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Lo Moon – I Wish You Way More Than Luck

Lo Moon - I Wish You More Than Luck




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Nice atmosphere
  • Good melodies

Flyctory.com Cons

  • Songs too similar
  • Too frequent too lengthy intros and plots

After I already shared the album Modern Life with you in 2022, 5rh April 2024 features a new release by the US-American rock band Lo Moon. Their third studio album overall is named I Wish You Way More Than Luck. Let’s see how lucky I felt to listen to their songs.


Lo Moon – About The Artists

Lo Moon has been founded in Los Angeles in 2016. The rock band is lead by singer Matt Lowell. The other band members are bassists and keyboard player Crisanta Baker, guitarist Sam Steward and dummer Sterling Laws. In 2018, the band released their self-titled debut album, which peaked fourth in the US Heat charts. The key factors for that were two single releases, Loveless and This is It. Some four years later, the band presented their sophomore release, A Modern Life.


Lo Moon – I Wish You Way More Than Luck – Track by Track

The ten track album lasts 41 minutes.

1. Borrowed Hills

Borrowed Hills is truly a slow starter into I Wish You More Than Luck. The 5:38 minute opener kicks off with a long introduction part and then turns into a mixture of progressive rock and dream pop. There is a touch of A-Ha in these songs.

2. Waiting A Lifetime

Waiting A Lifetime is not a hot starter as well. However, the intro part of the song lasts just some 25 seconds, before the song becomes a rather rhythmic pop-rock song. Lo Moon have recorded a very melodic and atmopsheric track in here. The female backing vocals by Crisanta Baker add a nice touch to the chorus.

3. Connecticut

The third song is another single release. The plot reminds of the songs before. The US-Americans define a slowly increasing crescendo, which may be a bit of distracting in the beginning, but more and more also creates a magical atmosphere.

4. When The Kids Are Gone

So far, I Wish You Way More Than Luck is a typical “love it or hate it” thing. When The Kids are gone does not manage to define an own character. Bad luck, as the song does have a nice touch. However, many listeners might not be patient enough to give this 5:33 minute track the chance to create its full energy.

5. Water

With 3:02 minutes only, the fifth song Water is rather short. The song is much more present than its predecessors from the very beginning. This is definitely a nice thing. The song also contains the phrase I Wish You Way More Than Luck, the title of the album. Not only due to that contents, the song feels more present and energetic than other songs in here.

6. Day Old News

We are living in a fast world nowadays. Again, Lo Moon are going for a slow lead into Day Old News. After some twenty almost quiet song, the track does develop a nice theme, which has a touch of folk music. Will people allow this time on Spotify and Apple Music in 2024? The skip button might be pressed too early, the song as such is not a bad one.

7. Mary In The Woods

I am more and more tempted to start listening to the I Wish You Way More Than Luck just after the first minute. In regards of Mary In The Woods, this would unfortunately not change the character of the song too much. Its key message is hidden in the last two minutes.

8. Evidence

The last song on the album, which has been featured as a single release already, is Evidence. Its duration of 6:37 minutes turns it to the longest song of the album. The song has a nice plot and a big touch of melancholy. To me, it turns out being one of the best songs of this release.

9. The Chapel

After this epic listen, the 71 second track The Chapel is more or less an interlude to the final track. It does not lead a mark, it does not even try to do so.

10. Honest

The chucker-out (which is rather a gentle bid to put the album on repeat is the most intimate and emotional listen. There is a strong focus on lead singer Matt Lowell, who rather feels like a narrator in here.


Lo Moon – I Wish You Way More Than Luck – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify:


Lo Moon – I Wish You Way More Than Luck – My View

When I scanned the songs of I Wish You Way More Than Luck, I ran into beautiful melodies. Indeed, they are there. But the message of the songs just takes too long to develop. Fans will praise Lo Moon for that. I just cannot deal with it too well.

Favorite Song: Water


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