Dieter Hallervorden - 80 plus Pros
- Powerful straight songs
- Clear messages about Hallervorden's life
Dieter Hallervorden is a very famous entertainer in Germany. However, his biggest times in the music business have been the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. Thus, his announcement to release an album at the age of 87 was a bit of a suprise. The title of Hallervorden’s new song collection is simply 80 plus – feels to be quite suitable. Here is my review.

Dieter Hallervorden – About The Artist
Dieter Jürgen Hallervorden, who is typically named Didi in Germany, was born on 5th September 1935 in Dessau. He an actor, comedian, but also musician. On the movie side, he majorly did funny films, but he also had some great roles on the dramatic and deeper side, like the 2014 Honig im Kopf dealing with dementia.
On the music side, there haven’t been too many Hallervorden releases yet. Most of his releases have somehow been related to his comedian and movie works. Wikipedia lists two albums, which made it into the German Top 100. However, Hallervorden had some successful singles during his musical career. The biggest song was alongside Hallervordens friend Helga Feddersen (1930-1990) in 1978 when they performed Du, die Wanne ist voll, which literally translates to “You, the bathtub is full” and was in fact a cover of the Grease classic You’re the One That I Want. The song stayed in the German charts for 21 weeks and peaked fourth. Other rather successful singles were Punker Maria and Tierischer Tango, both released in 1981.
Dieter Hallervorden – 80 plus – Track by Track
The twelve track album lasts 43 minutes.

1. Mein Leben
I did not have any kind of idea which kind of music will be released by Dieter Hallervorden in this album. The single release already sets a direction for very personal, direct songs. This song introduces 80 plus with a look back into “my life” – this is what Mein Leben translates to. A very hymnic, dramatic beginning of the album – and a beautiful ode to living in general. Geht es nach mir, kann es ewig so weitergehen – “According to myself, life can go on forever”. There is even a nice electronic guitar solo in the song – who would have expected that in an Hallervorden album.
2. 80 plus
80 plus is dealing with living in advanced ages. Overall, a very positive outlook into the 80 plus generation like Alter ist wie Wein, ein guter muss er sein (“Age is like a wine, it just needs to be a good one”). The surprisingly rocking track is also having some Hallervorden-alike views on being rather advanced in life.
Was macht Dein kleiner Mann
Immer noch aktiv wie ein Vulkan?
Ihr hattet ja viele geile Momente
Und nun… Geht er jetzt auch mal in Rente
(“How is your Mr Happy alike?
Still active like a vulcano?
You had a lot of horny moments with him
But now… It is time to retire”)
3. Palim Palim
Palim Palim is one of the most famous sayings by Hallervorden, typically used in his Nonstop Nonsense TV show. The third song, which is coming in a big band-rock sound, is praising the saying and stating that “Didi” still is proud of it. Cool one.
4. Ehe
The song (the title means “Marriage” starts with powerful guitar riffs and the introducing words
Viele Männer suchen nach der idealen Frau
Besonders nach der Hochzeit
(“Many men are looking for the ideal women
Especially after marriage”)
The song is a very critical song about getting married. Hallervorden straight and at his best – no matter if you finally agree to his opinion that Die Ehe erzeugt eine zölibatere Schwachsinns-Treue (“Marriage is causing a celibate useless loyality”) or not.
5. Freiheit
The fifth is a beautiful fable about Freiheit (“Freedom”), told by a wolf leaving the forest and meeting a poodle in the city. Another song with a strong message. Again, the track is surprisingly rocking, this time coming with ensemble singers towards the end.
6. Hallervorden
I was born to be Hallervorden comes with the clear statement that “Didi” is happy what he achieved in life – even though people might not always agree to what he is doing. He is branding himself – and so does the the song. Brass and guitars are back in the song.
7. Gendern
The discussions about gender-neutral language are currently very intense in Germany. Dieter Hallervorden always clearly opposed to it – and this seventh song is repeating his critics. The song comes with a powerful soul-pop vibe and feels really up-to-date and modern.
