Nura - Auf der Suche Pros
- Very straight, powerful German female rap
- Most tracks tell a very good story in their lyrics
- Good listen, even if you are not in the genre
Another review in which I am getting in touch with a genre of music, which I am neither too familiar with nor too fond of: rap. I just had to share my thoughts about Nura’s second album Auf der Suche (something like “Searching”), which has been delayed and finally released on 20th August 2021. I have been absolutely impressed by the young artist while watching her performances at the Sing meinen Song (“Sing my Song”) TV show, so that I was too curious about her new music. Here is my personal rap music review debut – please excuse that the expertise is a bit of limited.
Nura – About The Artist
Nura’s full civil name is Nura Habib Omer. She has Eritrean roots, but was born in Kuwait on 24th December 1988. Her first presence to the German music scene was as part of the hip-hop duo SXTN, which Nura formed alongside Juju. The duo split in late 2018. During 2018, Nura already had some successful songs collaborating with other artists like Babebabe with the hop-hop duo SAM, which peaked at the 71st place of the German charts. In 2019, she released her debut album Habibi, which does not only contain rap songs, but also melodic parts by the young artist. The album went up to the 14th spot of the German album charts. Nura also worked as an actress in a couple of movies. Sing meinen Song was another huge step in her career, she especially impressed me when she had a duet with DJ Bobo of her song On Fleek.
Nura – Auf der Suche – Track by Track
The 14 track album lasts 35 minutes. If you sensible about language, you should rather not read this review.

1. Fotze Wieder Da
The “Cunt is back again” – according the lyrics of this song. The song comes with a nice rhythm – the song is also somehow acting as an intro to the following songs. Powerful rap with very powerful rap. A good song, also very relatable.
2. Ich war’s nicht
The second song is about growing up and going to parties without telling it your parents. Powerful hook with a nice melodic post-hook – the album starts with rather good tracks.
Ich schwör’, ich war’s nicht, ich schwör’, ich war’s nicht
Mama, was soll ich denn bitte auf ‘ner Party?
Ich schwör’, ich war’s nicht, ich schwör’, ich war’s nicht
Mama, das sind keine Pillen, sondern Smarties
“I swear, it wasn’t me, I swear, it wasn’t me
Mama, why should I be please on that party?
I swear, it wasn’t me, I swear, it wasn’t me
Mama, these are no pills, but just Smarties”
3. On Fleek
The original to the great duet with DJ Bobo. A song about partying, presenting yourself in the club – and full of self-confidence and energy. The backing groove with brass sounds is really cool. There are some parts of the lyrics where I need to google youth language words. Nice song.
4. Alles was du willst
The fourth song has a much larger share of melodic part. Naturally, I feel more familiar in this song. Especially as Nura proofed in the TV show that she is not at all a bad singer, this song is special to me. I would describe the track as a “slightly melodic rap song with a gentle chorus”. A track about being in love.
5. Wichsen ist Mord (feat. Alli Neumann)
While I can relate to the first four songs of the album, Wichsen ist Mord is the total opposite. Is that song ironic? It does not sound so. I just give you a flavor of the lyrics of the track, in which Alli Neumann does not add too much value – Nura is just too strong in the vocalist part.
Schatz, wir müssen reden, ich hab’ dich dabei erwischt
Wie du uns’re ungebor’nen Kinder in ein Tempo spritzt
Du Egoist, was glaubst du denn wer du bist?
Vielleicht will ich ja die Kids, auch wenn du sie garnicht willst
Wie gehts du mit meinem Sperma um?
Hörst du nicht, dass der Herzschlag pumpt
Dass ist gegen Gott und gegen Wissenschaft
Will garnicht wissen, wie viel du auf dem Gewissen hast
“Darling, we have to chat, I watched you
while you shot our non-born kids into a tissue
Egoist, who do you think you are
Maybe I want the kids, even if you don’t want them at all
How do you deal with my sperm
Don’t you hear the heartbeat pumping
That’s against God and science
I don’t want to know how many of them are on your conscience”
Powerful? Self-confident? No, dumb!
6. Geh drauf
Geh drauf is about a heavy discussion and a split up between lovers. The final words of this song are denn aus Liebe wurde Hass – love turned into hate. This is what the track is about exaclty. Average.
7. Hier Oben
Nura is looking from above on people who hate her, who thought she will not make it. A very emotional and biographic song, which is very powerful, but also shows the negative and weak side of her life. After the song starts a bit of lame, the track becomes stronger. Still rather average.
