Just this weekend, I introduced you to Fear & Dagger, the second album by the Swiss beatdown band Paleface. Even though I am not that much into extreme metal genres, I really loved the album. The more I feel gifted to introduce you a bit more to the band. One of the founding members, Colin Hammond named CJ and I had a chat for the latest episode of my Spotlight interviews. Hope you enjoy to read how he and Zelli (Marc Zellweger) grew the band alongside the two other band members, Tommy-Lee Abt and Yannick Lehmann.
Paleface – Fear & Dagger
Flyctory.com meets CJ of Paleface
FLYC: Thanks for being part of my interview series. Paleface is a relatively new band. You have been founded in 2017 in Zurich. Could you describe how you decided to go that project?
CJ (Paleface): Hey guys! First of all, thanks a lot for having me! My name is CJ and I play drums for PALEFACE. So yeah, basically it’s a long story. But long story short I met Zelli (our vocalist) through a mutual friend. The three of us used to go to lots of shows together and at one specific concert Zelli and I expressed our love for hardcore and beatdown. So, we shook hands and promised to create the heaviest band ever together. How Zelli and Yannick (our guitar player) met each other is another long story but essentially, they met through mutual friends as well. Tommy, our bass player, literally messaged us on Facebook if we were looking for a bass player. The rest is history.
FLYC: I can imagine that at the beginning of a band project, you have to find a “common style”, agree on “band rules” and the way Paleface shall sound. How did you define Paleface and its music?
CJ (Paleface): When Zelli and I shook hands, we had a vision for this band. We both knew when, where and what would happen for this band. We were both so encapsuled in our art and vision we didn’t even think about a real style or rules. However, when we all met for the first time in a room to write music, we agreed to write the most truthful diabolical stuff possible. We all recognized our love for music and for the songs we are about to make. They weren’t really any rules per se. We let our minds run free and translate what we thought into melodies and riffs. Ultimately, the vision and mission was born through Zelli and I, yet the music was born from the passion, hatred and tears everyone in the band has experienced.

FLYC: Has there been a special moment, when you recognized the first time that your band will become a real success?
CJ (Paleface): We all recognize the unbelievable response we get from our fans everyday. We are truly blessed to have such incredible fans. None of us ever thought we would get the response we have gotten. If I had to chose one special moment, I would say a rather recent one. Last year we played a show in our country Switzerland and at the end of the show the crowd screamed for an encore. I think that was the first time all of us were like “holy shit, look what is happening”.
FLYC: You are doing beatdown metal. How did you describe to your parents, grandparents or anybody not related to metal what this music is about?
I think it’s the same problem all of us have when we explain any sub genre of metal to anyone outside of this realm. There really isn’t really a good explanation for it nor is there the time to explain the entire history of metal to our parents, whether that be thrash metal, death metal, beatdown etc. So, I think what we have always said to anybody is that we play the darkest and heaviest metal music possible while at the same time saying what we truly think and feel.
FLYC: When you ask artists of other genres how they write their songs, a lot is based on personal experience. You wrote tracks like Selfish Cunts or Human Hunter, which is likely not part of your everyday life. How do you get to the stories and sounds?
CJ (Paleface): In essence, Zelli and I planned all of our EP’s and albums already from the very beginning in 2017. Even our newest record (Fear & Dagger) was already fully envisioned in 2017. All of our albums are part of the same story that was born with our first EP. However, for our new album we knew we would go another route. A deeper, darker, more sinister route than ever before by using analogies to talk about mental health whilst still sticking to our original story. We have always gotten our influences from personal experiences in life, from observations of our own self-reflection and from our subliminal thoughts. We dig deep within ourselves to create the sound that we want and it seems we go deeper with every new album.
FLYC: Your very first demo single has been Servant Filth. What has the song been about?
CJ (Paleface): The song is about our honest confused vision of religion, while at the same time encapsulating it in the story we created. All of us never understood the false claims or the draconian mentality religion enforces upon someone. We are all our own god. There is no need for any fairy tales. That’s what the song is about.
FLYC: Your career developed rapidly. The year after you started Paleface, you already released Chapter 1: From the Gallows, your debut EP. With that EP, you also had your first stage appearance. How has your very first gig been?
CJ (Paleface): It was amazing. A lot more people showed up than we initially thought would. It was absolutely violent. From bloody noses to stone cold knock outs, we experienced everything at that show. It was an experience none of us in the band will ever forget.
FLYC: With the second EP Chapter 2: Witch King latest, you also gained reputation beyond the Swiss borderline. What has been your favorite venue you played in?
CJ (Paleface): I think our favorite venue/show we have ever played was Fajtfest in the Czech Republic in 2021. It was our biggest show to date with thousands of people. It was also our first outdoor show so that was also special. The show and atmosphere were just amazing there. We also had an amazing show in 2019 in Manchester UK, which I think is also very close to being our favorite to date.
FLYC: The third chapter of the Paleface stories has been The Last Selection, your debut album. Initially, it has been planned as a third EP. But then came Covid-19. How difficult has it been to do that upgrade?
CJ (Paleface): The most difficult part was that none of us were expecting to write an album and were therefore kind of lost. Plus, none of us has ever written an entire album so we knew there was lots of work up ahead. However, we all had the time to write due to the lock-downs. I actually think the lock-downs helped us dig even deeper within ourselves. The result was the most brutal album ever. However, our new album Fear & Dagger will absolutely blow Chapter 3 out of the water. It is the definition of evil.
FLYC: Is there a track you especially like or would like to point out from the debut album?
CJ (Paleface): I can’t speak for everyone in the band but for me personally I am always truly amazed by Zelli’s talent on the mic. The song Go To Sleep from our previous album was a slap in the face for anyone that heard it. If you like crazy fast vocals that one is for you. For our new album Fear & Dagger I can’t even decide. Literally every single song is special to us.
FLYC: One thing I recognized is that you have a lot of collaborations with other bands. This leads to a lot of variety, especially in your new album. Is there any collaboration you especially liked?
