Vivien Gold - Gedankenkarussell Pros
- Nice variety of dance, atmospheric and slow songs
- Some amazing thoughtful tracks Cons
- Some songs (incl. title track) are comparably weak
The ability to simply link two nouns to a new word is a lovely property of the German language – unless you have to translate these words. This album review is about Gedankenkarussell, which literally means something like “thoughts carousel”. Not a wording I would use in German, so I would rather suggest “chaotic feelings”. Is this album, which is the debut of schlager singer Vivien Gold, chaotic? Full of feelings? Or simply good. After having listened to one of her 2020 songs before, I was really curious about that. The album has been released on 12th March 2021.
Vivien Gold – About The Artist
Vivien Gold is a rising schlager artist from Cottbus in the very East of Germany. Her civil name is Vivien Gstrein, she is living in Karlsruhe nowadays. Under her her first name, she released a couple of songs, before she transformed to Vivien Gold. She released her first two singles, Mach die Musik ganz laut (“Turn on the music very loud”) and Neonlicht (“Neon Light”), which both are part of her debut album. She originally worked in the marketing of company driven by her parents, but is on stage since she is 14 years old. Her breakthrough was likely by being on stage in the quite popular TV show ZDF Fernsehgarten in 2020.
Vivien Gold – Gedankenkarussell – Track by Track
The twelve song album lasts 44 minutes.

1. Mach die Musik ganz laut
Vivien Gold goes for the safe option and starts her album with the biggest success so far. Mach die Musik ganz laut is indeed a catchy schlager party track – which deals with dancing, so that this is a perfect fit.
Mach die Musik ganz laut
Zeig mit Deinem Beat
Spiel mit meiner Haut
Bis sich der Boden biegt
Tu was, tu das
Wir drehn laut auf
Mach die Musik – ganz laut
(“Turn on the music very loud
Show me with your beat
Play with my skin
Until the floor bows down
Do something, do it
Wir turn the volume up
Turn on the Music – very loud”)
2. Gedankenkarussell
The title track is rather slow. It feels a bit of unconcerned. I feel that the lyrics are good schlager wordings – but the song is a bit too bored for that story.
3. Kinder dieser Nacht
Kinder dieser Nacht (“Children of this night”) is more rhythmic again. It comes with the classic schlager beat, Disco Fox. The rhythm becomes especially catchy by clapping sounds on the main beat. I feel that Vivien Gold does a very nice vocal performance in here as well.
Wir sind Kinder dieser Nacht
Die mit den Schatten spielen
Die sich mit Schätzen in der Hand
In ein fremdes Land verführen
Mit Feuerdrachen fliegen
Über Wolkendächern schweben
Frei und unbedacht
Wie die Kinder dieser Nacht
(“We are the children of this night
Who play with shadows
Who ensnare themself with treasures in their hand
into an unknown land
Flying with fire dragons
Hover over the top of the clouds
Free and careless
Like the children of this night”)
4. Unerträglich
Unerträglich (“Unbearable”) was the 2021 single release by Vivien Gold and thus her final musical appetizer of the album. While she is singing in quite low notes at the beginning of the song, she strongly reminds me of the former Eurovision Song Contest contestant Michelle. The song is a really nice schlager track.
5. Nach Haus zurück
Nach Haus zurück is a song which I enjoyed to listen from the very first second. Gold’s intense, but also somehow warm voice feels to fit beautifully to this ballad, which just comes with decent piano sounds. Luckily, the producers concentrated on the lyrics in here and did not create a too kitschy one here. Towards the end of the song, it gets a bit more powerful.
6. Du warst mein Freund
Hard to believe that the album gets stronger, gets more intense than at Du warst mein Freund. The song, which translates to “You have been my friend”, reminds of a beloved one Vivien Gold lost at a traffic accident. The song feels so painful, so desparate. Amazing!
Du warst mein Freund, der durch die Wolken lacht
Du warst die Sonne, warst mein Kämpfer
So dunkel ist die Nacht
Wer hält mich fest und küsst mich jetzt
Du bist nicht mehr hier, siehst Du wie ich frier
Ich fühl mich so einsam hier.
(“You have been my friend, who smiles through the clouds,
You’ve been the sun, you’ve been my fighter.
The night is so dark.
Who is holding me and kissing me right now?
You are not here any longer, look how I am freezing
I feel that lonely here”)
7. Wir brennen wieder
Wir brennen wieder strongly reminds me of Helene Fischer’s Ich will immer wieder… dieses Fieber spür’n. The only difference is that Vivien Gold’s is much slower – and that the song is a bit turned down by the drum sounds. Still a nice schlager dance tracks – especially for the slower feet.
