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Alexander Martin – Wir zieh’n das durch

Alexander Martin - Wir zieh'n das durch




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Nice schlager album with quiet moments and rock flavors
  • Some really good and catching tracks
  • 15 songs

Flyctory.com Cons

  • A bit too predictable in some songs

Second album release by German schlager artist Alexander Martin. The Rheinland musician publishes Wir zieh’n das durch on 18th February 2022. I already had a listen via a promotion platform. Here are my thoughts.


Alexander Martin – About The Artist

Alexander Martin was born in 1986 in Hennef near Bonn. He is doing German schlager songs with a rock music touch. His first single was Kurz vor Wahnsinn, which has been released in 2016. His debut EP in 2017 has simply been named EP1, the year thereafter featured his first album Kopf gegen Herz. His father is Andreas Martin, who had a big career in schlager as well. Father and son also have released and album together, Von vorne (2019).

Alexander Martin – Wir zieh’n das durch – Track by Track

The fifteen song album lasts 49 minutes.

1. Hör doch auf

Hör doch auf (something like “Come on, stop it!”) feels like a straight stadium party schlager. The song has a touch of Wolfgang Petry and comes with a similar sing-a-long potential. The voice is thinner than the big name of German schlager, though.

2. Wir zieh’n das durch

The song has the soppiness of schlager, but also comes with some guitar power. Not too much melodic differences to the opening song, but Wir zieh’n das durch comes with a strong catching profile. Nice.

3. Geht nicht gibt es nicht

Geht nicht gibt es nicht
Wo Schatten ist, da ist auch auch Licht.
Die Welt wird weiterdrehen
Du musst weitergehen
Und all die Chancen sehen.

(“There is no way to say it is not possible,
Where there are shows, there is also light
The world will keep on turning
You have to keep on walking
And see all the chances”)

After a few songs, you more or less automatically feel to be sucked into the musical world of Alexander Martin. The track works with the same ingredients, but it is fun to listen, fun to sing along. Schlager is pop – pop is fun – regarding this metric, Geht nicht gibt es nicht is definitely not a bad one.

4. Alles halb so wild

The song starts a bit slower, but has a quite energetic chorus. The chorus, however, turns the track much more into the schlager. Lines like Hast Du auch mal Dein Leben auf der Autobahn geparkt? (“Have you ever parked your life on a motorway?”) are not the deepest ones in music business history. But if you want to take out your dancing shoes and have some disco fox dancing, this one is a decent option.

5. Ich komm mal vorbei

After some rather uniform tracks, I highly enjoy to have a slower track. I would love to have this song with even less rhythm volume and more concentration on the lyrics – but it is nonetheless one of the best ones on the album to me. Nice way to describe a breakup situation:

Ich komm mal vorbei
Einfach so um zu reden
Ich schau mal vorbei
Um zu sehen wie es Dir geht
Nein, ich wein nicht um Dich
Das ist doch bloß der Regen
Ich schau nur vorbei, vorbei.

(“I am just coming to you
Just to have a chat
I am visiting you
To see how you are
No, I am not crying about you
It is just the rain
I am just coming to you”)

6. Sag was du willst

Sag was du willst is a song trying to push a person to take a decision (“Say what you want”). The song is very schlager-alike. Straight, good production.

7. Bedingungslos

The song could be a B-side (or a “C-side”) on Matthias Reim’s portfolio. Unfortunately, I would love to have more rock energy in here – the backings sounds are majorly electronic.

8. Wenn ich du wär

The eighth track is one of the most characteristic ones on the album. Martin is going for a very powerful, rocking rhythm. Nice one. “If I were you, I would think about if it makes sense to live with a guy like me” is the main message of the chorus – of course, the chorus also gives a positive outlook on a potential love affair.

9. Im Vorübergeh’n

There are some fragile, quiet moments on the album. The most catching one is this track, which is unfortunately also a rather short one. Just some guitar chords, Martin’s voice and a beautifully told story about a portable organ street musician. Love it!

10. Was fällt Dir ein so schön zu sein

The title translates roughly to “Why on Earth do you dare to be that beautiful”. The title is kitschy, the song is the same. Schlager music. Fans will love it. To me, it is a bit too much.

11. Die schönste Lüge der Welt

A touch of synth-pop schlager. Die schönste der Lüge der Welt (“The most beautiful lie on Earth”) is a nice danceable schlager track. A bit of predictable on the lyric side, but that’s somehow part of the genre’s character. Good one.

12. Grund zum Leben

The very rocking sound of Grund zum Leben (“Sense of Life”) feels a bit surprising. I would love to have a bit more power on the vocal side as well. But the song is definitely a good listen offering a different kind of listen on Wir zieh’n das durch. Definitely a good one to heat up the crowds on future shows as well.

13. Mir doch egal

Back to very straight schlager sound, this song is about loving someone, nobody what friends and other people say. Mir doch egal – “I don’t care”. Good message and a good listen.

14. Da käm ich nie im Leben drauf

Did they change the background music for this song? Not fully sure, but the second last track on the album is a nice track for partying. Especially the chorus feels to make your feet move – if you like it or not.

15. Ewig und 3 Tage

The album closes with its most intimate moment. Alexander Martin performs this song Ewig und 3 Tage in order to honor his mother, who passed away. Hard to translate, unfortunately, but really beautiful lyrics.

Manchmal wenn es leise ist
Kann ich noch Dein Lachen hören
Dann ist es als wenn ich wieder
Bei Dir wär’.
Es ist nur ein Wimpernschlag
Von meinem Herzen weg
Und doch ewig und drei Tage her

(“Sometimes, when it is quiet,
I can still hear you laughing.
It is then as if I
Would still be with you
It just feels like a blink of an eye
In my heart
But is forever and a day ago.”)


Alexander Martin – Wir zieh’n das durch – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify:


Alexander Martin – Wir zieh’n das durch – My View

Alexander Martin really recorded a good album. There is schlager party, there are quiet moments and there are some rocking songs. Maybe the songs could be less predictable and stereotype – I would also love him to dare to go over the limits and have a rocking or a very pop-alike track on the album. Nonetheless, a very pleasing listening experience.


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