LUKE - Break The Silence Pros
- Five versatile tracks
- Very good vocal and guitar work
Some more music from Germany this weekend: with his solo project LUKE, Lukas Schüßler (which I spell Schüssler in the remaining posting) is doing a mixture of blues, folk, country and rock. His second EP release is called Break The Silence. Release date is 20th August 2021.
LUKE – About The Artist
Lukas Schüssler is a 26 year old artist from Saarbruecken in Southwest Germany. He is already having quite a long history of stage appearances. His most well-known project is likely the band slowhand, a tribute to Eric Clapton. His debut EP was the 2019 Out Of The Blue.
LUKE – Break The Silence – Track by Track
The five song album lasts 25 minutes.

1. So Far Away From You
The first track of the EP is a nice Americana rocker with good riffs and the very present voice of Lukas Schüssler. A track which feels to be convincing and present from the very first to the very last second. Really good sound.
2. Break The Silence
The second song gives a stronger touch of folk music. The continuous drum work seems to drive the song, especially in the chorus. Very energizing performance – which even comes with a shorter quiet moment. Very good!
3. Someday You’ll Cry For Me
I mentioned that LUKE’s songs also come with a touch of blues. Someday You’ll Cry For Me, a slower song, has a light blending of this genre. The key element is the beautiful key guitar riff theme, though.
4. When The Rebels Rebel Again
Powerful guitar, dark voice singing – When The Rebels Rebel Again has a nice groove, but overall feels to touch dark alternative rock sounds, almost grunge tunes. The marching rhythm in the bridge is another really nice, catching feature.
5. Why Don’t We Stop Asking Why
After this powerful and rather loud episode, Break The Silence closes with a rather quiet and slow song. Great musical work on the guitar and on the vocal side (again). Nice track – which is having some powerful guitar riff moments at its very end.
LUKE – Break The Silence – Spotify
Here is Break The Silence on Spotify:
LUKE – Break The Silence – My View
Break The Silence is indeed a collection of five powerful tracks. The versatile (but powerful) guitar play as well as LUKE’s outstanding vocals are the key elements, which just does not allow these songs to go wrong. I would love to keep quiet moments for longer here and there, though – not any rock songs needs full riff power.
German Rock Music Reviews
Here are all my Media Reviews of rock music related to Germany:
It's about five years since the German band Larrikins have released their most recent album. The fifth studio album overall, ...
There are not too many bands who dare to release albums a few days before Christmas. The more I was ...
There are just a few bands, which use Christmas time for album releases. The O'Reillys and the Paddyhats are a ...
6th December is St. Nicholas' Day in Germany. Children are getting some sweets, if they put (well-cleaned) shoes in front ...
German artist Mense traveled through Spain for half a year. It was only himself, his wife and his dog Angus, ...
The holiday season is typically also prime time for Best of albums. Lauschangriff is a collection of the biggest hits of Heinz Rudolf ...
The German band Suzan Köcher's Suprafon was in the news recently for a very tragic reason. While the band was ...
Maybe it is because I had to do some long evenings to prepare my Media Review coverage for the weekend of ...
Medieval music, metal style - the German band In Extremo is really successful with this rather rare blending of genres ...
With Dear Robin, I am having a look at a German rock band in this review. On 30th August 2024, ...
Country-rock made in Germany - there are not too many acts in my home country who are able to deliver ...
Rather early before the release date of 5th July 2024, I ran into the EP Neue Wege by German artist Jonas Green ...
Doing hard rock with a saxophone? Human Zoo simply do it! On 14th June 2024, some eight years after their ...
On a promotion platform, I ran into the album Exit To Insight by the German band Deafcon5. The album is already ...
When scanning new releases as of 24th May 2024, I was running into a very interesting release by a German ...
Three years ago, I introduced you to the album True Stories by Jack McBannon. Despite his artist name, the country ...
I already featured the band Ochmoneks twice in my Songs of the Week, on 9th June and on 7th July 2023 ...
The German rock band is already active since more than two decades. Not too surprisingly, the band is having quite ...
Lautstärke is a German band, which is doing German lyrics rock songs with a touch of punk. On 29th March ...
The German band Brokof is active since 2007. They established in the German music scene and already released five studio ...
