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Antiheld – Disturbia

Antiheld - Disturbia




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Great vocal presentation of the songs
  • Very atmospheric songs and metaphoric lyrics

Flyctory.com Cons

  • Very dark and depressive mood on the whole album

The German rock band Antiheld grew quite a lot during the last years and established in the German music scene. Their popularity was also boosted by provocative songs like Ficken Für den Weltfrieden (“Fuck for peace on Earth”). Their third album is called Disturbia. It will be released on 9th April 2021.


Antiheld – About the Artists

Antiheld are a German rock band from Stuttgart. They have been founded in 2014. The band consists of five members. Luca Opifanti leads the band as singer and guitarist. He is joined by Andre Zweifel (guitar), Henry Kasper (keyboard), Matze Brende (bass) and Sven Fischer (drums). The band already had some remarkable success in the past. For example, they toured as support act of German countrypop duo The Boss Hoss and of Rea Garvey. Disturbia is their third album. The two predecessors, Keine Legenden (2017) and Goldener Schuss (2019) had a one week appearance each in the German album charts.


Antiheld – Disturbia – Track by Track

The thirteen song album lasts 51 minutes.

1. Sommer Unseres Lebens

The opening track Sommer Unseres Lebens (“Summer of Our Lives”) comes with a present work on the drums and a touch of alternative rock. Luca Opifanti’s a bit of raspy voice creates a very catchy atmosphere. Definitely a track which attracts you to have a deeper listen of the album.

2. Motten Um Licht

Motten Um Licht (“mots around the light”) is one the singles of the album. The song is rather dark, the backing vocals even have a threatening touch to me. On the other hand, these na na na na na backing sounds are a huge factor which turn this song into a catchy experience. Nice!

3. My Only Friend

Ich leb’ auf Lunge
Und bin selbst mein schlimmster Feind
Meine Angst vorm Tod
Schenk ich nem Feigling
Doch meine Angst vom Leben bleibt
Hab alle Grenzen überschritten
Mach für nichts nicht die Beine breit
Gott sei dank werd’ ich nie wissen
Dass nichts von mir post mortem bleibt

(“I live on my lungs,
And I am my worst enemy myself
My fear to die
I give away to a coward
But my feat to live stays
I crossed all limits
I don’t spread my legs for anything
Thank God, I will never know
That nothing will stay from me post mortem”)

Again, Antiheld paint a very dark picture of life. The song comes with a spoken word bridge – but finally, the lead vocals and the present guitar riffs are the key elements of the third song of Disturbia. The lyrics are very metaphoric and use quite some lyrical elements – so please excuse that my translation is not absolutely exact.

4. Irgendwo Stirbt Grad Ein Kind

Antiheld released Irgendwo Stirbt Grad Ein Kind (“Somewhere, a kid is dying”) already before the album as a single. Another very dramatic and sociocritical song on the album, which comes with a touch of 1990’s rock and punk.

5. Himmelblau

After a couple of dark sounding sounding tracks, Himmelblau comes with a reggae-alike groove, which gives some positive and summer-alike feeling at first sight. A song which is teasing love, but also depressions. There is even a short quote of Alphaville’s Forever Young.

6. Standing In Line

Standing In Line is likely the core track of the first half of the album. The song is a personal critics on the church as an institution. A very hard, but straight song, which is also referring to the attitude of the German catholic church about homosexual love and the recent inevstigations about child abuse in German religious institutions.

7. Chaos Intro

Chaos Intro is right in the middle of the album. It is really an introduction to the next song, Chaos. The interlude sounds like a narration or a news reader criticizing the way other peoples’ “plans” are deciding about our lives.

8. Chaos

Chaos is a powerful song. Again, the song comes with punk elements. The song feels a bit disordered when the band shouts Chaos multiple times in some spots of the track. Antiheld create a very strong atmosphere and message in this song, which reaches its climax when the song quotes the classic Chopsticks song (or Flohwalzer in German).

9. Alles Gute Für Den Winter

Alles Gute Für den Winter (“Good luck for the winter”) is the greeting sent by Antiheld to the next generation. The song struggles with climate change, changing society and other issues which finally paint a very dark outlook in this song. Definitely one of the most impressive tracks on the album.

10. Oh Bitte Mach Mich Ein Letztes Mal Kaputt

Disturbia is full of dark songs. This track literally means “Oh please destroy me a very last times”. The song very much concentrates on the vocals by Opifanti, the instruments are only showing presence during the chorus. This overall leads to a very dramatic setting.

11. Alles Nichts

Alles Nichts is another really powerful and present rock song. Regarding the lyrics, it is not that hard and direct as other tracks on the album, which make you feel that this song is a bit of unimpressive. In fact, it is a good one, though.

12. Wiegenlied

The Wiegenlied (“Lullaby”) is the last single so far on Disturbia. The song is dealing with the death of the band’s manager. Amazing track.

Ich bin doch grad mal Ende zwanzig
Und steh jetzt schon am dritten Grab
Eines meiner besten Jungs
Und werf’ Blumen auf ‘nen Sarg
Schlaf, schlaf Bruder, schlaf
In friedlicher Ruh’

(“I’m in my late 20’s
and already stand at a grave the third time
One of my best guys
And I throw flowers on the coffin
Rest, rest, brother, rest
in peace”)

13. Von Schmerz & Apotheken

The closing track translates to “Of pain and pharmacies”. A song which starts quite intimate, but then is gaining more power.


Antiheld – Disturbia – Spotify

Here is Disturbia on Spotify:


Antiheld – Disturbia – My View

Indeed, Disturbia is a very dark and depressive snapshot of life in 2021. Sometimes, it is a bit too much from my point of view – but that does not mean that the album is bad. Luca Opifanti is an excellent presenter of the Antiheld stories. His voice perfectly suits to the general atmosphere of album. The band as a whole understands to create the suitable sounds to support him. I am sure that Antiheld fans will love Disturbia – and that the album will make their fan base grow as well.


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