Johannes Scheurich - Mehr Davon Pros
- Great lyrics
- (Majorly) great vocal performances
- Very entertaining, rather long album
Short before the release date of 10th December 2021, I ran into the album Mehr Davon (“More of that”) by the German rock-pop singer-songwriter Johannes Scheurich. Especially as it is his debut album, I felt he definitely deserves a deeper analysis.

Johannes Scheurich – About The Artist
Johannes Scheurich was born on 7th December 1989 in Schwerin, Germany. Nowadays, he is living in Leipzig. He majorly grew his fan base in the Leipzig song slamming scene. In August 2020, he released his debut EP Jetzt und Hier (“Now and Here”)
Johannes Scheurich – Mehr Davon – Track by Track
The fifteen song album lasts 52 minutes.

1. Mehr davon
The album is opening with the 3:45 minute title track. I struggle a bit with the accentuation of the lyrics, especially during the verses. However, the chorus quickly stays in your mind. A nice starter between pop, rock and a bit of folk.
2. Der Diamant
The second track is named Der Diamant – “The Diamond”. The sound feels to be an unusual love song at the very beginning, but the song is much more than just a melodic admirer.
Du bist ein Diamant
Funkelst nur für Dich allein
Du stehst nur am Rand
Und Deine Welt ist winzig klein
Du bist ein Diamant
geschliffen bis zur Perfektion
Hast Dich verrannt
Leere Nächte sind Dein Lohn
(“You are a diamond
Sparkling for yourself only
You standing at the edge
And your work is very tiny
You are a diamond
Polished until perfect
You got carried away
Empty nights are your revenue”)
3. Nicht allein
The single release Der Diamant was already having great lyrics – Nicht allein (“Not alone”) is a beautiful pop song with an easy melody and another deep story. A song about feeling lonely – but in fact, there is someone out there who feels similarly.
4. Das Meer
Das Meer has a bit of an dramatic touch at the very beginning, but with the chorus, it again turns into a nice and easy melody. Very dark and deep vocal performance. By the way, the strange rhythm in the language which disturbed me in the first song does not happen here at all. The song feels rather fluent. You are rather tempted to sway to the music.
5. Never fuck the Company
Johannes Scheurich is just making me smile with that song. You can already guess what this song is about – but the way he is presenting the song about struggling that kind of love is just hilarious.
Schnell macht es die Runde
Auch der Chef weiss schon Bescheid
Sie sind in aller Munde
Und so langsam wird es Zeit
Dass sie sich auch mal auswärts treffen
Auf ein Heissgetränk
Da wird zugunsten der Romantik
Schonmal was verdrängt
(“The rumor is spreading quickly
Even the boss knows it already
They are the talk of the town
It really about time to meet abroad
And have a hot drink together
In favor of the romance
They are suppressing something”)
6. Hafen & Boot (feat. Stine and Jan Thierfelder)
The two guest musicians in this song lead to more depth. Especially the voice by female Leipzig pop arist Stine is a great addition to the song. Really nice song, which even has a touch of country pop.
7. Wieder Montag
Doch dann ist wieder Montag und die Woche wird zum Jahr – “And then it’s Monday and a week feels like a year”. This rocking song is again a beautiful musical reflection about the feelings at the beginning of the week. Did I mention that I did not stop smiling since I listened to this album.
8. Klavier
Even though this song is called Klavier (“Piano”), the guitar is the key instrument of this song – like at most tracks of this album. A song about future targets. One of them is learning to play the piano, by the way – just in case you start guessing how that stuff fits together.
9. Bleib drin
Just a bit less than three minutes, this single release is looking at the pandemic situation. Again, Johannes Scheurich is giving a really straight, but entertaining view on that. Great song. And there are good sides – Und in Venedig ist das Wasser wieder clear– “And the water is clear in Venice again”.
10. Aus einem Holz
Another great listen, which is rather touching the folk-pop genre to me. Glad that Scheurich does not work too frequently with this intensive level of backing vocals – that might simply be a bit too much. For this one song, it is a nice new style of songs.