8. Niemals Stress mit Bullen
Niemals Stress mit den Bullen roughly translates to “Never stress with the cops”. The song majorly features day-to-day racism with Nura is facing. Very powerful, strong track – one of the best of the album.
9. Lola
Lola takes us into a stripclub (or “Gentlemen’s Club”, as I learned in Rock of Ages). Powerful insight into the special occasions there from a dancer’s perspective:
Mein Absatz größer als dein Ego, fühl’ mich wie ‘ne Bad Bitch
Kannst du dich nicht benehmen, wirst du abgezogen (Savage)
Seh’ ihre Blicke an, ihre Blicken zieh’n mich aus
Lass die Scheine regnen und ich krieg’ dafür Applaus
“My heels are larger than your ego, I feel like a bad bitch
If you don’t behave well, I will take you to the cleaners
Watch how they are looking, their eyes undreass me
Let the bank notes flow and I get applause for it”
10. Auf der Suche
Frei und allein auf der Suche nach mir selbst – “Free and alone, searching for myself”. This track comes with a very deep groove. Fascinating song.
Ich laufe
Ohne Ziel und ohne Pause
Fühle mich hier nicht zuhause
“I run
Without a goal and without a break
I don’t feel at home here”
11. Viel zu tun (feat. Gentleman)
The reggae singer Gentleman was part if the same Sing meinen Song season like Nura in German TV. One of the weakest songs of the album to me. There is no special groove, less power and energy.
12. Backstage (feat. Drunken Masters)
That’s the way Nura is alike on tour? She is taking us backstage in this track – and even though the song is less than two minutes, it is actually quite explicit.
Se-se-setz’ mich auf dein Face, heißt nicht, dass du mich ins Bett kriegst
Zum Lecken gut genug, zum Ficken viel zu hässlich (Ürgh), ah
Ich-ich-ich-ich-ich bin ‘ne Bitch aus der Hood
Also suck this pussy and lick it good
“Sit-sit-sit on your face, that does not mean I will go to bet with me
Good enough to give head, too ugly to fuck
I am a bitch from the hood
Also suck this pussy and lick it good”
13. Fair
Racism and equality (in general) are a key topic of the album. In this song, Nura mentions personal experience, but also the death of George Floyd and bad fan behavior at soccer matches – just to ask in the chorus Sag mir, was is fair? – “Tell me, what is fair”. Great song.
14. Beledi
In the final track of the album, Nura is praising her mother and all what she did to her. Very strong at atmospheric song.
Nura – Auf der Suche – Spotify
Here is Auf Der Suche on Spotify:
Nura – Auf der Suche – My View
Overall, Auf der Suche is a very strong album with energetic, self-confident lyrics. I like the way Nura describes emotions, experiences – even though it is neither my favorite genre nor the type of language I am usually using. I was curious, I expected something good – and that’s what I got here. Two or three absolutely confusing songs prevent a massive rating – but the album is a great example for energetic female rap.
German Artists in 2021
Here are all my Music & Media postings about German artists in 2021:
2021 definitely lifted to another level. The community is steadily increasing - days with less than 2,000 page hits ...
Year-end is the time to look back to all the stuff what happened to you. Ideally you rather remind the ...
G.G. Anderson is one of the most well-known German schlager artists since the early 1980's. 30th December 2021, he is ...
The week of Christmas is typically one of the weeks of the year with the lowest amount of new music ...
Synthi pop with an Eurodance / 1980's touch? If there is press kit information like this, there is always a ...
Lauryn Mark is about to release her second album in the middle of 2022. As an intermediate step, she is ...
Every week, I am scanning hundreds of new releases, albums and singles, to pick the right (and sometimes: the wrong) ...
The website of the German band No Snakes In Heaven names their style Alternative Singer-Songwriter Music. I felt that their style ...
The time right before Christmas is typically not featuring too many new releases. In my point of view, it is ...
Gregorian, who are interpreting pop, rock and also classic tracks in a Gregorian music style, is indeed a quite fascinating ...
Christmas is approaching really quick now. While I traditionally do a festive edition of my Country Music Picks, I also ...
I always enjoy to listen to bands I haven't heard of before. One of them is the German band Fuer ...
Short before the release date of 10th December 2021, I ran into the album Mehr Davon ("More of that") by the ...
It's been quite a while since I released my previous Spotlight interview. The more, I feel flattered to dip into ...
The title Quieter Pt. 2 already suggests that there has been a first part of Emma Longard's series of songs. Indeed, ...
"Blues rock with a Texan touch" - that's how the press kit to their second album Time For Decisions is describing ...
