Aquazoo Löbbecke Museum Dusseldorf
10 EUR Pros
- Nice variety of animals - much more than you first think
- Good round trip through the museum Cons
- A bit too narrow and packed - esp. during Covid-19
- Touch of being old-fashioned
A zoo which is suitable for the cold and rainy days as well: as you might guess already, Aquazoo Löbbecke in Dusseldorf is concentrating on life in and around the water. The combination of a zoo and a natural museum is completely indoors, so that this feels to be a great place to have trip with kids for non-outdoor days. Here is my review, based on a summer 2020 visit.

Aquazoo Dusseldorf – Location & Admission
Aquazoo Löbecke is located in the Nordpark in Dusseldorf, which is part of the borough Stockum. There are quite some parking lots around, but the area may be rather crowded in nice weather times. Using public transport to this animal exhibition is easy, there is an Underground station (Nordpark / Aquazoo) in front of the park, which directly connects to Dusseldorf Main Station.
The museum is opening daily, 10:00 to 18:00 hrs. Interestingly, the online pre-purchase is more expansive (10 EUR) than the walk-in rate (9 EUR), due to the handling fees. Pre-booking a ticket online is currently mandatory due to pandemic restrictions.

Aquazoo Dusseldorf – The Visit
Despite it does not look that massive from the outside, the museum features over 500 different species of animals. They are typically displayed in Themenräumen, areas which are dedicated to a certain topic. Documentation is typically in German only. The visit through the museum is a round trip, which is very favorable during pandemic times. As you, however, have a couple of aquariums or terrariums in a relatively small space, I very often felt that the museum was too packed during my visit. Apart from living animal displays, there are also a few exhibits which you can touch.

Your visit starts with one of my most favorite birds, the puffin. One of the first topics is how life is adopting to different living conditions. This also later leads to exhibits about typical tropical coral reefs and the species living in there.

Even though the zoo is called Aquazoo, there is a surprisingly large collection of land animals as well. Of course, there is a certain focus on amphibians, but there are also a lot of insects, snakes, spiders and similar animals. Later parts of the Aquazoo feature exhibits which explain how oceans have been explored in the past and are still explored. A lovely part of your visit is the tropical rainforest exhibition, which features a lot of interesting animals.

The people’s favorite are likely the penguins – the area around them was unfortunately that full that I cannot share it with them.
Aquazoo Dusseldorf – Services
Overall, the facilities at the Aquazoo are rather traditional. Thus, there are just a few gifts at the entrance area. The toilets are a good illustration of the state of the museum: a touch of old fashioned, but well maintained.

Aquazoo Dusseldorf – My View
In general, I liked visiting Aquazoo in Dusseldorf. I would just not recommend to visit it during any kind of peak time like school holidays, weekends or similar family days. The museum is too narrow at these times so that you just cannot have a relaxed visit. This is of course becoming more obvious during the pandemic situation. in Dusseldorf
Here are all my postings about Dusseldorf:
A mileage run is a flight or a series of flights which is majorly intending to gain miles at airlines' ...
After my previous edition of the Songs of the Week more or less covering two weeks, this one is first full ...
has come to an end - and my Best of posting is the one which is "traditionally" concluding the year. The ...
Ladies and gentlemen (and all the others of course as well), we got it: here is my first Songs of the ...
The first full week of November definitely kicks off the album season of the year. I have been loaded with ...
Propaganda defined the German synth-pop scene in the 1980's. After three break-ups, they are back with a new album in ...
In my Songs of my Life postings, I love to share songs with you, which you might not have in ...
I feature athletics events three weeks in a row before I head to Newport in Rhode Island for tennis coverage ...
I so far featured the German pop artist Sasha only once, with his children album Toto und der Mann im Mond ...
I already featured the band Ochmoneks twice in my Songs of the Week, on 9th June and on 7th July 2023 ...
With the ISTAF Indoor 2023, I kicked off my campaign to intensify my athletics coverage in 2023. The more, I ...
In general, I plan to increase the frequency of my athletics coverage during 2024. The first event of that sports ...
Is it really New Year's Eve already again? The last day of the year? I am posting this one in ...