11. Sag mir
Okay, here is the backing choir again. Even though the story of this song is very different (it is about two people which took a very different way of life), the melody and the of Sag mir does remind me a bit of its predecessor on this album.
12. Still
The very accentuated, dark way of singing – I am not connecting as well to Still as I do to other songs of the album. It is cool, it is having its own style. I am sure many people out there love it. Sorry, Johannes.
13. Regina Retina
The thirteenth song may feel a bit weird, but overall is again illustrating the lovely lyrical talent of the artist. Great story, which is having a lot of irony and plays with word with an exceptional ease. Love it.
14. Alle auf Matratzen
The title means “All on mattress”. The song start with an Asian neighbor of the storyteller, which feels culinarily attracted by the dog of that person. It turns out to be an amazing song about tolerance.
Andere Länder, andere Sitten
Ob Vorhaut dran oder beschnitten
Ob Kopftuch, Kipra oder Glatzen
Wir schlafen alle auf Matratzen
(“Other countries, other habits
Whether with foreskin or cut
Whether with headscarf, kipa or skinheads
We all sleep on mattresses”)
15. Zuhause
After looking critically on so many social aspects, the closing song of Mehr Davon states Hier und nirgendwo anders auf der Welt bin ich zu Hause. “Here and nowhere else on the world I am home”. Ain’t there a better final statement?
Johannes Scheurich – Mehr Davon – Spotify
Here is Mehr Davon on Spotify:
Johannes Scheurich – Mehr Davon – My View
Johannes Scheurich really did a great debut album. The songs are versatile, entertaining and are driving by an almost genius way to describe situation with a sense of irony and humor. Simply a great listen – if you speak a bit of German to reconcile the lyrics.
German Pop Reviews
Here are all Media Reviews related to pop music and Germany.
I have featured Florian Künstler and his songs multiple times in my Songs of the Week. The more, I was really ...
In March 2023, I already shared Leony's debut album Somewhere in Between with you. Some two years later, the German artist is ...
Andreas Dorau is back with a new album. On 14th February 2025 (Valentine's Day...), he is releasing his new album Wien ...
In October 2023, I saw the German artist LOI on her debut headline tour in Cologne. Finally, the pop musician ...
Heartbreak Hotel is already the third EP by the German-Dutch artist Luna Morgenstern. After I shared my thoughts about her ...
The German artist Alless. (with a dot at the end) already had a major social media success this year. The ...
The Christmas season also offers the opportunity to focus on some artists, who might not make it into reviews ...
In July 2023, I reviewed a very unique album making it to a full 5.0/5.0 rating on Germany's pop ...
Und was, wenn nicht ("And what if not") is the second solo EP release by David Gramberg. However, the German ...
Propaganda defined the German synth-pop scene in the 1980's. After three break-ups, they are back with a new album in ...
I loved Bell Book & Candle in the late 1990's. The German band from Berlin especially stroke with their debut ...
"Stand Up! Keep going!" is the (translated) title of the new album by Sebastian Krumbiegel. The featured singles of the ...
I does not happen too often that I set up a new edition for my Songs of the Week and decide ...
Stanovsky is "greenish" - at least if you base that statement on the title his new album Grünlich. On 30th ...
Country-rock made in Germany - there are not too many acts in my home country who are able to deliver ...
Meg Pfeiffer popped up here and there in my postings. On 23rd August 2024, the German singer-songwriter, who is ...
Rather early before the release date of 5th July 2024, I ran into the EP Neue Wege by German artist Jonas Green ...
The press kit to the debut album Integration describes the music of Command0 as an exploration of spacey synths, big beats and ...
Why is already the second EP release by the German artist and band Veigh Malow. The release of their debut EP ...
In 2010, Germany fell in love with a 19-year old lady. Lena managed to do what somehow felt impossible for ...