A Change in Yvonne Catterfeld's career: just three weeks before Christmas, the popular German artist releases her first album in English. The ...
Hämatom feels to be a truly active band: just some eight months after I reviewed - and enjoyed their album ...
Okay, I give in. In the world of country music, Christmas starts in early September. That's when the first song ...
When the press kit of a music release uses the wording superband, there are typically two options: either the combo ...
A German artist presenting modern country songs - even though A Life That's Good is a cover album, I felt ...
My hometown Cologne is full of music - not only carnival-related. Not only during these days, Cat Ballou has become ...
The press kit to this EP opens with "Another singer-songwriter who is writing about his personal lovesickness. Does the world ...
In early November 2021, I received a promo EP from a folk music duo from Berlin, Flora Falls. A bit ...
Max Giesinger has grown his fan base in Germany steadily over the last years. Three years after his most recent ...
A very interesting album "Made In Germany" somewhere between classic and indie rock: on 12th November 2021, Palila released their ...
Dieter Hallervorden is a very famous entertainer in Germany. However, his biggest times in the music business have been the ...
An album full of blues and funk which sounds so much like a US production, but is very German - ...
Honestly, when I ran into his debut album Achtung Leben, I did not know anything about Michael Heppes. However, the album ...
Seventeen studio albums so far - #17 on 29th October 2021 - the German band Running Wild has quite an ...
Who does not know Art Garfunkel, part of Simon & Garfunkel and their famous songs? Sometimes, you run into albums, ...
On the promotion platform I use most frequently, I rarely run into songs or albums which are labeled as "Country ...
This is the third time I am looking into the country music scene of Germany and neighboring German-speaking countries. So ...
Four Christmas song on a small EP: I just liked the sound of Tom Aquinas when his XMas Greetings became available ...
Rock from Germany: On 15th October 2021, the Western German band Bodyguerra will release their second album Fire & Soul ...
The German artist Det Haggard is a new name in the German lyrics country music scene. After he had some ...
Interesting pop sound from Hamburg in Northern Germany: Winter 2 are just active for some one year. Nonetheless, the are ...
From TV talent show to her debut album - some one and a half year she became well-known to the ...
Santiano became a huge player in the German music scene. They mix rock with shanty and sailor music style sounds ...
One of the German schlager artists I honor most is definitely Roland Kaiser. He is active since decades and is ...
Country from Germany with an important background. In his 2021 release, Jesse Cole deals with the impacts of being a ...
I had a quite long list - and range - of album to select from for my 1st October 2021 ...
Hail to promotion platforms - just after I was really angry that I had listed some interesting publication with an ...
In December 2019, I praised the album 2084 by the Pete Wolf Band. The artist behind that project is Wolfgang ...
The first set of the press kit I received about Power Plush are (translated to English) "Emancipatoric power meets empahtic ...
Without a doubt, Peter Maffay is nowadays one of the most well-known rock artists singing in German. As a result ...
He does it again: after he successful of three 1990's pop tracks, transformed into orchestral arrangements, Alex Christensen is back ...
A tribute band growing to an album with seven very own songs and two covers: Freakstorm from Gummersbach near Cologne ...
Some more music from Germany this weekend: with his solo project LUKE, Lukas Schüßler (which I spell Schüssler in the ...
Mentalist is definitely an interesting German metal band. Even though A Journey Into The Unknown is just their second album, ...
From Kiddo Kat to Annie Chops: her album Piece of Cake was one of the first ones I reviewed on ...
A new album by Mark Forster: the German artist took a three year break before he did it again: his ...
Friday, the 13th: I am sure that Perlregen, did not think that their new album Drei (meaning ("Three") could turn ...
It's just about a month ago since I reviewed the 2021 album of Die Liga der gewöhnlichen Gentlemen, GschichterIn aus ...
I have to be straight: I did not know Tom Niklas before. I ran into the schlager artist by a ...
A new punk rock project from the West parts of Germany: Plastic Mars are active since about four years. On ...
I have to admit: I loved Jasmin Wagner... or Blümchen... during my childhood years. As a young girl, the Hamburg ...
Some German rock to be released on 23rd July 2021: I ran into the music of the band Existent and ...
Some country from Germany: just in the week I did the second edition of my German Songs Country Music Picks, ...
Andreas Dorau everywhere: just two weeks after I reviewed GschichterIn aus dem Park Cafe, the new album by Die Liga der ...
Tacheles reden is a German saying which means that you have a very straight and honest discussion, expressing your clear ...
I just have to admit: I like to listen to very few kinds of jazz, but I am absolutely not ...