CJ (Paleface): All of our collaborations on our new album are insane. Moreover, what is more insane is that all of us have been big fans of all of the artists featuring on our new album for years now. I don’t think there is just a single collaboration that we especially liked. They are all absolutely crazy and brutal in their own way. However, there is one feature on the album that was especially creative. You will know it once you hear it.
FLYC: One of the bands you work with on the new album Fear & Dagger is Justice For The Damned, who are from Australia. How do these collaborations work, especially under the limitations by Covid-19?
CJ (Paleface): These collaborations actually happen a lot more naturally than many might think. We just wrote them through various social channels that we are huge fans of their work and would like to ask if they would feature on a new song of ours. They replied that they are super down and love our music so the rest is history. We are always so in awe of any artist that we have been looking up to that wants to feature on one of our songs. That was also the case for Justice For The Damned. That band is absolutely amazing.
FLYC: Is there any overall story behind Fear & Dagger?
CJ (Paleface): For Fear & Dagger, as mentioned before, we took a different approach. It is basically a spin-off of our original EP and album trilogy story. We took a darker path on this new album than ever before by infusing personal experiences and mental health issues to all levels of the music. You can hear the pain and suffering in the vocals, the guitar, the bass and the drums. The album story revolves around the darker side of mental health and its devilish nature.
FLYC: So far, Paleface had some two million streams. How much does that mean to you? Is it rather making you proud or also leading to pressure, e.g. because it is setting certain expectations for Fear & Dagger?
CJ (Paleface): We absolutely never thought we would see anything close to that number. We are stunned everyday when we see those numbers. It just reinforces our belief and vision for this band even more and it proves there are others out there who feel the same way we do. We knew we must usurp our previous record, yet none of us had any pressure. We were all confident in our ability to pour our heart and soul into this record and the result was something so unbelievably dark.

FLYC: What are your plans for 2022? Any tours or festivals planned?
CJ (Paleface): We have a few one-off shows planned soon including our album release show. We were planned to go on first ever tour in April but it unfortunately got cancelled due to Covid uncertainty. So we are now currently trying to book as much dates as possible all over Europe to make up for the cancellation. However, we do have something very special planned towards the end of the year that will be absolutely mind blowing for many. So, keep an eye out for that.
FLYC: Last, but not least: Being on the road and touring leads to a lot of funny stories. What has been the weirdest incident you had as a band so far?
CJ (Paleface): Oh man you have no idea how much we have laughed being on the road together. I think one of the funniest stories was the time I tried to do a handstand in the back of our van naked while driving down the highway. Zelli was driving and intentionally went on the brakes. I flew towards the front of the car and my naked ass was all over the center console of the car. The cars next to us could not believe what they were seeing. I think all of us in the band never laughed that hard before.
Follow Paleface Online

Title picture / band pictures: Lucca Schmerler
Flyctory.com on Hard Rock and Metal
Here are all postings about Hard Rock and Metal:
A Pathway To The Moon is the already the seventh album of the Canadian metal project Unrequited. Unfortunately, I did ...
It's about five years since the German band Larrikins have released their most recent album. The fifth studio album overall, ...
I am on a trip through several European countries this weekend. Nonetheless, of course, it is time to have a ...
Car lovers might know Trollhättan as the home place of the Saab Car Museum. However, the city some 75km North ...
I'm in Finland this week, featuring two floorball match. However, the Nordic country is not represented in my Songs of the ...
On their Bandcamp site, CKRAFT are describing themselves as craftsmen of an elaborate and powerful sound. The French band is ...
After I featured the museum at KISS World in Las Vegas already, it is time to also take you to ...
My Flyctory.com album review year 2025 starts with deathcore from Switzerland. The band Paleface Swiss releases their third studio album Cursed ...
Time to look back to the Flyctory.com year of music, part 2. In my 30th December 2024 posting, I am ...
There are not too many bands who dare to release albums a few days before Christmas. The more I was ...
My list of new song releases is really short this week again. There were not that few new releases, but ...
Happy Thanksgiving (especially to my North American followers)! While the North American music market is currently rather concentrating on Black ...
Iceland is among my favorite travel spots in the world. I am also very fascinated by the Icelandic music scene ...
Ladies and gentlemen (and all the others of course as well), we got it: here is my first Songs of the ...
Let's close the weekend with some goth metal. On 1st November 2024, the US-American project Neon Nightmare released their debut ...
Halloween in North America and a public holiday in the rather catholic parts of Europe - the music industry has ...
Zealot is the debut album of the band Dead Icarus. However, some band members have quite a history in the metal ...
52 year old Devin Townsend is in the metal music business since the late 1980's. Between 1994 and 2007, he ...
Time for some thrash metal on Flyctory.com again: on 25th October 2024, Enforced has released their new EP A Leap ...
Shining i already the ninth studio album by the Finnish band Swallow The Sun. The Scandinavians have a fixed spot in ...
I am writing this post from Abu Dhabi Airport (AUH), I will likely publish it from Doha (DOH). A cool ...
Despite Cemetery Skyline is a brand-new international band, they already have made some 10k followers on platforms like Facebook or ...
Finally, I made it - after featuring so many concerts of different genres, I headed to Essen in the German ...
On their Bandcamp account, the band Psychlona describes their music as heavy psychedelic sounds with a stoner/desert rock flavour. Their ...
I am covering quite a wide range of music genres on the weekend of 27th September 2024. This review is ...
I rarely run into music from South Africa. Even though Seether is nowadays based in the United States, I was ...
My Songs of the Week fascinate me not too rarely by myself. I collect potential candidates for the playlist and release ...
For my album reviews as of 20th September 2024, I ran into a couple of really interesting rock and hard ...
Damn, I miss the Faroe Islands. I had a lovely weekend there last week. In the meantime, the weather and ...
Medieval music, metal style - the German band In Extremo is really successful with this rather rare blending of genres ...
Quite a short list this time - as a couple of releases I got simply did not meet my criteria ...
In my Wednesday's album posts, I typically preview albums which are about to released the following Friday. However, this time ...
After I had a country and country rock block the weekend before, it is time to add some harder tunes ...
