-songwriter is one of the most iconic artists of the German music ...
2021 definitely lifted Flyctory.com to another level. The community is steadily increasing - days with less than 2,000 page hits ...
Year-end is the time to look back to all the stuff what happened to you. Ideally you rather remind the ...
The week of Christmas is typically one of the weeks of the year with the lowest amount of new music ...
Every week, I am scanning hundreds of new releases, albums and singles, to pick the right (and sometimes: the wrong) ...
Okay, I give in. In the world of country music, Christmas starts in early September. That's when the first song ...
A German artist presenting modern country songs - even though A Life That's Good is a cover album, I felt ...
On the promotion platform I use most frequently, I rarely run into songs or albums which are labeled as "Country ...
This is the third time I am looking into the country music scene of Germany and neighboring German-speaking countries. So ...
The German artist Det Haggard is a new name in the German lyrics country music scene. After he had some ...
Summer feels to be over - Fall 2021 is coming. Finally, I had much more - and better - trips ...
Country from Germany with an important background. In his 2021 release, Jesse Cole deals with the impacts of being a ...
Without a doubt, Peter Maffay is nowadays one of the most well-known rock artists singing in German. As a result ...
Some country from Germany: just in the week I did the second edition of my German Songs Country Music Picks, ...
I received quite a lot of feedback on my initial (late April 2021) version of the The German Songs edition of ...
After quite a hiatus - the last regular Country Music Picks edition is as of November 2020, I felt it ...
Modern country from Bavaria? No, this is not about Nik Wallner, but about pez, who is singing in English and ...
Some cool music from Germany: the album New Songs And Untold Stories was soloely flagged as pop music in a promotion ...
A Viking doing modern country? Sounds like a weird Scandinavian story - but in fact the artist is a Canadian actor, ...
It's been just too long since I did the last episode of my Country Music Picks. At the end of ...
Even though we are currently struggling in Germany to build a (modern) country music scene, there has always been some ...
The promotion material to Timo Scharf's new EP Everything Ever Always Is All Forgotten contains a magical sentence. He is writing ...
Jack McBannon does a quite interesting and versatile fusion of different Americana music styles. Being on stage for twenty years ...
292 Media Review postings - looking into new music (and a few other) releases was definitely some sort of core ...
2020 is about to come to an end - and the last three posting of the years re about to ...
Just ten days before she is releasing her debut album Desert Diamond, I introduced you to the promising German country music ...
When you look at European country music, you very often purely focus on British artists. However, the German country music ...
During the last years, October has been one of the big months for European country music fans: being already "traditional" ...
The Yonder Boys are definitely an interesting, but also kind of weird and funny combo, which is based in Germany, ...
Undoubtedly, Van de Forst is one of the most interesting German acts in the country music scene. Her country / ...
Covid-19 has a huge impact on the music industry. My home town Cologne's local country music heroes, Mrs. Greenbird, were ...
Even though Covid-19 is taking quite much of our time, we should really enjoy the good things - and at ...
Already the first single Back On The Road felt very promising - and at least when The Cumberland River Project released their ...
Due to the late cancellation of the C2C festivals in London, Dublin and Glasgow and all the organizational trouble caused ...
Many people in the German country music business see a lot of potential in Southern German artist Nik Wallner. At ...
The last four big acts of the C2C Country To Country in Berlin 2020 - the three days have been ...
My third and final issue of stories around the C2C in Berlin - time to finish the days of country ...
Sunday, 8th March 2020, the third day in Berlin. Already that typical mixture of feelings: looking forward to the last ...
After a good start on Main Stage on Day 1 with Luke Combs, Jimmie Allen and Darius Rucker headlined the ...
After the the first side stage acts on Day 1 of the C2C Country To Country 2020 in Berlin, Day ...
Saturday in Berlin is over. A lot of good music has been played on several stages - but some stories ...
Time for the big party - after the side stage artists of Day 1 have cheered up the audience, it ...