8. Keine Zeit
The song is stating that Hallervorden has “No Time” to waste time. Another clear message, even though I feel that the song is not that on point and precise as other tunes on the album. Still a nice listen.
9. Stuntfrau
In another soul-pop song, Dieter Hallervorden is praising his girlfriend Christiane Zander (who is even having a short part in this song). A very different kind of love song, but a cool listen.
10. Tod
The more or less song of the album is about Tod, the “Death”. Some sort of farewell song to his audience? Not fully sure as für mich ist der Tod ein Auslaufmodell (“Death is an end-of-range model”). The song is a chat with the death, which is with having the typical Hallervorden type of humor.
11. 80 plus (ohne Strom)
The title track in the acoustic version is a very surprising and nice alternative. The song works out well in this more decent (but not quiet) style. I still prefer the original.
12. Mein Leben (Epilog)
The album starts with closing words, before the song turns into grand finale.
Leben ist wie zeichnen ohne Radiergummi
Aber eigentlich ist das Leben doch nur ein Spiel
Ein Spiel, in dem Gott die Karten mischt
Der Teufel abhebt
Und wir die Stiche machen müssen
(“Living is like drawing without an eraser.
However, life is just a game
A game, in which God is mixing the cards
The devil is cutting the cards
And we have to make the tricks”)
Intense, positive finish.
Dieter Hallervorden – 80 plus – Spotify
Here is 80 plus on Spotify:
Dieter Hallervorden – 80 plus – My View
When I read about Hallervorden releasing a new album, it was named as a schlager album. That’s definitely not the case. 80 plus is coming with deep messages. It does want to entertain us, but majorly it wants to make us think. Some sort of Dieter Hallervorden memoirs in a musical way. A mixture of pop and rock and some touch of swing, soul. Twelve tracks which show how exceptional Dieter Hallervorden still is. Thank you for this album. Top Pick!, for sure.
German Artist Top Picks
Here are media reviews of German artists, which I rated as Top Pick!
I have featured Florian Künstler and his songs multiple times in my Songs of the Week. The more, I was really ...
Andreas Dorau is back with a new album. On 14th February 2025 (Valentine's Day...), he is releasing his new album Wien ...
In my September 2024 Spotlight interview, I already introduced you to Frances Darling. On 7th February 2025, the German-US-American artist ...
In October 2023, I saw the German artist LOI on her debut headline tour in Cologne. Finally, the pop musician ...
Michael Moravek already made it into my Songs of the Week thrice. The last time has been as of 10th January 2025 ...
There are not too many bands who dare to release albums a few days before Christmas. The more I was ...
The Christmas season also offers the opportunity to focus on some artists, who might not make it into reviews ...
German artist Mense traveled through Spain for half a year. It was only himself, his wife and his dog Angus, ...
In July 2023, I reviewed a very unique album making it to a full 5.0/5.0 rating on Germany's pop ...
The holiday season is typically also prime time for Best of albums. Lauschangriff is a collection of the biggest hits of Heinz Rudolf ...
Sometimes, when I scan new music releases, I run into songs or albums, which simply make me smile. One of ...
Propaganda defined the German synth-pop scene in the 1980's. After three break-ups, they are back with a new album in ...
"Stand Up! Keep going!" is the (translated) title of the new album by Sebastian Krumbiegel. The featured singles of the ...
I does not happen too often that I set up a new edition for my Songs of the Week and decide ...
After I had a country and country rock block the weekend before, it is time to add some harder tunes ...
Meg Pfeiffer popped up here and there in my postings. On 23rd August 2024, the German singer-songwriter, who is ...
On the weekend of 5th July 2024, I feature some interesting releases by German artists. One of them is T.G ...
Bad Temper Joe is one of the finest German blues artists. I have covered his releases twice already, One Can Wreck ...
Doing hard rock with a saxophone? Human Zoo simply do it! On 14th June 2024, some eight years after their ...
Atlantis Drive is a brand new hard rock band. The roots are from Germany, but the band features international band ...
In 2010, Germany fell in love with a 19-year old lady. Lena managed to do what somehow felt impossible for ...
I already featured the band Ochmoneks twice in my Songs of the Week, on 9th June and on 7th July 2023 ...
