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Tenille Townes – The Lemonade Stand

Tenille Townes - The Lemonade Stand




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Versatile album
  • Not only "Somebody's Daughter" in the list of good tracks
  • Tenille Townes creates a lovely atmosphere in many tracks

Flyctory.com Cons

  • Still some quite average sounds on the album
  • Only five new tracks

Call it an appetizer, a preview or whatever you like – Tenille Townes released her EP Road To The Lemonade Stand in early February 2020 already. The EP contained songs, which are now part of her full album, The Lemonade Stand. Interesting how this two-part delivery will work out  – here is my view on the album, which Townes released on 26th June 2020.


Tenille Townes – About The Artist

It does not make too much sense to repeat the bio of Tenille Townes four months after I summed it up in my EP review – thus, I simply refer to the EP review. However, Townes in the meantime had C2C Berlin 2020 main stage time on Day 2, when she joined Abby Anderson and Eric Paslay for an Introducing Nashville songwriters round. The Canadian definitely won even more hearts of the German fans with that stage appearance.


The Lemonade Stand – Track by Track

The album contains twelve songs. Five songs were already part the Road To The Lemonade Stand. The only song unique to the EP was Stupid Boy. The total playtime of the album is 45 minutes.

1. Holding Out for the One

This song is already on The Road To The Lemonade Stand. Definitely a nice track, though I would not give it overwhelming ratings on the other side.

2. Where You Are

The second song has been released between the EP and the album – and I feel it is quite a nice one. A nice mixture of fragile elements, but then also quite some flow and power in the chorus, even though the arrangement is very classic with acoustic instruments.

I’d stand in any ticket line
Any mountain I would climb
Just to find my way to where you are
I would swim across the sea
I would cut down any tree
Leave a trail through a forest in the dark
Pave a path to get back to where you are

3. Jersey on the Wall (I’m Just Asking)

When I listened to this one in the context of the EP some four months ago, I liked the dramtic plot, but somehow, the song just did not touch me too much. Maybe I have just listened to too much Nashville-Mainstream – I like it a bit more nowadays, though I would not call it a super-hit.

4. Lighthouse

The first really new song – and Lighthouse is definitely a good sound! The is quite rhythmic and speedy, even thought it is contrasting with intimately-feeling parts. Cool track.

5. White Horse

White Horse is another track from the appetizer EP. I liked the song in February – and I like it now. I feel this is the Tenille Townes sound as it should be – you just have to listen to her.

6. I Kept the Roses

Maybe, Covid-19 changed my soul a bit and I am more asking for intimate sounds. I was not too much a fan of I Kept The Roses while listening to the EP – now in summertime 2020, I somehow enjoy it. Feels more than average to me, but not a must-listen now.

7. When I Meet My Maker

Another very concentrated, quiet, intimate sound on The Lemonade Stand. This new song is definitely one of the best songs of the album. It catches you from the very first moment, you have to listen to it. Well done, Tenille.

8. Come as You Are

After emotional and touching tunes, here is one for the party. Come as You Are has a lot of groove, a lot of power. What a contrast in atmosphere compared to When I Meet My Maker – but definitely a really cool track.

9. The Way You Look Tonight feat. Keelan Donovan

You remind me of a Frank Sinatra song – these are the first words of The Way You Look Tonight – the result is a lovely song, which is still powerful and rythmic, not soapy at all. Great duet with Keeland Donovan.

10. Find You

Find you is a nice, rhythmic song. I feel it is a good one – but compared to the tracks before (and thinking about that the next one is the super-hit), it has a tough time on the album. Let’s call it the hidden gem.

11. Somebody’s Daughter

This one is an easy rating: we know it, we love it. Full stop. Had it on the EP already. Superb song.

12. The Most Beautiful Things

So why do we close our eyes
When we pray, cry, kiss, dream?
Maybe the most beautiful things in this life are felt and never seen

This song was also already published before the album. But ain’t it a beauty. Regarding the lyrics, it is one of my favorites of my album. And its atmosphere is just a great farewell to The Lemonade Stand.


T. Townes – The Lemonade Stand – Spotify

Here is the widget playing The Lemonade Stand on Spotify:


T. Townes – The Lemonade Stand – My View

I was quite disappointed about the “appetizer”, also known as The Road To The Lemonade Stand. I just feel Tenille Townes can do much better. The weak tracks of the EP stay rather average parts, but the new songs and the ones released after the album are the real stars of this album – apart from Somebody’s Daughter, of course. Do you have to buy or stream it? It is definitely a good listen. But still, it is just five really new songs – so let’s see it as a second Lemonade Stand EP with bonus tracks… Good stuff!


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