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Karlie Apriori – Seelenpassagier EP

Karlie Apriori - Seelenpassagier




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Great rock voice
  • Five really good and versatile songs

I ran into the music of the German singer-songwriter Karlie Apriori, when I checked for 11th June 2021 releases. The independent artist, who is now working for her own label, has released Seelenpassagier (“Soul Passenger”) on that date.


Karlie Apriori – About The Artist

Music has played a major role in the life of Karlie Apriori, who has been taught in rather traditional music instruments and singing in her early years already. She started writing songs as a teenager, but then initially went for a “normal” career and studied at University. Thereafter, she more and more switched her focus towards a musical career. She wrote songs for movie productions but also started to do solo releases. In 2017, she released her debut single Zu Mir. She already released one EP, Verspielt.


Karlie Apriori – Seelenpassagier – Track by track

The five track EP lasts 17 minutes.

1. Seelenpassagier

The album starts in a “classic” way and opens with the title track. The EP has been flagged on the promotion platform – but this very first track is definitely a nice German rock song. Lyrics like Dass wir uns lieben wär untertrieben (“I would be understated to say we love each other”) are maybe a bit too much. But the track is catching, entertaining and well-produced. Thus, there is no reason to complain about it.

2. Wenn

Wenn (“If”) has been the single released before this EP. Not as energetic as the opener, but the guitars find sufficient time to hammer some chords and Karlie’s voice is also just a nice touch of rock’n’roll. Good song with a nice vibe.

3. Nichts geht verloren

Already from the very first moment, you feel that Nichts geht verloren (“Nothing gets lost”) will be different. The song is quiet, a bit of melancholic. A song about losing a person, beautifully written. To me, the best track of the whole EP.

Nichts geht verloren
Auch wenn’s nicht ewig bleibt
Lass das Ganze einmal liegen
Bleib bis in alle Ewigkeit
Denn nichts geht verloren

(“Nothing gets lost
Even though it does not stay forever
Just leave all the stuff
and stay until eternity
Because nothing gets lost”)

4. Für uns

No doubt, Für uns (“For us”) is the most intimate song of the album. Just Karlie Apriori and her guitar in a song about her relationship. Touching.

5. Nordpol

Ich pack meine Sachen
Denn da draußen wartet das Glück
Und nichts kann mich halten
Bis zum Nordpol und wieder zurück
Ich pack meine Sachen
Denn ich weiß, dass da draußen was ist
Hab nichts zu verlieren
Geh bis zum Nordpol und wieder zurück.

(“I am packing my stuff
Because good luck is waiting out there
Nothing can hold me
To the North Pole and back
I am packing my stuff
As I know that there is something out there
I have nothing to loose
I am walking to the North Pole and back.”)

The closing track contrasts between rather quiet verses and the powerful chorus, which is by that connecting to the first songs of Seelenpassagier. Another really great recording.


Karlie Apriori – Seelenpassagier – Spotify

Here is the EP on Spotify:


Karlie Apriori – Seelenpassagier – My View

Seelenpassagier features five really good German rock tracks. I love the range of songs, I enjoy listening to the stories. Karli Apriori’s vocal performance on these recordings is just beautiful. If you like German rock music, you should definitely give her a try.


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