I started to enjoy the pop-Northern Soul style of the German band Die Liga der gewöhnlichen Gentlemen, when the recorded ...
A debut EP by a home town artist - of course I have been curious when I ran into Luna ...
You might not have heard from the German artist, but the man behind 7fields has been leading the legendary band ...
Over 560,000 follower on Facebook and some 90k subscribers of his YouTube channel - you just cannot say that Dominik ...
After quite a hiatus - the last regular Country Music Picks edition is as of November 2020, I felt it ...
The sound of Razz feels very international - but in fact they are from the Emsland, a Northwest region in ...
German rock made in Cologne: of course, I am always especially curious when I run into artists I don't know ...
Time to bang your head again: the German metal big guns Helloween are back in the record stores, six years ...
Modern country from Bavaria? No, this is not about Nik Wallner, but about pez, who is singing in English and ...
I ran into the music of the German singer-songwriter Karlie Apriori, when I checked for 11th June 2021 releases. The ...
Some cool music from Germany: the album New Songs And Untold Stories was soloely flagged as pop music in a promotion ...
Fancy has truly been a Eurodance legend in the 1980's. Even though his last Top 20 chart entry, a mix ...
New hardcore album from the North of Germany: Anchors & Hearts recorded their fourth album Guns Against Liberty and will ...
People thought that the five girls of No Angels could become the German Spice Girls. They became talent show stars ...
TriXstar is a very interesting artist. She is having Iranian background, but is nowadays a rising artist in the German ...
There are multiple ways to fame. Maybe countless ones. Tinka is driving trucks. Full stop. The 31-year old was part ...
Bernhard Brink is indeed one of the big names of German schlager. His songs attract a huge fan base. On ...
About the album A Hill To Die Upon, its composer and guitarist Marvin Kessler said, This is the album I ...
In my younger years, the German a capella band Die Prinzen have been one of my favorite music. Their direct, ...
Harmonie by Phil Solo is one of these reviews which just happened to while scanning promotion platforms. I ran ...
A Viking doing modern country? Sounds like a weird Scandinavian story - but in fact the artist is a Canadian actor, ...
Music by a German artist with Armenian roots - I am always curious when it comes to have a listen ...
Indigo by Noah Levi is another publication with talent show background: in young teenage years, Noah Levi became famous by ...
From a school band to a flat share and finally their debut album - this is a very short wrap-up ...
Due to a promotion platform, I ran into the debut EP of a German pop artist, Nikola. There was just ...
Linda Mar (or Linda Marlen Runge, which is her civil name) is truly a multi-talent in performing: Likely, most people ...
The promotion kit of People Club calls the act an indie-lo-fi-slacker band. Ooops, I have to admit that I would ...
Twelve cover songs of German music legends - when I recently reviewed a similar concept, #Schlager by Stereoact, my rather was ...
He simply calls himself Der Mann mit der Mundharmonika - "The Man With The Harmonica": Michael Hirte fascinated Germany at ...
After having released her debut album in 2015 already. Emma Longard will release two EPs with new songs in 2021 ...
Sing meinen Song ("Sing My Song") is definitely one of my favorite German TV music shows. A group of music artist ...
It can't be too bad to have a smile in these times, can it? When I ran into the German ...
Since about half a decade, Wincent Weiss became a big name in the German-singing pop music scene. After two successful ...
It took me one week later than usual to give you a new edition of the Songs Of My Life. This ...
Seasons by the project VINTER is a typical review. I scanned future new releases in a promotion database and got ...
Despite Mike Leon Grosch had a huge success in Germany in 2006, his career had quite a hit shortly thereafter ...
Some new music from my home town: Klee is a German pop act, who have been quite successful in the ...
It's been just too long since I did the last episode of my Country Music Picks. At the end of ...
Sarah Lombardi's career started with a bit ups and downs in the German version of American Idol. Three years after ...
Fury in the Slaughterhouse were indeed a very successful German rock act, especially in the 1990's. They have definitely been ...
From the big talent show stage to the (virtual) record stores: After Samuel Rösch won the German The Voice in ...
New stuff from JORIS: the German singer-songwriter with a touch of rock music is about to present his third album ...
More than thirty years ago, Diane Weigmann was part of the founding of a legendary German band, the Lemonbabies. She ...
Welcome back to, Ben Zucker. After I have been gifted to report from his arena show in Cologne in ...
The Easter weeks have been quite thin regarding new releases. The more, they are a chance for me to listen ...