The name is already suggesting: this one is the debut album of a band named Pawn Painters. The German act ...
Which genre are you thinking about when the arrangement solely consists of a piano, a cello and a vocalist? If ...
In June 2021, I shared the album Guns Against Liberty. The band behind that album is the Hamburg-based melodic hardcore act ...
After a few mentions in my Songs of the Week, I was really looking forward to listen to the new album ...
This week, I am dealing with quite a lot of music postings during the week. There are two reasons for ...
Irish folk rock made in Franconia, Germany? Fiddler's Green proof that this can be quite a success. With The Green ...
I already featured the Nuremberg-based band Strife 85 twice in my Songs of the Week this year. Right before the holiday, ...
A vacation album? The title Urlaub in der Bredouille sounds like a road trip album to some French region... But ...
Aufbruch is a very interesting EP release from Germany as of 15th December 2023. The band recording it, Ticket To Happiness ...
Even though the soil in Monheim was quite muddy, the Ben Zucker concert I had there in July was definitely ...
Willow Parlo's Facebook profile states With the window open, Willow Parlo turns the backdrop of the depressing and monotonous city ...
I am typically glad to run into new bands and interesting acts. A few weeks before the release, I received ...
For the music review weekend of 24th November 2023, I picked a bunch of rather new German acts in my ...
When I started listening to the album UWE of the German band Frollein Motte, I liked their cheeky and straight sound. You ...
I always love being able to look into new names, new sounds, new bands. This one is about the rock ...
Luke is a German artist and band, who are doing blues rock and Americana rock music. After two EP releases, ...
FRAUPAUL is a rather new band from Hamburg. Recently, I ran into some of their songs of the second EP ...
In 2021, I introduced you to Alex Diehl the first time. That year, he released the amazing EP Die Songs, die ...
Big release day for Collapse Under The Empire: with Recurring, they don't just publish their tenth studio album overall, the German ...
Schrobenhausen North of Munich is typically known for as one of the German centers of asparagus farming. The city is ...
The Blackwhitecolorful is a band from my home town Cologne. After a 2020 album release, Brace for Impact is their sophomore ...
Madsen is indeed a German family rock band. Three of the six band members are brothers, the band name is ...
When I reviewed the album now by the German rock band Fury in the Slaughterhouse in April 2021, it has been their ...
Some classic hard rock by a new German band project? I got curious when I ran into Rise Up, the debut ...
The closer you get to summer and vacation time, the easier it is for comparably minor acts to have a ...
In November 2022, right after my birthday, a German world-class band was in focus of my coverage. One day ...
Some harder rock from Southern Germany: Grenzenlos have been growing their fan base during the last years significantly. The have ...
When I first googled of "Palila", I ran into a cute yellow-white bird. Palila from Hamburg, however, are less cute ...
I received the album Maniac by the Munich post-hardcore band Marathonmann way before its release on 19th May 2023. Short message: I ...
The album Therapy In Melody was definitely one I was looking forward to. Two of the featured singles by the band Indecent ...
There is quite some blues focus on the releases I opted to share with you released as of 5th May ...
The artist name Sebel is a short form for the civil name of the artist, Sebastian Niehoff. He is a ...
From the Highwayman to the Bluesman: about a year ago, I reviewed the album Highwayman by Tino Z.On 5th May 2023, the German is back ...
Just at the end of the week in which I covered the concert of the Wellerman band The Longest Johns, I ran ...
While I struggled with their self-titled debut album Musa Dagh, some other critics had a completely different view about the first ...
I had quite a lot of rock music recently on Especially German artists made it quite frequently into my ...
Das ist die Wahrheit - "That's the Truth" is the title of the 2023 album of the rock band VIVA ...
On 10th February 2023, I ran into the single release All my Songs by the German duo Mael & Jonas (in fact, ...
Medieval hard rock, Gothic, dance music? Tanzwut is definitely one of these bands in the German music scene, which are ...
An album with a bunny - how could I not give a review of Warlord, the album by the stoner rock band ...
The Donots have steadily grown and became an established part of the German rock music scene. They also had quite ...
The band name Keimzeit Akustik Quintett roughly translates to "Sprout Time Acoustic Quintet". The band, which is located Southwest of ...
