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Maite Kelly – Hello!

Maite Kelly - Hello!




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Pleasing finish of the album

Flyctory.com Cons

  • Very thin first part of the album
  • Surprisingly old-fashioned

Recently, Maite Kelly had a lot of presence in German TV as part of the Deutschland Sucht Den Superstar (German version of the Idol series). However, the former member of the Kelly Family has established in the German Schlager business since many years, having had a huge hit with Roland Kaiser in the past. On 19th March 2021, she released her new album Hello!


Maite Kelly – About The Artist

Maite Star Kelly was born on 4th December 1979 in Berlin, former Federal Republic of Germany. Her civil name today is Maite Star Raimont after a failed marriage with Florent Raimond. Maite Kelly was huge as part of the IrishUS-American Kelly Family, who were especially famous and loved in the German speaking countries. Maite Kelly started to pursue her solo career in 2007. Her 2009 debut album called The Unofficial Album had no commercial success, though. At the end of the same year, Kelly sang several songs of the Tinkerbell Disney movie. Her next two albums had average chart placements in Germany.

Her final, breakthough, however, was a single she sang with German legendary schlager star Roland Kaiser. Warum hast Du nicht nein gesagt (“Why didn’t you say no?”) was a massive success in 2014 even though the single never went higher than 55th in Germany. Kaiser published the song on his Seelenbahnen album the same year, while Kelly had it two years later at Sieben Leben für Dich. Both albums made it to the Top 10 in Germany. The Kelly album was even more successful with a triple golden record in Germany and very good chart placements in Austria and Switzerland as well. Her most recent album, Die Liebe siegt sowieso (“Love wins anyway”) was Top 10 in all three German-speaking markets.


Maite Kelly – Hello! – Track by Track

The twelve song album lasts 43 minutes.

1. Einfach Hello

There have been quite a lot of songs in the recent past (over all genres), which honor the big songs of a certain era or genre by quoting them. Einfach Hello is Maite Kelly’s way to do a song like this. The leading single of the album is quite catchy. Nonetheless, I feel that you can do that kind of song better.

2. Was wäre, wenn

Even though Einfach Hello was a core radio track, I prefer this second song, Was wäre wenn (“What would be if”) over the opener. It is a well produced schlager track with a nice rhythm. Schlager music which is made for dancing and singing – just what this genre is finally about.

3. Du gewinnst

Du eroberst das Feld wie ein Held
Ich seh’ meiner Abwehr nur zu, wie siе fällt
Bittersüß ist mein Schmerz
Elfmеter mitten ins Herz
Du gewinnst, eins zu null für dich
Du gewinnst, das ist jetzt klar für mich
Du gewinnst den ersten Platz für dich
Meisterlich, ganz fair warst du ja nicht
Ich war bis jetzt immer unschlagbar
Hast mich mit Liebe ausgetrickst
Doch eins musst du wissen
Wenn du gewinnst, gewinn’ auch ich

(“You occupy the ground like a hero
I am just watching how my defense is breaking down
Bittersweet is my pain
Penalty shot rihgt into the heart
You win, one to nil for you
You win, that is clear to me
You win, the first place for you
Champion-alike, you haven’t been all fair
I have been unbeatable so far
You fooled me with love
But there is one thing you need to know:
If you win, I win as well”)

I just felt this is a good lyrics excerpt to quote: the chorus and pre-chorus illustrate why many Germans love schlager – and many hate it. The songs are typically emotional, but when you try to push too hard, you fail. I feel that the linkage between love and a soccer match is simply ridiculous. I am also not sure what is the intention behind selecting this track to the album? I am convinced that Maite Kelly can do much better than this.

4. Solang die Sehnsucht in mir lebt

Still thinking about the soccer-love-song before, but Solang die Sehnsucht in mir lebt (“As long as the desire lives inside me”) feels a bit better – but overall, the song is a bit too thin.

5. Von Mal zu Mal

Von Mal zu Mal confuses me: while Maite Kelly is normally speaking German like a mother tongue, she sounds like a French-origin singer to me. The song is a slow, deep and melancholic track. I am not really sure how the verses, which melodically could be a funeral farewell track, relate to the chorus, which comes with a somehow positive vibe.

6. Für Gefühle kann man nichts

The sixth song is Für Gefühle kann man nichts – you can’t do anything against your feelings. I am already struggling after four lines of the songs.

Küssen ist für uns verboten
Tiefe Blicke sind es auch
Kennst du nicht die zehn Gebote?
Sonst komm’n wir noch ins Teufels Küche

(“Kissing is forbidden for us
An intimate look as well
Don’t you know the Ten Commandments
Otherwise we get into hot water (literally in German: in Devil’s Kitchen”)

Schlager may be simple, the songs are intending to spread happiness – but these songwriting is just too cheap.

7. Ich hasse dich, ich liebe dich

The seventh song (which is named “I hate you, I love you”) is one of the best songs of the album to me. It is rhythmic, coming with simple, but at least reasonable lyrics. Not too bad.

8. Einmal ist immer das erste Mal

The eightth song is a nice track. Not really a catchy tune, but it has some nice touch, including the violin sound in the background. Maite’s voice feel a bit thin here and there. Tha’t really weird as I would typically see her as a strong vocalist.

9. Sag ja, nicht nein

Electronic sounds and beats are backing Maite Kelly in the ninth track Sag ja, nicht nein (“Say yes, not no”). A song about meeting a new love on the dancefloor. To me, this is the best song of the album. Modern, powerful schlager, with a dance-pop touch. Well done!

10. Ist es denn zu spät (Die Liebe waren wir)

I really like Maite Kelly. Especially in her recent TV appearance in the talent show, she branded as a strict, but also friendly and fair member of the jury. The more, I feel ashamed that this album review was running towards a really bad rating. The second half of the songs feels to have more potential, though, and so I enjoy this song as well.

11. Du Schuft!

Du Schuft! (“You scamp”) will also not make it into the Schlager Hall of Fame, but it is another entertaining and enjoyable song. In some of the very high note area, Maite’s head voice feels surprisingly imprecise here and there – but the lyrics are easy to get into – and finally the Disco Fox rhythm attract you to move.

12. Wenn wir uns wiedersehen

Wenn wir uns wiedersehen (“When we meet again”) starts a bit slowly, but is overall one of the best songs of the album to me. Nice way to close these 43 minutes of schlager music.


Maite Kelly – Hello! – Spotify

Here is Hello! on Spotify:


Maite Kelly – Hello! – My View

Thank for for the final tracks on this album, Maite Kelly. I really felt that I have to go for an  almost disastrous rating on Hello!. The first half of the album contains some musical bloopers. The last songs are however at least average. I still feel that Hello! is a wasted chance. With some more modern songs and modern sounds, Maite Kelly could have profited from her TV. I guess that still a lot of people will at least dare a stream of some songs at release. Unfortunately, I don’t believe they will fall in love to the sound of the album.


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