I am closing my reviews as of 22nd March 2024 with a German artist. Being Anne (typically written in small ...
I typically receive quite a lot of jazz promotion. However, I rarely find albums and EPs which I really enjoy ...
Slope are doing a quite rare mix of metal, hip hop and electronic sounds. The band developed their style during ...
Quite early before the release of Reliquien, I receved the first press information about the debut album by German artist ...
This review is about some singer-songwriter pop from Germany - more precisely: quite from the Rheinland area I grew up ...
There is hardly any more controversial topic between my wife and I than music by Andreas Dorau: while I feel ...
Not only during the carnival season, music is a core part of the identify of my home town Cologne. Thus, ...
John Garner - this musical act name sounds like a solo artist, but is in fact a quintet. The German ...
Especially during the last months, I felt again how much interesting music is coming from Hamburg. The city in the ...
Willow Parlo's Facebook profile states With the window open, Willow Parlo turns the backdrop of the depressing and monotonous city ...
The clumsy yet unswerving attempts of being an artist - that's how Jules Atlas describes himself on his Facebook profile ...
When I started listening to the album UWE of the German band Frollein Motte, I liked their cheeky and straight sound. You ...
How could I ignore am album starting with a (for me) very special song released on a (for me) very ...
Finn & Jonas are twins. They are doing German indie-pop songs. After they grew regionally and have a national fan ...
Source is the fourth album by the German band Alphawezen. However, the most recent album release has happened fourteen years before ...
Roberta John Joni Mitchell is a Canadian-US-American singer-songwriter, who majorly did folk and pop music in her career. She has won ...
Myle is a rather new artist from Southern Germany. On 20th October 2023, the pop artist is releasing his debut ...
Despite the album Collections being his debut one, the Southwest German Sebastian Schaffer is not a "newbie" at all. He ...
It's already five years ago since Antje Schomaker released her debut album Von Helden und Halunken. The feature singles to her ...
Sacropolis is a German-French indie-pop project. However, the members are not coming from the Saarland or any similar close-to-the border ...
I recently ran into the music of German artist They Called Me Phoebe for the first time. The more I ...
If you regularly follow my Songs of the Week, you already know the upcoming German artist Bellucci Boi. I introduced you ...
The title of the album Guten Morgen, schönes Leben translates to "Good morning, beautiful life". The artist who wrote it is German ...
Rap and pop music - Mo-Torres is one of the more modern style musicians of the Cologne music scene. On ...
Turn of Tides or Where the Waves Come From - that's quite an album title, ain't it? The artist behind ...
It is some three years ago since I reviewed the album 555 by the German synth-pop project X-Perience. I was ...
Why not doing some jazz-pop in summer? Quite early before the release, I had the opportunity to listen to Sequel by ...
Sasha did so many genres already. He is majorly known as a pop artist, but also did rockabilly records with ...
Some interesting indie-pop from Germany: I already featured Santans in my Song of the Week postings. However, on 28th July 2028, ...
Electronic music is typically neither the genre I listen to personally nor the type of music which frequently represented in ...
I always enjoy introducing you to emerging artists. One of the reviews I feature about a rather less known artist ...
It's already some four years ago since Silbermond released their last album Schritte. Even though the chart placements were fine, it ...
I love to have a look to German artists, which might not be in key focus of the media. Sören ...
The album Therapy In Melody was definitely one I was looking forward to. Two of the featured singles by the band Indecent ...
The artist name Sebel is a short form for the civil name of the artist, Sebastian Niehoff. He is a ...
Reading sessions, artsexhibitions... and concerts - if you look at the tour dates of Kati von Schwerin, you already see ...
Despite the album name Hamburg, the German indie-pop band North West is in fact from the very North West of Germany, ...
Technically, I had already closed the list of potential reviews as of 24th March 2023. But then came Sophia and ...
Leony is one of the most interesting emerging artists in the German pop music market. She is currently part of ...
On 10th February 2023, I ran into the single release All my Songs by the German duo Mael & Jonas (in fact, ...
