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Richard Lynch – Radio Friend

Richard Lynch - Radio Friend




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Very good stories
  • Coherent album with different types of tracks

Flyctory.com Cons

  • Some parts a bit too emotional

When I look back to my favorite albums and EPs of the Year 2022 posting, quite a lot of good releases were already published right at the beginning of that year. How will it be like for 2023? Richard Lynch released his rather traditional Radio Friend on 20th January 2023. I had a listen and tell you if the album is fit for a best of psoting in that year.


Richard Lynch – About The Artist

Richard Lynch is an Ohio-origin artist from Lebanon. The US-American country singer-songwriter was born there on 5th December 1962. According to my information, he became an active musician at the age of 16. Nonetless, it took until 2013 until Lynch released his first album The Last of a Dying Breed. Since then, he was rather active, Radio Friend is already his fourth long-play release. He is doing rather traditional country music sounds. His most successful track regarding his Wikipedia article so far was the 2016 single release A Better Place, which was also the title track of his second album. However, on the streaming side, some tracks were more popular


Richard Lynch – Radio Friend – Track by Track

The twelve track album lasts 39 minutes.

1. Better Off

The album opens with the rather uptempo catch Better Off. Richard Lynch is basing this first track on very present steel sounds. A rather energetic 2:35 minute listen.

2. Current Conditions

After a rather energetic and powerful, the Current Conditions are the first song of the album which is rather heading for the romantic moments. The beautiful ballad with a traditional country is a telling about the struggle of a break-up.

3. She’s My Angel

The rhythm of She’s My Angel reminds me a bit of surfing music, even though the instruments of the song are truly in line with Richard Lynch’s style in the other songs. The song is a bit of soppy maybe – but it also stays well in your mind.

4. Mr Nobody

Not as quick as the opener, but Mr Nobody comes with some nice piano and steel guitar lines, which make you move to the groovy music.

5. Glad Our Bridge Has Burned

Not sure whether Glad Our Bridge Has Burned is really a happy topic – but Richard Lynch is not only a good storyteller, he is also creating joyful sounds. Again, the key elements of the songs are very present steel guitar and piano melodies. Very nice uptempo vibe.

6. If I Didn’t Love You

There are the rather energetic, uplifting songs on Radio Friend – and there are beautiful ballads like If I Didn’t Love You. Yeah, the song is really emotional and the howling steel guitars lead to this “Ain’t that a bit too much?” feeling. But Richard Lynch still makes it feel beautiful. Enjoy hugging.

7. Old Longhorn Stage

Traveling to a concert as you are in love with one of the singers – this is about the story of Old Longhorn StageI might be in trouble when she looked my way or I’m hoping she’s single – I might need a double cause the girl of dreams is on that Old Longhorn Stage are parts of that beautiful story. Yeah, it is a bit too emotional again, but Richard Lynch is doing his thing and I enjoy it. Apart from that, these kind of stories feel to fit perfectly to his warm voice.

8. The Phone Call

The style of Old Longhorn Stage continues in The Phone Call. The song has a bit more tempo maybe. The song is a very personal one again, one of my favorite stories and listens.

9. Radio Friend

At the time of preparing this review in late December 2022, the title track has been the only song released from the album. And you just cannot deny that the tradtional style song with a soppy touch doesn’t have a catch. The sound nicely works out with Lynch’s voice and comes with a certain “gentleness”. I like it – and it is by far the most-streamed Richard Lynch song already.

10. Grandpa And Grandma

The three minutes of the tenth song are dedicated to Richard Lynch’s Grandpa and Grandma. He is beautifully praising them and their sixty year lasting marriage. The song is definitely one of the outstanding ones, also because Richard Lynch arranged the story on top of a beautiful, intense melody. Even though there are also some country music stereotypes in here.

11. High Above The Midnight Sky

After the intense listen, High Above the Midnight Sky feels a bit easier. Even though the topic is not too happy – Richard Lynch is looking up the midnight sky feeling that the Lord has prepared a place for me there. Not my favorite listen on the album, but a good one.

12. Thankful Grateful And Blessed

The closing song is a lovely way to close the stories of Radio Friend. Richaed Lynch is looking back to his career and despite some things might not worked out perfectly, he is still fine. Oh Lord, I’m thankful, I’m grateful and I’m blessed. Feels like a wrap-up of all the stories told before.


Richard Lynch – Radio Friend – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify:


Richard Lynch – Radio Friend – My View

Radio Friend is a good listen and a coherent set of stories. I doubt if Richard Lynch will finally go for my Best of … postings in 2023 – but he truly deserves a Top Pick! rating with this album. If you like rather traditional country music styles, that’s a good listen during winter time.


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