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Aquazoo Löbbecke Museum Dusseldorf

Aquazoo Löbbecke Museum Dusseldorf

10 EUR



Flyctory.com Pros

  • Nice variety of animals - much more than you first think
  • Good round trip through the museum

Flyctory.com Cons

  • A bit too narrow and packed - esp. during Covid-19
  • Touch of being old-fashioned

A zoo which is suitable for the cold and rainy days as well: as you might guess already, Aquazoo Löbbecke in Dusseldorf is concentrating on life in and around the water. The combination of a zoo and a natural museum is completely indoors, so that this feels to be a great place to have trip with kids for non-outdoor days. Here is my review, based on a summer 2020 visit.


Aquazoo Dusseldorf – Location & Admission

Aquazoo Löbecke is located in the Nordpark in Dusseldorf, which is part of the borough Stockum. There are quite some parking lots around, but the area may be rather crowded in nice weather times. Using public transport to this animal exhibition is easy, there is an Underground station (Nordpark / Aquazoo) in front of the park, which directly connects to Dusseldorf Main Station.

The museum is opening daily, 10:00 to 18:00 hrs. Interestingly, the online pre-purchase is more expansive (10 EUR) than the walk-in rate (9 EUR), due to the handling fees. Pre-booking a ticket online is currently mandatory due to pandemic restrictions.


Aquazoo Dusseldorf – The Visit

Despite it does not look that massive from the outside, the museum features over 500 different species of animals. They are typically displayed in Themenräumen, areas which are dedicated to a certain topic. Documentation is typically in German only. The visit through the museum is a round trip, which is very favorable during pandemic times. As you, however, have a couple of aquariums or terrariums in a relatively small space, I very often felt that the museum was too packed during my visit. Apart from living animal displays, there are also a few exhibits which you can touch.

Your visit starts with one of my most favorite birds, the puffin. One of the first topics is how life is adopting to different living conditions. This also later leads to exhibits about typical tropical coral reefs and the species living in there.

Even though the zoo is called Aquazoo, there is a surprisingly large collection of land animals as well. Of course, there is a certain focus on amphibians, but there are also a lot of insects, snakes, spiders  and similar animals. Later parts of the Aquazoo feature exhibits which explain how oceans have been explored in the past and are still explored. A lovely part of your visit is the tropical rainforest exhibition, which features a lot of interesting animals.

The people’s favorite are likely the penguins – the area around them was unfortunately that full that I cannot share it with them.


Aquazoo Dusseldorf – Services

Overall, the facilities at the Aquazoo are rather traditional. Thus, there are just a few gifts at the entrance area. The toilets are a good illustration of the state of the museum: a touch of old fashioned, but well maintained.


Aquazoo Dusseldorf – My View

In general, I liked visiting Aquazoo in Dusseldorf. I would just not recommend to visit it during any kind of peak time like school holidays, weekends or similar family days. The museum is too narrow at these times so that you just cannot have a relaxed visit. This is of course becoming more obvious during the pandemic situation.


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