After I have been quite impressed by her recent development, I was quite curious about 24-1, the new album by German ...
I was quite surprised when I received the press kit for Antonia Kubas' debut EP: Liebe und Musik ("Love and music") ...
The music of OH FYO! is described as a mixture of pop and hip hop elements. I received their album Level ...
Time to present you some music from Germany this weekend: The Rehats are doing folk-pop and already exist since over ...
Despite the project name sounds rather Ruhrgebiet-alike, Umme Block are an electronic pop duo from Munich. The German artists release ...
Reviewing German artist Alexander Liebe and his album Spielautomat has been a typical story. I received the album through a ...
Ski Holiday sounds like a perfect band name for a winter release, doesn't it? The band has British and German ...
The band name Groenalund feels quite Swedish. In fact, there are references to Sweden in the band history. First of ...
Now that Christmas is getting closer, it is also a great opportunity for less known artists to receive some additional ...
Music from Hamburg: King LX is a rather new collaboration from the Northern German city. On 16th December 2022, they ...
Myle has definitely been a raising artist in Germany during the last to years. He played the important SWR3 New ...
Almost four decades of music, 13 albums, more than 6,000 shows - even though Boppin' B are no chart-busters, they ...
Samuel Rösch became famous by winning the TV show The Voice of Germany. I already had a look into his music ...
There are so many Christmas music albums each and every year - I typically try to filter out interesting ones ...
While doing tour-chasing in Florida, I am very glad when I am able to prepare postings for beforehand, especially ...
Especially in the early 1990's, the German project U96 was very present in the European electronic music scene. Some thirty ...
The third Vanessa Mai album review: after I really liked her 2020 release Für immer and absolutely struggled with the ...
After featring the German pop duo Havet in my Songs of the Week edition of 29th July 2022, I now ...
Interestingly, most of the press information I received about Das Jahr, das sich um eins verschiebt by Philipp Eisenblätter declares the ...
Survive is the debut EP by a Berlin-based project, Confirmation. I got in touch with their music and felt to share ...
Everybody in Germany knows the songs Ich will Spaß ("I want to have fun", a song about having fun cruising in ...
An artist I did not know about anything before: Just two days before her debut EP Brown Eyes was about to be ...
The press kit to Brain Freeze, the second EP by Leepa, states that the German is maybe the most promising talent ...
Even though Charly Klauser is active in the German music scene since almost two decades, her album Mehr ("More") released on 24th ...
Clara Louise is indeed a very multi-talented German artist. With Enough Is Enough, she is already releasing her sixth studio album ...
If you feel that Cologne Carnival songs or party music must be a rather regional and limited things, stats of ...
Fräulein Frey names her music "Freien Hanseatischen Pop" - Free Hanseatic pop. On 3rd June 2022, she is releasing a ...
The German language has the nice opportunity to simply combine two noun to a new word. Seele means soul in German and ...
German pop-rock debut: the band Karaboom releases Follow Your Heart on 20th May 2022. I happened to run into the album and ...
Even though Like Mint's first release has been some five years ago, her EP I Wish I Was Awake feels a bit ...
Acoustic bass, jazz guitar, ukulele and sax - the range of instruments used for Dr. Umwuchts Tanzpalast is already quite ...
A German pop debut on 6th May 2022: Patrick Noe is releasing his very first album, which is simply called ...
New songs from Mrs. Greenbird: Cologne's finest Americana pop pair released a new set of tracks on 9th April 2022 ...
Nanee's song Frei Sein ("Be Free") impressed me that much that it made it's way into my Songs of the Week as ...
The Jeremy Days have been one of the most important pop-rock bands in Germany in the late 1980's and 1990's ...
I just happened to run into the music of KIDSO (which is written as KIDSØ, but I try to avoid ...
The name of the German band Der Sonne zu Nah roughly translates to "Too close to the sun". In fact, ...