The German rock band is already active since more than two decades. Not too surprisingly, the band is having quite ...
Frank Renfordt is back - and this time he is wearing his cowboy hat again! The Cumberland River Project releases ...
I typically receive quite a lot of jazz promotion. However, I rarely find albums and EPs which I really enjoy ...
Which genre are you thinking about when the arrangement solely consists of a piano, a cello and a vocalist? If ...
In June 2021, I shared the album Guns Against Liberty. The band behind that album is the Hamburg-based melodic hardcore act ...
I am always a bit of extra-flattered when my most frequently used promotion platform shows an album by a German ...
Quite early before the release of Reliquien, I receved the first press information about the debut album by German artist ...
After a few mentions in my Songs of the Week, I was really looking forward to listen to the new album ...
Irish folk rock made in Franconia, Germany? Fiddler's Green proof that this can be quite a success. With The Green ...
Typically, there are two sorts of album reviews at I received the vast majority of reviews as a promo ...
A vacation album? The title Urlaub in der Bredouille sounds like a road trip album to some French region... But ...
Aufbruch is a very interesting EP release from Germany as of 15th December 2023. The band recording it, Ticket To Happiness ...
John Garner - this musical act name sounds like a solo artist, but is in fact a quintet. The German ...
December, when the frequency of album releases significantly decreases, is also a time for me to have some more outside-of-the-box ...
Even though the soil in Monheim was quite muddy, the Ben Zucker concert I had there in July was definitely ...
After their debut album Hollow Throne has already been successful, the German melodic post hardcore band Maelfoy is releasing their sophomore album ...
How could I ignore am album starting with a (for me) very special song released on a (for me) very ...
Finn & Jonas are twins. They are doing German indie-pop songs. After they grew regionally and have a national fan ...
Roberta John Joni Mitchell is a Canadian-US-American singer-songwriter, who majorly did folk and pop music in her career. She has won ...
Luke is a German artist and band, who are doing blues rock and Americana rock music. After two EP releases, ...
40 years of Doro Pesch on stage - I really feel a bit of bad that I am not in ...
It's already five years ago since Antje Schomaker released her debut album Von Helden und Halunken. The feature singles to her ...
In 2021, I introduced you to Alex Diehl the first time. That year, he released the amazing EP Die Songs, die ...
Big release day for Collapse Under The Empire: with Recurring, they don't just publish their tenth studio album overall, the German ...
Schrobenhausen North of Munich is typically known for as one of the German centers of asparagus farming. The city is ...
If you regularly follow my Songs of the Week, you already know the upcoming German artist Bellucci Boi. I introduced you ...
In March 2020, just at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, Melanie Wiegmann went to the Maltese island of Gozo ...
When I prepared for the review of this album, I read in one magazine article that Gregor McEwen is a ...
The title of the album Guten Morgen, schönes Leben translates to "Good morning, beautiful life". The artist who wrote it is German ...
Madsen is indeed a German family rock band. Three of the six band members are brothers, the band name is ...
Turn of Tides or Where the Waves Come From - that's quite an album title, ain't it? The artist behind ...
Sasha did so many genres already. He is majorly known as a pop artist, but also did rockabilly records with ...
Some interesting indie-pop from Germany: I already featured Santans in my Song of the Week postings. However, on 28th July 2028, ...
When I reviewed the album now by the German rock band Fury in the Slaughterhouse in April 2021, it has been their ...
Tom Astor is likely the most important living artist of the German country music scene. In 2023, he did not ...
I always enjoy introducing you to emerging artists. One of the reviews I feature about a rather less known artist ...
I love to have a look to German artists, which might not be in key focus of the media. Sören ...
I received the album Maniac by the Munich post-hardcore band Marathonmann way before its release on 19th May 2023. Short message: I ...
Catharsis by pain - that's a quote I read frequently about the Hamburg doom metal bnd Moor. For their debut ...
The album Therapy In Melody was definitely one I was looking forward to. Two of the featured singles by the band Indecent ...
There is quite some blues focus on the releases I opted to share with you released as of 5th May ...