The band which is featured in this review is called Löwen am Nordpol - "Lions at the North Pole". Apart ...
The German rock band Antiheld grew quite a lot during the last years and established in the German music scene ...
At first sight, this is rather a blog posting for people outside Germany. At the time of reading, German residents ...
From Franconia via Germany... to the world? At least in their home country, Hämatom (yes, this means hematoma) became a ...
Even though we are currently struggling in Germany to build a (modern) country music scene, there has always been some ...
New stuff from Vanessa Mai: just about a year after the German Schlager star released her album Für Immer ("Forever"), she ...
Thomas Anders is back to pop music. After his recent publications on the German Schlager genre, the Gentleman of Music is ...
Even though their press package praises them as the new German lead in the melodic death metal scene, I have ...
With growing on the musical side, I have the opportunity to have access to more and more interesting releases ...
The promotion material to Timo Scharf's new EP Everything Ever Always Is All Forgotten contains a magical sentence. He is writing ...
Indeed, Hanna Batka is Mitten in Berlin - "In The Middle of Berlin". She is not only indeed living in the ...
Music was very important to me. I feel that the postings in the Songs Of My Life category so far really ...
I am not even sure if it was about the cheeky lyrics and the fresh sound or simply the album ...
Selig is one of the most famous German rock bands. They started publlishing music in 1993. On 12th March 2021, ...
Alphaville, Ultravox and Mike & The Mechanics on one album? Okay, I have to give in that neither of the ...
The ability to simply link two nouns to a new word is a lovely property of the German language - ...
German schlager is one of the most popular genres in my home country. On 12th March 2021, the classics of ...
Blues made in Germany? Even though this might sound like an almost average experience, Bad Temper Joe has gained quite ...
A typical life of a music blogger: the information about Definition of Insanity has been sparse when I ran into ...
There are several causes which make me feel I should go for an album review. When I decided to have ...
Quite some interesting rock music to be released on 26th February 2021. I originally wanted to start my reviews of ...
Nino de Angelo is one of my favorite German artists. I will definitely tell you about a very special concert ...
While so far the only German dialect I feature on is Kölsch, the lovely way to speak in my ...
Jack McBannon does a quite interesting and versatile fusion of different Americana music styles. Being on stage for twenty years ...
With growing and thus having access to major promotion networks, I get in touch into music I would likely ...
During a dinner concert in June 2020 of a Cologne local band, Cat Ballou (who will be part of my selection), I ...
Apart from global mainstream sounds, there are some genres, which have a quite local popularity. The German Schlager is one ...
I enjoy to present German acts as part of my media reviews - and even more if they are successful ...
Originall, the German Neue Deutsche Welle legends Paso Doble were scheduled to release her new album Urknall on 15th January 2021, ...
I am always happy to chat with German artists on my blog in the Spotlight interview category. Ann Doka is ...
Covid-19 has some weird impacts: as a major German pressing plant had to reduce operation due to the pandemic, a ...
Happy Birthday, Michael Schenker - some three weeks after the German rock legend turned 65 years, he is back with ...
Gehst Du mit mir unter - "Are you drowning with me" is the album title of a new German music project ...
Even though Tragedian is a Hamburg-based project, their members come from quite some parts of Europe. I got to have ...
While I guess that you knew a lot of the songs I presented you so far as a Song of My ...
Lina Larissa Strahl, as a musical act simply called LINA, is having a bit of an age issue: the nowadays ...
After they got quite some good critics for their debut album, the German metal / hardcore band Bashdown starts 2021 ...
Peter Schilling is a legendary name of the German music business. Major Tom gave him international reputation. So far, Schilling ... in Berlin
Here are all postings related to the German capital:
I had a quite frustrating week. My accreditation requests for four photography events, three sports reports an one concert, have ...
I recently forgot a name of a German country artist and had to google it. I started typically by looking ...
I'm in Finland this week, featuring two floorball match. However, the Nordic country is not represented in my Songs of the ...
Ladies and gentlemen (and all the others of course as well), we got it: here is my first Songs of the ...
Are you already counting down the days to Christmas? You definitely feel an impact on the music industry of the ...
Just two months until Christmas. Times are getting colder (at least on the Northern hemisphere), people spend more time inside ...
As I didn't feel like taking the night ICE train after my August 2024 trip to Dresden from Berlin to ...
Hungary this weekend! After my trip to Indonesia, I am back in Hungary after such a long time of absence ...
I really enjoy riding the Railjet. The type of trains is majorly the backbone of the Austrian high-speed rail network ...
I am currently on my first trip ever to the Southern Hemisphere. As expected, the German music market on 4th ...