When I listened to Michael Lane's album Traveling Son in October 2019, I absolutely enjoyed the sound of the US-German artist, who ...
TV appearances, support act of famous musicians like Heinz Rudolf Kunze or Rea Garvey: Jördis Tielsch has indeed grown quite ...
70 years of Klaus Lage - the rock singer-songwriter is one of the most iconic artists of the German music ...
In later 2021, I ran into the music by German-American artist Rickie Lee Kroell by a contact to her promotion ...
German schlager with a good touch of pop from the region West of Berlin: Joe Carpenter has just released his ...
Britpop / Britrock made in Germany - that's a likely the best short description you can do about the Berlin ...
Especially in the world of social media, where it feels nearly impossible to spot the rising artist Peter Smith (just ...
Towards the end of the year, I majorly ran into releases by German artists - either in the "normal" Media ...
Synthi pop with an Eurodance / 1980's touch? If there is press kit information like this, there is always a ...
Lauryn Mark is about to release her second album in the middle of 2022. As an intermediate step, she is ...
The title Quieter Pt. 2 already suggests that there has been a first part of Emma Longard's series of songs. Indeed, ...
A Change in Yvonne Catterfeld's career: just three weeks before Christmas, the popular German artist releases her first album in English. The ...
My hometown Cologne is full of music - not only carnival-related. Not only during these days, Cat Ballou has become ...
The press kit to this EP opens with "Another singer-songwriter who is writing about his personal lovesickness. Does the world ...
Max Giesinger has grown his fan base in Germany steadily over the last years. Three years after his most recent ...
Dieter Hallervorden is a very famous entertainer in Germany. However, his biggest times in the music business have been the ...
Honestly, when I ran into his debut album Achtung Leben, I did not know anything about Michael Heppes. However, the album ...
Interesting pop sound from Hamburg in Northern Germany: Winter 2 are just active for some one year. Nonetheless, the are ...
Four female voices in an a-capella band - that's the rough concept of MEDLZ (which sounds a bit the German ...
I had a quite long list - and range - of album to select from for my 1st October 2021 ...
Hail to promotion platforms - just after I was really angry that I had listed some interesting publication with an ...
In December 2019, I praised the album 2084 by the Pete Wolf Band. The artist behind that project is Wolfgang ...
The first set of the press kit I received about Power Plush are (translated to English) "Emancipatoric power meets empahtic ...
The first album by LaFee since ten years - and in fact this one is heading back some more decades ...
From Kiddo Kat to Annie Chops: her album Piece of Cake was one of the first ones I reviewed on ...
A new album by Mark Forster: the German artist took a three year break before he did it again: his ...
Friday, the 13th: I am sure that Perlregen, did not think that their new album Drei (meaning ("Three") could turn ...
It's just about a month ago since I reviewed the 2021 album of Die Liga der gewöhnlichen Gentlemen, GschichterIn aus ...
Andreas Dorau everywhere: just two weeks after I reviewed GschichterIn aus dem Park Cafe, the new album by Die Liga der ...
Tacheles reden is a German saying which means that you have a very straight and honest discussion, expressing your clear ...
I started to enjoy the pop-Northern Soul style of the German band Die Liga der gewöhnlichen Gentlemen, when the recorded ...
A debut EP by a home town artist - of course I have been curious when I ran into Luna ...
You might not have heard from the German artist, but the man behind 7fields has been leading the legendary band ...
Over 560,000 follower on Facebook and some 90k subscribers of his YouTube channel - you just cannot say that Dominik ...
German rock made in Cologne: of course, I am always especially curious when I run into artists I don't know ...
Fancy has truly been a Eurodance legend in the 1980's. Even though his last Top 20 chart entry, a mix ...
People thought that the five girls of No Angels could become the German Spice Girls. They became talent show stars ...
In my younger years, the German a capella band Die Prinzen have been one of my favorite music. Their direct, ...
Indigo by Noah Levi is another publication with talent show background: in young teenage years, Noah Levi became famous by ...