Chinese lantern shows and other illuminations have become more and more popular in Europe during the recent winter seasons. In ...
London, Faroe Islands, another trip tp England, Sweden, USA - the last weeks of 2023 involve quite a bit of ...
40 years of Doro Pesch on stage - I really feel a bit of bad that I am not in ...
The Songs Of The Week is one of my favorite categories of posts on my blog. Even I don't know how the ...
The public transport situation of Dusseldorf Airport (DUS) is a bit more complex than it might feel at first sight ...
One evening with six different artists? The opening night of the Heart To Heart concert series definitely came with high ...
Very often, a song I feature as a Song Of My Life is also a track which made me listen ...
I am still relaxing from all the trips I had during the last weeks. Nonetheless, things are just busy and ...
I am surprised that it has never been there before, stated Jackson Dean, one of the four artists, who will ...
With this fourth posting, I am closing my coverage of the German Athletics Nationals 2023. The Auestadion in Kassel hosted ...
Traveling out of nowehere: I compiled this set of songs in Swansea in Whales, watching the very last Rock of ...
Right before my wife and I visited the Wellnest Private Spa in Essen during the Christmas holidays of 2022, we ...
I received so many great albums this week - no chance to process a fair fraction of them. However, the ...
I have struggled quite much with health issues this week - which also prevented me to travel to some British Rock ...
Especially with British Airways moving the vast majority of their operations from B-Gates to C-Gates, I have been frequently visiting ...
I have to give in: the song leading this week's Songs of the Week might also be a candidate for the ...
Ten shows within three weeks - I was just so flattered to welcome Weird Al Yankovic and his lovely band ...
Damn - just when I had a massive travel volume, the number of new releases of all genres went up ...
The ISTAF Indoor in Dusseldorf was truly an sports event I was looking forward to very much. First of all, ...
Wow, that's massive! After I had a quite thin list of new releases since mid-December 2022, Christmas break is officially ...
I was quite amazed that there were quite a lot of interesting single releases this week. At least artists from ...
A lot of Christmas songs, a lot of covers and best of albums are the new releases in the - ...
The 7th November 2022 is one of these days I will hardly forget so quickly. In a Weird Al fan ...
After I gave you an overview of 2022 European appearances of my favorite musical Rock of Ages, I felt to ...
Saving my Melia frequent traveler points and doing some research for were two really good reasons to try out ...
Early summer 2022. After the Covid-19 crisis feels to have come to a certain end, air travelers all over Europe ...
The last entry of my (multi-day) trip reports is typically a bit of boring. Getting to the airport, flying back ...
First day of my Weird Al trip in April 2022. I was initially even thinking about merging it with Day ...
The Hilton Hotel Group is currently opening quite a lot of new Hampton by Hilton Hotels over Central Europe. Sufficient ...
Even though I do have a couple of airport reviews on, I so far missed a lot of the ...
Parking fees at Dusseldorf Airport got ridiculously high in recent past. For my August 2021 trip to Poland (from Thursday ...
While I have a couple of "PCR professionals" in my circle of contacts, it took me until December 2020 until ...
In order to have a more comfortable (and longer) sleep, I decided to go for a night at the ibis ...
The Rheinturm - or Rhine Tower - is definitely one of Dusseldorf's most iconic viewpoints. During a recent stay at the ...
As I had couple of Spain and Portugal trips planned for summer 2020 and all have been cancelled due to ...
Coming back from London from the (finally cancelled) Country To Country Festival 2020 was the last trip I took before ...
After I recently visited the traditional drive-in movie in Cologne and the additional pop-up Car Watch in my home town, 2nd ...
Though it just processes about a half of the number of passengers of Munich Airport and even just a third ...
As I really enjoyed to listen to Andy Clark's new album I Love Joyce Morris, I was really hoping to manage ...
2018, Aegean Airlines has been voted by Skytrax as the best European regional airline. This alone might be worth mentioning ...
Sunday, 27th May 2018 - time to slowly head home. After quite a lot of flying, this has really been ...
No, I am not going to travel between Europe and Asia or America like a madman or do some extreme ...
“Travel with Kids” Postings
Here are all postings about locations I recommend to visit with kids:
There are so many different kinds of museums all over the world. However, when I visited Innsbruck in late October ...
