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Janne – Toulon

Janne - Toulon




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Very straight, personal songwriting
  • Great atmosphere

Flyctory.com Cons

  • Just four previously unreleased tracks

The Christmas season also offers the opportunity to focus on some artists, who might not make it into Flyctory.com reviews in peak season. Scanning for new releases as of 13th December 2024, I ran into the German singer-songwriter Janne. He is releasing his sophomore album Toulon on that day. I had a listen.


Janne – About The Artist

Janne is the artist name of Jan Heuser. He is a 1992-born German artist, who is living in the North of the state Hesse (Hessen). He started releasing music in 2015 and released his debut album Kleine Dinge in 2018. Especially the title track of that album has been really successful. The singer-songwriter pop artist released a series of singles thereafter. Apart from singing and playing the guitar, he is also playing percussion instruments. He typically works together with his brother Tim (bass, contrabass) and Mats Volk, who is adding keys, guitars, but also the melodica, the blues harp and the ukulele to the sound of Janne.


Janne – Toulon – Track by Track

The ten song album lasts 44 minutes.

1. Drei Leben

The album kicks off with five songs with have been released before the album. The first one, Drei Leben (“Three Lives”), is also the most recent single release. The song is praising love and friends, but also living for music. A beautiful write in a typical singer-songwriter style.

2. Wenn du gehst

The next songs go back in time of Janne’s career. The second Toulon track, Wenn du gehst (“When you leave”), for example, has been released as a single in early 2021 already. The track comes with strumming guitars and a good speed. The storytelling is very personal and relatable.

3. Tresenfrau (feat. Ingalisa Krantz)

In the third song of the album, Janne is introducing you to the Tresenfrau (something like “Bar Lady”). In fact, there is a female vocalist in this romantic song about fancying the familiar, but not too well-known lady behind the bar. However, Ingalisa Krantz just appears towards the end of this lovely story between admiring a lady and a description about typical bar life. Janne definitely makes me smile with this song, which has originally been released in March 2020.

4. Meilensteine

Meilensteine (“Milestones”) is one of the core tracks of the album to me. The song is a bit more rocking, but overall continues with the very narrative and lyrical style of Toulon. The track is dedicated to Janne’s brother Tim. A song about common memories, failures, which is not stopping to have a positive outlook on life.

5. Rotlichtelfe

A good friend, who turned into a Rotlichtelfe (literally something like “Red Light Elf”). Janne is not happy with how she developed, asks Guck Dich an, was ist aus Dir geworden? (“Look at you, what has happened to you?”). Sugardaddies, bitchy behavior – what feels to work out in this lady’s real life, also turns into a lovely listen.

6. Wie´s früher so war

Wie’s früher so war (“How it has been earlier”) opens the second half of Janne’s sophomore album. It is also in fact the first previously unreleased album. The song is about looking back at childhood and teenage memories. Even though there were ups and downs, he is coming to a clear statement about his life.

Und das sind Geschichten
Die wir gerne erzählen
Das ist Momente im Leben
Die dürfen nie fehlen.
Wenn ich heute erzähl’ wie es früher so war
Ja, dann weiß,
dass alles bei mir
Genau so richtig war
So richtig war

(“And these are stories
Which we love to tell
These are moments in life
Which just must not miss.
When I today tell how it has been earlier
Yeah, then I know
That everything for me
Has been exactly right
Has been so right.”)

7. Lieblingsmädchen

Du bist mein Lieblingsmädchen – “You are my favorite girl” – is the theme of the seventh track. A song with a lot of love and admiration, which is coming in a ballad-alike style. The relationship and friendship felt to have been over, but the memories never fade. Some of them lead to frustration. Dass ich der Typ von gestern bin, ist überhaupt nicht schlimm (“That I am the yesterday’s guy, is not sad at all”). A beautiful one.

8. Sowieso

The 05:26 minute song Sowieso is the longest song of the album. It is about Sven, Lena-Marie and other people, whose dreams have faded long ago and turned into cruel reality. The song also criticizes society, that people feel to look away and don’t support human who are in need. A very critical, intense and touching song, which comes with piano and string sounds in the background. Wow.

9. Ok so

After the intense SowiesoOk so feels so easy and spreads some nice vibes. In fact, the song is the only one in the second half of Toulon, which has been featured as a single already. The September 2024 publication still does not lack a very personal and relatable style. Really nice one.

10. Toulon

The title track of the album is also closing Janne’s sophomore record. He is taking us on a trip to the French city Toulon. In fact, it starts with non-fulfilled promises by the music industry. Und jetzt sitze ich in Toulon und schreib’ diesen Song – “And now I am sitting in Toulon and write this song”. The song praises the city and the region. Die Leute hier sind anders, aber nett (“The people here are different, but nice”). Nonetheless, the song does come with a lot of melancholy.


Janne – Toulon – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify:


Janne – Toulon – Track by Track

Wow, Toulon is really an amazing listen. Very personal and touching songs, which form a great set of ten lovely stories. Janne and his band put so much heart and emotion into this listen, I absolutely admire it. I am thankful for running into this lovely release towards the end of 2024.

Favorite Song: Wie’s früher so war


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