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Dieter Hallervorden – 80 plus

Dieter Hallervorden - 80 plus




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Powerful straight songs
  • Clear messages about Hallervorden's life

Dieter Hallervorden is a very famous entertainer in Germany. However, his biggest times in the music business have been the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. Thus, his announcement to release an album at the age of 87 was a bit of a suprise. The title of Hallervorden’s new song collection is simply 80 plus – feels to be quite suitable. Here is my review.


Dieter Hallervorden – About The Artist

Dieter Jürgen Hallervorden, who is typically named Didi in Germany, was born on 5th September 1935 in Dessau. He an actor, comedian, but also musician. On the movie side, he majorly did funny films, but he also had some great roles on the dramatic and deeper side, like the 2014 Honig im Kopf dealing with dementia.

On the music side, there haven’t been too many Hallervorden releases yet. Most of his releases have somehow been related to his comedian and movie works. Wikipedia lists two albums, which made it into the German Top 100. However, Hallervorden had some successful singles during his musical career. The biggest song was alongside Hallervordens friend Helga Feddersen (1930-1990) in 1978 when they performed Du, die Wanne ist voll, which literally translates to “You, the bathtub is full” and was in fact a cover of the Grease classic You’re the One That I Want. The song stayed in the German charts for 21 weeks and peaked fourth. Other rather successful singles were Punker Maria and Tierischer Tango, both released in 1981.


Dieter Hallervorden – 80 plus – Track by Track

The twelve track album lasts 43 minutes.

1. Mein Leben

I did not have any kind of idea which kind of music will be released by Dieter Hallervorden in this album. The single release already sets a direction for very personal, direct songs. This song introduces 80 plus with a look back into “my life” – this is what Mein Leben translates to. A very hymnic, dramatic beginning of the album – and a beautiful ode to living in general. Geht es nach mir, kann es ewig so weitergehen – “According to myself, life can go on forever”. There is even a nice electronic guitar solo in the song – who would have expected that in an Hallervorden album.

2. 80 plus

80 plus is dealing with living in advanced ages. Overall, a very positive outlook into the 80 plus generation like Alter ist wie Wein, ein guter muss er sein (“Age is like a wine, it just needs to be a good one”). The surprisingly rocking track is also having some Hallervorden-alike views on being rather advanced in life.

Was macht Dein kleiner Mann
Immer noch aktiv wie ein Vulkan?
Ihr hattet ja viele geile Momente
Und nun… Geht er jetzt auch mal in Rente

(“How is your Mr Happy alike?
Still active like a vulcano?
You had a lot of horny moments with him
But now… It is time to retire”)

3. Palim Palim

Palim Palim is one of the most famous sayings by Hallervorden, typically used in his Nonstop Nonsense TV show. The third song, which is coming in a big band-rock sound, is praising the saying and stating that “Didi” still is proud of it. Cool one.

4. Ehe

The song (the title means “Marriage” starts with powerful guitar riffs and the introducing words

Viele Männer suchen nach der idealen Frau
Besonders nach der Hochzeit

(“Many men are looking for the ideal women
Especially after marriage”)

The song is a very critical song about getting married. Hallervorden straight and at his best – no matter if you finally agree to his opinion that Die Ehe erzeugt eine zölibatere Schwachsinns-Treue (“Marriage is causing a celibate useless loyality”) or not.

5. Freiheit

The fifth is a beautiful fable about Freiheit (“Freedom”), told by a wolf leaving the forest and meeting a poodle in the city. Another song with a strong message. Again, the track is surprisingly rocking, this time coming with ensemble singers towards the end.

6. Hallervorden

I was born to be Hallervorden comes with the clear statement that “Didi” is happy what he achieved in life – even though people might not always agree to what he is doing. He is branding himself – and so does the the song. Brass and guitars are back in the song.

7. Gendern

The discussions about gender-neutral language are currently very intense in Germany. Dieter Hallervorden always clearly opposed to it – and this seventh song is repeating his critics. The song comes with a powerful soul-pop vibe and feels really up-to-date and modern.

8. Keine Zeit

The song is stating that Hallervorden has “No Time” to waste time. Another clear message, even though I feel that the song is not that on point and precise as other tunes on the album. Still a nice listen.

9. Stuntfrau

In another soul-pop song, Dieter Hallervorden is praising his girlfriend Christiane Zander (who is even having a short part in this song). A very different kind of love song, but a cool listen.

10. Tod

The more or less song of the album is about Tod, the “Death”. Some sort of farewell song to his audience? Not fully sure as für mich ist der Tod ein Auslaufmodell (“Death is an end-of-range model”). The song is a chat with the death, which is with having the typical Hallervorden type of humor.

11. 80 plus (ohne Strom)

The title track in the acoustic version is a very surprising and nice alternative. The song works out well in this more decent (but not quiet) style. I still prefer the original.

12. Mein Leben (Epilog)

The album starts with closing words, before the song turns into grand finale.

Leben ist wie zeichnen ohne Radiergummi
Aber eigentlich ist das Leben doch nur ein Spiel
Ein Spiel, in dem Gott die Karten mischt
Der Teufel abhebt
Und wir die Stiche machen müssen

(“Living is like drawing without an eraser.
However, life is just a game
A game, in which God is mixing the cards
The devil is cutting the cards
And we have to make the tricks”)

Intense, positive finish.


Dieter Hallervorden – 80 plus – Spotify

Here is 80 plus on Spotify:


Dieter Hallervorden – 80 plus – My View

When I read about Hallervorden releasing a new album, it was named as a schlager album. That’s definitely not the case. 80 plus is coming with deep messages. It does want to entertain us, but majorly it wants to make us think. Some sort of Dieter Hallervorden memoirs in a musical way. A mixture of pop and rock and some touch of swing, soul. Twelve tracks which show how exceptional Dieter Hallervorden still is. Thank you for this album. Top Pick!, for sure.


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