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Low Cut Connie – Private Lives

Low Cut Connie - Private Lies




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Great rock production
  • 17 very good and versatile tracks
  • Even the short intermission songs are good!

Low Cut Connie became quite a darling of the critics during the last decade. Their re-intertpretation of Rock’n’Roll attracted quite some famous support over the last years. To me, the album Private Lies has been the first conect with Adam Weiner and his band. They released their new release on 16th October 2020.


Low Cut Connie – About The Artists

Low Cut Connie exist since 2010. The band has been found in Philadelphia around frontman Adam Weiner, who is also the key songwriter of the project. The band around him has changed in the past, however. Apart from their releases, the band is also very popular for their live performances. The debut album of Low Cut Connie was Got Out the Lotion, which has been self-released in 2011. Even though the commercial success was rather limited, the critics were very good. The album has been followed by the 2012 Call Me Sylvia. A very rare honor was given to this album, as one of the songs, Boozophilia, has been selected by Barack Obama for his summer playlist. Also their following albums, Hi Honey (2015) and Dirty Pictures (released in two parts in 2017 and 2018) were very well receipted. The band is also supported by celebrities like Elton John or Bruce Springsteen.


Low Cut Connie – Private Lives – Track by Track

The album contains of 17 songs and lasts 55 minutes.

1. Private Lives

Low Cut Connie starts their album with the very melodic, great listen title track. Superb one, nice melody, quite some rhythm and power. absolutely enjoy to listen to it! Modern rock’n’rock at a very high level.

2. Help Me

Help Me is definitely having the same ingredients than the title track. it feels a bit quicker, more present, more powerful. I am moving to the groove of this one while listening to it. Just cool music.

3. Now You Know

After these two great openers, Now You Know has much more soul, the piano is also more present in this song. The second longest track on the album – and it just does not get boring.

4. Run To Me Darlin

The album has three short tracks, which are less than two minutes each. Run To Me Darlin is the first one of them. Not a classic (instrumental?) interlude or similar, but a really complete song – Run To Me Darlin is an intimate piano ballad in fact. Don’t go for the track skip – it is indeed a lovely one.

5. Take a Little Ride Downtown

This Little Ride Downtown is a lovely modern rock track. The kind of recording may sound a bit more classic and 1970’s style, but the track itself is right a 2020’s. Love to listen to this project.

6. Wild Ride

Slow, a bit minimalist, but very atmopsheric: Wild Ride is a quiet moment on Private Lives, which showing a clear focus on the vocals (including nice backing vocals). A very characteristic track, a new sound and flavor on this album – again, well done!

7. If I Die

The guitars sound rougher in If I Die, which is definitely the track so far with the strongest Rock’n’Roll flavor, even though it is quite slow. Do you also spot a touch of classic country music such as I do? Be quick to do so, the song is just 2:36 minutes.

8. It Don’t Take A Genius

The very melodic I Don’t Take A Genius has a very strong groove and thus almost feels like a blues rock song to me. The rhythm is giving strong motivation to make you move. Private Lives feels to be unstoppable for now.

9. Look What They Did

Look What They Did is a sad, again very intimate piano ballad. Catching, intense, good.

10. Tea Time

Tea Time is the second “intermission song”. What a difference to Run To Me Darlin’ – this one is dark Rock’n’Roll. Quite psychedelic touch. I loved the first one more, but the short song is definitely a nice addition to the range of sound of this album – and some sort of showtime for the guitar strings.

11. The Fuckin You Get (for the Fuckin You Got)

Time for the beeper when this one is played in Low Cut Connie’s home country. We Europeans are allowed to join the whole song, which has a lot of blues and soul. The band does not only produce very good individual tracks, but even though they vary quite a bit, the album still feels to be a coherent presentation of their music. I am with Obama – these guys are good!

12. Quiet Time

Quiet Time is indeed a quiet time: piano, violin and vocals are the key ingredients of this slow track. It is a real beauty – bad luck that it is over after two and a half minute.

13. Charyse

Two and a half minutes is roughly half time for Charyse, the longest song of the album. How could it be better than this track even being my favorite on the album? It reminds me of the 1980’s, my very beloved music era. Great song.

14. Nobody Else Will Believe You

The third intermission – and it is pure Rock’n’Roll. A great way to make me happy in (exactly) 100 seconds.

15. What Has Happened To Me

The song feels very distorted, very weirdly recorded. I do like different playing and recording styles – this one is a bit too weird to me though. At least the song is keeping its unique concept for the whole duration.

16. Let It All Hang Out Tonite

Nice rock track in the 1980’s style. Very melodic. The way the piano is used reminds me slightly of Elton John – not too surprising he is enjoying their sounds.

17. Stay As Long as You Like

The album has come to an end. Stay As Long as You Like is musically limited to three and a half minutes. The piano track is indeed a live recording, which makes it feel very authentic. Nice musical farewell.


Low Cut Connie – Private Lives – Spotify

Here is the Spofify widget to Private Lives:


Low Cut Connie – Private Lives – My View

No doubt, Private Lives is a masterpiece. It is not just the selection of songs (just one I really struggle with…), it is also the overall composition and setup of the 17 tracks. This is straight and honest high quality rock production. To me West Side stays best side in Pennsylvania, but I have to admit, there are some really good things on the other one in Philly. Must-listen!


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