8. Herz läuft Amok
Vviian Gold is singing with some more anger and emotions at Herz läuft Amok (“Heart goes on the rampage”). I love that sound of voice. After the breathtaking Du warst mein Freund, these kind of songs feel a bit too thin. Bad luck, the chorus is not too bad, but the verses feel a bit too lame.
9. Teil vom großen Ganzen
Teil vom großen Ganzen is a song about an on-off long-distance relationship. It beautifully describes the up and down and the emotional confusion. Nice song.
10. Neonlicht
Neonlicht has the same ingredients like Mach die Musik ganz laut: a song about partying, a very present rhythm and an easy to get into textbook. I highly prefer the opener, but that one is not that bad.
11. Liebe auf Eis
Liebe auf Eis (“Iced love”) starts a bit slow, but the chorus has a lot of presence and power. The song keeps up with these dramatic breaks. Good listen.
12. 1000 kleine Wunder
Why not having a song at the end of the album to which you either can move your lighters aka mobile phone forth and back – or wave goodbye to the artist after a nice debut album? The rather slow 1000 kleine Wunder (“1000 small wonders”) starts very slow as a beautiful love ballad and then increases its instrumentation and adds slow drums at the end.
Vivien Gold – Gedankenkarussell – Spotify
Here is Gedankenkarussell on Spotify:
Vivien Gold – Gedankenkarussell – My View
I feel that overall, Vivien Gold did a really nice debut album. Some downs prevent a really high rating, but especially the thoughtful songs in the middle of the album and some of the schlager disco fox classic sounds definitely do create a lot of fun. Glad that I picked that album for a review – worth listening to it, for sure.
German Schlager
Easy, German language pop – here are all postings about German Schlager on
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I featured schlager artist Marie Reim twice in album reviews already. In 2020, I shared my view of her debut ...
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This edition of my Songs of the Week feels like a ballad edition. There are a lot of gentle and emotional song ...
After I had quite an intense series of concerts in May 2024, there has been quite a break in my ...
Summer vacation season in Germany, national holiday in Switzerland - the music industry obviously felt (or was right) that this ...
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This week, my Songs of the Week are full of pop tracks. There is a lot of sports coverage on ...
Somehow, I can never now if the upcoming week is a "good one" or "bad one" regarding new releases. While ...
Publishing my Songs of the Week right between two Rock of Ages tour legs would suggest that the song is full of energetic ...
Marianne Rosenberg is truly a legend in the German schlager and pop scene. Her career is impressing. However, I never ...
This time, selecting the leading track of my Songs of the Week was really troublesome. Three candidates have already been released ...
There is a lot of traveling around during the next weeks. Unfortunately, I could not cover some concerts, which I ...
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It's been quite tough for me this week to keep up and running. I had a stronger cold this ...
A lot of traveling is ahead of me. I just returned from a trip to Bochum, watching my first two ...
February 2024 is quite an intense month for me. Even though the trips I have planned and done are comparably ...
Coming back from the United Arab Emirates and about to head to Malaysia soon - thus, some really interesting experiences ...
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In the relations of my home town Cologne, we are celebrating a big Songs of the Week anniversary with this edition. My ...
This time, my Songs Of The Week consist of 14 new releases as of this week. The Christmas break is definitely ...
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It's time to look back to . After I shared my new format My Year in Travel with you the first time, ...
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I am a bit of angry as the tool I loved to use to scan for new country releases does ...
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London, Faroe Islands, another trip tp England, Sweden, USA - the last weeks of 2023 involve quite a bit of ...
Sonia Liebing established in the wider range of well-known German schlager artists the last years. On her homepage, she is ...
I had a quite intensive week, exploring several interesting rail trips as well as being back in Pittsburgh and in ...
Just two months until Christmas. You feel that in my this week's edition of the Songs of the Week definitely. First ...
I spent almost the entire week at work in Dublin at one of our offices. Quite an intense time, which ...
Maybe, due to the national holiday in Germany, the list of new songs was rather short on the platform I ...
The Geschwister Hofmann (namely: "Hofman Siblings") have been a German schlager duo of two sisters. From their first stage appearances ...
Unfortunately, I had to kick out quite a lot of songs from my list, which I really liked. They just ...
There is somehow always some sort of "topic" behind each and every Songs of the Week episode. If I would pick one ...
The Songs Of The Week is one of my favorite categories of posts on my blog. Even I don't know how the ...
