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Geschwister David – Verrückt es nicht zu tun

Geschwister David - Verrückt es nicht zu tun




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Well produced schlager tracks

Flyctory.com Cons

  • Very similar voices (does not always sound like a duo)
  • Rather monotonous in topics and arrangement

Verrückt es nicht zu tun – “Crazy not to do it” is the new album by Geschwister David, a twin schlager duo, which has established in the genre during the last years. After receiving the album on a promotion platform, I felt that it might be a nice set of melodies to be presented on Flyctory.com. Here is my review of the 15th April 2022 publication.


Geschwister David – About The Artists

Geschwister David (meaning: “David Siblings”) are a twin schlager duo from the State of Hesse, Germany. Franziska and Julia are 29 years old, they both have a background in musical acting. The sisters have been very active at the beginning of the 2010’s. Apple Music, for example, lists five albums released between 2010 and 2013. However, they significantly reduced the frequency of publication. Their sixth album Alles anders (“Everything different”) has been released in 2018. It is the last album release so far.


Geschwister David – Verrückt es nicht zu tun – Track by Track

The fourteen track album lasts 47 minutes.

1. Ein Hauch Einsamkeit

A rather modern schlager interpretation with a strong rhythm and electronic melody lines, which could already have been used in a 1980’s or 1990’s production. Indeed, the opener is catching and stays in your mind – but (as too often), I would love to feel a stronger identity in schlager tracks. The collaboration of the two vocalists works quite nice – unfortunately, there is just a limited difference in the sound of their voices.

2. Ich Lehn Mich An Dich

The team of the twins opted for this track as a single release. I feel it is a wise selection – the song has a bit more of a unique touch, compared to the more random opener. Nice one.

3. Verrückt Es Nicht Zu Tun

Three songs, three times love as the key topic. And three times lyrics which are telling the story of two protagonists in love. Not the story of two sisters – or even of twins, the most special kind of relationship, maybe. Even though the title track has some nice moments, that’s definitely an aspect of this album I struggle with more and more. Shouldn’t sisters (also) tell sister stories?

4. Höhenflug

The “High-altitude flight”, which is the translation of the song title, is – naturally – caused by falling in love. This song has a beautiful post-chorus, though – and thus, it is one of the best tracks of the album to me.

5. Wie Magneten

Wir sind wie Magneten
Wir ziehen uns und können nicht widerstehen
Wir sind wie Planeten
Die sich ständig umeinander drehen

(“We are like magnets
We attract each other and cannot ressist
We are like Planets
Which spin around each other all the time”)

That’s typical schlager stereotype lyrics. I have to admit that there are much worse examples than this one. In addition, the song is having some nice and characteristic moments. Thus, it is not too bad.

6. Ohne Dich

After quite some harmony and romance, Ohne Dich is a breakup track. One of the most powerful energetic songs in the chorus. However, the stanzas feel like a massive break in the song. Unfortunately, the singing performance is a bit too whiny as well.

7. Hoffnung Meines Lebens

Du bist die Hoffnung Meines Lebens – “You are the hope of my life”. I guess I should give up that a single track of the album is moving away from the genre’s stereotype. The Geschwister David at least don’t give us chance this time.

8. Einmal Und Immer Wieder

Einmal und immer wieder
Will ich bei Dir sein
Denn Du, Du gibst mir alles
Und lässt mich in Dein Herz hinein

(“Once and forever,
I want to be with you.
‘Cause you, you give all to me
And let me into your heart”)

This song is definitely a treat all for traditional schlager fans – which also means that for other listeners it is a hot candidate for the “skip” button.  Well produced track… Just a bit too old fashioned.

9. Und Küssen Kannst Du Auch

The key verse of the ninth song is – in line with the song title “and you are good in kissing as well”. The chorus has a nice melody – but overall, I don’t relate that much to this track.

10. Ich Weiss (Nicht Was Ich Fühlen Soll)

The second single release is a straight and well-done schlager track. However, in the context of the whole album, I feel a lack of character. What is special about this song? And about so many more?

11. Du Bist Noch Hier

The eleventh song starts with a rather dark, slow atmosphere. Definitely one of the most special tracks on the album.

12. Von Jetzt An Für Immer

A bit of naive in sound and lyrics, but the song is just one of these very similar songs of the album. Bad luck, as some tracks feel to have a big potential in my point of view.

13. Warum Sollt Ich Weinen

“Why should I cry” – even though the title suggests a rather melancholic and sad rhythm, the Geschwister David almost recorded a summer vibe song here. Nonetheless, I appreaciate the very different sound.

14. Einmal Und Immer Wieder (Piano Version)

The album closes with the eighth song, Einmal Und Immer Wieder, in the piano version. The song as a slow ballad comes with a very different character. Really fascinating how different the two versions feel – even though I believe that this piano sound would even have more potential than the recording is illustrating.


Geschwister David – Verrückt es nicht zu tun – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify:


Geschwister David – Verrückt es nicht zu tun – My View

On the one hand, I like the songs which I am listening to, especially on an individual track level. However, as an album, Verrückt es nicht zu tun is too stereotype and monotonous as an album. There are a couple of good songs, but non of them is a great catch, a superb leading one. Unfortunately, their voices are rather similar – more contrast would increase the “duet feeling”. There is more potential in these ladies than the genre’s industry is allowing them to show, I am sure.


German Schlager

Easy, German language pop – here are all postings about German Schlager on Flyctory.com:


Flyctory.com in Frankfurt

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