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Sündflut – Basta! EP

Sündflut - Basta!




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  • Six straight and honest tracks
  • Nice hard rock tracks with punk style

Basta by the German band Sündflut is one of these records, which I just had a short listen to and just felt that I should share this headbanger with you. Here are my thoughts about the 9th December 2022 EP release.



Sündflut – About The Artists

Sündflut are a punk and hard rock band, which has been founded in 2006 in Metzingen, Southern Germany. The band name is a combination of Sünde (“sind”) and Sintflut (“Deluge”). The band is currently a quintet with two vocalists, Stephanie Stephi Splittgerber and Manuel Manu Beck, whi is also one of the two guitarists of the band. The other member on the guitar is Marcel Marci Zeller. Tobias Diez is the bassist and Alexander Alex Künstle the drummer of Sündflut. They have already released five albums and four EPs so far.


Sündflut – Basta! – Track by Track

The six track EP lasts 22 minutes.

1. Bella Ciao

The Germans start with an Italian classic. Bella Ciao sounds a bit of imprecise and sloppy – but is simply too good. Great work on the rhythmic side turns the traditional into a party rock anthem. Great.

2. Fünf vor 12

Die Hütte brennt,
wir gießen weiter Öl hinein.
Die Hütte brennt,
wir müssen noch viel lauter schreien!
Unsere Erde, sie brennt
und der Himmel weint.
Wir setzen das in Flammen, was uns nährt,
was läuft bei uns nur verkehrt?

(“The shack is burning
We still pour oil into it.
The shack is birning
We need to shout much louder.
Our Earth is burning
And the sky is crying.
We set fire on what is feeding us,
What’s wrong with us?”)

The second track is a very characteristic song for this EP: hard rock with a punk touch about social-critic topics. The sound is catching and the guys are rocking hard. The dual-vocal power sounds especially angry in here. Great song.

3. Bereit

Standing together against right-wing tendencies is one of the key topics of the album. Bereit (“Ready”) is one of the tracks against nationalism. Great pre-chorus and catching chorus, which is a perfect sing-a-long for future Sündflut shows as well.

4. Gelobtes Land

The fourth song’s title translates to “Sacred Land”. The song topics refugees trying to reach European soil by doubtful ship crossing. The song feels like a prayer in hard rock style. Impressive listen.

5. Damals wie heute

Hey, hey du, ich find dich scheiße!
Was verstehst du daran nicht?
Hey, hey du, ich find dich scheiße!
Keiner hier will dich, weil du ein Nazi bist

(“Hey, Hey you, I feel that you suck!
What are you not getting about that?
Hey, Hey you, I feel that you suck!
Nobody here wants to have you as you are a Nazi”)

The second track against fascism on this EP. Damals wie heute is the core track of the EP to me, which is mainly due to the well written and catchy chorus. The song is rather slow and even has a slight touch of folk rock.

6. Koks fürs Ego

I just cannot deny that I love Koks fürs Ego (“Cocaine for the Ego”). It is maybe the most straight hard rock recording in this set of songs. The work on the guitar and the dark, straight and somehow dirty sound of the song makes it feel like a Böhse Onkelz track.


Sündflut – Basta! – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify:


Sündflut – Basta! – My View

Unfortunately, it is just a 22 minutes six song EP – but Basta! is simply a lot of fun. Sündflut created a nice, small compilation. If you are not too much into mulled wine and Christmas trees and feel like rocking, this one is definitely a good choice.


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