This edition of my Songs of the Week feels like a ballad edition. There are a lot of gentle and emotional song ...
One of the bands I feature in my 9th August 2024 album reviews is Siamese. Their Elements is already the seventh ...
After seven years, the band Dream Evil is back with a new album. On 26th July 2024, they released Metal ...
My bags and cameras are packed, I am ready to head to Newport for the Infosys Tennis Hall of Fame ...
The US-American rock band The Mercury Riots has released their debut album In Solstice on 21st June 2024. I had the ...
Doing hard rock with a saxophone? Human Zoo simply do it! On 14th June 2024, some eight years after their ...
Atlantis Drive is a brand new hard rock band. The roots are from Germany, but the band features international band ...
On a promotion platform, I ran into the album Exit To Insight by the German band Deafcon5. The album is already ...
I recently completed the 100th show of the musical Rock of Ages, while traveling to Munich for that reason. The musical ...
After their first steps did not really work out, the hard rock band Nestor boosted their career in very recent ...
This week, I am in Munich, watching a couple of Rock of Ages shows. The week is more busy and demanding ...
The history of the band Universe III is indeed a bit of bumpy. However, the band, which is originally from ...
There is a lot of traveling around during the next weeks. Unfortunately, I could not cover some concerts, which I ...
I feel this is the first album review I ever did from a band in China. Ou (spoken as "O") ...
If you read the band name Folterkammer, which is German and translates to "Torture Chamber", you rather think that this ...
The Swedish band Leach has released their fourth album overall on 19th April 2024. On that date, the melodic death ...
Necrot is a metal band from the San Francisco Bay region. On 12th April 2024, the US-American trio is releasing ...
Gun is doing the harder rock tunes since the 1990's. Hombres is the ninth studio album by the band. They shared ...
After I shared my Bochum Rock of Ages thoughts with you already, I am just about to have eight show streak ...
Mastiff are doing a mixture of doom metal, sludge metal and metalcore. Last year, the band celebrated their tenth band ...
There is a lot of stuff to see and experience in Las Vegas. The temple for hard rock fans in ...
Karma by the Tunisian metal band Myrath is definitely one of these releases I looked forward to so much. I had ...
On 8th March 2024, the death metal band Skeletal Remains are releasing a new album. After the US-American band has ...
In June 2021, I shared the album Guns Against Liberty. The band behind that album is the Hamburg-based melodic hardcore act ...
I love the Finnish monster hard rockers Lordi. Thus, I just had an immediate crush when I ran into the ...
February 2024 is quite an intense month for me. Even though the trips I have planned and done are comparably ...
Coming back from the United Arab Emirates and about to head to Malaysia soon - thus, some really interesting experiences ...
A Symphony Orchestra Composers from the World of Metal A Wild Conductor A truly unique Solist Attitude and Talent This ...
Almost four years after their last album, the Australian band Caligula's Horse is back. On 26th January 2024, they share ...
In the relations of my home town Cologne, we are celebrating a big Songs of the Week anniversary with this edition. My ...
This week, I published how I feel to concentrate on one Country Music Playlist - at least until I found ...
I rarely feature music from France on Flyctory.com. On this week, featuring the 19th January 2024 releases, there is one ...
This week, I am dealing with quite a lot of music postings during the week. There are two reasons for ...
If you don't find a title for your EP, you're in trouble... Just take the genre and make the letters ...
After Christmas break, there is quite a bunch of interesting music on the weekend as of 12th January 2024. One ...
Yeah, I am still more of an album person. I feel that a long-play is still able to tell stories ...
It's time to look back to . After I shared my new format My Year in Travel with you the first time, ...
The Christmas countdown is steadily running to zero - which more and more means that new releases get sparse. I ...
A vacation album? The title Urlaub in der Bredouille sounds like a road trip album to some French region... But ...
Unfortunately, I could not complete the Country Christmas Playlist this year due to technical issues. However, since the days become ...
I am a bit of angry as the tool I loved to use to scan for new country releases does ...
After my previous Songs of the Week editions were rather pop-alike, I was rather surprised that my release radar this time is ...
You might not know Bjorko (or: Bjørkø, how it is spelled correctly) - but if you are a metal fan, ...
Unfortunately, I so far did not take you to Estonia in the travel section of my blog so far. The ...
It is quite a range of music represented on Flyctory.com - which is also illustrated by two of the key ...
Wacken could be just a normal village on the countryside of the German state of Schleswig-Hostein. However, when you mention the ...
After their debut album Hollow Throne has already been successful, the German melodic post hardcore band Maelfoy is releasing their sophomore album ...
Oh, Christmas is approaching quickly now. A huge number of songs I scanned for my Songs of the Week this time ...
I rather frequently receive promos from Scandinavian artists. Unfortunately, my capacity is often too limited to process all of them ...
In 2017, the band Cabrakaän had their first ever gig in Canada, at the Metalocalypstick Fest in Lone Butte, British ...
On their website and social media, the band Dogma states Who are we? A religion? A band? A sect? A ...
I had a short trip to Hamburg this weekend, watching my last Nacht der Gitarren show (see my Reutlingen show report) ...
I had a quite intensive week, exploring several interesting rail trips as well as being back in Pittsburgh and in ...
American Gothic is already the fifth studio album by the US-American band Wayfarer. I had the opportunity to listen to their ...
40 years of Doro Pesch on stage - I really feel a bit of bad that I am not in ...
I think it's time for a thrash metal release as of 20th October 2023. The "Homeless Angels" - that's at ...
I spent almost the entire week at work in Dublin at one of our offices. Quite an intense time, which ...
With the mid-September 2023 single release The Better Me featuring country rocker HARDY, I felt that The Surface by Beartooth could definitely ...
Maybe, due to the national holiday in Germany, the list of new songs was rather short on the platform I ...
Unfortunately, I had to kick out quite a lot of songs from my list, which I really liked. They just ...
The domestic newspaper Dagbladet named the Norwegian band Atena a semi-exitic act in the Norwegian metal flora. Honestly, when I received ...
