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Nura – Auf der Suche

Nura - Auf der Suche




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Very straight, powerful German female rap
  • Most tracks tell a very good story in their lyrics
  • Good listen, even if you are not in the genre

Flyctory.com Cons

  • Some disturbing tracks

Another review in which I am getting in touch with a genre of music, which I am neither too familiar with nor too fond of: rap. I just had to share my thoughts about Nura’s second album Auf der Suche (something like “Searching”), which has been delayed and finally released on 20th August 2021. I have been absolutely impressed by the young artist while watching her performances at the Sing meinen Song (“Sing my Song”) TV show, so that I was too curious about her new music. Here is my personal Flyctory.com rap music review debut – please excuse that the expertise is a bit of limited.


Nura – About The Artist

Nura’s full civil name is Nura Habib Omer. She has Eritrean roots, but was born in Kuwait on 24th December 1988. Her first presence to the German music scene was as part of the hip-hop duo SXTN, which Nura formed alongside Juju. The duo split in late 2018. During 2018, Nura already had some successful songs collaborating with other artists like Babebabe with the hop-hop duo SAM, which peaked at the 71st place of the German charts. In 2019, she released her debut album Habibi, which does not only contain rap songs, but also melodic parts by the young artist. The album went up to the 14th spot of the German album charts. Nura also worked as an actress in a couple of movies. Sing meinen Song was another huge step in her career, she especially impressed me when she had a duet with DJ Bobo of her song On Fleek.


Nura – Auf der Suche – Track by Track

The 14 track album lasts 35 minutes. If you sensible about language, you should rather not read this review.

1. Fotze Wieder Da

The “Cunt is back again” – according the lyrics of this song. The song comes with a nice rhythm – the song is also somehow acting as an intro to the following songs. Powerful rap with very powerful rap. A good song, also very relatable.


2. Ich war’s nicht

The second song is about growing up and going to parties without telling it your parents. Powerful hook with a nice melodic post-hook – the album starts with rather good tracks.

Ich schwör’, ich war’s nicht, ich schwör’, ich war’s nicht
Mama, was soll ich denn bitte auf ‘ner Party?
Ich schwör’, ich war’s nicht, ich schwör’, ich war’s nicht
Mama, das sind keine Pillen, sondern Smarties

“I swear, it wasn’t me, I swear, it wasn’t me
Mama, why should I be please on that party?
I swear, it wasn’t me, I swear, it wasn’t me
Mama, these are no pills, but just Smarties”

3. On Fleek

The original to the great duet with DJ Bobo. A song about partying, presenting yourself in the club – and full of self-confidence and energy. The backing groove with brass sounds is really cool. There are some parts of the lyrics where I need to google youth language words. Nice song.

4. Alles was du willst

The fourth song has a much larger share of melodic part. Naturally, I feel more familiar in this song. Especially as Nura proofed in the TV show that she is not at all a bad singer, this song is special to me. I would describe the track as a “slightly melodic rap song with a gentle chorus”. A track about being in love.

5. Wichsen ist Mord (feat. Alli Neumann)

While I can relate to the first four songs of the album, Wichsen ist Mord is the total opposite. Is that song ironic? It does not sound so. I just give you a flavor of the lyrics of the track, in which Alli Neumann does not add too much value – Nura is just too strong in the vocalist part.

Schatz, wir müssen reden, ich hab’ dich dabei erwischt
Wie du uns’re ungebor’nen Kinder in ein Tempo spritzt
Du Egoist, was glaubst du denn wer du bist?
Vielleicht will ich ja die Kids, auch wenn du sie garnicht willst
Wie gehts du mit meinem Sperma um?
Hörst du nicht, dass der Herzschlag pumpt
Dass ist gegen Gott und gegen Wissenschaft
Will garnicht wissen, wie viel du auf dem Gewissen hast

“Darling, we have to chat, I watched you
while you shot our non-born kids into a tissue
Egoist, who do you think you are
Maybe I want the kids, even if you don’t want them at all
How do you deal with my sperm
Don’t you hear the heartbeat pumping
That’s against God and science
I don’t want to know how many of them are on your conscience”

Powerful? Self-confident? No, dumb!

6. Geh drauf

Geh drauf is about a heavy discussion and a split up between lovers. The final words of this song are denn aus Liebe wurde Hass – love turned into hate. This is what the track is about exaclty. Average.

7. Hier Oben

Nura is looking from above on people who hate her, who thought she will not make it. A very emotional and biographic song, which is very powerful, but also shows the negative and weak side of her life. After the song starts a bit of lame, the track becomes stronger. Still rather average.

8. Niemals Stress mit Bullen

Niemals Stress mit den Bullen roughly translates to “Never stress with the cops”. The song majorly features day-to-day racism with Nura is facing. Very powerful, strong track – one of the best of the album.

9. Lola

Lola takes us into a stripclub (or “Gentlemen’s Club”, as I learned in Rock of Ages). Powerful insight into the special occasions there from a dancer’s perspective:

Mein Absatz größer als dein Ego, fühl’ mich wie ‘ne Bad Bitch
Kannst du dich nicht benehmen, wirst du abgezogen (Savage)
Seh’ ihre Blicke an, ihre Blicken zieh’n mich aus
Lass die Scheine regnen und ich krieg’ dafür Applaus

“My heels are larger than your ego, I feel like a bad bitch
If you don’t behave well, I will take you to the cleaners
Watch how they are looking, their eyes undreass me
Let the bank notes flow and I get applause for it”

10. Auf der Suche

Frei und allein auf der Suche nach mir selbst – “Free and alone, searching for myself”. This track comes with a very deep groove. Fascinating song.

Ich laufe
Ohne Ziel und ohne Pause
Fühle mich hier nicht zuhause

“I run
Without a goal and without a break
I don’t feel at home here”

11. Viel zu tun (feat. Gentleman)

The reggae singer Gentleman was part if the same Sing meinen Song season like Nura in German TV. One of the weakest songs of the album to me. There is no special groove, less power and energy.

12. Backstage (feat. Drunken Masters)

That’s the way Nura is alike on tour? She is taking us backstage in this track – and even though the song is less than two minutes, it is actually quite explicit.

Se-se-setz’ mich auf dein Face, heißt nicht, dass du mich ins Bett kriegst
Zum Lecken gut genug, zum Ficken viel zu hässlich (Ürgh), ah
Ich-ich-ich-ich-ich bin ‘ne Bitch aus der Hood
Also suck this pussy and lick it good

“Sit-sit-sit on your face, that does not mean I will go to bet with me
Good enough to give head, too ugly to fuck
I am a bitch from the hood
Also suck this pussy and lick it good”

13. Fair

Racism and equality (in general) are a key topic of the album. In this song, Nura mentions personal experience, but also the death of George Floyd and bad fan behavior at soccer matches – just to ask in the chorus Sag mir, was is fair? – “Tell me, what is fair”. Great song.

14. Beledi

In the final track of the album, Nura is praising her mother and all what she did to her. Very strong at atmospheric song.


Nura – Auf der Suche – Spotify

Here is Auf Der Suche on Spotify:


Nura – Auf der Suche – My View

Overall, Auf der Suche is a very strong album with energetic, self-confident lyrics. I like the way Nura describes emotions, experiences – even though it is neither my favorite genre nor the type of language I am usually using. I was curious, I expected something good – and that’s what I got here. Two or three absolutely confusing songs prevent a massive rating – but the album is a great example for energetic female rap.


German Artists in 2021

Here are all my Music & Media postings about German artists in 2021:


Flyctory.com in Berlin

Here are all postings related to the German capital:

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