I loved Bell Book & Candle in the late 1990's. The German band from Berlin especially stroke with their debut ...
I had a very tough business trip to Paris this week. Nonetheless, I somehow managed to compile this list of ...
Another year, another time for Rock of Ages. Similar to the previous years, I disclose some of the international dates I ...
My Songs of the Week fascinate me not too rarely by myself. I collect potential candidates for the playlist and release ...
Medieval music, metal style - the German band In Extremo is really successful with this rather rare blending of genres ...
This edition of my Songs of the Week feels like a ballad edition. There are a lot of gentle and emotional song ...
Summer vacation season in Germany, national holiday in Switzerland - the music industry obviously felt (or was right) that this ...
What a week - I returned from my tennis coverage in Newport, now I am at the Olympic Games in ...
My bags and cameras are packed, I am ready to head to Newport for the Infosys Tennis Hall of Fame ...
The press kit to the debut album Integration describes the music of Command0 as an exploration of spacey synths, big beats and ...
The history of Berlin nowadays is also a story of two airports which have been closed down in the meantime ...
For the second part of my "review battle" of museums dealing with visions around the future, we leave the Museum ...
The German band Brokof is active since 2007. They established in the German music scene and already released five studio ...
A lot of traveling is ahead of me. I just returned from a trip to Bochum, watching my first two ...
Germany is sunk in strikes of different kinds, mainly in transportation business. I have been impacted this week by that ...
I struggled a bit compiling the Songs of the Week this time. The partial flight miles for my current trip ...
February 2024 is quite an intense month for me. Even though the trips I have planned and done are comparably ...
Coming back from the United Arab Emirates and about to head to Malaysia soon - thus, some really interesting experiences ...
January 2024 has already passed and we are running into the first February 2024 edition of my weekly release radar ...
In the relations of my home town Cologne, we are celebrating a big Songs of the Week anniversary with this edition. My ...
After I gave you my report of the field and side events of the 2004 Sparkassen Indoor Meeting in Dortmund, ...
Seeing one of the very first appearances of the Faroe Islands at a EHF Euro in handball just felt too ...
Typically, there are two sorts of album reviews at I received the vast majority of reviews as a promo ...
A big name in the schlager business: 41 years after Andreas Martin releases his very first studio album, he is ...
Unfortunately, I could not complete the Country Christmas Playlist this year due to technical issues. However, since the days become ...
TraMy trip in late October / early November 2023 involved a lot of traveling. Once I made it back to ...
Halloween is not that much of a big deal in Germany - but some parts of my home country have ...
Just about a month after I saw Randall King at the Cologne Club Volta, I was back there again on ...
At the end of September, some miraculous things were happening on the Instagram accounts of the Country To Country Festivals ...
There is somehow always some sort of "topic" behind each and every Songs of the Week episode. If I would pick one ...
It is just mid-year 2023 and I already start working on my 2024 Rock of Ages International Tour list. I am sure ...
September 2023 will be a quite busy monh. If I finally receive all press passes I envisage to get, there ...
I am still relaxing from all the trips I had during the last weeks. Nonetheless, things are just busy and ...
I am surprised that it has never been there before, stated Jackson Dean, one of the four artists, who will ...
After some rather intense week of traveling, I feel rather happy to spend the next two weekends in and around ...
My first posting from the Manforter Stadion at the #TrueAthletes Classics 2023 in Leverkusen has been about the field events. Now, ...
With this fourth posting, I am closing my coverage of the German Athletics Nationals 2023. The Auestadion in Kassel hosted ...
I am a huge fan of the field events in athletics - and thus, I am really glad to also ...
The German Athletics Nationals (or German Athletics Championships... or Deutsche Leichtathletik-Meisterschaften) 2023 in Kassel were truly one of the events I ...
Motorbikes and good music - I am having a really good time in Pfullendorf at the Lake Constance region in ...
I typically rather focus presenting new and emerging act in my Song of the Week, but this time, the list of ...
I received so many great albums this week - no chance to process a fair fraction of them. However, the ...
Sad and touching moments just need to have a good hotel stay for your soul. For the very last leg ...
It is already the second time, the Germany-based, but international folk duo Flora Falls is releasing a major set of ...
After the volume of songs in the last two weeks has been rather thin, this week's Songs of the Week comes with ...
As I told you in previous postings, I initially gather candidates for my Songs of the Week, before I narrow the ...
As I am having some quite intense travels ahead of me, I currently try to prepare as much contents for ...
