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Dave Hause – Blood Harmony

Dave Hause - Blood Harmony




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Beautiful songwriting
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With Flyctory.com growing in all three pillars, I also have access to more music before it is in fact released. A promotion company provided me Blood Harmony by the US-American singer-songwriter Dave Hause. Here are my thoughts about the album, which has been published on 22th October 2021.


Dave Hause – About The Artist

Dave Hause was born on 12th March 1978 in Philadelphia, USA. He is majorly doing rock, typically with a touch of folk or punk music. His first steps on stage have been in punk and hardcore rock in the mid-1990’s. In general, he has been very active in the Philadelphia music scene during the following years. Around 2010, Hause started to work more intensively on solo material, which finally lead to two EPs released that year, Melanin and Resolutions. One year later, in 2011, he released his first album Resolutions. So far, he has released four albums, the last one being Kick published in 2019.


Dave Hause – Blood Harmony – Track by Track

The ten song album lasts 33 minutes.

1. Northstar

What a beautiful and gentle way to start the album. Northstar comes with Dave Hause on the acoustic guitar, a beautiful story with a lot of love and Hause’s voice which is telling it to the listener. 3:21 minutes of a warm feeling.

2. Sandy Sheets

After this slow and intimate start, Sandy Sheets is a straight rock song with folk elements. Superb listen with a nice energy and a good vibe. Really good one – an easy pick as a single release, I guess.

3. Hanalei

And Hanelei, we could stay
We could sell anything
that isn’ nailed down
In Hanalei, we could say
We could say the hell with forever
And be here together right now

I love the storytelling of Dave Hause – and the way he his describing the emotions being at a special place with Hanalei is just beautiful. I am sure you enjoy listening as well.

4. Plagiarist

The electric guitars are out again – and they play their riffs from the very beginning. Still, Plagiarist comes with a nice ease and a nice melody.

5. Gary

Song like Gary typically make me think why I haven’t heard of the artist before. Glad that there is this website and promotion companies you feed you with albums like Blood Harmony (okay, they sometimes feed you with bad ones as well…). Feel gifted to be able to enjoy this track.


6. Surfboard

Surfboard is a nice song with a happy hook, which has a nice summer feeling. And you don’t listen that often to lyrics like Dear Lord, I need a surfboard, do you?

7. Leave It In That Dream

Leave It In That Dream is one of these songs I just lean back in my chair close my eyes and listen to the story of the song. Great songwriting about still dreaming of a broken love.

8. Snowglobe

Snowglobe nicely plays with the contrast between rather quiet and slow verses and a powerful chorus, which has the touch of an alternative rock song. Would have loved to have the whole song in that style – but no doubt, Dave Hause did a nice one here.

9. Carry the Lantern

Carry the Lavtern is a nice rocker. To me, it is one of the best, catching songs of the album. Even though the track has not been selected as a single release (yet?), I definitely recommend a listen here.

10. Little Wings

The album closes with another “Close your eyes and listen to the story” song. Dave Hause just does beautiful stories and beautiful songs. Thirty minutes of smiling to Blood Harmony are over.


Dave Hause – Blood Harmony – Spotify

Here is Blood Harmony on Spotify:


Dave Hause – Blood Harmony – My View

I feel I already wrote quite much about this album – I feel that the Flyctory.com set of 22nd October 2021 reviews is really gifted with very different, but very good releases. Dave Hause’s album is definitely one of them. Great listen, thankful to have been exposed to this ten song storybook. Another review, another Top Pick! – enjoy the listen, too.


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