The story of the hard rock project Rising Wings is indeed a rather unique one: the band was already active ...
Monster Mind Consuming in 2021, Kreatura in 2022 - and now War of the Heathens. The 2023 album release is already the third one ...
The Songs Of The Week is one of my favorite categories of posts on my blog. Even I don't know how the ...
The Ontario hard rock band Danko Jones is almost looking back to three decades of stage appearance already. With Electric Sounds, ...
September 2023 will be a quite busy monh. If I finally receive all press passes I envisage to get, there ...
Definitely, the band Marduk are an established act in the Swedish and international music scene. One obvious proof for that ...
I have quite intense weeks at work, not too many thrills on the Flyctory.com side. The next weeks will have ...
Including his 1970's band releases, Road is already the 29th studio album by rock legend Alice Cooper. However, this "solo" release is ...
This weekend, I have been traveling through England, doing some musical-chasing. As mixed as the stuff I have been doing ...
Actually, we never stopped playing are the first words to the press notes to Back on Track, the comeback album of ...
Very often, a song I feature as a Song Of My Life is also a track which made me listen ...
It's four songs on an EP, but also a teaser towards more material. The metalcore band Atreyu releases The Moment ...
I was a bit confused when I tried to prepare this posting about the Swiss death metal band Uncaved and ...
You might not know the the rock / hard rock project Mammoth WVH yet. However, once you know that WVH ...
I never know what is really happening when I compose a new episode of my Songs of the Week. Until Friday, ...
While I had quite an intense week in regards of scanning country music new releases, the German and international music ...
Learning by reviewing: I have to admit that I haven't been aware of the heavy metal subgenre of sludge metal, ...
Some classic hard rock by a new German band project? I got curious when I ran into Rise Up, the debut ...
It took the duo 1476 six years to release a new album. The US-American project publishes In Exile on 7th July ...
After the great musical warm-up on the first day of the Seepark Biker Days 2023 in Pfullendorf, Saturday was something ...
Traveling out of nowehere: I compiled this set of songs in Swansea in Whales, watching the very last Rock of ...
Time to add some more death metal to the Media Reviews of Flyctory.com: after the May 2021 release A Hill To Die Upon, ...
The metal band Green Labyrinth debuted with their 2014 album Shadow of the Past. Since then, it took them almost nine ...
Chronicles Of The Kid is a typical Flyctory.com album review. I scanned new releases in a promotion platform and stopped by ...
I typically rather focus presenting new and emerging act in my Song of the Week, but this time, the list of ...
Saturnus haven't been active in the record stores for quite a while. The Scandinavian's released their previous album Saturn in Ascension in ...
In 1991, there was a band from Boston who stormed the international charts with a song: More Than Words. Extreme released ...
Ray Alder has been working as a vocalist and percussionist for several bands. In 2019, he released his first solo ...
Some music for the metal-hearted listeners among you: Omnium Gatherum release their new melodic death metal EP on 2nd June ...
I have struggled quite much with health issues this week - which also prevented me to travel to some British Rock ...
Sacred & Profane is the debut album by the two person-driven US band Oryad. I received it quite a while before ...
A public holiday in (parts of) Germany gave me the opportunity to collect some status Tier Points for my British ...
I received the album Maniac by the Munich post-hardcore band Marathonmann way before its release on 19th May 2023. Short message: I ...
Catharsis by pain - that's a quote I read frequently about the Hamburg doom metal bnd Moor. For their debut ...
After the volume of songs in the last two weeks has been rather thin, this week's Songs of the Week comes with ...
War Remains is the third album of the US band Enforced. The press kit promises 32 minutes of aggressive, no frills ...
Just at the end of the week in which I covered the concert of the Wellerman band The Longest Johns, I ran ...
As Everything Unfolds, the second stage: in March 2023, I introduced you to the debut album Within Each Lies the Other ...
Most people associate the abbreviation THC with Tetrahydrocannabinol, a psychoactive Cannabinoid. However, you can have a lot of fun with ...
Rawk by the Swedish band Grand Design is already their sixth album. The rock / hard rock band will release ...
After some rather intense traveling, I am glad that there is just a short trip this week. I concentrated on ...
Not too many releases due to the Easter week. The week was dominated by my Rock of Ages coverage. First of all, ...
In the history of Flyctory.com, I had some quite remarkable reviews of Greek music already. The dark country album Nostrum Remedium by ...
Happy Easter with some death metal (what would be a better vibe for that?)! Right on Good Friday, 7th April ...
Pop, rock, schlager and much more - I feel that this week's Songs of the Week is a really nice mix of ...
Can you guess which music act is the most frequently reviewed one on Flyctory.com? It is of course Lordi, my ...
Four decades of guitar riffs - the hard rockers / metalheads Black Hawk already have quite a long history. The ...
I am always impressed where the Songs of the Week each weekend finally end of. This time, for example, i have been ...
The press kit to their new album Outsider calls Night Demon an "institution". At least the Californian heavy metal band grew a ...
Nice to have some Italian music on Flyctory.com again. I received the album Hasta El Final! by the Bad Bones ...
They recorded songs like Bling Bling Marilyn or Drip Drip Baby - and I simply love them. I ran into John Diva & ...
Sometimes, it is easy to select the leading track of my Songs of the Week: I had two hot candidates, but ...
Suicide Silence are definitely one of the most successful deathcore bands in the world. The quintet of the Californian band ...
After my most recent edition of my Songs of the Week majorly featured German artists and a lot of pop, my song ...
Endlevel are a German band, who mix thrash and death metal elements. On 24th February 2023, they released a new ...
Their last album was simply called Heavy Metal Rules - now Steel Panther is back with a new album. On 24th February ...
Medieval hard rock, Gothic, dance music? Tanzwut is definitely one of these bands in the German music scene, which are ...
Inhale/Exhale is already the third album by the British band Those Damn Crows. As their latest major release has been quite ...
Ireland, the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands, USA, Canada - and of course Germany lay ahead of me for the ...
Some metal from Scandinavia: the Finnish band Dark Sarah releases their fifth album Attack of Orym on 27th January 2023. After ...
