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Fury in the Slaughterhouse – now

Fury In The Slaughterhouse - now




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Powerful Fury songs
  • Catchy melodies and sing-a-long choruses
  • Wide range of sounds

Flyctory.com Cons

  • Especially the beginning of the album is even better than the rest

Fury in the Slaughterhouse were indeed a very successful German rock act, especially in the 1990’s. They have definitely been one of my favorites during that era, too. I was really looking forward to listen to now, the fourteenth studio album of the band – and the first major recording of the band since thirteen years. Release date was 23rd April 2021.


Fury in the Slaughterhouse – About The Artists

The band Fury in the Slaughterhouse was founded in 1986 in Hanover, Germany. The fans of the band typically just call the band Fury, the band has been declining that a US children TV show Fury, which has been very popular during the founding time was a reason for the naming. The founding members are Kai Wingenfelder (vocals), his brother Thorsten (guitar), Christof Stein-Schneider (guitar), Hannes Schäfer (bass) and Rainer Schumann (drums). Only Schäfer is no longer part of the current line-up, therefore the band also includes Gero Drnek (keyboard, guitar, mandolin) and Christian Decker (bass). The band split up in 2008, but played scattered shows. Due to three concerts in Hanover in 2017, they played a new song for the first time since 2008.

The band was especially successful in the 1990’s. Three albums, Mono (1993), The Hearing and the Sense of Balance (1995) and Brilliant Thieves (1997) received a golden record in Germany. Thereby, the band also had some radio and single hits. Their highest chart ranking was Every Generation Got Its Own Disease, which made it to the 13th rank of the US Modern Rock charts. Other songs, which are very popular in Germany, are Won’t Forget These DaysRadio Orchid and Dead and Gone, which have all been released in about that period. Especially in the 2000’s and 2010’s multiple band members did solo projects. As part of the reunion, the band also released a music video to one of their classics, Time To Wonder, in December 2020.


Fury in the Slaughterhouse – Now – Track by Track

The twelve track album lasts 41 minutes.

1. Sometimes (Stop To Call)

The album starts with Sometimes (Stop To Call) a love song with an indie rock touch. Good melodies, nice riffs, the song feels like Fury. Definitely, this is a promising opener.


2. 1995

Thanks God we survived 1995 – the second track of the album looks back rather to the beginning of the band history. The year, in which the band had their first Top 10 album in Germany – and did not know that there are three more to follow. Very powerful and melodic – and a sound as if recorded in 1995. The time when the band did their greatest songs feels to be closer than ever… Or at least as close as 26 years ago.

3. The Beauty

But I can’t see
The beauty this world shows me
I can’t see
But I can’t see
This world tells me what to do
I can’t see
The beauty, the beauty is you

The melodic The Beauty which is coming which a nice hook on the keyboard and powerful guitars, rather feels like folk rock to me. This also makes the song (third single release so far, by the way) a good sing-a-long track.

4. Letter to Myself

Four songs, all very different – and all really nice and good. The fourth song feels to be the most modern song to me. Still, it has that ease, that melodic spread of happiness, this light way to get into the song. It feels like Fury in the Slaughterhouse, even if these guys have gained some life experience in the meantime. Good song.

5. All About Us

The first song which has not been released as a single so far. No need to worry: the song is a lovely stadium rock anthem, which has a lot of potential for some interaction with the audience on the next Fury concert.

It’s all about you
It’s all about me
It’s all about us
and what we could be
It is on us to make a change
We can try it on
but we will make it alone

Fantastic song!

6. Now

A touch of reggae? A bit of Gorillaz involvement in the songwriting in here? Especially the beginning of the song offers some surprising elements, before it turns into a straight and groovy indie-rocker. Cool track.

7. Good Luck On Your Way

The beginning of Good Luck On Your Way mainly features Rainer Schumann and Kai Wingenfelder before the song gets more power. Still, it comes with electronic sounds, a touch of blues and a dreamy atmosphere in the verses. Therefor, the chorus is quite powerful and solemn.

8. Replay

The short 2:18 minute Replay is one of my favorite. A nice classic indie sound with a very catching (but short) chorus. Powerful guitar licks strengthen the rhythm of this song.

9. Sorry

Sorry is a very quiet song, which is just reaching some power towards to the end. Nice arrangement of the song.

10. This Will Never Replace Rock ‘n’ Roll

This will never replace rock’n’roll
Come on, raise your voice from pole to pole

You are likely right if you note that the chorus is not the deepest piece of lyrics ever. But the song is simply a great sing-along, a good vibe and rhythm. One of the best instrumental performances of the album. And the vocals come with a very special Time To Wonder touch.

11. Not The Time To Live a Lie

The press package about the album names this one a Coldplay song as Coldplay was not able to write it the last years. Indeed, the piano intro and the gentle mood of the song gives a touch of Chris Martin and his band. But I would call it a tie – still good enough for Not The Time To Live a Lie to be a really nice listen.

12. Walk On

Fury closes their revivial album with rather moderate power first – but then they just do one of these typical Fury choruses. Easy, catchy, powerful – and in this case also with a wide arrangement (orchestral sounds). That’s the way to finally say “We’re back” after a that long period.


Fury in the Slaughterhouse – now – Spotify

Here is Now on Spotify:


Fury in the Slaughterhouse – now – My View

While I listened to the first songs of now, I had an absolute blast. The album sounds so good, so Fury-alike. There are just so many memories to all of their classics – and the Germans just did not forget how to do good songs. The middle part of the album is slightly weaker, but no doubt this album deserves the Top Pick! banner. Great comeback by Fury in the Slaughterhouse!


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