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I am still relaxing from all the trips I had during the last weeks. Nonetheless, things are just busy and ...
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The Monheimer Sommer is a small series of open air concerts, driven by the city in the Rheinland region. Apart from ...
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I typically rather focus presenting new and emerging act in my Song of the Week, but this time, the list of ...
I received so many great albums this week - no chance to process a fair fraction of them. However, the ...
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I have struggled quite much with health issues this week - which also prevented me to travel to some British Rock ...
A public holiday in (parts of) Germany gave me the opportunity to collect some status Tier Points for my British ...
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There are these days in life which you remember. The days you exactly remember what you did on that day ...
I am quite surprised about a rather short list of new songs today. Might be because of Labour Day on ...
As I told you in previous postings, I initially gather candidates for my Songs of the Week, before I narrow the ...
This April 2023 episode of my Spotlight interviews is one I have been a bit of nervous about, indeed. After ...
After some rather intense traveling, I am glad that there is just a short trip this week. I concentrated on ...
Not too many releases due to the Easter week. The week was dominated by my Rock of Ages coverage. First of all, ...
Vanessa Mai is back with a new album. However, the German artist with Croatian roots is going back to her ...
I have to give in: the song leading this week's Songs of the Week might also be a candidate for the ...
After a lot of tour-chasing Weird Al Yankovic and watching the Pittsburgh Penguins, the first weekend home after quite a ...
I am always impressed where the Songs of the Week each weekend finally end of. This time, for example, i have been ...
Sometimes, it is easy to select the leading track of my Songs of the Week: I had two hot candidates, but ...
After my most recent edition of my Songs of the Week majorly featured German artists and a lot of pop, my song ...
I love gathering songs for Songs of the Week, as the result is so unpredictable, even for me, until short before ...
I was quite surprised when I received the press kit for Antonia Kubas' debut EP: Liebe und Musik ("Love and music") ...
Damn - just when I had a massive travel volume, the number of new releases of all genres went up ...
Ireland, the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands, USA, Canada - and of course Germany lay ahead of me for the ...
I am kicking off the most stressful part of the year, quite likely. This week, I headed off to Peterborough ...
This weekend was really difficult for me to plan ahead. With the ISTAF Indoor in Dusseldorf, I had a fixed ...
Oh wow, I really have to limit myself this week. There is so much good music being released this week ...
Wow, that's massive! After I had a quite thin list of new releases since mid-December 2022, Christmas break is officially ...
Welcome to the first Songs of the Week posting in 2023! Despite the music industry is slowly getting back to business, I ...
I guess that the next weeks will be more intense. Depending if you look at the publishing or the cut-off ...
Since I started working with, I present you a list of my favorite songs at the end of every ...
Now that Christmas is getting closer, it is also a great opportunity for less known artists to receive some additional ...
Just some ten days left until Christmas. Instead of my typical album preview, I this time go for a preview ...
Very interesting weekend this time: with the shows of Milky Chance and Brett Young, both in Cologne, I had quite ...
After two intercontinental trips in October 2022, I am somehow glad that I am scheduled to stay in Europe until ...
Just two months until Christmas - but I still refused to have an according song in my Songs of the Week ...
October is quite a busy time for me. Private and business trips take most of my time. My Songs of the ...
I had an amazing week in Cyprus and am just about to prepare for my second trip to the Weird ...
The last three months of the year are about to start. Traditionally, the focus is rather on well-known artists, their ...
Her song I steh auf Bergbauernbuam ("I love male mountain farmer boys") has been streamed some 8.5 million times on Spotify and ...
Even though there are quite a bunch of German (language) songs and German artists in the set of new releases ...
While the last week brought me to Sunderland, Hamburg and Lillehammer in Norway, the song selection of the week comes ...
From a boy group teenage idol to an established schlager artist - Eloy de Jong truly took a remarkable transformation ...
This week, my Songs of the Week features a wide range of sounds. Quite a focus on Austrian and German artists ...
The first contact I had with the album Kuhrios was the title: "Kurios" in German means something like "peculiar". However, the "H" ...
The studio album Perspektiven is actually my second album review of a Roland Kaiser release. After the Christmas album Weihnachtszeit, Kaiser is back ...
Hallo, ich bin Jolina Carl - "Hello, I am Jolina Carl" rather sounds like a debut album than the release of ...
A talent show changed the life of a teenage German artist - and the result is this album. Luna Klee ...
Giovanni Zarrella is one of these artists I just cannot have negative feelings about. One rationale might be that his ...
My 5th August 2022 update of the Songs of the Week this time features 15 songs. Again, there is a wide ...