Before I visited Rytiri Kladno in the Czech ice hockey Ekstraliga, I visited another interesting attraction in the Prague outskirts ...
The South Carolina beach town Myrtle Beach hosts numerous attractions driven by the Canadian Ripley Entertainment company. Maybe the largest ...
I simply love the Miniatur Wunderland. You can hardly challenge that the scale model landscape and rail attraction is the ...
Having an Balboa Explorer Pass during our visit to San Diego in December 2023 gave my wife and me the ...
The ARTE Museums are a franchise of modern, immersive art places. The exhibition has its origin in South Korea, where ...
Visiting the Vienna Prater, I just could not stand and had a look into Madame Tussauds Vienna. The wax museum ...
Having a hike with alpacas? This kind of free time activity becomes more and more popular, in Germany. Organizers argue ...
During Christmas time 2023, I have been invited to watch the Weihnachts-Wunderwelt at Schloss Benrath in Dusseldorf, Germany. Even though ...
Even though I was traveling on a sightseeing pass, I also visited some additional attractions during my time in New ...
I already took you to the American Dream in New Jersey twice. The iconic and very modern shopping mall features ...
Even though London is one of the foreign cities I visit most frequently, I haven't shared some travel experience with ...
The Sauerland in the Western part of the German state of North Rhine Westphalia (Nordrhein-Westfalen) is very popular as a ...
Having a nice walk in the (somewhat) nature and meeting some animals out there - the weather was just too ...
My wife is a huge fan of zoos and animal parks. Thus, when we visited the Norwegian city of Bergen ...
Whenever I visit scale model exhibitions abroad, I feel a bit of guilty. With the crazy and innovative guys behind ...
During a trip to Liege / Luik in Belgium, i took a short detour from a shopping mall to visit ...
Once you travel to the Eastern parts of Asia, you feel how big Hello Kitty and her friends are especially ...
4,354 meters long - the Dajti Ekspres is (by its own marketing) the longest cable car in the Balkan region ...
During my last visit to Luxembourg, my wife and I visited the Grevenmacher Butterfly Garden - or Jardin des Papillons, ...
During my trip to Myrtle Beach in October 2023, I just had to check out couple of mini golf and ...
Husavik used to be one of the key whaling spots in Iceland. Nowadays, the city is still famous for the ...
For the second part of my "review battle" of museums dealing with visions around the future, we leave the Museum ...
The ring-shaped Museum of the Future has quickly become one of the most iconic structures in Dubai. Having opened in ...
Blackpool is indeed an entertainment city. In summer, people are crowding the place and enjoying all the beach attractions as ...
After my recent experience with the Christmas celebrations at SeaWorld San Diego were rather disappointing, I felt to give the ...
I was so happy to be back in Abu Dhabi in February 2024. Especially due to the stricter Covid-19 restrictions ...
When I introduced you to the Audi & Siku Museum Höing about three years ago, you already saw that the ...
How can you go there? They are shit! was one of the rather modest reactions of friends and followers when ...
Wernigerode being located right North of the Harz mountains might not be the most obvious location for an aviation museum ...
For the last review in 2023, I opted for the Kruger Street Toy and Train Museum. I happened to run ...
I always feel a but of guilty and bad already before I visit scale modeling landscapes somewhere. I am a ...
Since 2007, the Hyde Park Winter Wonderland in London has become a more and more growing Christmas and winter tradition ...
You might not know the company Nissin Foods founded in Osaka and nowadays still based there (and in Tokyo). However, ...
It felt so good being back at the Faroe Islands in September 2023. Even though I just had some limited ...
Somehow, it is still the Heinz Field for the locals... The Pittsburgh Steelers and the Panthers share Acrisure Stadium for ...
Orlando is a place to hang, enjoy yourself - and spend quite some money. Thus, it is not too surprising ...
It's alredaxy quite long ago since I visited Blackpool the last time. End of February is not the typical time ...
After I introduced you to Fun Spot America Orlando, I of course also need to share my thoughts about the ...
Museums are getting famous for various reasons. The best one is, likely, when they are having a deep and educative, ...
While I was visiting the beautiful Trafford Palazzo shopping mall in Manchester, I also had a look into one of ...