The promotion kit of People Club calls the act an indie-lo-fi-slacker band. Ooops, I have to admit that I would ...
Twelve cover songs of German music legends - when I recently reviewed a similar concept, #Schlager by Stereoact, my rather was ...
After having released her debut album in 2015 already. Emma Longard will release two EPs with new songs in 2021 ...
Sing meinen Song ("Sing My Song") is definitely one of my favorite German TV music shows. A group of music artist ...
Since about half a decade, Wincent Weiss became a big name in the German-singing pop music scene. After two successful ...
Seasons by the project VINTER is a typical review. I scanned future new releases in a promotion database and got ...
Some new music from my home town: Klee is a German pop act, who have been quite successful in the ...
Sarah Lombardi's career started with a bit ups and downs in the German version of American Idol. Three years after ...
From the big talent show stage to the (virtual) record stores: After Samuel Rösch won the German The Voice in ...
New stuff from JORIS: the German singer-songwriter with a touch of rock music is about to present his third album ...
More than thirty years ago, Diane Weigmann was part of the founding of a legendary German band, the Lemonbabies. She ...
Thomas Anders is back to pop music. After his recent publications on the German Schlager genre, the Gentleman of Music is ...
Indeed, Hanna Batka is Mitten in Berlin - "In The Middle of Berlin". She is not only indeed living in the ...
I am not even sure if it was about the cheeky lyrics and the fresh sound or simply the album ...
Alphaville, Ultravox and Mike & The Mechanics on one album? Okay, I have to give in that neither of the ...
There are several causes which make me feel I should go for an album review. When I decided to have ...
With growing and thus having access to major promotion networks, I get in touch into music I would likely ...
Originall, the German Neue Deutsche Welle legends Paso Doble were scheduled to release her new album Urknall on 15th January 2021, ...
Lina Larissa Strahl, as a musical act simply called LINA, is having a bit of an age issue: the nowadays ...
Peter Schilling is a legendary name of the German music business. Major Tom gave him international reputation. So far, Schilling ...
Scanning the new releases as of 28th August 2020, I ran into the Hamburg-based band miu. The gained quite some ...
Fourteen years after their latest album, the German project X-Perience is releasing a new album. The fifth long-play release of ...
Marquess is a very popular band in Germany and the neighboring countries. With Turbulento, they are back in the record stores, ...
Sometimes, life as a music blogger is strange. Scanning the new releases (as every Friday) on 22nd May 2020 made ...
Nico Santos is a German artist, which made it quite big and gained international attention the last years. He is ...
Typically, after I have completed my first wave of reviews (which was quite quick on that 17th April 2020 due ...
When I was on social media, the account of a friend reminded me that Alex Christensen. After two amazingly successful ...
Kiddo Kat already a viral hit on Youtube in 2016. Now, Anna Guder produced her first album "Piece of Cake" ...
Superb 2021 Travel Reviews
Here are all my travel reviews released in 2021, which got a rating better than 4.5:
The Tränenpalast ("Palace of Tears") in Berlin is the former border crossing point between East and West Berlin. It is located at ...
I so far did not have too many opportunities to cross the Polar Circle in my life. A few years ...
Watching Dubai from the (currently) world tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, just feels like one of the biggest must-dos for ...
Watching the Pittsburgh Penguins at the Scotiabank Arena at the Toronto Maple Leafs in November 2021, my wife and I ...
I did a couple of interesting road trips in Iceland during my summer stay in August 2021. Even though I ...
Without a doubt, the Scala in Milan is one of the most famous opera houses in the world. While I ...
Some 300 inhabitants, but more than 6,000 spectators (if Covid-committing) at an ice hockey home match - there is likely ...
While nature lovers, highland road freaks and horse riders roll over Iceland in summer, the key attraction in fall and ...
Sometimes, iconic attractions don't need to be overwhelmingly large to become really worth a visit. The Grazer Schoßbergbahn / Graz Castle Rail, ...