The artist name Sebel is a short form for the civil name of the artist, Sebastian Niehoff. He is a ...
I am always glad to present you German artists, who have a touch of international-style Americana and country music influences ...
Just at the end of the week in which I covered the concert of the Wellerman band The Longest Johns, I ran ...
Reading sessions, artsexhibitions... and concerts - if you look at the tour dates of Kati von Schwerin, you already see ...
Das ist die Wahrheit - "That's the Truth" is the title of the 2023 album of the rock band VIVA ...
Four decades of guitar riffs - the hard rockers / metalheads Black Hawk already have quite a long history. The ...
Technically, I had already closed the list of potential reviews as of 24th March 2023. But then came Sophia and ...
Leony is one of the most interesting emerging artists in the German pop music market. She is currently part of ...
Wolfgang Petry is back: just about one and a half years after Auf das Leben and half a year after Crosswalk to ...
After I have been quite impressed by her recent development, I was quite curious about 24-1, the new album by German ...
They started as a school band in my home town and gained global reputation: AnnenMayKantereit released their fourth album Es ist ...
He is having the unofficial nickname The singing Gentleman's Cake and had a huge song about a cat's toilet - Helge Schneider ...
Medieval hard rock, Gothic, dance music? Tanzwut is definitely one of these bands in the German music scene, which are ...
I can't really you explain you my sympathy... But I ran into Kammer III, the latest album by Malte Vief ...
An album with a bunny - how could I not give a review of Warlord, the album by the stoner rock band ...
Time to present you some music from Germany this weekend: The Rehats are doing folk-pop and already exist since over ...
The 19th August 2022 edition of my Songs of the Week was lead by a Norwegian-origin band: Hey Rosie by ...
The band name Groenalund feels quite Swedish. In fact, there are references to Sweden in the band history. First of ...
Basta by the German band Sündflut is one of these records, which I just had a short listen to and just ...
Nina Hagen is one of the most iconic entertainers in the German cultural scene. The German "Godmother of Punk" wrote ...
Almost four decades of music, 13 albums, more than 6,000 shows - even though Boppin' B are no chart-busters, they ...
There are so many Christmas music albums each and every year - I typically try to filter out interesting ones ...
Especially if you frequently watch concerts in Germany and neighboring countries, you simply know Tina Tandler. You might not know ...
Artists like Wally from Germany are musical encounters which make me enjoy creating contents for I ran into his ...
Avantasia is back... again and again and again... What started as a one album... or two album metal opera turned ...
The studio album Perspektiven is actually my second album review of a Roland Kaiser release. After the Christmas album Weihnachtszeit, Kaiser is back ...
If you translate the band name Drei Meter Feldweg literally, you end up by "Three Meters of Country Lane". Sound ...
German schlager icon Wolfgang Petry is back with a new EP. After a "real" Wolfgang Petry album release, Auf das Leben, ...
LustfingeR is named to be one of the oldest punk / punk rock bands in Germany. The Southern German band ...
Also due to their rather well-known band members, More Than Words is one of the most promising country music acts ...
So good to have a new one from The Cumberland River Project: one of Germany's finest manufacturers of country music ...
Clara Louise is indeed a very multi-talented German artist. With Enough Is Enough, she is already releasing her sixth studio album ...
If you feel that Cologne Carnival songs or party music must be a rather regional and limited things, stats of ...
A big name and music legend of German rock is back: Marius Müller-Westernhagen releases Das eine Leben, his first studio album ...
Axel Rudi Pell is definitely one of the most well-known hard rock and metal acts from Germany. On 15th April ...
House of Change by Ann Doka has indeed bin one of the German artist albums I have been looking forward to ...
Nanee's song Frei Sein ("Be Free") impressed me that much that it made it's way into my Songs of the Week as ...
Der To is a German rock artist, who is active since 2010. On 11th March 2022, he is releasing his ...
70 years of Klaus Lage - the rock singer-songwriter is one of the most iconic artists of the German music ...
Matthias Reim is one of the big names in the German schlager-rock scene. After some rather difficult times, he came ...
