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Durch & Durch – Nice Aber Nutzlos

Durch & Durch - Nice Aber Nutzlos




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Fantastic lyrics
  • Very entertaining range of songs
  • Good topics

Flyctory.com Cons

  • German language skills required

It can’t be too bad to have a smile in these times, can it? When I ran into the German band Durch & Durch and their ironic lyrics, I definitely had a good smile. Thus, I just had to share their 2021 album with you. Nice Aber Nutzlos (“Nice but useless”) will be released on 7th May 2021.

Durch & Durch – About The Artists

Durch & Durch is nowadays a Cologne band, but in fact, the band had its roots in the Netherlands. The four band members studied music in the Universities of Arnhem and The Hague. The band consists of Sascha Thiele, Jannik Steudter, Jochen Fiedler and Dominic Baumann. Even though they are doing music together since some eight years, Nice Aber Nutzlos is the band’s debut album. There has been one EP before this album, though: Versteckt Verspielt has been released in 2016, but did not have significant commercial effort. Apart from their own songs, the band is also showing some cover songs on their YouTube channel.


Durch & Durch – Nice Aber Nutzlos – Track by Track

The eleven song album lasts 43 minutes.

1. #jetztistauchegal

If you need a idea of what Durch & Durch songs are about, they deliver a great example with the opening track already. Lass die Finger von meinem Kühlschrank, Veganer // Schnitzel ist ein Lebensgefühl translates to “Keep off my fridge, vegan guy // Schnitzel are lifestyle”. The song perfectly satirizes the pressure in social networks, political correctness and pressure to to do the right all the time. The band’s answer to that is #jetztistauchegal – “I does not matter now anyway”. Cool one.

2. Was du mal Warst

The second track is melodically a nice blend of alternative rock with pop elements. The song is about is how peole are changing – and the lyrics state that you (unfortunately) love the girl the ladies used to be. Nice references to other popular German tracks as well. Cool song with a lot of speed and drive.


BWESM translates to Bitte wenn es sein muss, “Please, if it has to be”. A very nice story about a potential hot date – the song also has a lovely grooove. A song which made me smile.

4. Was Los

This song connects nicely to the opening track. This time, Durch & Durch topic the social pressure to do right from a very personal perspective. A nice way to describe the struggle to fit into nowadays society:

Was los – wo bin ich hier eigentlich aufgewacht?
Was los – nur einmal kurz nicht aufgepasst
Was los – das hat sich doch jemand ausgedacht
Was los – haben wir das früher auch gemacht?
Was ist da los? Was ist da los? Was ist da los?

(“What’s happening here? Where did wake up here?
What’s happening here? Just did not take care a single time
What’s happening here? Somebody must have imagined that
What’s happening here? Did we do the same things in previous time?
What’s happening here? What’s happening here? What’s happening here?”)

5. Nice Aber Nutzlos

The title track of the album is dealing with all the new things in nowaday’s life. It is about ambivalences, about typical youth slang. The guitars almost feels aggressive, but also unstoppable in this song. One of the best arrangements in the album. This song is also a good one for partying at a Durch & Durch concert.

6. Man Müsste Mal

Man Müsste Mal is a song full of resolutions and intentions you think about – but somehow you don’t do it. The answer in the chorus to Man müsste mal (“You would have to do”) is simply Jetzt  doch mal (“Then just do it”), followed by some melodic riffs. This song also shows: even though the album is very entertaining and gives you multiple smiles, it comes with very clear messages.

7. Viel Zu Lange

Zeig mir Deinen Perso
Und ich sag Dir wie Du heisst
Und das ist dann auch schon alles,
alles was ich von Dir weiss.

(“Show me your ID card
and I tell you what’s your name –
and that’s finally then all
I know about you”)

The song is a hilarious description about a man, who feels to old to get in contact with a young girl. Later in the song, there are all the doubts, all the anger of failure. Don’t we all know these kind of situations? Cool way of narrating about them.

8. Plastik

The eighth track is about … plastic. Somehow demonized, but still such a wide range of things in life are made of this. Durch & Durch names a few: from clingfilm to rubber ducks, from food wrap to condoms, from Barbie puppets to rubber doll. Simply great.

9. Bergab

The next two songs are previous single releases. Bergab is about all the struggle and problems – at least in the way many people see the current situation. It will be hard for you to find positive pictures in 3:41 minutes of failures and trouble.

10. Wir Machen Nichts

Wir machen weiter wie bisher und machen nichts – “We keep on doing as before and don’t do anything”. This song is a loud critics about not changing things, not trying to work for a better future. Somehow, the perfect answer of all the critics about nowadays life in many of the songs before. Good one.

11. Heimgehn

Heimgehn (“Going Home”) is the farewell ballad of the album. Melancholic, desperate, a painful farewell for sure. Somehow the perfect mood for the end of this album – even the guitar feels to cry.


Durch & Durch – Nice Aber Nutzlos – Spotify

Here is Nice Aber Nutzlos on Spotify:


Durch & Durch – Nice Aber Nutzlos – My View

Yeah, you have to speak German (or at least have a good lyrics souce) to fully enjoy the songs of Durch & Durch. I would definitely say they do a good job on the instrumental and melodic side and present a quite nice range of songs – but finally, it is about what they are telling, not how. Very entertaining album, love it!


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