In the recent past, I had two car rentals with Hertz from Helsinki Airport (HEL). This review is reflecting a ...
Even though I have a (low) status at Melia Hotels, my experience with the brand is rather mixed. The more, ...
For my October 2021 trip to Iceland, I went for a car rental provider which I had used before for ...
Venice is an iconic place by itself - but it has some real key attractions as well. Without a doubt, ...
Delayed by one year due to Covid-19, Dubai hosts the Expo 2020, the World Exhibition in between 1st October 2021 ...
In July 2021, I wanted to explore some of the rather centrally located attractions of Berlin. Due to its good ...
Having a prolonged relaxing weekend in the Austrian Alps - this was about the thoughts we had about a stay ...
Parking fees at Dusseldorf Airport got ridiculously high in recent past. For my August 2021 trip to Poland (from Thursday ...
I already introduced you to the lovely regional airport of Lübeck (LBC), a city some one hour Northeast of Hamburg ...
From outside, the Auto & Traktor Museum Bodensee ("Car and Tractor Museum") at Lake Constance looks like a traditional old farm ...
Flights directly from city to city - needless to say that one key driver of success of Billy Bishop - ...
Without a doubt, Luciano Pavarotti is one of the biggest music legends in recent history. The Italian is regarded to ...
Having a swim in a (somehow) natural geothermal pool in Iceland feels to be the equivalent to the Blue Lagoon ...
Arriving from Krakow testing the Polish EIP high-speed train and heading on to Berlin with the Berlin-Warsaw Express - all ...
Auschwitz is a town's name (adopted to German) which you typically link with murder, cruelty, state-organized mass killings, injustice. A ...
For a weekend trip to Tyrol, my wife and I flew to Salzburg Airport (SZG) and took a rental car ...
Ship lifts are one of the most fascinating technical constructions to me. Being able to move ships like in an ...
In August 2021, I finally visited a place which has been hidden from me for so long. I had so ...
Businessman, actor, bodybuilder, producer and - last, but not least, politician - it is really hard to list all roles ...
I already introduced you to the Sharjah Maritime Museum in a previous posting. Right next to this place, there is ...
Doing a cruise on Berlin's key river Spree is one of the classic touristic options when you visit the German ...
Apart from several stays around the terminals, Frankfurt Airport nowadays features four airport hotels with direct walk-in connection to Terminal ...
If you think about oil producing countries, you may think about the USA or the United Arab Emirates. In fact, ...
I would say that at the time of writing (August 2021), Sky Lagoon is something like the hottest product in ...
Located right at the River Rhine, the Hyatt Regency is one of the most iconic and also one of the ...
Not only because auf an early 1990's video game, I am deeply interested in the Hansa and its history. Thus, ...
I had the first night of my June 2021 trip to the Emilia-Romagna region right in the South of Lombardy, ...
I remember having a flight from Lübeck / Lubeck Airport (LBC) in the very early 2000's. At this time, I ...
At the end of an interesting trip in June 2021, I stayed at the Mercure Hotel Hannover (Hanover) City. I ...
A very interesting rebranding: when I started to explore museums in the nearby Netherlands, the Dutch Freedom Museum in Groesbeek ...
In mid June 2021, I again had a night in Hamburg. As I was aiming to come back late from ...
It is almost needless to say that Adolf Hitler was obsessed with megalomanic ideas. Apart from ruling the world and ...
The hotel situation at Cologne / Bonn Airport used to be quite bothering. There used to be a single hotel ...
There are these moments in my traveler's life where I just feel I have to go for a certain thing ...
For years, if I would have wanted to deeply bash the Deutsche Bahn (German Rails), there would have been a simple way ...
Especially after all the Covid-19 restrictions, my wife and I were really looking forward to two relaxing hours in a ...
240 meters above The Jumeirah Palm in Dubai - The View At The Palm is one of the latest attractions ...
For a trip to Lower Saxony in early June 2021, I needed a stay in Hanover / Hannover close to ...
