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Jasmin Wagner – Von Herzen

Jasmin Wagner - Gold




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Few songs with a good production

Flyctory.com Cons

  • Too many too thin songs

I have to admit: I loved Jasmin Wagner… or Blümchen… during my childhood years. As a young girl, the Hamburg artist fascinated Germany with a short, but successful episode of German pop music. On 23rd July 2021, Jasmin Wagner is back with a new album. It is called Von Herzen– from the heart. Here are my thoughts whether it is a heartbeat or a heartbreaker.


Jasmin Wagner – About The Artist

Jasmin Wagner, whose civil name today is Jasmin Sippel (after marriage) was born on 20th April 1980 in Hamburg. She has German and Croatian roots and both citizenships. Even though she is nowadays also active as show host and actress, she is most famous under her artist name Blümchen. In 1995, a cover of the Neue Deutsche Welle band Paso Doble, Herz an Herz, pushed Blümchen into the Top 10 of the German, Swiss and Austrian charts. Her debut album Herzfrequenz had a golden record in Germany, also driven by two other Top 10 single, Kleiner Satellit (Piep, Piep) and Boomerang. Some of her songs were also translated to English, which even led to the English version of her debut album, Heartbeat, but the international success has been rather limited. Her second album, the 1997 Verliebt (or: In Love, in the English version), had a golden record in Germany and Austria and even had slightly better sales than the debut. A French version of a song even made a chart placement in France.

Her third album Jasmin has been published in 1998. Even though it has still been published under the artist name Blümchen, the sound significantly differed from the eurodance pop sound of the first two albums. She changed her branding to her civil name and released two more albums as Jasmin Wagner. Especially the first album, Die Welt gehört Dir (“The World belongs to you”) had quite some commercial success. The 2006 album Die Versuchung was the last major Jasmin Wagner release, so that Von Herzen is her sixth album, the third Jasmin Wagner one. However, in 2019, due to a 1990’s concert tour, she surprised to release the cover version of Computerliebe (another Paso Doble one), under the branding Blümchen.


Jasmin Wagner – Von Herzen – Track by Track

The twelve track album lasts 37 minutes.

1. Gold

Gold has been the first song I heard of this album, as it has been one of the initial single releases. I struggled with this song. The background sound is Blümchen alike. The song is a clear schlager arrangement. However, there is some power and energy in this song, so that I really looked forward to listen to more music when I received the album online.

2. Du bist nicht allein

Du bist nicht allein is another single release of Von Herzen. While there was some “Spirit of Blümchen” in the opener, the album now heads into German schlager. I like the song as such. It has some catching spirit. However, I feel that Jasmin Wagner is just not the right singer for it.

3. Hauptsache du

Hauptsache Du.

For each other
Next to each other
The main thing is you”)

The third track is a great illustration of the struggle with this album. There are some electronic sounds and it could be a really nice Eurodance feeling if you concentrate of the background. The lyrics, however, are definitely heading to please schlager fan. This combination is just not working out.

4. Mehr brauch ich nicht

This song reveals that Jasmin Wagner just needs a couch, a TV set and Dich (“You”) – mehr brauch’ ich nicht (“I don’t need more”). Welcome to the world without a kitchen, without a bed and without a loo. Who is responsible for lyrics like this? At least melodically, thogh, the song is one of the most catchy ones on the albun.

5. Lass los

In this rather slow song, Jasmin Wagner suggests to “release” and to free yourself. The song has a nice aura. Not a really good song, but an enjoyable track.

6. Spring in mein Herz

Hard to say something positive about Spring in mein Herz (“Jump into my heart”). This is music which is solely recorded and written to sound good. The deeper you get into the song the weaker it gets.

7. Regentropfen

Regentropfen (“Rain Drops”) feels a little bit like former Blümchen tracks. Simple, NDW-style lyrics, pop beats… But it feels so old, so slow. I am asking myself why she is not daring to be energetic. Finally, this turns a song with a potential to a failed schlager track  with an absolutely uninspired performance.

8. Konfetti Raketen

Might be the first song ever about confetti rockets. The song is so bad that I can hardly stand to fully listen to it.

9. Sterne

The ninth track tries to create a very charateristic atmosphere. This suits to the title (“Stars”) in a loves way. Not a really good song, but there is something brave and special in it.

10. Blümchensong

Ich bin ein einfaches Mädchen,
verlang gar nicht viel
Brauch’ keine Labels,
Nein, nein, ich kenn meinen Stil
Doch es gibt da ein Ding
da gibt’s keinen Kompromiss:
Kommst Du mit mir zum raven heißts

(“I am an ordinary girl
Don’t demand much.
I don’t need labels –
no, no, I know my style.
But there is one thing,
at which there is no comprimise:
If you join me to rave, then there is

Especially in this part of the song, the song is more techno and more rave than Blümchen has even been. The idea of this song is not to bad. Even though Wagner demands that the heartbeat of her listener need to by in line with the rhythm if her alter ego. Cool sound.

11. Hamburg im Sinn

Apart from Cologne, Hamburg is likely my favorite city in Hamburg. Even though I would definitely not support the Hamburger SV, I am a little bit envy when Lotto King Karl is singing his song before a match. Wagner wants to praise Hamburg in this song. I just feel that this lovely city definitely does not deseve this song.

12. Sonne in mir

Sonne in mir comes with a nice groove. The song has some potential in my point of view. But it feels to be too much limited by the constraints given by this album. Nonetheless, Sonne in mir is a rather good choice as the closing track.


Jasmin Wagner – Von Herzen – Spotify

Here is Von Herzen on Spotify:


Jasmin Wagner – Von Herzen – My View

At the end of the 1990’s Germany had to learn: Blümchen is mature now. This cheeky girl smiling in the camera in her music video and giving us a smile in her face is now Jasmin Wagner. Less fun, less innocence. A new episode in the life of the German pop artist. Germany still loved Blümchen and did not get used to Jasmin Wagner. Now we got the new episode of Jasmin Wagner. Jasmin 2021? I cannot relate to this album unfortunately. She has never been a brilliant singer, she had a karma we loved. She made us dance. Jasmin Wagner just let’s me struggle. Most of the songs feels random, thin. In her new genre schlager, Blümchen is not competitive.


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