After I featured Marie Reim's debut album 14 Phasen in June 2020, I was really curious how her music has evolved during ...
Weird times: my list of candidates for my Songs of the Week this time was much longer, but a lot of ...
Even though there are also some examples in the rock industry as well, boy bands are typically a pop music ...
Typically, I first collect tracks for my Songs Of The Week and, once the set is complete, pick my favorite and ...
The list of songs as of 15th July 2022 is rather compact. I open with a very interesting British pop ...
Everybody in Germany knows the songs Ich will Spaß ("I want to have fun", a song about having fun cruising in ...
Okay, this week, my Songs Of The Week listeners need to stay strong: I started my list with schlager (with a touch ...
This week, I had at least an easy time determining the leading track of my Songs of the Week. I listened ...
Whenever I start working for my Songs of the Week, I typically scan the candidates I archived for that reason and ...
I had a long list of songs for my Songs of the Week... and after I composed a nice order of ...
I am still in the process of recovering from illness - not sure if that had any influence on my ...
Schlager, pop and country - that's how Christa Fartek brands herself on her latest seven track album Nashville and Me. Indeed, ...
Due to illness, I unfortunately cannot provide you the full coverage on the music side of - and it ...
Wow... This edition of my Songs of the Week was a huge bit of work. I simply had so many candidates for ...
The Reim family on after the big daddy Matthias Reim, one of the biggest German schlager-rock artists in Germany, ...
Verrückt es nicht zu tun - "Crazy not to do it" is the new album by Geschwister David, a twin schlager ...
Oh, I feel that the Songs Of The Week are really a tradition on now. More than three months since I ...
Not really sure why the release calendars are so seasonal (apart from major holidays like Christmas) - but I generally ...
While the last week's edition solely covered a few songs, my 25th March 2022 version of the Songs Of The Week ...
My trip through the United States following the Pittsburgh Penguins in eleven days was definitely the highlight of my week ...
Definitely my toughest edition of the Songs of the Week so far. It is very hard for me to concentrate knowing what ...
Second album release by German schlager artist Alexander Martin. The Rheinland musician publishes Wir zieh'n das durch on 18th February 2022 ...
The last two editions of the Songs Of The Week had a really nice load of positive feedback. Thus, I am really ...
German schlager with a good touch of pop from the region West of Berlin: Joe Carpenter has just released his ...
I am still evaluating whether the Songs Of The Week are an interesting format for you. While the first postings got ...
Matthias Reim is one of the big names in the German schlager-rock scene. After some rather difficult times, he came ...
My Songs Of The Week slowly turn into a tradition. This week, I definitely saw that the number of releases massively ...
Julia Raich is naming herself the "Schlagerprinzessin" - schlager princess. On 7th January 2022, she is releasing her new album Schlagerr(a)ich, ...
G.G. Anderson is one of the most well-known German schlager artists since the early 1980's. 30th December 2021, he is ...
Every week, I am scanning hundreds of new releases, albums and singles, to pick the right (and sometimes: the wrong) ...
Christmas is approaching really quick now. While I traditionally do a festive edition of my Country Music Picks, I also ...
Who does not know Art Garfunkel, part of Simon & Garfunkel and their famous songs? Sometimes, you run into albums, ...
From TV talent show to her debut album - some one and a half year she became well-known to the ...
One of the German schlager artists I honor most is definitely Roland Kaiser. He is active since decades and is ...
In December 2019, I praised the album 2084 by the Pete Wolf Band. The artist behind that project is Wolfgang ...
From a TV talent show to the top of the charts: Beatrice Egli definitely took profit of winning the tenth ...
The first album by LaFee since ten years - and in fact this one is heading back some more decades ...
I have to be straight: I did not know Tom Niklas before. I ran into the schlager artist by a ...
I have to admit: I loved Jasmin Wagner... or Blümchen... during my childhood years. As a young girl, the Hamburg ...
Schlager music from Switzerland: Cristina Maria Sieber has been releasing her second album on 9th July 2021. The title is ...
An Austrian with roots in three other different countries, being successful with other bands in the past... and also being ...
There are multiple ways to fame. Maybe countless ones. Tinka is driving trucks. Full stop. The 31-year old was part ...
Bernhard Brink is indeed one of the big names of German schlager. His songs attract a huge fan base. On ...
Despite Mike Leon Grosch had a huge success in Germany in 2006, his career had quite a hit shortly thereafter ...
Sarah Lombardi's career started with a bit ups and downs in the German version of American Idol. Three years after ...