Orlando is one of the biggest entertainment cities in the United States. You likely think of Disney, Universal Studios or ...
No, this place is not about The Tudors. Henri Owen Tudor might not be in scope of some of you, but ...
Reykjavik and the surrounding cities are the core of Iceland. Even though the area does rather feel like other Nordic ...
Sometimes, you just need to learn where your steak - or your Icelandic sweater is originally coming from. What is ...
I just have a too large backlog of travel postings. Finally, it is already more than a year ago since ...
Even though the former Olympic sites are what Lillehammer finally made famous, I would still rate the open air museum ...
Husavik is not only known due to the Fire Saga Eurovision movie on Netflix, but is more than that one of the ...
My visit at the Sea Life in Munich has still been under Covid-19 regulations. However, I feel that most of ...
Puffins are one of my favorite animals. Thus, being able to say hello to them in wildlife conditions is always ...
There are so many mini golf, black light golf and adventure golf places in and around Orlando - you could ...
Germany meets Belgium and Belgium meets the Netherlands. Needless to say that also Germany and the Netherlands touch each other ...
Visiting Dortmund, my wife and I also headed to the Naturmuseum (Nature Museum) in the city of the German Ruhrgebiet. After the ...
When my wife and I headed to American Dream Mall in East Rutherford, we just aimed to enjoy the view ...
The website states that the Nederlands Spoorwegmuseum (also: Het Spoowegmuseum) is the best train station in the Netherlands. In fact, the ...
essAl Noor Island is located right inside Khalid Lake in Sharjah, which is also around the Al Montazah Parks amusement ...
This mini golf review is somehow special: Island Cove Mini Golf (sometimes also Island Cove Adventure Golf) in the Southeast of ...
In April 2023, my wife and I spent three nights in Dubrovnik. The Old Town of the southern Croatian city ...
A tiny bronze guy continuously urinating in the heart of Brussels into a fountain basin regularly makes to into the ...
If you are in Dublin and feel to learn something about the history of the city and Ireland in general, ...
Shall I do a review or a Pictured Story out of this place? I finally opted for the latter option ...
After I made you familiar with Swingers, the "Crazy Golf" provider in the heart of London recently, I just felt ...
While I generally enjoy being in the United Arab Emirates due to climate and cultural diversity, I especially have a ...
Dud you ever feel like learning more about the current operations and future plans of Germany's largest airport? Frankfurt Airport ...
When did Finnish game designer Jaakko Iisalo and Roivo Entertainment have a first feeling that their Angry Birds will become ...
No matter if you like his characteristic tomato sauce or not, Senator John Heinz (yeah, the ketchup guy...) is one ...
Harry Potter has turned a fictive wizard into a huge franchise. Right next to the place you can spend roughly ...
Sea Life runs several outlets in Germany. One of them is in Oberhausen in the Ruhrgebiet region. With 5000 inhabitants ...
After I did a review of Mini Golf at Walt Disney World in Orlando in late 2018, I received quite ...
Being in a room full of projections of pictures painted by Monet of Van Gogh became a global attraction. It ...
In general I feel that the East Coast of the United Arab Emirates has a lot more potential for visitors ...
Especially when I visit large places, which demand and deserve a major number of pictures, it may take quite some ...
It's already quite a while ago since I visited the Deutsches Jagd- und Fischereimuseum, the German Hunting and Fishing Museum, in ...
How could a city like Nashville, which is so full of music celebrities, not give people the chance to meet ...
Lüdenscheid in the Sauerland region of Germany, Southeast of Dortmund, might not be on the top of the list when ...
Apart from the Tropicario and SeaLife, my wife and I also visited Korkeasaari Zoo in Helsinki. The main animal park ...
The last stop of a trip through Italy in late summer 2021 lead me to Volandia, an aviation museum (and ...
At the beginning of July, my wife and I visited the LWL Freichlichtmuseum Hagen, the LWL Open Air Museum in Hagen. The ...
In the early 1990's I visited Malta for the first time, going on a summer vacation with my parents. The ...
A museum about pigs? Indeed, that's something you can do when you are in Stuttgart. Interestingly, the former slaughterhouse is ...