Despite Tromso is just having some 40,000 inhabitants, the city is quite well known as a touristic hotspot in Northern ...
Oh wow, I really have to limit myself this week. There is so much good music being released this week ...
Wrong Side of Paradise is actually the second Black Star Riders album I share with you on Flyctory.com In September 2019, ...
Welcome to the first Songs of the Week posting in 2023! Despite the music industry is slowly getting back to business, I ...
While the music market is more and more focusing on singles and even writes weird stories like Taylor Swift's "Top ...
I was quite amazed that there were quite a lot of interesting single releases this week. At least artists from ...
The music of Shaam Larein is somewhere between post punk, doom metal and gothic rock. On 9th December 2022, the ...
Basta by the German band Sündflut is one of these records, which I just had a short listen to and just ...
I've seen so many floorball and ice hockey battles between Finland and Sweden - one of the most classic local ...
"Little Christmas" - as there is Thanksgiving in the United States, the volume of new releases is significantly reduced, just ...
Born from Fire is the sophomore album by the power metal band Induction. I ran into the twelve songs while scanning ...
Just two months until Christmas - but I still refused to have an according song in my Songs of the Week ...
On their website the German band Hostage states. "There is only one rule: Stylistic boundaries do not exist." I received ...
Avantasia is back... again and again and again... What started as a one album... or two album metal opera turned ...
Freddie! Who would have thought that Mr Mercury is part of my Songs Of The Week one day. Not sure if Bryan ...
Pawns & Kings is already the seventh album by the rock band Alter Bridge. Songs like Isolation (2010) paved the band's path to ...
Fans had to wait seven years, until Orianthi released her album O in November 2020. This time, they just had ...
I had an amazing week in Cyprus and am just about to prepare for my second trip to the Weird ...
Five years after their last album, the Italian band Sleeping Romance are back with their third album We All Are Shadows ...
Melodic rock from Munich: Magical Heart are delivering right what you really need after spending a few days at the ...
Warriors is the fourth and latest studio album by the Canadian rock band Monster Truck. They had some rather successful songs ...
The metal guys with the mask... No, I am not talking about my beloved monsters Lordi, but about Slipknot. The ...
The album is called Full Force - what a suitable name for a power metal release. It is the first full and ...
While the last week brought me to Sunderland, Hamburg and Lillehammer in Norway, the song selection of the week comes ...
The US-American death metal band I Am already releases their third album. I received Eternal Steel rather early, well before ...
Power metal from Germany: Blind Guardian are a German band from the Rheinland region. They are active since 1984 and ...
I do not have the opportunity to present music from the Netherlands too often. Sylvia Aimee is one of my ...
I guess it is hard to argue against when somebody calls Megadeth a legendary heavy metal band. The US-American act ...
Okay, I have to admit: when I think about Lugnet, I intiially think about the sports complex in Falun, Sweden, ...
There are so many genres of rock music that I so often just don't feel like a worthy music reviewer ...
The most rocking girls of Sweden are back - Thundermother are releasing their 2022 album Black And Gold on 19th August ...
Rock and harder rock styles have been a bit of under-represented in here the last weeks. The more I am ...
Rather dark rock tunes from Munich: the Band Versus Goliath is releasing their album Liebe & Chaos on 12th August 2022 ...
My 5th August 2022 update of the Songs of the Week this time features 15 songs. Again, there is a wide ...
I unfortunately don't feature music from Croatia too frequently on Flyctory.com. The more I was happy to run into the ...
That's a dozen for Amon Amarth: the Scandinavian metal band is releasing The Great Heathen Army on 5th August 2022. The album ...
Hard rock with a touch of glam metal: the Swedish band H.E.A.T. is rocking our souls since 2007. On 5th ...
Typically, I first collect tracks for my Songs Of The Week and, once the set is complete, pick my favorite and ...
Powerful party tunes which are made to be great on stage: five years after their first release, the Bavarian band ...
The list of songs as of 15th July 2022 is rather compact. I open with a very interesting British pop ...
Okay, this week, my Songs Of The Week listeners need to stay strong: I started my list with schlager (with a touch ...
The German magazine Rock Hard wrote about Traitor, that the band "is playing the most persuading new-old-school-thrash, which I have ...
The album preview of the week this time is a bit of darker than the beautiful melodies of A Smell of ...
Whenever I start working for my Songs of the Week, I typically scan the candidates I archived for that reason and ...
A debut album from the United Kingdom: I received Living Without Death's Permission from a promotion agency. The band is named RXPTRS, ...
I am looking back to a really interesting week of music. For me personally, I have been so happy to ...
Rock from Germany: on 17th June, the German rock band April Art releases their second album, P.O.K.E.R.F.A.C.E.. I ran into the ...
I had a long list of songs for my Songs of the Week... and after I composed a nice order of ...
Just one week after I featured Motionless In White in my weekly edition of Songs of the Week, the band is ...
I am still in the process of recovering from illness - not sure if that had any influence on my ...
Der W does an easy job in naming his albums. Since the third album, he is simply numbering his major ...
They gave us songs like Pour Some Sugar On Me - Def Leppard are truly hard rock and glam metal legends ...
I had a quite long list of songs for my Songs of the Week this time. The 20th May 2022 list is ...
"Magic Hard Rock from The Krauts" - that's the key slogan the German band Wucan puts on her Facebook profile ...
I typically love glam rock - and thus, the German band Shameless had a rather easy time to get into ...
Sophomore album by the doom metal band Famyne: on 13th May 2022, they release The Ground Below. I already had a ...
J.B.O. are one of the key players in the German fun metal scene. Over the last decades, they steadily grew ...
A week full of music: my Weird Al Yankovic Tour Trip was of course the key event of my last ...
I really enjoyed running into the music of the Swiss band Silver Dust again. I already seen the rockers on ...
The week after the 2022 Easter Bunny features some really interesting music. The heading song comes with a touch of ...
I was quite amazed that not only Christmas, but also Easter feels to have an impact on the volume of ...
Axel Rudi Pell is definitely one of the most well-known hard rock and metal acts from Germany. On 15th April ...
