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Spotlight – Flyctory.com meets Lauren Jenkins (19th April 2020)

Buy her incredible debut album No Saint during the C2C in Berlin in 2019 was maybe one of the events which changed my country music fandom and coverage most – Lauren Jenkins is not only a great storyteller and songwriter, she also accompanied my life personally more than any other Nashville artist. Her incredible presence on stage, her being that close to the fans and always having a smile and some time to chat gave her a significant reputation and fan love in North America, but also in Europe. A lot of fans from this side of the Atlantic Ocean join her to her online concerts currently.

You will find a lot about Lauren on Flyctory.com – not only as she is one of my Featured Artists who I give increased attention and support. I was very grateful that during this bad Covid-19 time, she had time for some questions, not just looking at the current situation in Nashville and for her personally, but also to her tour she had in Europe and the UK in January and February 2020.


Spotlight – Flyctory.com Lauren Jenkins

FLYC: Hi Lauren, first of all, thanks for having time to answer some questions. Corona
crisis has taken control over the world. How is the situation like for you?

Lauren: Hey Florian! I’m sure, like every where else, it’s pretty crazy. I’m lucky
to have my health and a safe place to quarantine. I must admit it is tough
to not be able to tour… Not only because that is my livelihood, but I miss
playing shows and meeting people out on the road. It’s important to stay
safe though, so that’s what I’m doing.

FLYC: Finally, CMA Fest had to be cancelled for 2020. How was it like for you
when you heard of the announcement?

Lauren: Though it’s sad, I think it’s the right call. I kind of expected it
because all of my shows and tours have been cancelled or postponed for
now. In the grand scheme of things, it’s a small sacrifice in order to
protect people all over the world.

Being unable to perform in front of people changed the business
dramatically. You performed a lot of online concerts. How is it like for
you as an artist? Can you appreciate a postive comment in a chat as well
as a smile in the audience?

Lauren: I’m grateful to have that we have technology so that “the show can go on,”
so to speak. It’s definitely a bit weird for me. It’s strange to sit in
your living room and not be able to hear or see the audience. But I
greatly appreciate everyone that has tuned into the live streams. They
have definitely helped me get through this tough time… and I hope I’m able
to give them a positive distraction and help through music.

FLYC: You have quite a strong fanbase in Europe and have been there multiple
times the last year. Now, instead of you coming to the people here and
then, they can see you online multiple times a week. Could that even make
your relation to them more intense?

Lauren: My fanbase in Europe has been there for me through some very difficult
times… and this is no exception. I look forward to the day when we can
hug again and talk about how we were there for each other. I wasn’t sure
if anyone would tune into the live stream concerts, but of course my
Europe family has been there every time!

You were working on your second album. Not being able to meet people, how
does that affect your planning for 2020?

Lauren: Honestly it’s all up in the air. I’m doing what I can from home to work on
the record, but we had to make the tough decision to pause recording until
we get this virus under control. I’m doing everything I can to get new
music out to everyone… And I’m happy to say I have a track that is coming
out very soon!

FLYC: Looking back at your last European tour. Some two months ago, you
supported Brett Eldregde. What is your favorite memory from that tour?

Lauren: Wow, has it only been that long? It seems like a lifetime ago. I think my
favorite part was the day after the last show in London, when I was
heading home. I can still vividly remember feeling exhausted, but I was
reluctant to go home. I kept thinking to myself “if only we had a few more
shows.” I didn’t want it to end, but I was grateful I got to go on the
journey at all. I think that’s a sign of great tour… being grateful, but
also, given the chance, you would make it last a little longer.

Did you have any favorite concert on that tour? Maybe a most emotional one?

Lauren: Every night is different and every concert on that tour was special. But I
think the second show in Cologne felt like a homecoming. There were so
many familiar faces and it was great to be reunited with “my German
family.” I lit up seeing people I knew in the audience or at the meet and
greet. I guess I hadn’t anticipated them showing up again (though I should
have)…. I felt at home.

FLYC: During your London show, you stated that you appreciate that the audience
is already there for the supporting act. What are other differences
between US and European shows?

Lauren: For me, touring in the States versus touring overseas is very different.
There is a language barrier at times, but overall I think the crowd
overseas can tend to be more respectful, especially towards an opening or
unknown artist. In the States it’s not uncommon for crowds to skip the
opening artist entirely. Overseas you show up early before the show even
starts! Hopefully that will become the norm over here too. I’ve also
noticed how in Europe many people come to several shows on a tour… That
doesn’t happen that often in the states. Usually people only go to the
closest show to their home.

You traveled with your sister this time instead of your manager. What were
the biggest challenges for you on this trip?

Lauren: My sister isn’t in the music business, and has never toured before, so it
was a lot to throw her into. But I was grateful to have my sister help me
when I really needed it, like helping me with merch every night. I was
glad I didn’t have to do the tour completely on my own.

FLYC: Especially after the introduction of the C2C Festival to Germany and the
Netherlands, a lot more American country music artists toured Europe. Do
you feel that the current situation may reduce that again?

Lauren: Personally, I can’t wait to tour again. Having to take a hiatus from the
road is making me desperate to be able to get back on stage and connect
with people in real life. As soon as it’s safe to do so I’ll be on any
stage I can. I can’t wait until I can come back over to Europe and see all
of you in person.

FLYC: Nashville is a city that brings people together, having a drink, having
party. Do you feel the city will be different after the restrictions have
been lowered again?

Lauren: After the tornado came through Nashville, it really showed what a
resilient community we have here. Nashville is strong and we show up for
our community. Even now, people are raising money for the industries and
people that are struggling. I think once we get the virus under control it
will be as vibrant as ever.

FLYC: Do you feel that Covid-19 will change the way you are doing music? For
example, could you imagine that there will be more online concerts even
after the crisis?

Lauren: At first I was hesitant to do an online concert. It just seemed weird and
still is a bit odd. I’m grateful that technology allows us some way to
stay connected, but I don’t think anything replaces the experience of a
live show.

FLYC: Finally, is there any message you would like to sent out to your European

Lauren: I just want everyone to know how grateful I am for their support in these
crazy times. I appreciate every message I get or every time someone logs
on to join me in my living room. Most of us are struggling right now, but
I hope everyone knows they aren’t alone. Please stay safe, take care of
yourselves, reach out to loved ones. I can’t wait to see you all again!


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More About Lauren Jenkins

Here are all other Flyctory.com postings related to the US country artist Lauren Jenkins:


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