Welcome back to, Ben Zucker. After I have been gifted to report from his arena show in Cologne in ...
Even though Giovanni Zarrella is singing in Italian, his music is definitely aiming to be sold on the German-speaking markets ...
Even though we are currently struggling in Germany to build a (modern) country music scene, there has always been some ...
New stuff from Vanessa Mai: just about a year after the German Schlager star released her album Für Immer ("Forever"), she ...
Recently, Maite Kelly had a lot of presence in German TV as part of the Deutschland Sucht Den Superstar (German ...
German schlager is one of the most popular genres in my home country. On 12th March 2021, the classics of ...
Nino de Angelo is one of my favorite German artists. I will definitely tell you about a very special concert ...
2020 is about to come to an end - and the last three posting of the years re about to ...
The story of Ross Antony is quite amazing: having an English education as a musical artist, Antony is nowadays a ...
Latest when Michelle represented Germany in the Eurovision Song Contest 2001 in Copenhagen, she became an important part of the ...
I saw Sarah Zucker for the first time on stage, when she joined her brother Ben in Cologne's largest LANXESSarena ...
20 year old Marie Reim is an interesting upcoming artist in the German schlager scene. Both of her parents are ...
Thomas Anders and Florian Silbereisen are some sort of a new super-band in the German Schlager genre. Both are famous ...
While there were not too many country music releases on my intiial review list, there were some quite interesting new ...
I have to admit that I had been very nervous before that concert. The LANXESS arena, Germany's largest multiplex arena ...
Top Pick! Travel in Germany
Here are all travel experiences in Germany, which received my Top Pick! award:
Apart from the very inner city center, Stuttgart is a rather hilly German city. On one of their higher elevation, ...
I typically prefer Hilton Hotels and my second-most flown airport so far is Frankfurt Airport (FRA). Thus, it feels quite ...
Being on some sort of Lufthansa farewell tour after I decided not to prolong my Senator status gave me an ...
Attending a conference in the city, I had one night at the IntercityHotel Mannheim. My typical choice, the Hilton Garden ...
As I didn't feel like taking the night ICE train after my August 2024 trip to Dresden from Berlin to ...
I really enjoy riding the Railjet. The type of trains is majorly the backbone of the Austrian high-speed rail network ...
Watching a musical show with a performer I know brought me to Bielefeld in September 2024. Due to my Accor ...
Wolfsburg might not be the first place which comes to your mind when you think about German touristic hotspots.. However, ...
Having a nice walk in the (somewhat) nature and meeting some animals out there - the weather was just too ...
In order to cover the German Athletics Nationals 2024, I needed to have a three night stay in Braunschweig. I ...
I have stayed at the Mercure Hotel Düsseldorf Ratingen a couple of times before my night in June 2024. However, ...
Germany is famous for its car manufacturers. With Porsche and Mercedes, Stuttgart is likely one of the key cities car ...
The history of Berlin nowadays is also a story of two airports which have been closed down in the meantime ...
Meeting with friends in Troisdorf between Bonn and Cologne in the evening and relaxing at the Wellnest private spa Bonn ...
12th March 2024 brought me to Bochum in the German Ruhrgebiet. The city hosted my very first Rock of Ages ...
As I knew it would be rather late after I visited the TSV Erlensee Floorball Bundesliga home matches vs. Dümptener ...
When I introduced you to the Audi & Siku Museum Höing about three years ago, you already saw that the ...
My trip to the handball matches at the EHF Euro 2024 preliminary round matches in Berlin did not feel being ...
Wernigerode being located right North of the Harz mountains might not be the most obvious location for an aviation museum ...
As you know, I am very interested in iconic public transport systems. Thus, I had to visit the Schwebebahn, the suspension ...
Typically when I fly from the B Gates at Frankfurt Airport (FRA), I love opting for the Air Canada Maple ...
Before I have just been close to the NH Collection Hamburg City, I knew that this hotel will give me ...
There are so many art museums and technical museums out there. However, do we really care sufficiently about the items ...
Just as it felt convenient to stay somewhere closer to the office where I work, I had a night at ...
Golf? In Germany, the sport is rather regarded to be elite entertainment, a free time activity for the rich. Our ...
I love small regional air service like the Essential Air Service in the USA or flights to small and rather ...
Looking for a hotel to cover the Seepark Biker Days 2023 in Pfullendorf did not give me too many options ...
As part of my overnights bridging the night between two mandatory days at the office in Cologne, my last stay ...
Just a week after I stayed at the Mercure Cologne City Friesenstrasse, I tried out another hotel of the Accor ...