The different genres of metal are becoming a significant part of my Flyctory.com music coverage. This posting is about the ...
Oh, I feel that the Songs Of The Week are really a tradition on Flyctory.com now. More than three months since I ...
Askara is a melodic dark metal band from Switzerland. They grew steadily over the last years and are now ready ...
Papa Roach are on the final straight to complete their (first?) thirty years of band history in 2023. On 8th ...
Some two years after I reviewed his album Shapeshifting, Joe Satriani is back with a new album, Elephants of Mars. I was ...
Not really sure why the release calendars are so seasonal (apart from major holidays like Christmas) - but I generally ...
You are not running in too many French artists on Flyctory.com. The more, I was glad to receive the promo ...
The Garden by Circle of Friends is a very special album I happened to get access to on an online ...
While the last week's edition solely covered a few songs, my 25th March 2022 version of the Songs Of The Week ...
Paleface is naming themselves to be the best beatdown band of their home country, Switzerland. With Fear & Dagger, the band is ...
Not really sure whether it is my March 2022 trip with the Pittsburgh Penguins or other influences, but this time, ...
Der To is a German rock artist, who is active since 2010. On 11th March 2022, he is releasing his ...
Sunrunner call their music "heavy prog-rock". Thus, this review of their 2022 album Sacred Arts of Navigation feels to be a ...
Doom metal from Italy: Messa means nothing but (religious) mass. On 11th March 2022, they will release a new album, ...
I feel that this week, there is really a nice range of songs in my Songs Of My Life. There is ...
About a year ago, I reviewed Dream in Motion by Crowbar's singer Kirk Windstein. On 4th March 2022, it has been ...
Definitely my toughest edition of the Songs of the Week so far. It is very hard for me to concentrate knowing what ...
Some hard sounds from Germany: Gutrectomy are doing brutal deathcore. I was really curious if their music is as scary ...
Thunderor are a relatively new band from Canada. They have been founded during the pandemic. On 25th February 2022, they ...
Corey Taylor does not really feel to be sufficiently busy. Being the lead singer of two major bands in the ...
One thing I really love about this new category Songs Of The Week is that it surprises me again and again ...
The promotion package I received for Matt Pike's album Pike vs. the Automaton states "Matt Pike wrote new rules for the ...
Six tracks, 43 minutes - that's already telling you that Take Up My Bones by the English band Ard is not ...
Nashville is Music City - not Country Music City. Even though there is a dominating genre, the city attracts many ...
A new week, a new edition of the Songs Of The Week. This time, I ran into a lot of rocking ...
Time for the hard guitar sounds: Once Human is releasing their third album Scar Weaver on 11th Feburary 2022. Five years after ...
SMKC is a magical abbreviation in rock music business. It merges guitar giant slash, legendary Myles Kennedy and band member ...
The last two editions of the Songs Of The Week had a really nice load of positive feedback. Thus, I am really ...
Rolo Tomassi are already releasing their sixth studio album. It is very hard to define their exact style of music ...
Album #23: Saxon is truly a band, which you have to name being legends in the heavy metal business. 45 ...
It's quite a while ago since I presented some Greek metal to you. Time to change that with this posting. Full ...
Metalcore from Germany: already before Christmas 2021, I received the album Radiant from The Sleeper. A good opportunity to rock with Santa ...
The Scorpions are definitely one of Germany's finest international rock music acts. Herman Rarebell has been part of the band ...
Claus Trophobia is calling his music space rock - or Solid Rock - Drifiting Through Outer Space, as the Austrian is ...
According to the press kit, the metal magazine Metal Injection named Great American Ghost and their music "Always hateful, always ...
This week I again present you a nice range of songs again. From Australian pop / R&B artists, who do ...
New tunes from Magnum: almost exactly two years after The Serpent Rings, the hard rockers are back with The Monster ...
Hard rock from Tennessee: the band Skillet is releasing their eleventh studio album on 14th January 2022. Here is my ...
Quite some artists used the Covid-19 limitation for some additional creativity. Tristan Harders, for example, invested the time during which ...
2021 definitely lifted Flyctory.com to another level. The community is steadily increasing - days with less than 2,000 page hits ...
Year-end is the time to look back to all the stuff what happened to you. Ideally you rather remind the ...
The week of Christmas is typically one of the weeks of the year with the lowest amount of new music ...
Every week, I am scanning hundreds of new releases, albums and singles, to pick the right (and sometimes: the wrong) ...
I always enjoy to listen to bands I haven't heard of before. One of them is the German band Fuer ...
New tunes from Volbeat: the successful Danish rockers are back in the record stores from 3rd December 2021. Their new ...
Hämatom feels to be a truly active band: just some eight months after I reviewed - and enjoyed their album ...
It's been a lot of work - but it has also been a lot of fun. The "monster weekend" on ...
Lordiversity completed: the seventh and thus last album of the album compilation Lordiversity is Spooky Sextravaganza Spectacular. Last, but not least, the band ...
Abracadaver is the sixth episode of the Lordiversity. This time, the album feature twelve songs around thrash metal and groove metal, ...
The fifth Lordiversity album Humanimals is showing Lordi in their comfort zone: the album is dedicated to glam rock, hard rock and ...
Not only because there will be a Lordi-featured ghost train ride on Finnish fun fairs in 2021, Abusement Park feels to be ...
The third album from the Lordiversity septuplet is The Masterbeast From The Moon. The album cover feels a lot like scary stories - ...
The second album by Lordi from the Lordiversity box is SuperFlyTrap. It comes with another ten songs, but is significantly longer ...
The Finnish monsters do it in extra large - on 26th November 2021 Lordi are releasing their new latest CD ...
What are you doing when you are making new friends at the party celebrating your recent Bachelor graduation in contemporary ...
Seventeen studio albums so far - #17 on 29th October 2021 - the German band Running Wild has quite an ...
It is hard to describe the sound of Hulkoff, which is the solo project of songwriter and composer Pär Hulkoff ...
Rock from Germany: On 15th October 2021, the Western German band Bodyguerra will release their second album Fire & Soul ...