During my trip to Canada right after the borders have been opened again in September 2021, I visited a very ...
Siegsdorf between Rosenheim and Salzburg in Bavaria might be a rather typical spot for that region: a rather nice city, ...
After he failed with a franchise of confectionary stores, Austrian Josef Zotter decided to go into the chocolate business in ...
When you think about the United Arab Emirates, you might not necessarily initially think of alpine coasters. However, I already ...
As some of my plans during my stay at Vestmannaeyjar did not work out as expected, I had time to ...
While whaling has been quite popular in Iceland's past, the large marine mammals are nowadays rather the stars on a ...
Even though the city is not overwhelmingly large, Solingen in fact comes with two zoos / animal parks. While I ...
One of the architectural witnesses of the industrial heritage of the Rhein-Ruhr Region in Germany are definitely the gasometers. These ...
As I purchased a Merlin Entertainment annual ticket for Germany in May 2021 (majorly as I have been covering Heide ...
Due to its rather hilly geography, the German city of Stuttgart has some quite iconic public transport systems. During a ...
Having a vacation at The Palm in Dubai is likely on the bucket list for many people worldwide. The artificial ...
Right in the Sharjah desert, there is a very interesting place to learn about the regional wildlife and natural history ...
Lava and volcanic eruptions are a regular part of life on Iceland. In 2010, for example, the Eyjafjallajökull slowed down ...
The Aquarium is one of the attractions of Wilhelmshaven. During a visit in summer 2021 under Covid-19 conditions, I visited ...
Krakow is a city full of interesting places and sights. As a video gamer at heart, though, the Krakow Arcade ...
The Nationalpark Wattenmeer (Wadden Sea Conservation Area) is one of the most popular natural reserves in Germany. However, many young seals ...
We all know that Santa Claus is living in Rovaniemi, Finland... Or is he home to Russia? Northern Canada? There ...
Madame Tussauds is a global franchise - not too surprisingly, they also have an outlet in the German capital, Berlin ...
The beach resort of The Hague / Den Haag, Scheveningen, is one of the most popular beach areas in the Netherlands ...
Until 2018, you could travel to Italy to visit the world largest labyrinth. The Labirinto Della Masone near Parma is ...
More than 5,000 small buckets one next to another in a bunch of aisles within one store. The contents: interlocking ...
I already introduced you to the Sharjah Maritime Museum in a previous posting. Right next to this place, there is ...
Driving a model landscape or a large model train landscape in Germany is a difficult business: Even if you do ...
There was a duplicate reason to visit the European Hansa Museum in Lübeck in late July 2021: apart from the ...
Yeah, I give in: in amusement parks, I love to do what I call atmospheric rides. Not too quick, but colorful, ...
Even though Solingen is not a that major city (some 160,000 inhabitants), it features two mid-size animal parks / zoos ...
Northern Germany, especially the East Frisia (Ostfriesland) region in model scale? This is exactly what the Leeraner Miniaturland (liternally: Leer Model Land) ...
A Panoptikum is a place for everything you can see, if you translate it roughly. The Hamburg Panoptikum in St ...
Whenever I visit places like Legoland Dubai, the miniature landscapes are one of my favorites. Thus, it is maybe not ...
I never have been to the Atlantis The Palm in Dubai as a hotel guest - but, of course, it ...
As the reviews of the park were pretty good, my wife and I headed to a deer park / wildlife ...
Abu Dhabi Khalifa Park is one of those hidden gems which you typically don't find in travel guides (or at ...
Right next to Waterloo Station, the Merlin Entertainments Ltd. drives quite a bunch of places for the London tourist heart ...
The history of Emsflower started as Kwekerij Kuipers founded by Jan Kuipers in De Lutte in the Netherlands. Not too far ...
Even though the Netherlands capitulated against Germany just after a few days under attack during World War II, they have ...
Most museums in Arnhem in the Netherlands I visited were somehow related to WWII and the famous story about the ...
Singapore is not only well-known for Sentosa or the Marina Bay Sands. The city state is also home of several ...
2.5 million visitors per day - Madame Tussauds is definitely one of the most popular touristic destinations of London. The ...
Due to the uncertain travel situation, there are still some reviews, which I haven't published for a too long time ...