Being on a five-day seminar in Lünen North of Dortmund lead to a comparably long stay at the Hampton by ...
Due to its harbor, Hamburg is a very important place for trading goods of all kinds. Not too surprisingly, there ...
NH Hotels are rolling out a new brand of hotels in Europe: nhow (pronounced as "now") is a group of ...
The name of the German city of Wuppertal in the Bergische Land region near Cologne is indeed a perfect fit ...
Sad and touching moments just need to have a good hotel stay for your soul. For the very last leg ...
The former concentration camp site at Bergen-Belsen might not be as prominent as Dachau, but it is nonetheless one of ...
Even though Accor is likely the second-most frequented hotel group in my bookings, a night in Bremen in April 2023 ...
Visiting Dortmund, my wife and I also headed to the Naturmuseum (Nature Museum) in the city of the German Ruhrgebiet. After the ...
In January 2023, I took a rail trip hitting all 16 German states in one day. Apart from that geographic ...
For a night after a photo trip to the Harz mountains in January 2023, I had a one night stay ...
Attending a frequent traveler meeting nearby, I had the opportunity to visit the Hampton by Hilton Frankfurt Airport towards the ...
In order to explore Hamburg and upgrade my contents about the Northern German city, I had a two night stay ...
Back to my former home, the Harz mountains: watching two matches of the Red Devils Wernigerode, visiting my student residence ...
After my - a bit of weird - trip of passing all 16 German states and eleven largest cities of ...
What a day - on 14th January 2023, I traveled through all 16 German states in a 24 hour train ...
For a trip to Pinneberg just outside Hamburg, I needed a stay close to one of Hamburg's regional train stations ...
The Wasserturm in my home town Cologne is indeed one of the most iconic hotels of the city. Literally, the ...
Dud you ever feel like learning more about the current operations and future plans of Germany's largest airport? Frankfurt Airport ...
The Pergamonmuseum is one of the key touristic places in Berlin. The museum features over 250,000 objects of German-lead excavations ...
Especially when I visit large places for, which give me a lot of memories - and pictures - I ...
The Reeperbahn area in Hamburg's borough St. Pauli has undergone quite a significant transformation. Some decades ago, the red light and ...
There are two major soccer clubs in Hamburg - and they are so different. If you look at their national ...
Unexpected encounter in October 2022: right when I was about to have my first Eurowings Discover intercontinental flight to Tampa ...
I had a couple of private spa experiences with my wife already, like the MyWellness in Cologne or the Pure ...
Lüdenscheid in the Sauerland region of Germany, Southeast of Dortmund, might not be on the top of the list when ...
Saving my Melia frequent traveler points and doing some research for were two really good reasons to try out ...
My review category Hotels & Accommodation in fact only features hotels so far. Thus, the review of Holiday Home Wonderland is some sort ...
The museum at the Schwelmer Straße 41 is not exactly at birthplace of Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen - but it is just a ...
The area around Trier is holding a bunch of records for the oldest buildings and structures in Germany. The rationale ...
Okay, I have to give in from the very beginning: I love my home town Cologne - and this my ...
A museum about pigs? Indeed, that's something you can do when you are in Stuttgart. Interestingly, the former slaughterhouse is ...
The Deutsches Museum (literally: "German Museum") is an amazing technical and scientific museum in the heart of Munich. While I just did ...
Even though Mannheim is not too much of a touristic highlight in Germany, it is a very important rail traffic ...
During a trip to the German North Sea shore in later 2021, we also visited the Automobil- & Spielzeugmuseum Nordsee. The ...
The reason why I traveled to Hamburg in March was a German show of my favorite musical Rock of Ages in nearby ...
After the end of World War II, the blocking of access to West Berlin by the Soviet Union (the so-called Berlin ...
I already introduced you to the Visiodrom in Wuppertal, for which a former gasometer has turned into an audiovisual exhibition ...
Germany between World War II. - this is roughly the mission of the House of the History of the Federal ...
As I have been in Berlin but could not and did not really want to do a full coverage of ...
Apart from regional local soccer dominator Borussia and the coal production history, Dortmund is quite well famous for a very ...
One of the architectural witnesses of the industrial heritage of the Rhein-Ruhr Region in Germany are definitely the gasometers. These ...
The region of Stuttgart is one of the key car manufacturing areas of Germany. Thus, it has been not too ...
In January 2022, I had a rail trip to Munich. As I arrived rather late, the Hampton by Hilton Munich ...
Doing Christmas shopping with a hotel room around? Right next to Germany's largest shopping mall, the Westfield Centro in Oberhausen, ...
