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Sophia – Niemals Allein

Sophia - Niemals allein




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Very straight, compact album
  • Lovely voice
  • Nice range of songs

Technically, I had already closed the list of potential reviews as of 24th March 2023. But then came Sophia and her album Niemals Allein. She is a typical new German pop artist – and the first listens already fascinated me. I am a bit late in that regard: the title track, for example, is already coming with with 18.5 million streams on Spotify at the day of album release. Time to have a deeper listen.


Sophia – About the Artist

Sophia is a 27 year old German pop artist from Wetter in the Ruhrgebiet region. Born on 30th June 1995, she had her first TV presence at the 2021 edition of the German TV talent show Deutschland sucht den Superstar (German version of American Idol). However, she did not make it to the playoff rounds and initially worked as a goldsmith. In 2021, she started to publish songs on TikTok and Instagram. She reached the awareness of some producers and thus had her debut single in September 2021. Niemals allein stayed in the German Top 100 for three weeks. Several of her single releases have more than one million streams on Spotify. Niemals allein is also Sophie’s debut album.


Sophia – Niemals Allein – Track by Track

The twelve song album lasts 30 minutes.

1. Jemand wie ich

Even though seven of the twelve songs of Sophia’s debut have already been published, she starts Niemals Allein with a new track. She is asking Ist da jemand, der mich versteht? – “Is there somebody who understands me”. Beautiful, melancholic track.

2. Niemals Allein

That’s Sophia’s super-song. The first single, many streams and her only chart placement so far. And, last but not least, the title track of this album. The song is very energetic. I love to listen to her characteristic voice. Very good songwriting.

Ich würde für dich tausend Sterne bewegen,
Ja, jeden Planeten
Die Erde soll beben
Ich will nur, dass du weißt
Du bist niemals allein
Für dich würde ich aus tausend Raketen ein Feuerwerk legen
So dass Gold für dich regnet
Ja, nur damit du weißt
Du bist niemals allein

(“I would move a thousand stars for you
Yes, every planet,
Earth shall shake,
I just want that you know
You are never alone
For you I would do a firework out of one thousand rockets
So that it rains gold for you
Yes, just that you know
You are never alone”)

3. Rettungsmission

With the third track, Sophia is going on a “Rescue Mission”. The target of the mission is to get back her heart from a former lover, who does not need it any more. Very clear, relatable lyrics and stories. The song has a nice rocking touch.

4. Wenn Kometen fallen

The fourth track is a typical 2020’s German pop song. A nice, very emotional song with piano sounds with some rhythmic and atmospheric elements on top. And Sophia’s voice, who is able to define her own style and character.

5. Schmetterling

The album features energetic, confident pop tracks as well as tracks like Schmetterling. This song about “butterflies” is very beautiful ballad. I love Sophia’s sound in these emotional compositions.

6. Wenn Du die Augen schließt

Was stellst du dir vor, wenn du die Augen schließt?
Wer würdest du sein, wenn dich sonst keiner sieht?
Und was würdest du tun, wenn alles möglich ist?
Wärst du dann so, wie du wirklich bist?

(“What are you thinking about, when you close your eyes?
Who would who be, if nobody else were seeing you?
What would you do if everything was possible?
Would be then be as you are in fact?”)

Sometimes, German pop is getting rather close to German schlager. While the album as such is not really “risking” to go in that direction, this song is a bit of schlager-like. This song is not too kitschy, though.

7. Scheiss(e) drauf

Scheiss drauf, ich bin scheisse drauf (“Fuck it, I am fucked off”) will finally lead to the explicit lyrics warning on some platforms. I however really like this song, which is having an angry and forceful heart, but still is also very melodic. One of my favorites.

8. Herz mit dem Pfeil

The eighth song is about the “Heart with the arrow”. I feel you are guessing it is another love song. This song is mainly featuring piano and string sides on the instrumental side. The catching element, however, is definitely the amazing vocal performance.

9. Scheinwerfer an

After rather sad love feelings, this song is about rather happy love.

Scheinwerfer an, alle Lichter auf dich
Damit du nie vergisst, wie unglaublich du bist

(“Spotlights on, all lights on you
So that you never forget how amazing you are”)

Sophia’s love stories rather feel to be in roller-coaster mode, but her songs are rather on top in my point of view.

10. Zuhause

If there are ups and downs, no matter if in love or other situations of living, there is only one way to happiness and comfort: home. That’s what Zuhause is about. A song praising family, Sophia’s parent and having this safe place, where you can be just as you are.

11. Sekunde

The second last track of the album is the last one which is known to Sophia fans. A nice mid-tempo song with a nice fade-out.

12. Meine Welt – Demo 2015

The album closes with the very first song, which Sophia ever wrote by herself. The 2015 Meine Welt (“My World”) has a more present hip hop groove, but it does have a bit of the song signature she still has today. Nice lyrics, by the way.


Sophia – Niemals Allein – Spotify

Here is Niemals Allein on Spotify:


Sophia – Niemals Allein – My View

Not too rarely, I struggle a bit with modern German pop albums. However, this weekend, there are two outstanding releases in my point of view. After I loved Leony’s Somewhere in Between, Sophia’s debut has a shorter duration, but feels very straight, compact, but also versatile. Just 30 minutes, but at a very high level. I am sure it is a treat to see this young lady live on stage on her upcoming tour.


Sophia – Niemals Allein Tour 2023 – Tour Dates

Sophia is touring Germany in April 2023:

Mo 17.04.2023 Stuttgart – Im Wizemann
Tu 18.04.2023 Münster – Sputnikhalle
We 19.04.2023 Dortmund – FZW
Fr 21.04.2023 Cologne – Luxor
Sa 22.04.2023 Frankfurt – Brotfabrik
Su 23.04.2023 Leipzig – Täubchenthal
Tu 25.04.2023 Hanover – Lux
We 26.04.2023 Hamburg – Kent Club
Th 27.04.2023 Berlin – Privatclub
Fr 28.04.2023 Munich – Technikum


Media Reviews 2023 – German Pop Music

Here are all my Media Reviews released in 2023 related to Germany and pop music:


Postings with Tour Dates

Here are all Flyctory.com postings, which include tour dates:

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