Being Anne - Thank You For Ruining My Summer Pros
- Very beautiful, intimate lyrics
- Great, very personal and relatable atmosphere Cons
- Just one new song
- Four songs come in a similar style
I am closing my reviews as of 22nd March 2024 with a German artist. Being Anne (typically written in small letters) is a rather cosmopolitan artist, though. This weekend, she released her debut EP, Thank You For Ruining My Summer. I had a listen.
Being Anne – About The Artist
Being Anne is a 25 year old German pop singer-songwriter. She was born in the Harz region, but later lived in the Saarland state, in Hamburg, France and London. She also has some amotional roots in New York City. Apart from her solo career, she is lso working as a production assistant. Her firs tsingle release has been Overload, which she recorded with the artist Some. It has been released in 2023.
Being Anne – Thank You For Ruining My Summer – Track by Track
The five track EP lasts 15 minutes.

1. strawberry picking
The opening song is dealing about lost love. We were somebody else states the young German singer-songwriter. The song feels very thoughtful, but also a bit of melancholic. This leads to a very personal, intimate touch. And increases the desire to listen to strawberry picking.
2. what did you do (feat. Wilhelm Tell Me)
Regarding Spotify streams, this is the most successful song of this EP already released. The song has been recorded with the Hamburg-based band Willheilm Tell Me and majorly focuses on a lovely duet with the band’s singer Henning Sommer. A beautiful ballad.
3. cold bitch
Being Anne strikes with direct and relatable lyrics. The third song of the EP is likely the best example for this. Despite the song continues with the emotional and quiet sound of the EP, you feel the anger in some of the lyrics. This leads to an almost spontaneous touch.
4. treehouse therapy
The fourth song takes the listener to the treehouse therapy. The guitar and rhythm is significantly more present in this 2:34 minute. WeÄre not afraid of falling is a key statement in here. The song actually works very good and has a nice mainstream radio quality, without loosing the personal songwriting qualities.
5. overdue
The closing track is the only song on the EP which has not been released as a single before. The song with the artists high voice and the strumming acoustic guitar has a slight folk music touch. Again, Being Anne defines a really beautiful atmosphere.
Being Anne – Thank You For Ruining My Summer – Spotify
Here is the EP on Spotify:
Being Anne – Thank You For Ruining My Summer – Track by Track
The debut is a nice showcase for the emerging artist. I would have loved to have a another energetic song like treehouse therapy on the EP, though. Two new songs would have added quality and maybe also displayed a wider range of her work. Nonetheless, I definitely enjoyed listening to these five tracks.
Favorite Song: treehouse therapy
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The night before the two floorball matches of the Red Devils Wernigerode against UHC Weißenfels (women) and the Berlin Rockets ...
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German Artist debut reviews
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The name is already suggesting: this one is the debut album of a band named Pawn Painters. The German act ...
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I always enjoy sharing some new German artists with you. This time, I listened to a debut album by the ...
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Finn & Jonas are twins. They are doing German indie-pop songs. After they grew regionally and have a national fan ...
Luke is a German artist and band, who are doing blues rock and Americana rock music. After two EP releases, ...
Myle is a rather new artist from Southern Germany. On 20th October 2023, the pop artist is releasing his debut ...
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I was quite surprised when I received the press kit for Antonia Kubas' debut EP: Liebe und Musik ("Love and music") ...
I felt that genug, the debut EP by German singer IUMA, is a nice addition to the release reviews as of ...
Now that Christmas is getting closer, it is also a great opportunity for less known artists to receive some additional ...
Music from Hamburg: King LX is a rather new collaboration from the Northern German city. On 16th December 2022, they ...
After quite a while as a band member, German David Gramberg decided to turn solo. On 25th November 2022, you ...
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The time right before Christmas is typically not featuring too many new releases. In my point of view, it is ...
When the press kit of a music release uses the wording superband, there are typically two options: either the combo ...
In early November 2021, I received a promo EP from a folk music duo from Berlin, Flora Falls. A bit ...
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From TV talent show to her debut album - some one and a half year she became well-known to the ...
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Due to a promotion platform, I ran into the debut EP of a German pop artist, Nikola. There was just ...
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