Quite some artists used the Covid-19 limitation for some additional creativity. Tristan Harders, for example, invested the time during which ...
Short before the release date of 10th December 2021, I ran into the album Mehr Davon ("More of that") by the ...
The title Quieter Pt. 2 already suggests that there has been a first part of Emma Longard's series of songs. Indeed, ...
"Blues rock with a Texan touch" - that's how the press kit to their second album Time For Decisions is describing ...
Hämatom feels to be a truly active band: just some eight months after I reviewed - and enjoyed their album ...
The press kit to this EP opens with "Another singer-songwriter who is writing about his personal lovesickness. Does the world ...
An album full of blues and funk which sounds so much like a US production, but is very German - ...
Honestly, when I ran into his debut album Achtung Leben, I did not know anything about Michael Heppes. However, the album ...
Seventeen studio albums so far - #17 on 29th October 2021 - the German band Running Wild has quite an ...
Santiano became a huge player in the German music scene. They mix rock with shanty and sailor music style sounds ...
One of the German schlager artists I honor most is definitely Roland Kaiser. He is active since decades and is ...
I had a quite long list - and range - of album to select from for my 1st October 2021 ...
In December 2019, I praised the album 2084 by the Pete Wolf Band. The artist behind that project is Wolfgang ...
Without a doubt, Peter Maffay is nowadays one of the most well-known rock artists singing in German. As a result ...
A tribute band growing to an album with seven very own songs and two covers: Freakstorm from Gummersbach near Cologne ...
From Kiddo Kat to Annie Chops: her album Piece of Cake was one of the first ones I reviewed on ...
Friday, the 13th: I am sure that Perlregen, did not think that their new album Drei (meaning ("Three") could turn ...
Some country from Germany: just in the week I did the second edition of my German Songs Country Music Picks, ...
Tacheles reden is a German saying which means that you have a very straight and honest discussion, expressing your clear ...
I just have to admit: I like to listen to very few kinds of jazz, but I am absolutely not ...
The sound of Razz feels very international - but in fact they are from the Emsland, a Northwest region in ...
Time to bang your head again: the German metal big guns Helloween are back in the record stores, six years ...
Modern country from Bavaria? No, this is not about Nik Wallner, but about pez, who is singing in English and ...
I ran into the music of the German singer-songwriter Karlie Apriori, when I checked for 11th June 2021 releases. The ...
New hardcore album from the North of Germany: Anchors & Hearts recorded their fourth album Guns Against Liberty and will ...
Indigo by Noah Levi is another publication with talent show background: in young teenage years, Noah Levi became famous by ...
From a school band to a flat share and finally their debut album - this is a very short wrap-up ...
After having released her debut album in 2015 already. Emma Longard will release two EPs with new songs in 2021 ...
Sing meinen Song ("Sing My Song") is definitely one of my favorite German TV music shows. A group of music artist ...
It can't be too bad to have a smile in these times, can it? When I ran into the German ...
Since about half a decade, Wincent Weiss became a big name in the German-singing pop music scene. After two successful ...
Some new music from my home town: Klee is a German pop act, who have been quite successful in the ...
Fury in the Slaughterhouse were indeed a very successful German rock act, especially in the 1990's. They have definitely been ...
More than thirty years ago, Diane Weigmann was part of the founding of a legendary German band, the Lemonbabies. She ...
Alphaville, Ultravox and Mike & The Mechanics on one album? Okay, I have to give in that neither of the ...
Blues made in Germany? Even though this might sound like an almost average experience, Bad Temper Joe has gained quite ...
Nino de Angelo is one of my favorite German artists. I will definitely tell you about a very special concert ...
Apart from global mainstream sounds, there are some genres, which have a quite local popularity. The German Schlager is one ...
Sodom is one of the finest names for Thrash Metal made in Germany. The band is already having a 38 ...
50 years of Bläck Fööss - the "naked feet", what is the literal translation of their band name are a ...
From street music to the tops of the German charts - Saltatio Mortis have taken the very tough route to ...
Undoubtedly, Van de Forst is one of the most interesting German acts in the country music scene. Her country / ...