The 19th August 2022 edition of my Songs of the Week was lead by a Norwegian-origin band: Hey Rosie by ...
Basta by the German band Sündflut is one of these records, which I just had a short listen to and just ...
The Christmas business is more and more turning towards TVs, toys and other stuff, while the music industry is doing ...
Almost four decades of music, 13 albums, more than 6,000 shows - even though Boppin' B are no chart-busters, they ...
Artists like Wally from Germany are musical encounters which make me enjoy creating contents for I ran into his ...
I typically rather sort out new albums by the sound than by the popularity of the artists. Thus, I am ...
Melodic rock from Munich: Magical Heart are delivering right what you really need after spending a few days at the ...
The band Kill Strings is called "Hamburg's Foo Fighters" - quite a lot of pressure on the German rock band ...
If you translate the band name Drei Meter Feldweg literally, you end up by "Three Meters of Country Lane". Sound ...
Rather dark rock tunes from Munich: the Band Versus Goliath is releasing their album Liebe & Chaos on 12th August 2022 ...
LustfingeR is named to be one of the oldest punk / punk rock bands in Germany. The Southern German band ...
She Bites is a German band doing classic rock. After they had a well-reviewed debut album two years ago, they ...
Powerful party tunes which are made to be great on stage: five years after their first release, the Bavarian band ...
Rock from Germany: on 17th June, the German rock band April Art releases their second album, P.O.K.E.R.F.A.C.E.. I ran into the ...
If you feel that Cologne Carnival songs or party music must be a rather regional and limited things, stats of ...
German pop-rock debut: the band Karaboom releases Follow Your Heart on 20th May 2022. I happened to run into the album and ...
I typically love glam rock - and thus, the German band Shameless had a rather easy time to get into ...
A big name and music legend of German rock is back: Marius Müller-Westernhagen releases Das eine Leben, his first studio album ...
Hi Spencer are a punk rock band from Osnabrück, Germany. Especially with their 2019 album Nicht raus, aber weiter ("Not out, but ...
It is already some six years ago since the Berlin-based artist Max Paul Maria released his last album Figurines. On 25th ...
The Jeremy Days have been one of the most important pop-rock bands in Germany in the late 1980's and 1990's ...
The name of the German band Der Sonne zu Nah roughly translates to "Too close to the sun". In fact, ...
The website of Tame The Abyss introduces themselves as Your new favorite band. In order to gain this kind of global ...
Der To is a German rock artist, who is active since 2010. On 11th March 2022, he is releasing his ...
70 years of Klaus Lage - the rock singer-songwriter is one of the most iconic artists of the German music ...
Britpop / Britrock made in Germany - that's a likely the best short description you can do about the Berlin ...
The Scorpions are definitely one of Germany's finest international rock music acts. Herman Rarebell has been part of the band ...
I am always happy to introduce you to German country and Americana acts. On 13th January 2022, the Munich band ...
The time right before Christmas is typically not featuring too many new releases. In my point of view, it is ...
Short before the release date of 10th December 2021, I ran into the album Mehr Davon ("More of that") by the ...
"Blues rock with a Texan touch" - that's how the press kit to their second album Time For Decisions is describing ...
When the press kit of a music release uses the wording superband, there are typically two options: either the combo ...
A very interesting album "Made In Germany" somewhere between classic and indie rock: on 12th November 2021, Palila released their ...
Dieter Hallervorden is a very famous entertainer in Germany. However, his biggest times in the music business have been the ...
Honestly, when I ran into his debut album Achtung Leben, I did not know anything about Michael Heppes. However, the album ...
Rock from Germany: On 15th October 2021, the Western German band Bodyguerra will release their second album Fire & Soul ...
Santiano became a huge player in the German music scene. They mix rock with shanty and sailor music style sounds ...
In December 2019, I praised the album 2084 by the Pete Wolf Band. The artist behind that project is Wolfgang ...
Without a doubt, Peter Maffay is nowadays one of the most well-known rock artists singing in German. As a result ...
A new punk rock project from the West parts of Germany: Plastic Mars are active since about four years. On ...
Some German rock to be released on 23rd July 2021: I ran into the music of the band Existent and ...