Pop, rock, schlager and much more - I feel that this week's Songs of the Week is a really nice mix of ...
I have to give in: the song leading this week's Songs of the Week might also be a candidate for the ...
I am always impressed where the Songs of the Week each weekend finally end of. This time, for example, i have been ...
Sometimes, it is easy to select the leading track of my Songs of the Week: I had two hot candidates, but ...
Ten shows within three weeks - I was just so flattered to welcome Weird Al Yankovic and his lovely band ...
After my most recent edition of my Songs of the Week majorly featured German artists and a lot of pop, my song ...
I love gathering songs for Songs of the Week, as the result is so unpredictable, even for me, until short before ...
I was quite surprised when I received the press kit for Antonia Kubas' debut EP: Liebe und Musik ("Love and music") ...
Medieval hard rock, Gothic, dance music? Tanzwut is definitely one of these bands in the German music scene, which are ...
I am kicking off the most stressful part of the year, quite likely. This week, I headed off to Peterborough ...
What a day - on 14th January 2023, I traveled through all 16 German states in a 24 hour train ...
AIthough has just been a day trip, but I just felt it is too long to tell the story of ...
Okay, I give in: this trip is weird. While people typically feel that I am "just" a die hard aviation ...
Wow, that's massive! After I had a quite thin list of new releases since mid-December 2022, Christmas break is officially ...
Especially when I wrote my Best Ones 2022 posting recently, I absolutely felt that I should increase the coverage of sports events ...
Welcome to the first Songs of the Week posting in 2023! Despite the music industry is slowly getting back to business, I ...
The Pergamonmuseum is one of the key touristic places in Berlin. The museum features over 250,000 objects of German-lead excavations ...
I was quite amazed that there were quite a lot of interesting single releases this week. At least artists from ...
Nina Hagen is one of the most iconic entertainers in the German cultural scene. The German "Godmother of Punk" wrote ...
A lot of Christmas songs, a lot of covers and best of albums are the new releases in the - ...
Very interesting weekend this time: with the shows of Milky Chance and Brett Young, both in Cologne, I had quite ...
After two intercontinental trips in October 2022, I am somehow glad that I am scheduled to stay in Europe until ...
Freddie! Who would have thought that Mr Mercury is part of my Songs Of The Week one day. Not sure if Bryan ...
I typically rather sort out new albums by the sound than by the popularity of the artists. Thus, I am ...
"One man, one camera, one guitar" - that's about the idea of the current mission of Jim Kroft. The Berlin ...
After I gave you an overview of 2022 European appearances of my favorite musical Rock of Ages, I felt to ...
I typically just select the song, which is leading my Songs of the Week. This week, my favorites of the week ...
Rock and harder rock styles have been a bit of under-represented in here the last weeks. The more I am ...
Weird times: my list of candidates for my Songs of the Week this time was much longer, but a lot of ...
Typically, I first collect tracks for my Songs Of The Week and, once the set is complete, pick my favorite and ...
Survive is the debut EP by a Berlin-based project, Confirmation. I got in touch with their music and felt to share ...
Whenever I start working for my Songs of the Week, I typically scan the candidates I archived for that reason and ...
The press kit to Brain Freeze, the second EP by Leepa, states that the German is maybe the most promising talent ...
A museum full of computer games and gaming history? The German capital can offer that one! Right in the city ...
Due to illness, I unfortunately cannot provide you the full coverage on the music side of - and it ...
While I had to process quite a lot of country music new releases this week, the list of non-country songs ...
Debut EP release: German-Iranian artist Mina Richman releases her first five song set on 6th May 2022. The EP is ...
Oh, I feel that the Songs Of The Week are really a tradition on now. More than three months since I ...
After the end of World War II, the blocking of access to West Berlin by the Soviet Union (the so-called Berlin ...
The name of the German band Der Sonne zu Nah roughly translates to "Too close to the sun". In fact, ...
As I have been in Berlin but could not and did not really want to do a full coverage of ...
Britpop / Britrock made in Germany - that's a likely the best short description you can do about the Berlin ...
Hauptstadt der Spione - "Capital of the Spies". This is a book, which you can buy at the souvenir store of ...
Yes, I do like flying - but I am also a fan of rail travels. Just to find out how ...
It is time for the final posting of the years, simply named The Best Ones 2021. After looking into my ...
The Tränenpalast ("Palace of Tears") in Berlin is the former border crossing point between East and West Berlin. It is located at ...
In early November 2021, I received a promo EP from a folk music duo from Berlin, Flora Falls. A bit ...