Scanning the new releases as of 28th August 2020, I ran into the Hamburg-based band miu. The gained quite some ...
When I read about the collaboration, I knew I just had to do a review of this project: one of ...
Country music made in Germany? There are more and more projects which feel to be very promising. In my point ...
Time for some discussions in the German music scene - the Böhse Onkelz released their 17th studio album on 28th ...
Heinz Rudolf Kunze is one of the biggest songwriters and rock musicians in Germany. Already in the 1980s, he had ...
Though the Pete Wolf Band just released their second album on 6th December 2019, they are big names in the ...
I was quite stunned when I ran into an Instagram advertisement: Björn Heuser, a Cologne singer- songwriter just recently released ...
Kiddo Kat already a viral hit on Youtube in 2016. Now, Anna Guder produced her first album "Piece of Cake" ...
Travel Postings about the Cologne Region
Here are all travel postings of the region around Cologne:
A mileage run is a flight or a series of flights which is majorly intending to gain miles at airlines' ...
In the frequent traveler community, especially in and around Germany, the middle distance Eurowings flights gained quite some popularity. Flights ...
has come to an end - and my Best of posting is the one which is "traditionally" concluding the year. The ...
I haven't done a "Review Battle" for quite a while. Today, I am comparing two hotels of the same brand ...
From time to time, I simply enjoy having a night in Cologne, between two office days close to the office ...
Getting a hotel in or around Mönchengladbach should typically be not too much of an issue. However, when I wanted ...
I have stayed at the Mercure Hotel Düsseldorf Ratingen a couple of times before my night in June 2024. However, ...
Meeting with friends in Troisdorf between Bonn and Cologne in the evening and relaxing at the Wellnest private spa Bonn ...
After having visited their outlets in Essen and Cologne already, my wife and I made use of Good Friday 2024 ...
This year, I take you on my tour-chasing of the German Rock of Ages musical. The first trip report episode ...
At the time when I started writing this posting in early March 2024, already featured reviews of over 320 ...
The Selfkant is truly a remarkable municipality in the very West of the Federal Republic of Germany. The border to ...
My trip to the handball matches at the EHF Euro 2024 preliminary round matches in Berlin did not feel being ...
After I had already flown the Airbus A320 simulator by Aerotask in Essen, I was really looking forward to my ...
I already introduced you to the Museumkaart in the Netherlands, which may be a very profitable (but a bit of ...
Chinese lantern shows and other illuminations have become more and more popular in Europe during the recent winter seasons. In ...
Just as it felt convenient to stay somewhere closer to the office where I work, I had a night at ...
Before we checked out the new Wellnest private spa in Cologne, my wife and I felt it is a good ...
After my wife and I overall had a nice stay at the Wellnest Private Spa in Essen, we were curious ...
The public transport situation of Dusseldorf Airport (DUS) is a bit more complex than it might feel at first sight ...
The Bergischer HC is a handball club in the German Bundesliga. Visiting one of their home matches requires a bit ...
As part of my overnights bridging the night between two mandatory days at the office in Cologne, my last stay ...
Just a week after I stayed at the Mercure Cologne City Friesenstrasse, I tried out another hotel of the Accor ...
What are you doing as a hobby travel blogger when your company (the professional work...) is requesting you to meet ...
Right before my wife and I visited the Wellnest Private Spa in Essen during the Christmas holidays of 2022, we ...
The name of the German city of Wuppertal in the Bergische Land region near Cologne is indeed a perfect fit ...
Especially with British Airways moving the vast majority of their operations from B-Gates to C-Gates, I have been frequently visiting ...
Germany meets Belgium and Belgium meets the Netherlands. Needless to say that also Germany and the Netherlands touch each other ...
Even though Brühl right South of Cologne is just home of 45,000 inhabitant, there are mutiple major attractions in the ...
Damn, it is already four years... And it is more than 2,750 postings since then. On 25th February 2018, I ...
I felt that the current discussions about the closing down of the village of Lützerrath in Germany are a good ...
The Wasserturm in my home town Cologne is indeed one of the most iconic hotels of the city. Literally, the ...