Some country from Germany: just in the week I did the second edition of my German Songs Country Music Picks, ...
The sound of Razz feels very international - but in fact they are from the Emsland, a Northwest region in ...
German rock made in Cologne: of course, I am always especially curious when I run into artists I don't know ...
I ran into the music of the German singer-songwriter Karlie Apriori, when I checked for 11th June 2021 releases. The ...
Some cool music from Germany: the album New Songs And Untold Stories was soloely flagged as pop music in a promotion ...
Harmonie by Phil Solo is one of these reviews which just happened to while scanning promotion platforms. I ran ...
From a school band to a flat share and finally their debut album - this is a very short wrap-up ...
Sing meinen Song ("Sing My Song") is definitely one of my favorite German TV music shows. A group of music artist ...
It can't be too bad to have a smile in these times, can it? When I ran into the German ...
When I listened to Robert John Hope's solo album debut Plasticine Heart, I felt that I should definitely share these ...
Fury in the Slaughterhouse were indeed a very successful German rock act, especially in the 1990's. They have definitely been ...
Welcome back to, Ben Zucker. After I have been gifted to report from his arena show in Cologne in ...
The Easter weeks have been quite thin regarding new releases. The more, they are a chance for me to listen ...
The band which is featured in this review is called Löwen am Nordpol - "Lions at the North Pole". Apart ...
The German rock band Antiheld grew quite a lot during the last years and established in the German music scene ...
From Franconia via Germany... to the world? At least in their home country, Hämatom (yes, this means hematoma) became a ...
With growing on the musical side, I have the opportunity to have access to more and more interesting releases ...
Selig is one of the most famous German rock bands. They started publlishing music in 1993. On 12th March 2021, ...
Alphaville, Ultravox and Mike & The Mechanics on one album? Okay, I have to give in that neither of the ...
Quite some interesting rock music to be released on 26th February 2021. I originally wanted to start my reviews of ...
Nino de Angelo is one of my favorite German artists. I will definitely tell you about a very special concert ...
While so far the only German dialect I feature on is Kölsch, the lovely way to speak in my ...
Jack McBannon does a quite interesting and versatile fusion of different Americana music styles. Being on stage for twenty years ...
Apart from global mainstream sounds, there are some genres, which have a quite local popularity. The German Schlager is one ...
I enjoy to present German acts as part of my media reviews - and even more if they are successful ...
Happy Birthday, Michael Schenker - some three weeks after the German rock legend turned 65 years, he is back with ...
Gehst Du mit mir unter - "Are you drowning with me" is the album title of a new German music project ...
Alternative rock made in Hamburg - the German band Tusq is already active for eleven years. Time to release some ...
Dirk Busch's 1980's song Du bist keine Mona List would be a perfect candidate for my new Songs of my Life category ...
From street music to the tops of the German charts - Saltatio Mortis have taken the very tough route to ...
Beyond The Black got some additional focus in Germany when their lead singer Jennifer Haben joined the popular TV format Sing ...
Heinz Rudolf Kunze is one of the biggest songwriters and rock musicians in Germany. Already in the 1980s, he had ...
Traveling in Italy
Here are all travel-related postings about Italy:
After my 2025 Women World Floorball Championship Qualification coverage in Lignano Sabbiadoro in Italy, I needed a hotel night close ...
With my recent mileage run and the trip to the World Floorball Championship Qualifications in Italy, I had quite a ...
During my most recent trip to the Emilia Romagna, I also visited the Umberto Panini Collection Motor Museum. Yeah, it ...
Damn, it is already four years... And it is more than 2,750 postings since then. On 25th February 2018, I ...
The last stop of a trip through Italy in late summer 2021 lead me to Volandia, an aviation museum (and ...
Even though people might initially think about Lamborghini and Ferrari when it comes to Italian sports car, Alfa Romeo is ...
I am not a religious person at all. The more, it is somehow remarkable that this posting is already the ...
During one of my most recent trips to Milan, I decided to go for a couple of museums driven by ...
Milan-Malpensa Airport (MXP) is the major of the two airports serving the North Italian city. However, there is one issue ...
Without a doubt, the Scala in Milan is one of the most famous opera houses in the world. While I ...