I have been a bit of puzzled when I arrived in Munich in late January 2022, learning that the Stammstrecke, the ...
Even though it is a some 50 kilometer drive from Cologne to Gummersbach, the VfL Gummersbach is not only the ...
Due to its rather hilly geography, the German city of Stuttgart has some quite iconic public transport systems. During a ...
The Lokwelt Freilassing is one of the most famous train museums in Germany. During a trip through Bavaria, I had ...
Hauptstadt der Spione - "Capital of the Spies". This is a book, which you can buy at the souvenir store of ...
The Tränenpalast ("Palace of Tears") in Berlin is the former border crossing point between East and West Berlin. It is located at ...
Oberhausen might not be regarded to be one of the most beautiful cities of the German Ruhrgebiet region - but ...
Due to rail strikes, I had to re-plan my whole trip to Frankfurt Airport before heading to Canada. I finally ...
In July 2021, I wanted to explore some of the rather centrally located attractions of Berlin. Due to its good ...
From outside, the Auto & Traktor Museum Bodensee ("Car and Tractor Museum") at Lake Constance looks like a traditional old farm ...
Doing a cruise on Berlin's key river Spree is one of the classic touristic options when you visit the German ...
Apart from several stays around the terminals, Frankfurt Airport nowadays features four airport hotels with direct walk-in connection to Terminal ...
If you think about oil producing countries, you may think about the USA or the United Arab Emirates. In fact, ...
Not only because auf an early 1990's video game, I am deeply interested in the Hansa and its history. Thus, ...
I remember having a flight from Lübeck / Lubeck Airport (LBC) in the very early 2000's. At this time, I ...
At the end of an interesting trip in June 2021, I stayed at the Mercure Hotel Hannover (Hanover) City. I ...
It is almost needless to say that Adolf Hitler was obsessed with megalomanic ideas. Apart from ruling the world and ...
For years, if I would have wanted to deeply bash the Deutsche Bahn (German Rails), there would have been a simple way ...
Especially after all the Covid-19 restrictions, my wife and I were really looking forward to two relaxing hours in a ...
Have you ever heard of Surströmming, Hakarl or Spam? Do you mind eating eyes or drinking cow blood? All these ...
If you know the name Carlo Pedersoli by heart, then you are likely ready to head to Berlin since 27th ...
A Panoptikum is a place for everything you can see, if you translate it roughly. The Hamburg Panoptikum in St ...
For a trip to Lower Saxony in early June 2021, I needed a stay in Hanover / Hannover close to ...
Helgoland (in English also called Heligoland) is very often referred to as Germany's only deep-sea island. Even though this nice ...
There is always (mostly?) a second chance at After I haven't been too pleased with my first ever IntercityHotel ...
As the reviews of the park were pretty good, my wife and I headed to a deer park / wildlife ...
Professional stargazing: The European Southern Observatory, short ESO is a collaboration of multiple European countries to gather astronomic forces on the ...
Fortunate unexpected upgrade: I originally planned to go from Paderborn/Lippstadt (PAD) to Westerland/Sylt (GWT) to check out a new German ...
Even though the Netherlands capitulated against Germany just after a few days under attack during World War II, they have ...
Nuremberg (or Nürnberg, how it is named in German) has some sort of tough political-historic heritage. Several sites still remember ...
In April 2021, I finally had my first flight connections to/from the new Berlin airport, BER - Berlin / Brandenburg ...
Despite the limited travel situation in Germany due to Covid-19, there are some quite interesting virtual airline projects in Germany ...
Two Olympic Gold Medals and multiple other medals and World Cup victories (with a special focus on Super-G) - undoubtedly, ...
Undoubtedly, Munich Olympic Tower is one of the iconic buildings of the Bavarian city. Even though the tower is located ...
Gronau in the Münsterland region in Western Germany calls itself the "Music City". The some 50,000 inhabitant town is definitely not the ...
The Weiße Rose / "White Rose" was a resistance group during the German Nazi regime. Mainly consisting of university students, she ...
The Berchtesgadener Land is not only nowadays well-known as a popular tourist destination, there is also a dark part of ...
A museum with 90 vintage cars and so-called Yountimers might not feel to thrilling. If you add that about half of ...
The marketing flyer of the Museum Prototyp in Hamburg is really self-confident. The name of the car history museum is not ...
The Munich Toy Museum is one of these typical hidden gems you find in many cities. Right in the city ...
While I have a couple of "PCR professionals" in my circle of contacts, it took me until December 2020 until ...