Alcatrazz had a couple of break-ups and hiatuses during their song history. Since their founding in 1983, they were active ...
"We just want to be heavy and create fun" - that's how Creeping Death describe themselves in the press information ...
Some metal on Flyctory.com (again): on 8th October 2021, the French metal band Naraka release their debut album, In Tenebris ...
Some new guitar riffs made in Germany: it is hard to think about the German metal music scene without thinking ...
Big name - big album? When Iron Maiden stated that they will release Senjutsuon 3rd September 2021, this release had ...
Hard riffs from Canada: Danko Jones is active since a quarter of a century already and have fans worldwide. Their ...
A tribute band growing to an album with seven very own songs and two covers: Freakstorm from Gummersbach near Cologne ...
A new album from All Good Things after some four years of absence in the record store with a very ...
Mentalist is definitely an interesting German metal band. Even though A Journey Into The Unknown is just their second album, ...
Like quite likely many of you, I ran into the Austrian metal / metalcore band CueStack due to a Crowdfunding ...
Some German rock to be released on 23rd July 2021: I ran into the music of the band Existent and ...
Cool hard rock with Californian roots: via promotion agencies, I ran into Hellbound by the band Buckcherry. The band is ...
Time to bang your head again: the German metal big guns Helloween are back in the record stores, six years ...
Hard rock from Canada: with Bummer, the band Cleopatrick is releasing their first-ever album on 4th June 2021. The album ...
New hardcore album from the North of Germany: Anchors & Hearts recorded their fourth album Guns Against Liberty and will ...
Covid-19 felt to be a good opportunity for Esa Holopainen to go solo. Instead of releasing new stuff with Amorphis, ...
About the album A Hill To Die Upon, its composer and guitarist Marvin Kessler said, This is the album I ...
Pop Evil are definitely in the top spheres of the US hard rock scene. Their album regularly hit upper rankings ...
Croatian folk-rock with a metal touch? Sounds quite interesting, doesn't it? And, indeed, when I scanned one of the music ...
It has been quite amazing for me to read that The Bitter Truth is only the fifth studio album by the ...
This release is for the guitar lovers. As Everything Unfolds is a band from Southern England, which has developed very ...
Even though their press package praises them as the new German lead in the melodic death metal scene, I have ...
As frequent readers of Flyctory.com might now, I do keep a certain mental distance to press releases and press kits ...
I did not have Greek music for quite a while. The more I am glad that I received another sample ...
The release list as of 12th March 2021 was just massive. Even though I had quite a lot of albums ...
I love metal operas. Avantasia, for example, are one of my absolute favorite acts over all genres. Thus, I was ...
I have to admit that I did not know Orden Ogan before this review. Quite a gap in my music ...
Some new tunes by A Day To Remember: the US rockers released You're Welcome, their latest album, on 5th March ...
A typical life of a music blogger: the information about Definition of Insanity has been sparse when I ran into ...
Metalcore made in Switzerland: Dreamshade are doing music since 2006. On 5th March 2021, they will release their fourth album ...
Quite some interesting rock music to be released on 26th February 2021. I originally wanted to start my reviews of ...
Hard guitar riffs from Australia: Flaming Wrekage are a treat for the metal heads among you. After having some successful ...
Alice Cooper, Thin Lizzy, Black Star Riders - Damon Johnson has indeed worked with some of the really big names ...
Mentally Blind are one of the key acts of the Polish metal scene. Despite being active since 2010 already and ...
Since I ran into the music of Korpiklaani at a Lordi gig in Helsinki, I am really a fan of ...
It started on 27th July 2018 with Talk of This Town by Catherine McGrath. Last weekend, I reached another milestone: with Immortal ...
Covid-19 has some weird impacts: as a major German pressing plant had to reduce operation due to the pandemic, a ...
Happy Birthday, Michael Schenker - some three weeks after the German rock legend turned 65 years, he is back with ...
Even though Tragedian is a Hamburg-based project, their members come from quite some parts of Europe. I got to have ...
There is not just Lordi and their Hard Rock Hallelujah - also some other bands who love the harder guitar sounds made ...
After they got quite some good critics for their debut album, the German metal / hardcore band Bashdown starts 2021 ...
Hair Metal - the fusion of pop and metal is a genre for some quite strange - but successful - ...
292 Media Review postings - looking into new music (and a few other) releases was definitely some sort of core ...
2020 is about to come to an end - and the last three posting of the years re about to ...
I love A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Though I am especially favoring the Muppets movie version, I was absolutely fond ...
Sodom is one of the finest names for Thrash Metal made in Germany. The band is already having a 38 ...
When AC/DC updated their social media accounts with the Power Up album logo marketing, this felt like small hard rock sensation ...
After the first episode of my new category Songs of My Life was about Ultravox, 1980's pop and a story around ...
Australian weekend on Flyctory.com: after I already reviewed the albums by Kylie Minogue and Caitlyn Shadbolt, the third release from ...
If you are thinking about moving to Finland, but feel afraid of the (indeed strange) language - maybe it is ...
Iceland - one of the most painful experiences this year for me. I already had booked a trip to the ...
Paradise in Flames are a Death Metal / Black Metal band from Brazil. Even though they already exist since 2002, ...
Even despite their first two albums had rather average success, The Struts gained a lot of reputation in Great Britain ...
Benediction are quite a big name in the Death Metal scene. The British, however, haven't released any album since twelve ...
The Flyctory.com week before 16th October 2020 will be quite packed with rock and metal albums. There will be two ...
When a Rock'n'Rock Hall of Famer (which he was inducted to in 2014 as original KISS member) is releasing a ...
Four girls and hard rock? Thundermother is definitely a cool bunch of ladies. On 31st July 2020, they released the ...
When I read about the collaboration, I knew I just had to do a review of this project: one of ...
Beyond The Black got some additional focus in Germany when their lead singer Jennifer Haben joined the popular TV format Sing ...
Three years after their previous album, Asking Alexandria released another studio album, Like A House on Fire, on 15th May 2020. The ...