Two Olympic Gold Medals and multiple other medals and World Cup victories (with a special focus on Super-G) - undoubtedly, ...
Chinese Lantern Festivals and similar events became very popular in many European cities over the last years. Thus, I was ...
A museum with 90 vintage cars and so-called Yountimers might not feel to thrilling. If you add that about half of ...
The Eastern Mangroves are a lovely natural habitat right in the heart of Abu Dhabi. Not too surprising, you can ...
For Italian sports car lovers (and many more people), a visit on Yas Island is one of these things, which ...
The Aviodrome in Lelystad in the Netherlands calls itself a Luchtvaart Themapark - an "Aviation Theme Park". You can definitely spent as ...
United Arab Emirates - the country of superlatives. After Dubai opened the IMG World of Adventures in 2016 and became ...
The Carnegie Science Center is one of the best rated attractions in Pittsburgh. Of course, I have visited the nicely ...
The Munich Toy Museum is one of these typical hidden gems you find in many cities. Right in the city ...
During a summer visit to Amsterdam, Covid-19 reduced the number of tourists that significantly that practically all attractions I visited ...
Cologne Cathedral is the key attraction of my home town Cologne, of course (it is even one of Germany's very ...
There are not too many museums about African history and culture on the European continent. Thus, the Afrika Museum in ...
If you are tired of seeing all the stars at the Walk of Fame in Hollywood (which I do quite ...
Similar to the Europarad Ferris Wheel in Cologne, Munich is hosting a giant mobile ferris wheel, which is offering its ...
I am not really a person who is into paintings and other graphic arts, but without spoiling this review too ...
During my first visit in Singapore, I just wanted to have an overview about the history of the Asian city ...
What is Germany's most popular tourist attractions? According to many popular rankings including TripAdvisor, it is neither the Brandenburg Gate ...
The "Flower Island" Mainau is one of the key attractions of the whole Bodensee / Lake Constance region. No doubt that ...
At least in the Cologne area where I live, Castle Arcen in the Netherlands, close to the German border, is ...
The Smithsonian's are just a tourist's (and likely also a resident's) best friend when visiting Washington DC. The US capital ...
During my Covid-19 day trip to Berlin, I spent some time in the Berlin Zoo. Berlin is quite famous for ...
As I wrote in my recent review about the traditional DRIVE IN movies in the South of Cologne, drive-in movies ...
During my last business trip to Dublin, I took the time and visited the National Wax Museum Plus in the ...
Fairy Forests are a quite traditional attraction. Different stages tell you the stories of fairy tales, typically illustrated by puppets ...
A museum about the history and importance of sea trade in Singapore and Southeast Asia? Sounds much more boring than ...
When you think about Zoos and similar parks on Tenerife, you of course think about the Loro Parque, which is ...
During each festive season, Cologne is crowded with tourists and visitors due to its Christmas markets. There are masses of ...
As the RMS Titanic and her sister vessel, the RMS Olympic, were too large to call directly at the harbor of Cherbourg, ...
It is very hard to avoid stereotypes when a German blogger is writing a posting about bananas. Preparing for our ...
I am sure you know all the details (non-fictional and dramatic ones) about the tragic end of the RMS Titanic ...
Halls of Fame are very popular in the United States. Finally, there are likely Halls of Fame for almost every ...
On the third day of my Weird Al Yankovic & Grass Court Tennis trip in July 2019, I had time ...
The S.E.A. Aquarium is one of Singapore's key tourist attractions and likely the people magnet on Sentosa Island apart from ...
The Vulkaneifel region Southwest of Bonn, Germany, is still a quite active vulcanic region. Thus, all around there and in ...
Before I headed on my first ever First Class flight with Lufthansa to Singapore via Hong Kong, I had some ...
Water towers are not too common in Central Europe, especially in Germany. This is definitely one of the key factor, ...
Video Gaming and arcade machines have been a significant part of my life. I grew up with an Atari 800XL, ...
Not just due to my favorite flight with LATAM from Frankfurt to the Spanish capital, I love being in Madrid ...
During my March 2019 stay in Oxford, I also had the chance to explore at least some sights of the ...