I haven't been to too many hotels which are featured in own wikipedia articles in my life. One stay, at ...
Due to the early departure of an ECE 451 ride from Frankfurt to Milan in September 2020, I looked for ...
Cologne Cathedral is the key attraction of my home town Cologne, of course (it is even one of Germany's very ...
There is no better start of the day for Munich people than a Weißwurst breakfast with a prezel and a beer. The Weißwurst, ...
Before Germany went to a lock-down of touristic travel in November 2020, I had a short trip to Munich. For ...
For a stay in September 2020, I tested the Hilton Garden Inn Munich City West for two nights, Friday to ...
Frankfurt is the banking capital in Germany and one of the key financial centers of all Europe.Thus, it may not ...
Similar to the Europarad Ferris Wheel in Cologne, Munich is hosting a giant mobile ferris wheel, which is offering its ...
After we visited a couple of hotels in Bonn, we finally wanted to check out the only five star one ...
Especially in the recent past, I read a couple of ridiculous comparisons between certain people and political groups (which I ...
The Königssee (literally: "King's Lake") is a beautiful lake in Southeastern Bavaria, not too far away from the Austrian border ...
The Rheinturm - or Rhine Tower - is definitely one of Dusseldorf's most iconic viewpoints. During a recent stay at the ...
What is Germany's most popular tourist attractions? According to many popular rankings including TripAdvisor, it is neither the Brandenburg Gate ...
Aviation fans likely first think about the zeppelins when it comes to Friedrichshafen, Germany. However, the city is also home ...
The "Flower Island" Mainau is one of the key attractions of the whole Bodensee / Lake Constance region. No doubt that ...
For my June 2020 stay in the Salzburger Land / Berchtesgadener Land area, I decided to go for two nights ...
Whenever you happened to watch Bobsleigh races in TV, did you also often think about how it is like to ...
During my Covid-19 day trip to Berlin, I spent some time in the Berlin Zoo. Berlin is quite famous for ...
Air ship and zeppelin flights / flight history is a quite popular part of a visit at Lake Constance. In ...
A Calculation Museum? Sounds like a place for die-hard nerds - but the Arithmeum in Bonn is really a popular ...
If you fly a non-Schengen flight from Terminal 1 (the non-Lufthansa one) at Munich Airport and depart from the B ...
After I had some stays at Hilton Munich Airport in the past, I was happy to be back in this ...
As an overnight stay after the Mrs Greenbird concert in Frankfurt, I decided to opt for a hotel chain, which ...
You may know Mönchengladbach (or: Moenchengladbach) for soccer, likely. However, the city hosts one of the most remarkable Star Wars ...
Though it just processes about a half of the number of passengers of Munich Airport and even just a third ...
Like you already saw in my review of the Emirates Aviation Experience, including the A380 simulator, I have a certain ...
The next cities around are Trier, Sankt Wendel or Idar-Oberstein - the small city of Hermeskeil could be seen as ...
After I mentioned the Air Canada Lounge at Frankfurt Airport already in my love letter posting to LATAM flight 705, ...
Flying back from the Write Like A Girl event in London, I had the opportunity to fly Sun-Air of Scandinavia for ...
My trip to Singapore and Malaysia was my debut First Class experience (apart from Domestic First in the USA). I ...
For customers flying on Lufthansa's top notch First Class product (and HON Circle Members), the German airline offers a very ...
Wuppertal in the Bergisches Land region Northeast of Cologne hosts a very special attraction for train and rail enthusiasts: the ...
The Lufthansa Lounges for Senators and Business Class customers are tending to be too crowded, especially in peak times. Thus, ...
Due to a career event of my wife, we had to travel to the trade fair area of Hanover in ...
Lindlar, a minor Eastern suburb of Cologne, hosts one of two open-air museums driven by the regional Rhineland authority LVR ...
Bergisch Gladbach, a 110,000 inhabitant city East of Cologne, is a traditional location for the production of paper. While nowadays, ...
After I visited the Sinsheim sister museum in February, I have been very curious about visiting the Speyer Technology Museum ...
The route between Cologne and Rostock is a quite traditional connection from Rhineland to the Baltic Sea - which has ...
Located North of Cologne, the "Wildpark Tannenbusch" offers a nice way to spent your free time with your family, enjoying ...
As I for example stated in my review on Louvre Abu Dhabi, I am quite much interested in ancient cultures ...
If you collect and something, you likely also have one or more several favourite pieces in your collection. What do ...
Located quite prominently right at the motorway A6 at Sinsheim (home of the TSG Hoffenheim soccer club), the Technik Museum ...