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Kacy & Clayton And Marlon Williams – Plastic Bouqet

Kacy & Clayton And Marlon Williams - Plastic Bouqet




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Very interesting intercontinental collaboration

Flyctory.com Cons

  • Very short songs, hard to get into them
  • Partially, too present voice by Kacy Anderson

Plastic Bouqet is quite an interesting musical collaboration: while two of the artists, Kacy & Clayton are from Canada, they are joined by New Zealand’s Marlon Williams. Their first joined musical forces will be released on 11th December 2020. Here is my review.


Kacy & Clayton – About The Artists

Kacy Anderson and Clayton Linthicium are a second cousins duo from Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan, Canada. They are doing folk / roots music since 2011, when they  released their first album. Since then, they published four more albums. The latest one was Carrying On, released in October 2019.


Marlon Williams – About The Artist

Kacy & Clayton ran into the music of Marlon Williams during their 2017 European tour. Williams was born on 31st December 1990 in Christchurch, New Zealand, and is doing folk, alternative country and bluegrass. He nowadays lives in Melbourne, Australia. His first major steps in the music business were with the band The Unfaithful Ways, which even have been nominated for a New Zealand Music Award in 2011. The band released music until 2014. Thereafter, Williams became a solo artist, supported by his band, The Yarra Benders. His 2015 debut album (self-titled) went Top 10 in New Zealand. Three years later, he released his second solo studio labum, Make Wy For Love. The album topped the New Zealand Charts and went eighth in Australia. There were also measurable chart placements in Belgium, France and the Netherlands.


Plastic Bouqet – Track by Track

Plastic Bouqet includes eleven songs. It lasts 29 minutes.

1. Isn’t It

The 2:05 minute starter for the Plastic Bouqet sets a certain direction for this Canadian-New Zealand cooperation: solid guitar plays, nice memories and very high, characteristic vocals. Takes some time to get into this music.

2. Plastic Bouquet

While I did not really know what to feel about Isn’t It, the title track is definitely leaving positive feelings on my side. It is simple music, feels traditional, but it is a nice narration with a nostalgic touch. The longer you listen to Plastic Bouqet, the more you enjoy it.

3. Light of Love

Light of Love is a duet, which much more plays with the different voices. The song is still on this time travel to the 1960’s and early 1970’s, which you feel the whole album. Finally, it is a good listen.

4. Your Minds Walking Out

I liked the harmonic way Light of Love is set up – and if you agree to my thought about the song, Your Minds Walking Out is likely a nice one for you as well.

5. Arahura

Arahura is a river in New Zeland. There have been a quite of military fights in that area, so that Marlon Williams suggested to write this song written from the river’s perspective and telling its stories. The song has the strongest country / bluegrass touch of all songs on the album so far, indeed.

6. I’m Unfamiliar

The PR kit of the album that this song (which is the shortest on the album, just about two minutes) was the first one which has been written for the album. It plays with organ sounds. Kacy Anderson’s voice feels a bit like Nina Persson of The Cardigans to me here.

7. I Wonder Why

I Wonder Why is just seven seconds longer than the previous. It has a bit of a touch of an Elvis Presley ballad to me – unfortunately rather on the melodic than on the real musical quality side. Still the harmonic and clear melody flow creates music which is a good listen.

8. Old Fashioned Man

The steel guitars in Old Fashioned Man make this song feel like a very traditional country ballad. One of the nicest songs of the album to me.

9. I’m Gonna Break It

I’m Gonna Break It stays at the traditional country tune sound – however, the song is a duet again, which leads to a much wider, more atmospheric sound, before the piano is doing a short, happy, easy-footed bridge. Damn, would have loved to have this one for some more seconds.

10. Last Burning Ember

On the Plastic Bouqet album, Last Burning Ember feels like a modern tunes – even though it is music which is similar to stuff recorded many decades ago. Just a bit less nostalgic than other tracks.

11. Devil’s Daughter

The PR kit states about this song Everything culminates on Devil’s Daughter. Soft acoustic guitar gives way to one last devilshly dynamic duet. I don’t see that much diabolic elements in here.


Plastic Bouqet – Spotify

I will add the Spotify widget once the album has been published.


Plastic Bouqet – My View

Marlon Williams and Kacy & Clayton create a very unique Plastic Bouqet sound. Unfortunately, I have mixed feelings. I enjoy the musical quality and the characteristic sound of the album. I definitely would love to have music written by this intercontinental combo. On the other hand, some of the songs are very short. Kacy’s voice is that dominant in some tracks that it even touches to be disturbing. This all leads to a solid rating.


Canadian Media/Music Reviews

Here are all my media review postings related to Canada:


Spotlight – Flyctory.com Interviews

Here are all postings of my interview section Spotlight:


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