C2C Country To Country in Berlin 2020 - time to start the second edition of the festival on 6th March ...
The German Country Music Scene is having their highest holidays - The C2C in Berlin started on 6th March 2020 ...
Country music made in Germany? There are more and more projects which feel to be very promising. In my point ...
A lot has happened since the Country 2 Country 2020 headliners for all five venues have been published in October 2019 ...
Country music made in Germany? Especially in the last few months, there have been a couple of acts, which feel ...
The first Sound of Nashville show of the year - it felt really good to be back close to the ...
I decided to split the "Best music" postings of 2019 into two parts: while I already published my personal Best ...
2019 has come to an end - and music has been one of the key topics of Flyctory.com in 2019 ...
Right after I returned from Pittsburgh, Sound of Nashville and the German country music scene came back on my schedule ...
Though the Pete Wolf Band just released their second album on 6th December 2019, they are big names in the ...
I was quite stunned when I ran into an Instagram advertisement: Björn Heuser, a Cologne singer- songwriter just recently released ...
One of the few German country/folk acts, which gained some international reputation in the past is Cologne-based Mrs. Greenbird. Before ...
I have to admit that I had been very nervous before that concert. The LANXESS arena, Germany's largest multiplex arena ...
An eventful debut of the first German Country Music Week presented by Sound of Nashville ended in Cologne with the ...
While the Sound of Nashville October started big with the the concert of Old Dominion. One day after the big ...
I had a quite unfortunate timing with the debut of the German Country Music week. I missed some shows due ...
During the London Country Music Week, Country 2 Country traditionally presented the lineup for the festival. Every year, fans pray ...
Right after I returned from a vacation trip to Tenerife, I headed from Frankfurt Airport to Das Bett (literally: The Bed), a Frankfurt ...
Quite surprisingly, there seems to be a quite sudden competition about the promotion and management of country music concerts in ...
The Sound of Nashville series of concerts more and more established in the German country music scene. While I visited one ...
September 2019 is a country music concert months full of highlights. Just one day after I returned from my Aschaffenburg ...
Eric Paslay and his song Friday Night was one of the first songs, which really made me get in touch with ...
The second half of 2019 features a massive lineup of country music stars in Germany. As you can see in ...
After my posting in April, which was already speculating about a country music boom in Germany and Central Europe, a ...
Country music in Germany has a hard standing. It is still not played in most radio stations - or declared ...
Mrs. Greenbird was the only Germany-based band who were playing at the C2C debut in Berlin 2019. This definitely illustrates ...
The beginning of March 2019 was a country music powerhouse to me. The Country 2 Country (C2C) debut in Berlin, ...
How to spent the time best between Country 2 Country 2019 in Berlin and Amsterdam and the "main events" in ...
I visited Europe's biggest country music festival, Country 2 Country (C2C), for the first time in 2018 in London. I immediately ...
As blogging on music became a quite frequent category at Flyctory.com, I felt to look back to 2018 and introduce ...
Flyctory.com in Frankfurt
Here are all postings related to Frankfurt:
I typically prefer Hilton Hotels and my second-most flown airport so far is Frankfurt Airport (FRA). Thus, it feels quite ...
After I skipped last week's Songs of the Week (and merge the three songs I had for it into this post), ...
The German artist Alless. (with a dot at the end) already had a major social media success this year. The ...
Happy Thanksgiving (especially to my North American followers)! While the North American music market is currently rather concentrating on Black ...
I had a very tough business trip to Paris this week. Nonetheless, I somehow managed to compile this list of ...
Another year, another time for Rock of Ages. Similar to the previous years, I disclose some of the international dates I ...
I feature athletics events three weeks in a row before I head to Newport in Rhode Island for tennis coverage ...
Snow in April! After I had some snowfall after the Swiss Floorball Superfinals (my coverage of the women's match / ...
That's all? That's roughly I thought when I finally had a rather short long list of candidates for my Songs of ...
