Patrick Noe – Ich

Patrick Noe - Ich



3.8/5 Pros

  • Entertaining German pop album
  • Good lyrics Cons

  • Some songs a bit too kitschy

A German pop debut on 6th May 2022: Patrick Noe is releasing his very first album, which is simply called Ich -“I”. I ran into the songs on a promotion platform and felt that they are a really nice listen. Here is my review.


Patrick Noe – About The Artist

Patrick Noe is a German-Italian artist. He is coming from the Odenwald region, Southeast of Frankfurt. His mother is from Sicily, while his father is German. Even though he is doing concerts since quite a while, his professional debut single release Himmel (“Heaven”) is dated as of 2017. Even though the single was quite successful, it took him about 1 1/2 years to release a second track, Ein Mann Ein Wort.


Patrick Noe – Ich – Track by Track

The thirteen track album lasts 46 minutes.

1. Nur für Dich

Nur für Dich kämpf ich, geh bis ans Ende der Welt – “I am fighting just for you, go ’til the end of the world” – the first track of the album is a love song with a touch of schlager. A slow song with a nice melody. The lyrics are a bit too kitschy.

2. Himmel

Schlager or pop? While the first song suggests that the album is rather following the traditional light German pop sound, Himmel rather comes with stronger rock and pop elements. Das muss der Himmel sein – “This must be heaven”. I wouldn’t see the song to be part of these spheres… But it is a good one.

3. Ein guter Tag

After two songs, which have already been featured before the album release, Ein guter Tag is the first really new track on this album. To me, it is the best song so far. The third track just spreads a positive vibe and comes with a catchy melody.

4. So wie am ersten Tag

The fourth song nicely connects to its predecessor. A nice, happy vibe. So wie am ersten Tag (“Like on the first day”) thereby is more rhythmic and comes with some nice nice metaphoric lyrics.

5. Unsere Liebe lässt tanzen

Let’s dance. This fifth song comes with electronic sounds and a stomping rhythm from the very first moment. Good one.

6. Das Leben ist jetzt

The song is about ageing and how life is changing. Thereby the key message is

Das Leben ist jetzt
Jeder Tag ist ein Fest
Das Leben ist jetzt
Das Leben ist jetzt
Vergiss mal den Rest
Das Leben ist jetzt

(“Life is now
Every day is a party
Life is now
Life is now
Forget about the rest
Life is now”)

One of the best songs of the album.

7. Lass uns über Liebe reden

Nice bass groove in this song, which even comes with a slight touch of indie-pop. Definitely a special listen, even though it is not my favorite.

8. 2020

2020 is a song about social, ecologic problems and how to deal with the responsibility for future generations. One of the best lyrics of the album.

9. Ein Mann ein Wort

Patrick Noe confirmed the success of his debut single with this song. A song, which you can easily relate to. Definitely a wise listeners’ choice, even though the song feels a bit too simple.

10. Put your hands up for life

Despite the title, the song is indeed a German lyric one again. In the second last song, Patrick Noe sounds angry, almost agressive. Great touch on this album.

11. Himmel (acoustic)

The album concludes with Himmel in an acoustic version. I feel that this recording even shows the beauty of the song better than the original studio version.


Patrick Noe – Ich – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify:


Patrick Noe – Ich – My View

Nice one! There are a lot of already known songs, but Patrick Noe overall illustrates his talent to describe feelings and situations. Some songs are a bit too soppy, maybe. Nonetheless, a good listen.



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