From time to time, Flyctory.com needs to care about the dark tunes in music as well. The British Gothic Metal ...
60 years of Axel Rudi Pell - one of the big names in the German metal scene is celebrating this ...
Nightwish are somehow the undisputed kings of Finnish metal (even though I personally prefer Lordi). Being in the business since the ...
It is really tough to select the right achievement to describe Joe Satriani's career in one fact. Over ten million ...
The Swiss band Gotthard is something like their nation's national monument in the Hard Rock genre. They publish music since the ...
Time for some discussions in the German music scene - the Böhse Onkelz released their 17th studio album on 28th ...
Likely, being an Ordinary Man is one of the attributes you would least assign to Ozzy Ozbourne spontaneously. Nevertheless, the former Black Sabbath ...
I happened to run into the front lady of the Seven Spires, Adrienne Cowan, when Tobias Sammet chose her as ...
Sepuiltura are true Heavy Metal legends - with Quadra, the Brazilians already released their 15th studio album, 24 years after their ...
What does a musician give himself best as a birthday present? Richie Kotzen went for a new album on 3rd ...
Athens, Greece, 20th May 2006 - a day that did not only change my life, but the life of a ...
24th January 2020 felt to be the "Metal Heroes do solo album" day of the year. Shortly after I had ...
The majority of the music community likely knows Marko Hietala as the bassist of Nightwish. In 2019, he released his debut ...
Due to my contacts to the Greek metal scene, which really seems to have a lot of musical talents, I ...
Due to my contact to a Greek metal music promotion agency, I ran into another Greek metal album. The band ...
Leo Moracchioli sounds very Italian, but in fact, the metal musician and producer is Norwegian citiizen. Despite his Youtube has ...
Project Renegade are the first Greek act I am reviewing on Flyctory.com. The metal quartet present their debut album Order Of ...
There is not just Vivaldi and Pavarotti - Italy also has quite a strong Metal scene. One of the key ...
If you record songs like Death to All But Metal or Bukkake Tears and you do it good, you may make it big ...
I saw the Black Star Rides some years ago as a support act of Def Leppard and Whitesnake on their ...
Tarja Turunen - the Finnish Opera and metal voice became a legend with Nightwish. After the split from her band ...
Sometimes, Flyctory.com is covering quite a range of topics within one day: while I started the day with the review ...
Avantasia, one of the most successful German music projects, released their seventh album (eighth, if you count in a live ...
As blogging on music became a quite frequent category at Flyctory.com, I felt to look back to 2018 and introduce ...
Doro Pesch is back - before she will tour in late 2018/early 2019, she just released a double album: while ...
Switzerland Travel Posting
Here are all my travel postings related to Switzerland:
Supporting the Faroe Islands at the EHF Women Handball Euro 2024 in Basel, Switzerland, made me look for a stay ...
One of the key challenges of visiting the last stage of the German Rock of Ages musical tour 2024 in ...
For the final 2024 shows of the musical Rock of Ages, I had two different hotels in Zurich. I spent ...
Time to say good-bye. The 8th to 9th June 2024 trip to Zurich featured the last four shows of the ...
The Swiss Floorball Superfinals 2024 in Fribourg gave me a bit of a travel headache. I would have made it ...
France, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and Malaysia - I am just coming back from a massive aviation trip, which is the ...
On the first weekend of January 2024, I had the opportunity to feature two Swiss floorball matches on the same ...
I am very likely not prolonging my Lufthansa Senator status after it expires in February 2025. Thus, when my wife ...
Happy New Onbaord-Food Year! At least, there is one flight experience from 2024 in this posting already, a Lufthansa Business ...
ibis Styles time in Switzerland: while the previous review of the Accor brand I shared with you has been the ...
When Swiss International Air Line recently released the seat map of their new Airbus A350 fleet, a real advantage of ...
The easy, convenient and typically also rather affordable style of an ibis hotel meets some boutique touch. That's about roughly ...
Damn, it is already four years... And it is more than 2,750 postings since then. On 25th February 2018, I ...
Every year, some time in June or July, I am spending hours and hours looking into flight schedules, checking out ...
After my second posting about Food I Had Onboard in mid March 2022, I had a couple of interesting flight experiences ...
For my trip to Ambri-Piotta watching local HC Ambri-Piotta at their home ice, Gotthard Arena, I took a seven hour ...
For my visit of the match of HC Ambri-Piotta in Ticino, Switzerland, in December 2021, I needed a stay as ...
Some 300 inhabitants, but more than 6,000 spectators (if Covid-committing) at an ice hockey home match - there is likely ...
Even though I do have a couple of airport reviews on Flyctory.com, I so far missed a lot of the ...
The Opportunity District, which is having the orange color coding on the map of the Expo 2020 grounds, is not ...
Also due to the current situation in aviation, I could follow my idea to invest more time in rail travel ...
So excited to travel again and do a proper. I did my first day of the rail rides through Germany, ...
After having so many trip reports involving flights and road trips, this trip report will completely leave me on the ...
On 1st July 2002, Überlingen at Lake Constance (Bodensee) gain notoriety not only in Germany: two planes, a Tupolev TU-154M ...
As I had a really good experience at Motel One Glasgow, apart from severe internet problems, I was really looking ...
As part of a business trip to Zurich in November (during which I also featured the James Barker Band show), ...
While my previous experience flying to Dubai was the great Air Belgium service on behalf of British Airways, my wife ...
For my floorball trip to the the Swiss Women matches between the Floorball Riders and Appelnzell and Frauenfeld vs. Jets, ...
During a business-related trip to Switzerland's economic capital, I stayed at Novotel Zurich Airport Messe (Trade Fair). Apart from attractive ...
No floorball competition is changing that frequently like the Champions Cup. While previous season, six men and women teams each ...
The Swiss metropole Zurich is FIFA city. Even if you haven't ever seen them from inside, the headquarters of the ...
After a long time of renovation, SWISS re-opened their Senator and Business Class Lounge at the A Gates / Schengen ...
As I had to join two workshops in the Zurich offices of the company I am working for, I chose ...