Right the day after the Sound of Nashville show in Cologne on 5th March 2024, I headed to Frankfurt. Again, ...
As I knew it would be rather late after I visited the TSV Erlensee Floorball Bundesliga home matches vs. Dümptener ...
Having dinner with some frequent traveler friends in Frankfurt lead to a one night stay in the German city, famous ...
January 2024 has already passed and we are running into the first February 2024 edition of my weekly release radar ...
While I still had a rather short list of album releases, there was already quite a lot of stuff for ...
Typically when I fly from the B Gates at Frankfurt Airport (FRA), I love opting for the Air Canada Maple ...
As I typically prefer Hilton Hotels, the situation at Frankfurt Airport (FRA) is rather comfortable to me. With the Hilton ...
Having a cheap hotel close to the main station after the Kelvin Jones concert in October 2023. My aim, when ...
After I had the opportunity to see Kelvin Jones at the Heart To Heart show in Dusseldorf and the preparing ...
The first day of our Iceland Ring Road trip brought my wife and I to the Air France / KLM ...
NH Hotels are rolling out a new brand of hotels in Europe: nhow (pronounced as "now") is a group of ...
With this fourth posting, I am closing my coverage of the German Athletics Nationals 2023. The Auestadion in Kassel hosted ...
I start my coverage of the second day of the German Athletics Nationals 2023 in Kassel with the field events ...
I am a huge fan of the field events in athletics - and thus, I am really glad to also ...
Some surprise in this week's posting: I selected a very special instrumental track to lead my Songs of the Week ...
My first full festival coverage with Flyctory.com - I was really nervous while sitting on the train to Stuttgart and ...
Traveling out of nowehere: I compiled this set of songs in Swansea in Whales, watching the very last Rock of ...
Let's take you on a trip to Iceland. This is the first proper entry to my Trip Report, which takes on ...
Attending a frequent traveler meeting nearby, I had the opportunity to visit the Hampton by Hilton Frankfurt Airport towards the ...
Damn, it is already four years... And it is more than 2,750 postings since then. On 25th February 2018, I ...
Ireland, the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands, USA, Canada - and of course Germany lay ahead of me for the ...
This weekend was really difficult for me to plan ahead. With the ISTAF Indoor in Dusseldorf, I had a fixed ...
Oh wow, I really have to limit myself this week. There is so much good music being released this week ...
AIthough has just been a day trip, but I just felt it is too long to tell the story of ...
Okay, I give in: this trip is weird. While people typically feel that I am "just" a die hard aviation ...
Even though one of my early Flyctory.com posts was about my B777 Singapore Airlines First Class experience, it took me ...
Dud you ever feel like learning more about the current operations and future plans of Germany's largest airport? Frankfurt Airport ...
A trip to a Frequent Flyer meeting lead to a post about train rides: Less than two weeks after the ...
I was quite surprised that finally 15 songs made it into my Songs of the Week as of 16th November 2022 ...
Unexpected encounter in October 2022: right when I was about to have my first Eurowings Discover intercontinental flight to Tampa ...
After I gave you an overview of 2022 European appearances of my favorite musical Rock of Ages, I felt to ...
I typically just select the song, which is leading my Songs of the Week. This week, my favorites of the week ...
Going to Frankfurt by rail after work, watching a concert there and taking an early morning train back to Cologne, ...
Wow... This edition of my Songs of the Week was a huge bit of work. I simply had so many candidates for ...
I was quite amazed that not only Christmas, but also Easter feels to have an impact on the volume of ...
Oh, I feel that the Songs Of The Week are really a tradition on Flyctory.com now. More than three months since I ...
House of Change by Ann Doka has indeed bin one of the German artist albums I have been looking forward to ...
After Day 9 featured the last real travel highlights including the Opry show, the last entry of any multi-day trip ...
Time to see my hockey team again! The first day of my Pittsburgh Penguins trip to the States did not ...