The German amusement park Phantasialand is regularly rated to be one of the best and especially most atmospheric spots of ...
Sea Life runs several outlets in Germany. One of them is in Oberhausen in the Ruhrgebiet region. With 5000 inhabitants ...
The 7th November 2022 is one of these days I will hardly forget so quickly. In a Weird Al fan ...
After staying at the Road Stop Motel in Dortmund, my wife and I were really curious about exploring another outlet ...
I had a couple of private spa experiences with my wife already, like the MyWellness in Cologne or the Pure ...
Even though the Belgian border is less than an hour drive away from where I live, there are not too ...
Saving my Melia frequent traveler points and doing some research for were two really good reasons to try out ...
The museum at the Schwelmer Straße 41 is not exactly at birthplace of Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen - but it is just a ...
Okay, I have to give in from the very beginning: I love my home town Cologne - and this my ...
The Bergisch Coffee Table (Bergische Kaffeetafel) is a traditional meal, somewhere between a brunch and an afternoon tea. And: it ...
Early summer 2022. After the Covid-19 crisis feels to have come to a certain end, air travelers all over Europe ...
Doing some shopping (including the local sweets outlets) and visiting the Drielandenpunt, where Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands meet, I recently ...
Old lounge, new lounge: after Lufthansa decided to terminally close down some of their lounges, the company Global Lounge Network ...
There are quite some reasons to visit the Western German city of Aachen. However, before I spend a night there ...
Germany between World War II. - this is roughly the mission of the House of the History of the Federal ...
Even though the city is not overwhelmingly large, Solingen in fact comes with two zoos / animal parks. While I ...
One of the architectural witnesses of the industrial heritage of the Rhein-Ruhr Region in Germany are definitely the gasometers. These ...
Trying out another hotel brand: after I had stayed at quite a bunch of Premier Inn Hotel locations in England ...
As I purchased a Merlin Entertainment annual ticket for Germany in May 2021 (majorly as I have been covering Heide ...
The Hilton Hotel Group is currently opening quite a lot of new Hampton by Hilton Hotels over Central Europe. Sufficient ...
Even though it is a some 50 kilometer drive from Cologne to Gummersbach, the VfL Gummersbach is not only the ...
In order to collect some new material for, I recently drove to Remscheid to cover some museums there. The ...
Even though I do have a couple of airport reviews on, I so far missed a lot of the ...
As I already told you last year when I reviewed the Charles Dickens Museum in London, I am a huge ...
Parking fees at Dusseldorf Airport got ridiculously high in recent past. For my August 2021 trip to Poland (from Thursday ...
Located right at the River Rhine, the Hyatt Regency is one of the most iconic and also one of the ...
During the later phases of the Covid-19 lock-downs in Germany, I had the idea to that posting. Maybe just because ...
Even though Solingen is not a that major city (some 160,000 inhabitants), it features two mid-size animal parks / zoos ...
The hotel situation at Cologne / Bonn Airport used to be quite bothering. There used to be a single hotel ...
Especially after all the Covid-19 restrictions, my wife and I were really looking forward to two relaxing hours in a ...
The story why I felt I had to visit the Bergisches Museum für Bergbau, Handwerk und Handel - the Bergisches ...
Travelling in Germany has been turned down to an absolute minimum. Hotels are just able to accept business guests and ...
A zoo which is suitable for the cold and rainy days as well: as you might guess already, Aquazoo Löbbecke ...
There are periodically discussions, whether the Cologne local transport is upgraded by cable car traffic over the river Rhine. However, ...
Since late October 2020, restaurants in Germany are not allowed to open as a pandemic lock-down measure. However, take-away services ...
The Deutsches Museum (German Museum for Science and Technology) in Munich is one of the most fascinating places in Germany ...
Cologne Cathedral is the key attraction of my home town Cologne, of course (it is even one of Germany's very ...
After having a couple of hotel reviews from nearby cities Dusseldorf and Bonn already, I felt it was a huge ...
After we visited a couple of hotels in Bonn, we finally wanted to check out the only five star one ...
Holidays close to home? Not just due to Covid-19, I felt it to be more and more attractive to have ...
