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Liz Cooper – Hot Sass

Liz Cooper - Hot Sass




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Very good vocal and instrumental quality
  • Wide range of sounds, also within one song

Flyctory.com Cons

  • Sometimes a bit too confusing and too many sounds to me

Nashville is Music City, but there is much more than country music there: Liz Cooper is one example – her style might be quite confusing for people heading into one of her home town shows with boots and a hat. Her second album is called Hot Sass and will be released on 3rd September 2021.


Liz Cooper – About The Artist

The roots of Liz Cooper is closely related to the folk rock band Liz Cooper & The Stampede. Founded in 2014 in Nashville as a trio, they started to become rather successful and already released five EPs and an album. The psychedelic rock style of the band is very centered around the Cooper as the key artist of the act, so that it is not that surprising that Hot Sass, the second album after the 2018 Window Flowers is released under her solo artist name.


Liz Cooper – Hot Sass – Track by Track

The twelve song album lasts 58 minutes.

1. Slice of Life

Slice of Life is a rock track with a slight alternative feeling. Especially the high, intense voice of Liz Cooper almost gives a psychedelic touch, which is also later strengthened by the bridge. Good song with an intense, catching vocal performance as the key element of the track.

2. Heart Shaped Candy

Well I’m aware that I’m not well
I keep things close so you can’t tell, does it bother you?
Can you see right through the heart shaped candy on my tongue I save for keeps when I feel numb and I wanna chew, cause it tastes like you
Watch me choke, bittersweet
Such a joke, you and me

Heart Shaped Candy is a significantly slower, also a bit more melodic than the opener. I feel a bit of a folk influence to this one as well. Very special, fascinating atmosphere.

3. Motorcycle

Like at the Heart Shaped Candy, the song fades with very repetitive lyrics. Even though Liz Cooper’s voice is the common element of all tracks, which also leads to connection between the tracks, the songs are very different. The guitars are very present on this Motorcycle ride.

4. Hot Sass

After a pretty slow start, the title track has some very quick, energetic sections. Good main section, Liz Cooper is working with distorted vocals in this song The bridge is very quiet with piano sounds. Feels a bit like a psychedelic punk song to me – a bit too chaotic, though, as well.

5. Feeling Good

One of that fascinating facts about this album is that it touches so many different styles of music. Feeling Good is very melodic and thus feels like an easy pop track after all these songs full of tough atmosphere and guitar sounds.

6. Lucky Charm

Lucky Charm is going back to the rougher sounds – and it finally leads to a long story: the song blocks eight minutes on the ours. However, it already takes some three minutes until the vocals start. I initially had some problems enjoying the song – but it is overall a nice one with very different sections. Just when the music gets too weird, too psychedelic, I dare to look for the skip button.

7. Getting Closer

Getting Closer starts with a fine groove, but then passes multiple breaks with rock-alike parts and quiet moments.

8. Shoot The Moon

Shoot The Moon is one of my favorites. Again, it is a song traveling through different styles and moods, but I can relate to this one quite one. I like the rhythmic, almost cheeky parts. Nice.

9. Fragile Lips

Fragile Lips feels like a folk track, interrupted by atmospheric parts. The song comes with a more than two minute fade out (at a 5:25 minute duration). Just more or less one note. Too artificial to me.

10. Je T’aime

Je T’aime comes with a lovely main theme. However, like in practically all tracks of this album, the song is featuring multiple breaks, especially in the second half of it. I am not too fond of this. Again, a rather long fade out.

11. My Oh My

The second last song is rather slow, but also does not have that hard breaks than the songs before. Good listen.

My oh my how we have grown
Work hard live fast I better check myself
Be this be that but you better be yourself
Falling back into my ways
Flipping pennies tryna save everyone I’ve ever known
My oh my how we have grown

12. Smoke Break

On this album, the Smoke Break comes at the end of the album. This song is instrumental and suddenly stopping. Nice instrumental performance, but no track I would listen to on repeat.


Liz Cooper – Hot Sass – Spotify

Here is Hot Sass on Spotify:


Liz Cooper – Hot Sass – My View

Hot Sass is an album which is very hard to rate for me. The vocal quality is definitely very good, the instrumental parts and the arrangements in general are well done as well. The whole concept of the album really catches me in some songs – but then I cannot deal with it at all in others. Thus, the overall result just does not reach the very top ratings.


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