Even though my summer 2021 trip to the Emilia-Romagna was majorly featuring the two Ferrari Museums in Maranello and Modena, ...
Venice is an iconic place by itself - but it has some real key attractions as well. Without a doubt, ...
New regional carrier: since mid-2021, Bolzano Airport (BZO) is operating scheduled flights with their own carrier, SkyAlps. For an early ...
The place the red cars with the horse in the logo made famous: after I already introduced you to the ...
Al Forsan is one of the two smaller districts of the Expo 2020 ground. Apart from the 360 degrees Opera, ...
A 16th century palace, which has been renovated in the late 1990's and turned into a posh hotel - apart ...
South Tyrol, the German speaking region in Northern Italy is quite popular among tourists. The Dolomite Mountains attract many people ...
Without a doubt, Luciano Pavarotti is one of the biggest music legends in recent history. The Italian is regarded to ...
Until 2018, you could travel to Italy to visit the world largest labyrinth. The Labirinto Della Masone near Parma is ...
When staying in Ferrari City Maranello, would there be any better option than staying in a Ferrari-themed hotel? When I ...
What is happening if you are running and airport and you just don't fine an airline which is motivated to ...
Another weekend, another car rental: for my trip to Italy, which majorly featured a couple Emilia-Romagna automobile history places, I ...
I had the first night of my June 2021 trip to the Emilia-Romagna region right in the South of Lombardy, ...
The place where the story of the famous (typically) red cars started? Walking on the routes of the Ferrari company ...
The area around Parma is almost a holy place for foodie lovers. Parmigiana cheese, tomatoes, pasta - a lot of ...
If you know the name Carlo Pedersoli by heart, then you are likely ready to head to Berlin since 27th ...
While being in Italy in June 2021, I in fact had two car rentals. One was a Volkswagen Golf, rented ...
Fancying a trip to Venice? If there is no pandemic and the lagoon city is empty, hotel prices in central ...
The Stadium of Domitian - or Stadio di Domiziano, as the locals say, may not be one of the classic tourist ...
Giacomo Girolamo Casanova was born on 2nd April 1725 in Venice. The author and adventurer is definitely a legendary Italian ...
Just before I boarded the Nightjet Single Deluxe compartment from Rome to Munich in summer 2020, I had a night ...
For my two day summer stage to Venice, I had one night at the Hotel Abbazia in the heart of ...
I am really fascinated by Leonardo da Vinci and his concepts / inventions. Thus, during my summer 2020 visit to ...
Meeting Caesar about a kilometer away from the Colosseum? Having a picture with the pope? It is not too surprising ...
Apart from Trenitalia and their Frecciarossa network, there is also NRT (Nuovo Transporto Viaggiatori - "New Travellers Transport"), who are ...
After I had a lovely stay on my Four Countries, Four Trains trip in the Hilton Milan and this was ...
Venice is not only the city of vaporetto rides, Murano glass and the doges - it also has quite a ...
After visiting so many German Rail lounges in my life, I was really looking forward how the more exclusive waiting ...
The first "real" night of my Four Countries, Four Trains trip to Italy in summer 2020 lead me to Milan. As ...
As we used to have a holiday home at Lake Garda, I have been to Venice so many times. Also ...
I wouldn't say that I have an intense fear of heights, but I do treat situations, in which I or ...
On my Four Contries, Four Trains trip in summer 2020, my rail trip on Day 2 was an absolute highlight of ...
Also due to the current situation in aviation, I could follow my idea to invest more time in rail travel ...
While - especially for business reasons - trans-European rail connections may still take too much time for daytime transfers, night ...
On 5th September 2020, I had my very first flight from Venice Marco Polo Airport (VCE), flying with Eurowings to ...
Culture freaks may argue that Milan is nothing without the Scala and sports fans think about iconic soccer battles - ...
Heading back home. As said in the Day 3 coverage, I did not expect too much going on on that ...
A Day in Rome - for this Day 3 part of the Four Country Train Trip report, I decided to ...
Being in Milan until the early afternoon, checking out an Italian rail lounge for the first time - and then ...
So excited to travel again and do a proper. I did my first day of the rail rides through Germany, ...
After having so many trip reports involving flights and road trips, this trip report will completely leave me on the ...