Sometimes, you just have to be creative: if you have one of the biggest mobile ferris wheels in the neighboring ...
In order to have a more comfortable (and longer) sleep, I decided to go for a night at the ibis ...
The Rheinturm - or Rhine Tower - is definitely one of Dusseldorf's most iconic viewpoints. During a recent stay at the ...
As I had couple of Spain and Portugal trips planned for summer 2020 and all have been cancelled due to ...
My birth town Bonn has been hit heavily by Covid-19. The key reason for that are not health issues, but ...
My beloved home town Cologne, Germany, is always a bit of crazy - not just during the carnival days. Thus, ...
After I recently visited the traditional drive-in movie in Cologne and the additional pop-up Car Watch in my home town, 2nd ...
As I wrote in my recent review about the traditional DRIVE IN movies in the South of Cologne, drive-in movies ...
Regarding passenger flights, my hometown airport Cologne / Bonn is only the seventh biggest in Germany, servicing some 12 million ...
Quarantining, social isolation, being unable to go out on a Friday - overall, the cultural and social scene has been ...
Fairy Forests are a quite traditional attraction. Different stages tell you the stories of fairy tales, typically illustrated by puppets ...
A Calculation Museum? Sounds like a place for die-hard nerds - but the Arithmeum in Bonn is really a popular ...
Why not doing it at home? Though Bonn is just some 40 kilometers away from our flat, my wife and ...
The Historic Mustard Mill in Cologne ("Historische Senfmühle Köln") is quite a unique place in the million people city. It ...
The Christmas Market in Cologne's Old Town is the largest of the city. Under the slogan "Heinzel's Wintermärchen" (something like Good ...
The Stadtgarten in Cologne is both, a recreational park in the heart of the city, whose facilities are protected, and ...
Cologne Cathedral and a 25 meter high Christmas tree - these are the key ingredients, which turn the Christmas Market ...
You may know Mönchengladbach (or: Moenchengladbach) for soccer, likely. However, the city hosts one of the most remarkable Star Wars ...
During each festive season, Cologne is crowded with tourists and visitors due to its Christmas markets. There are masses of ...
Though it just processes about a half of the number of passengers of Munich Airport and even just a third ...
The Vulkaneifel region Southwest of Bonn, Germany, is still a quite active vulcanic region. Thus, all around there and in ...
Water towers are not too common in Central Europe, especially in Germany. This is definitely one of the key factor, ...
Solingen, some 30 km Northeast of Cologne, is known as Germany's headquarter of the knife and scissor industry. Thus, it ...
I already visited a couple of stadium tours with in the past. My home and heart soccer club, 1 ...
Wuppertal in the Bergisches Land region Northeast of Cologne hosts a very special attraction for train and rail enthusiasts: the ...
Did you ever copy a CD from a friend? Plagiarism can be much worse than just bootlegging. The Museum Plagiarius ...
Lindlar, a minor Eastern suburb of Cologne, hosts one of two open-air museums driven by the regional Rhineland authority LVR ...
Bergisch Gladbach, a 110,000 inhabitant city East of Cologne, is a traditional location for the production of paper. While nowadays, ...
Another six months have passed - the first full half year of's existance. After I did the Very Important ...
One of the key attractions in Ratingen, Northeast of Dusseldorf, is the remarkable Cromford Textile Factory, which is driven by ...
When people think of real "Eau de Cologne", they typically think about the well-branded 4711 brand located in the city's ...
There are quite a lot of minor deer and animal parks around Cologne, quite a lot of them mainly based ...
Located North of Cologne, the "Wildpark Tannenbusch" offers a nice way to spent your free time with your family, enjoying ...
Spa Town Bad Münstereifel, suffering from economic problems in their city center, decided to revamp its commercial concept and opened ...
The Cologne City Museum's recent history is not really what one would call "lucky". After a water damage in later ...
Sunday, 27th May 2018 - time to slowly head home. After quite a lot of flying, this has really been ...
There are a lot of factors which made me look forward to the first destination of my trip, Tangier in ...
No, I am not going to travel between Europe and Asia or America like a madman or do some extreme ...