In July 2021, I wanted to explore some of the rather centrally located attractions of Berlin. Due to its good ...
Madame Tussauds is a global franchise - not too surprisingly, they also have an outlet in the German capital, Berlin ...
He does it again: after he successful of three 1990's pop tracks, transformed into orchestral arrangements, Alex Christensen is back ...
What is happening if you are running and airport and you just don't fine an airline which is motivated to ...
Doing a cruise on Berlin's key river Spree is one of the classic touristic options when you visit the German ...
Driving a model landscape or a large model train landscape in Germany is a difficult business: Even if you do ...
Andreas Dorau everywhere: just two weeks after I reviewed GschichterIn aus dem Park Cafe, the new album by Die Liga der ...
It is almost needless to say that Adolf Hitler was obsessed with megalomanic ideas. Apart from ruling the world and ...
I started to enjoy the pop-Northern Soul style of the German band Die Liga der gewöhnlichen Gentlemen, when the recorded ...
Have you ever heard of Surströmming, Hakarl or Spam? Do you mind eating eyes or drinking cow blood? All these ...
If you know the name Carlo Pedersoli by heart, then you are likely ready to head to Berlin since 27th ...
I ran into Orian and his music by scanning new releases on a promotion platform. I just loved the special ...
During my recent daytrip to Berlin, I took the opportunity to have a walk through sunny - and empty - ...
Historic panoramic painting fascinated me massively the last months. I already introduced you to the Panorama Mesdag in The Hague ...
Indigo by Noah Levi is another publication with talent show background: in young teenage years, Noah Levi became famous by ...
From a school band to a flat share and finally their debut album - this is a very short wrap-up ...
The promotion kit of People Club calls the act an indie-lo-fi-slacker band. Ooops, I have to admit that I would ...
The fourth album by the multi-national project Mighty Oaks on 7th May 2021: boosted by lead singer Ian Hopper in ...
I originally planned a flight to the new Berlin Brandenburg Airport in late October 2020. Due to all the pandemic ...
When I listened to Robert John Hope's solo album debut Plasticine Heart, I felt that I should definitely share these ...
More than thirty years ago, Diane Weigmann was part of the founding of a legendary German band, the Lemonbabies. She ...
In April 2021, I finally had my first flight connections to/from the new Berlin airport, BER - Berlin / Brandenburg ...
The band which is featured in this review is called Löwen am Nordpol - "Lions at the North Pole". Apart ...
Indeed, Hanna Batka is Mitten in Berlin - "In The Middle of Berlin". She is not only indeed living in the ...
Alphaville, Ultravox and Mike & The Mechanics on one album? Okay, I have to give in that neither of the ...
Fourteen years after their latest album, the German project X-Perience is releasing a new album. The fifth long-play release of ...
During my Covid-19 day trip to Berlin, I spent some time in the Berlin Zoo. Berlin is quite famous for ...
Coming back from London from the (finally cancelled) Country To Country Festival 2020 was the last trip I took before ...
Due to the late cancellation of the C2C festivals in London, Dublin and Glasgow and all the organizational trouble caused ...
The last four big acts of the C2C Country To Country in Berlin 2020 - the three days have been ...
My third and final issue of stories around the C2C in Berlin - time to finish the days of country ...
Sunday, 8th March 2020, the third day in Berlin. Already that typical mixture of feelings: looking forward to the last ...
After a good start on Main Stage on Day 1 with Luke Combs, Jimmie Allen and Darius Rucker headlined the ...
After the the first side stage acts on Day 1 of the C2C Country To Country 2020 in Berlin, Day ...
Saturday in Berlin is over. A lot of good music has been played on several stages - but some stories ...
Time for the big party - after the side stage artists of Day 1 have cheered up the audience, it ...
C2C Country To Country in Berlin 2020 - time to start the second edition of the festival on 6th March ...
The German Country Music Scene is having their highest holidays - The C2C in Berlin started on 6th March 2020 ...
A lot has happened since the Country 2 Country 2020 headliners for all five venues have been published in October 2019 ...
Bad times of terror, being pried and controlled in a country without the freedom to move - or good times ...
During our visit of the Country 2 Country 2019 in Berlin, we chose the Hampton by Hilton Berlin East Side ...
I visited Europe's biggest country music festival, Country 2 Country (C2C), for the first time in 2018 in London. I immediately ...
Kiddo Kat already a viral hit on Youtube in 2016. Now, Anna Guder produced her first album "Piece of Cake" ...
More than 1,100 rooms in the German capital - the Estrel Hotel in Germany's capital Berlin is just a massive ...