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Flyctory.com Songs Of The Week (week of 30 June 2023)

Motorbikes and good music – I am having a really good time in Pfullendorf at the Lake Constance region in Germany. The Seepark Biker Days 2023 are the first open air festival I fully cover with Flyctory.com. It’s just quite a lot of work. Nonetheless, I did not want to break the tradition – here are my this week’s Songs of the Week for you.


Hadar Sopher – letter to my future wife

The leading song of my Songs of the Week is coming from Israel this time. Hadar Sopher wrote this beautiful instruction manual about… himself. Nice folk-pop release.


St. Lundi – Fall

St. Lundi is the alter ego of British artist from Hayling Island near Portsmourth. Even though he is a rather new artist, he already had some quite successful songs. Nights Like This, his 2021 single, for example, has over 50 million streams. The lovely singer songwriter pop has a good chance to connect to this.


Ian Hooper – Happy

Ian Hooper’s solo career is leading to more and more interesting releases. The lead singer of the Mighty Oaks released this Happy song this week. And the US-American living in Germany makes me smile.


Bell Book & Candle – Gold

I am so glad that these Berlin band with lead singer Jana Groß are back. Their latest single release Gold has a really nice and easy style. Summer vibes from Germany’s capital.


Marco Hufnagl – Banjoman

From Berlin to Austria: the Banjoman by Austrian artist Marco Hufnagl just stayed in my head. Cool party sound – you rarely listened to banjo sound in such a context, I guess.


Anna-Sophie – Breathe

While Marco Hufnagl is in my list of song for the first time, his fellow country country(wo)man Anna-Sophie is a frequent representation. Another song by the Austrian . Could be another Top 10 song in her home country for her.


Mammoth WVH – Take a Bow

The WVH in the project name stands for Wolfgang Van Halen, the key driver behind this project. Mammoth WVH is working towards their second album Mammoth II. Great sound by the Los Angeles artist with Dutch roots. And, yeah, the “Van Halen” thing is no co-incidence – Wolfgang is the son of Eddie Van Halen.


Fall Out Boy – We Didn’t Start The Fire

I typically struggle with cover versions of famous songs – but this time I feature two of them. Fall Out Boy from Greater Chicago simply do too well. And Billy Joel did great in the past as well. I just have to list this one in here. The updated lyrics are another reason for a deeper listen.


Kingston Sound System feat. Steve Winwood – Higher Love

This is the second cover version of this week’s posting. Kingston Sound System turn Higher Love into reggae. This feels like a perfect summer song.


Michi Bock – Ich frag mich

Back to Germany. Michi Bock is a rock-pop artist from the Greater Frankfurt area. His new single release Ich frag mich (“I ask myself”) is a nice rocking song with a very present groove. Thumbs up!


The Struts – Too Good At Raising Hell

The Struts from England are closing this week’s list of songs. Cool song by the quartet, which the press kit names their new era of music with a surging, sexy, and swaggering summer-ready anthem. Maybe a bit too much, but a great listen.





Songs of The Week – The Playlist

You may also listen to my Songs Of The Week and songs selected in some of the previous weeks on this Spotify playlist:


Songs of the Week 2023

Here are all my Songs of the Week postings published in 2023:



Here are all my postings related to reggae music:

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