Synthi pop with an Eurodance / 1980's touch? If there is press kit information like this, there is always a ...
Lauryn Mark is about to release her second album in the middle of 2022. As an intermediate step, she is ...
Even though I do have a couple of airport reviews on Flyctory.com, I so far missed a lot of the ...
"Blues rock with a Texan touch" - that's how the press kit to their second album Time For Decisions is describing ...
Due to rail strikes, I had to re-plan my whole trip to Frankfurt Airport before heading to Canada. I finally ...
For my trip to Canada on the day they re-opened their borders after Covid-19 restrictions I went for Condor. I ...
Apart from several stays around the terminals, Frankfurt Airport nowadays features four airport hotels with direct walk-in connection to Terminal ...
During the later phases of the Covid-19 lock-downs in Germany, I had the idea to that posting. Maybe just because ...
For years, if I would have wanted to deeply bash the Deutsche Bahn (German Rails), there would have been a simple way ...
Music by a German artist with Armenian roots - I am always curious when it comes to have a listen ...
The German Movie Museum - or: Deutsches Filmmuseum is located in the heart of Frankfurt (Main). It gives you an overview about ...
Covid-19 has influenced our lifestyle in a historic way, indeed. A lot of things we did love to do are ...
Zeppelinheim - the nominal reference in the name of the borough South of Frankfurt to the legendary German airships is ...
After praising my favorite songs of 2020 and the favorite albums and EPs in 2020, the final posting to do ...
I had a couple of overnights in Frankfurt during 2020, some of them motivated by rail trip connections. In October ...
Even though architecture is a topic which so much influences our everyday life, the German Architecture Museum (Deutsches Architekturmuseum - ...
Due to the early departure of an ECE 451 ride from Frankfurt to Milan in September 2020, I looked for ...
Frankfurt is the banking capital in Germany and one of the key financial centers of all Europe.Thus, it may not ...
Just ten days before she is releasing her debut album Desert Diamond, I introduced you to the promising German country music ...
I just stayed on the smaller Court 1 after Divij Sharan's 1st round match at the bett1HULKS Indoors in Cologne ...
When you look at European country music, you very often purely focus on British artists. However, the German country music ...
Right before I departed in Frankfurt on day 1 of my Four Countries, Four Trains trip in summer 2020, I ...
One thousand kilometres to the sea - or vice versa One thousand kilometres to the Alps - was the slogan a new private ...
Also due to the current situation in aviation, I could follow my idea to invest more time in rail travel ...
So excited to travel again and do a proper. I did my first day of the rail rides through Germany, ...
Apart from some hiking and a number of drive-in cinemas, I did not generate any new contents for Flyctory.com on ...
Four ice hockey matches, Rock of Ages #32 in Hollywood, two new airlines and many more impressions - this trip ...
Time for some discussions in the German music scene - the Böhse Onkelz released their 17th studio album on 28th ...
Day 1 of my trip to the Penguins. The travel days to the US are typically not too thrilling. Leaving ...
While I so far made an semi-annual look back in time, the "Very Important Postings", I decided something with my ...
As an overnight stay after the Mrs Greenbird concert in Frankfurt, I decided to opt for a hotel chain, which ...
One of the few German country/folk acts, which gained some international reputation in the past is Cologne-based Mrs. Greenbird. Before ...
Right after I returned from a vacation trip to Tenerife, I headed from Frankfurt Airport to Das Bett (literally: The Bed), a Frankfurt ...
After I mentioned the Air Canada Lounge at Frankfurt Airport already in my love letter posting to LATAM flight 705, ...
My trip to Singapore and Malaysia was my debut First Class experience (apart from Domestic First in the USA). I ...
For customers flying on Lufthansa's top notch First Class product (and HON Circle Members), the German airline offers a very ...
The Lufthansa Lounges for Senators and Business Class customers are tending to be too crowded, especially in peak times. Thus, ...
If you collect and something, you likely also have one or more several favourite pieces in your collection. What do ...