There are numerous light shows in Singapore. I already wrote a posting about the lovely Garden Rhapsody and Spectra in ...
Singapore River Safari is one of four Wildlife Reserve Singapore Parks offering differently themed animal parks. Thereby, River Safari is ...
Right next to Petronas Towers and the lovely KLCC park, the Kuala Lumpur Convention City also hosts an aquarium in ...
If you want to see Singapore from above, you likely take the Singapore Flyer. London Eye has been an icon ...
The Singapore Flyer used to be the world tallest ferris wheel from its opening in 2008 to 2014, when it ...
Founding Father of the United States, printer, author, inventor, scientist, many more... It is likely much easier to list the ...
Singapore's Marina Bay is known as one of the poshest destination in the city state - not just because of ...
Ever dreamed of becoming a fire fighter or a policeman? Maybe the National Emergency Services Museum in Sheffield is the ...
During a weekend stay in Sheffield, where I had an overnight due to a Mike & The Mechanics concert, the ...
Lindlar, a minor Eastern suburb of Cologne, hosts one of two open-air museums driven by the regional Rhineland authority LVR ...
A couple of music and theater events made me travel to Glasgow a couple of times in the recent past ...
Cooking facilities are much more popular in North American hotels than in European ones. Even quite lousy motel rooms typically ...
Miracle Garden is a unique park on the edge of Dubai, which is having figures, items and buildings covered with ...
Florida is full of amazing water attractions and aquariums. Installing a Sea Life in the limited space of the ICON ...
Just some three years after the complex opened in 2015, the former "I-Drive 360" district next to Orlando International Drive ...
In 2018, the former Coca Cola Orlando Eye ferris wheel rebranded to ICON Orlando as part of the rebranding of ...
I have to admit, I am not the biggest fan of wax museums. I stick with Lonely Planet's comment on ... is neither a food-blog nor an advertisement platform for fast food. However, visiting the McDonald's at International Drive, Orlando, ...
Bergisch Gladbach, a 110,000 inhabitant city East of Cologne, is a traditional location for the production of paper. While nowadays, ...
The Tampa Bay area is full of top attractions for animal lovers. After we visited Busch Gardens, we decided to ...
You want to spent a day with family or friends and cannot decide whether you want to go for the ...
Visiting Orlando, I have to admit that I prefer Universal Studios parks in Florida much more to Disney ones. One ...
When you think about a great Christmas time in one of the Orlando theme parks, you likely first think about ...
Something we all have in common is that we went to school - at least for a certain time. The ...
The 15km long Tenerife tram track system between the harbour area of Santa Cruz and the old capital, San Cristobal ...
It claims to be the "world largest tourism, leisure, shopping and entertainment project". You can get in touch with a ...
The area feels like nomansland in the desert - but when you take a 30 minute Southbound drive from Abu ...
If you think about shopping malls in Dubai, you first think about the Dubai Mall or the Mall of the ...
The Swiss metropole Zurich is FIFA city. Even if you haven't ever seen them from inside, the headquarters of the ...
Can you imagine what the highest-rated attraction in Germany, according to Tripadvisor, is? Cologne Cathedral? Wrong! Neuschwanstein Castle! No! And ...
There are quite a lot of minor deer and animal parks around Cologne, quite a lot of them mainly based ...
The "Jacobite" connecting the Scottish villages of Fort William and Mallaig has always been regarded to be one of the ...
Located North of Cologne, the "Wildpark Tannenbusch" offers a nice way to spent your free time with your family, enjoying ...
The Royal Ontario Museum just feels like an amazing wonderland of topics, a bit of "something for everyone". Did you ...
The Ripley's Believe it or not Museums are quite well known. As I never visited one so far, I was even ...
While the German version of a Warner Bros. Amusement Park in Bottrop lead to a loss of licences of that ...
The Cologne City Museum's recent history is not really what one would call "lucky". After a water damage in later ...
Legoland Dubai has been the third outlet of the Danish toy superpower I visited so far in my life: after ...
It is Atlanta's finest attraction, regarding Tripadvisor. Just across the park from "World of Coca Cola", Georgia Aquarium is home ...
The Star Alliance is quite an inhomogenous club of airlines: while Lufthansa or United transport over 100 million passengers per ...