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Thomas Anders & Florian Silbereisen – Das Album

Thomas Anders & Florian Silbereisen - Das Album




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Straight, well produced German Schlager
  • Huge number of songs
  • Great harmony between the two singers

Flyctory.com Cons

  • Too narrow in topics - would suggest to dare variety
  • Can be a bit soupy

Thomas Anders and Florian Silbereisen are some sort of a new super-band in the German Schlager genre. Both are famous artists and have a quite massive popularity in the country since two decades and more – a common single was that successful that the duo decided to release an album, which has been released on 5th June 2020. The album title is simply Das Album, which means “The Album”.


Anders / Silbereisen – About The Artists

I am sure most of you know Thomas Anders, who was born as Bernd Weidung on 1st March 1963. The Gentleman of Music was the key vocal part of Modern Talking and is by that one of the most successful German musicians of all times. He started with German songs in the early 1980’s and due to a cover version recording, he ran into Dieter Bohlen. The duo had significant worldwide success. Anders, however, has also recorded fourteen studio albums as a solo artist. While he was majorly singing in English after the Modern Talking breakups, his first German album Pures Leben was released in 2017 and was quite successful. It is very Schlager-alike and a bit of a departure from pop music. Das Album is the first album collaboration with Florian Silbereisen. Their first single together, however, is dated as of 2018, called Sie sagte doch sie liebt mich (“She though stated that she loves me”).

Florian Bernd Silbereisen, who was born in Bavaria on 4th August 1981, is more know for German folk music. He became famous by being shown in national TV during the Carmen Nebel TV show in 1999. From then on, he was awarded for his music multiple times. One of the key factors of his popularity was his long relationship to Helene Fischer, who is – though she majorly sells in German-speaking markets only, one of the most successful female acts internationally in the music business. They however split up in 2018. Silbereisen is also quite successful as part of the trio Klubbb3.


Anders / Silbereisen – Das Album – Track by Track

The album contains seventeen songs. Funnily, seven of the songs have originally been announced to be published as part of the Einfach Liebe (“Simply Love”) album by Thomas Anders, which has finally been postponed. The playing time is 61 minutes.

1. Sie sagte doch, sie liebt mich

The album starts with the single which finally kicked off this project. An extremely successful track – not too bad.

2. Sie hat es wieder getan

The song has also been pre-released as a single. Typical German Schlager-dance-pop. The fine voice of Thomas Anders and the slightly more raspy, deep sound of Florian Silbereisen lead to a nice combination in here, you just cannot argue against it.

3. Sie ist wieder da

Sie ist wieder da
Ich fühl’ mich wie neugeboren
Dem Himmel so nah
Oh nein, ich kann nie alleine sein

(“She is there again
I feel like newly born
So close to the sky
Oh no, I never can be alone”)

It is Schlager music, quite simplified German pop music. Made to sing and party, not too much to transport complex plots and stories. That’s what the album is delivering so far.

4. Versuch’s nochmal mit mir

Versuch’s nochmal mit mir (“Try it again with me”) is now going to the very mushy and cheesy side. When Florian Silbereisen sings of Liebe 2.0 (“Love 2.0”), it is just a bit too much for me. But I am sure their fans are loving it.

5. Rücksicht

The two artists have great voices – and in a ballad like Rücksicht (Concern), I feel they do a good job as well. So sad that even this song is finally just about unhappy love. Would love to have some deeper (or at least: different) topic. But as male US country is majorly about cold beer, hot girls and strong trucks, German Schlager deals with love. You knew that before you started listening to Das Album.

6. Deine oder Meine

The song is somehow funny to me, as Deine oder Meine (“Yours or mine”) is about loving twin sisters and you cannot judge who is who. Yeah, it is still about love and it is not too deep as well, but at least a bit of an alternative. Musically, the screeching Er weiß es nicht (“He does not know”) gets terribly strenuous over time.

7. Meine beste Melodie

Das ist meine beste Melodie
Und meine schönste Sinfonie
Lass uns heut zu zweit nach gestern reisen
Das vergess’ ich nie

(“This is my best melody
My most beautiful symphony
Let’s travel to yesterday together
I will never forget that”)

You can like this stuff, you can hate it – but it is just well-produced Schlager, highly commercial, just like the clients love it. Two great musicians doing fit-for-market music. And somehow, it is really catchy.

8. Risiko

If you offer so many songs to your fans in one album, one problem can easily be that the album becomes boring and that songs sound similar – especially in Schlager, which is covering a comparably narrow range of melodies. Though I like Risiko (“Risk”) that was the first song on Das Album, at which I thought that the song is too similar to other tracks. Straight Schlager-pop production. Disco Fox is mandatory, of course!

9. Freunde wie wir

Hey Kapitän, hast mich vermisst
Seh’s an den Falten in dei’m Gesicht
Ach, komm in meine Arme
Du bist halt, wie du bist

(“Hey captain, you missed me
I see it by the wrinkles in your face
Come on, come in my arms
You are just as you are.”)

These are the first wods of Freunde wie wir (“Friends like us”). To me, one of the weakest tracks of the album, definitely. I do not get at a touch on all the ooohs and aaahs…

10. Geliebt, gelacht, geweint

A better track again. Nevertheless, I am lacking variety. Sorry, Thomas, I really feel you are an amazing person and your music, but I start counting down the remaining tracks.

11. Du kannst ein Sieger sein

This track makes me smile quite a lot. It just has a strong touch of a Modern Talking sound – cool to have this travel back in time.  I am motivated to listen to the remaining songs again.

12. Wie ein großes Feuerwerk

The 12th track still has a bit of this Modern Talking touch. One of my favorite tracks on the album. Very repetitive, but a bit fresher in sound. Still not a “giant firework”, as the track is called.

13. Stärker als die Zeit

Some people may see it as some sort of thread when they that Wir sind stärker als die Ewigkeit (“Stronger than eternity”), but this track is another really strong one. You just cannot do anything against it. The track grabs you, catches you and then you listen to it. Perfectly produced track of this genre.

14. 100.000 Wunder

This song sounds like a Schlager-pop version of Ohne Dich by Yvonne Catterfeld to me. Thus, the song is confusing me quite a lot, though it is not all bad.

15. Ein kleiner Moment

I like the melody behind the dominating Disco Fox beat in this song. Bad luck that the arrangement is that strongly focussing on the rhythm. Could be an amazing one.

16. Wenn der Himmel uns umarmt

One of the best songs regarding the harmony of the two voices to me. Whether you feel that “heaven is embracing us” or not, these combo just got a certain touch you cannot deny.

17. Weiter als der Horizont

The album finishes with a pretty solid Schlager duet. Not the most catchy track of the album, definitely.



Anders / Silbereisen – Das Album – Spotify

Here is the Spotify link to the Anders / Silbereisen album:

Anders / Silbereisen – Das Album – My View

First of all, Thomas Anders and Florian Silbereisen deliver a very fair and solid package for their fans. 17 songs is just an extremely fair deal for an album nowadays. A vast proportion of the songs is very well produced German Schlager pop. The voices fit together well. Love it or hate it, that’s up to you. I feel that the album is not bad at all.


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