There is always (mostly?) a second chance at After I haven't been too pleased with my first ever IntercityHotel ...
I haven't been too future-looking when I recently introduced the Car Rental category. I felt that even if I rent ...
When people visit the United Arab Emirates, they typically think about Dubai and Abu Dhabi. The more I got into ...
The Northern Ireland conflict - or simply called The Troubles is one of the most intense civil conflicts I experienced during ...
The National Monument Camp Vught - or Konzentrationslager Herzogenbusch, which has been the German name during the Nazi era - is ...
As the reviews of the park were pretty good, my wife and I headed to a deer park / wildlife ...
Professional stargazing: The European Southern Observatory, short ESO is a collaboration of multiple European countries to gather astronomic forces on the ...
The story why I felt I had to visit the Bergisches Museum für Bergbau, Handwerk und Handel - the Bergisches ...
The history of Emsflower started as Kwekerij Kuipers founded by Jan Kuipers in De Lutte in the Netherlands. Not too far ...
Fortunate unexpected upgrade: I originally planned to go from Paderborn/Lippstadt (PAD) to Westerland/Sylt (GWT) to check out a new German ...
Even though I am not a beer drinker, I made a brewery tour during my last stay in the Salzburg ...
Even though the Netherlands capitulated against Germany just after a few days under attack during World War II, they have ...
There are so many interesting places in Hamburg, which are still on my bucket list. Of course, the Northern German ...
While the Arabian word Etihad for many people first of all stands for a major airline based in the capital of ...
In April 2021, I finally had my first flight connections to/from the new Berlin airport, BER - Berlin / Brandenburg ...
The German Movie Museum - or: Deutsches Filmmuseum is located in the heart of Frankfurt (Main). It gives you an overview about ...
In February 2020, I visited a lovely aviation museum in Santa Ana, Greater Los Angeles: the Lyon Air Museum is ...
Singapore is not only well-known for Sentosa or the Marina Bay Sands. The city state is also home of several ...
In 1891, Henry B. Plant founded the Tampa Bay Hotel. Nowadays, the National Historic Landmark in central Tampa is no ...
Schloss Burg is just about half an hour away by car from my home town Cologne. The castle on the ...
When you think about Dubai local transport, you typically refer to the efficient and cheap metro, the buses and taxis ...
Due to the uncertain travel situation, there are still some reviews, which I haven't published for a too long time ...
After my visit of the Panorama Mesdag in The Hague / Den Haag, Netherlands, I just had to visit the ...
Two Olympic Gold Medals and multiple other medals and World Cup victories (with a special focus on Super-G) - undoubtedly, ...
Even if you likely think of their home brand when you think about Heineken - but in fact their beer ...
Chinese Lantern Festivals and similar events became very popular in many European cities over the last years. Thus, I was ...
The blue and white porcelain from Delft is a globally well-known brand. While my wife and I spent time in ...
The limited travel intensity during summer and fall 2020 lead to some interesting budget travel opportunities. During a trip to ...
Since late October 2020, restaurants in Germany are not allowed to open as a pandemic lock-down measure. However, take-away services ...
The Berchtesgadener Land is not only nowadays well-known as a popular tourist destination, there is also a dark part of ...
A museum with 90 vintage cars and so-called Yountimers might not feel to thrilling. If you add that about half of ...
If you are on a city trip, you likely fancy to buy a multi-attraction ticket. There are global companies like ...
The Aviodrome in Lelystad in the Netherlands calls itself a Luchtvaart Themapark - an "Aviation Theme Park". You can definitely spent as ...
Hard to believe - but when I selected the Santa Catalina, a Royal Hideaway Hotel, in Las Palmas for my ...
Vielen, vielen Dank für die vielen wertschätzenden Worte! Es freut mich sehr, dass dir mein Album gefällt. Ich bin sehr gerührt und glücklich! Tolle Arbeit, weiter so! 🙂
Lieben Dank – und danke für den Kaffee 🙂