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Joe Carpenter – Meine Lieder

Joe Carpenter - Meine Lieder




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  • Nice balance between pop and schlager
  • Some really nice, deep songs, but also dancing tracks

German schlager with a good touch of pop from the region West of Berlin: Joe Carpenter has just released his new album Meine Lieder (“My Songs”) on 28th January 2022. I had a listen already before the release and share my thoughts with you.


Joe Carpenter – About The Artist

Joe Carpenter, who is named Joe Zimmermann (Carpenter is a literal translation of “Zimmermann”) in civil life, was born in December 1974 in Rathenow, Brandenburg State, Germany. He released two albums so far, his 2014 debut Einfach frei and Klappe! Die Zweite in 2019. Covid-19 gave him a bit of a drawback and he ran a general service company. Meine Lieder is his third album.


Joe Carpenter – Meine Lieder – Track by Track

The thirteen track album lasts 47 minutes.

1. Meine Lieder

The opening title track is already a really nice schlager-pop song. Musik ist mein Leben, mein Leben ist Musik (“Music is my life, my life is music”) – a personal, very nice homage to music.

2. Die Zeit ist Dein Freund

The second song is maybe not that forceful as the title track, but it is a really nice one. Again, the song has strong pop elements and thus does not feel as kitschy as typical modern schlager tracks. I highly appreciate it.

3. Der perfekte Moment

The third song has a nice plot and good lyrics – I struggle with the vocal performance during the chorus, though. Bad luck – thus, this song is definitely not Der Perfekte Moment (“The perfect moment”) to me.

4. Bauchgefühl

This song, which has already been a pre-album release is about the “gut feeling”. I like that Joe Carpenter is concentrating on the lyrics and the story rather than trying to do schlager disco fox rhythms in any song. Good listen.

5. Mit Dir

Mit Dir ist alles mehr als leicht
Mit Dir bleibt nicht mehr unerreicht
Mit Dir lass ich alle Leinen los
Du bist der Inbegriff für groß, so groß.

(“With you, everything is more than easy
With you, there is nothing unmatched
With you, I am casting off
You are the byword for great, very great”)

Meine Lieder does not only feature song, which rather tend to the German pop music side, there are also songs like this one, which have a clear schlager touch. Thus, fans of the genre will find some good listens as well.

6. Tanz

The chorus of Tanz (“Dance”) is definitely made for dancing. The verses feel quite contrasting. Nice vibe and a really catching touch.

7. Mitte meines Herzens

This ballad is a beautiful love song. A nice atmosphere, in which the instruments feel to focus like a spotlight on the voice of Joe Carpenter and his lyrics. Very well written one.

8. Sommerkinder

This song (“Summer Kids”) is another track made for the dance floor. After some of the deeper tracks, the song might feel a bit thin – but it definitely creates a nice vibe.

9. Moment des Lebens

Moment des Lebens (“Moment of Life”) is a slow starter, but has a lot of power and presence in the chorus. The sound is very schlager-alike, though.

10. Großes Glück

I prefer Großes Glück over Moment des Lebens – unfortunately, the songs feel very similar to me. Bad luck for the track, which is not in the driver’s seat.

11. Tief in mir drin

After this series of very schlager-alike songs, I really enjoy this previous single release, which has a very fluent hook and a much more of a pop touch.

Und tief in mir drin
Ergibt alles einen Sinn
Ich brauch mich nicht verstecken
Ich werd’ so bleiben, wie ich bin.
Ich krieg’ das schon hin,
Das ist alles kein Problem
Solang Musik in mir klingt,
Wird es immer weiter gehen.

(“And deep inside me
Everything makes sense
I don’t need to hide
I will stay as I am.
I am going to manage that
That’s no problem at all
As long as the music sound is inside me
It will forever go on”)

12. Weil Du mich auffängst

The second last song with its disco fox rhythm is rather towards German schlager again. A good listen, for sure.

13. Meer alter Freund

The album is closing with a beautiful, emotional track. Joe Carpenter is praising being at the sea and how he can relax and concentrate on his own life while being at the ocean. Beautiful finale, one of the best songs of the album.


Joe Carpenter – Meine Lieder – Spotify

Here is Meine Lieder on Spotify


Joe Carpenter – Meine Lieder – My View

I did not know Joe Carpenter and his music yet, but Meine Lieder is really a nice listen. Some tracks are a bit too schlager-alike for me, but there are also some really nice, deep lyrics, which leads to a nice balance. Nice option for schlager buffs as well as German pop fans.


German Schlager

Easy, German language pop – here are all postings about German Schlager on Flyctory.com:


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