23. January 2025
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Rock of Ages Opening Night – Red Carpet Impressions

I have to give in: the red carpet is not my favorite location. Nonetheless, I felt very thankful that after some trouble and a rather late notice I was able to have some impressions of the celebrities, who partied the very first night of the German Rock of Ages tour. I already gave you my thoughts about the German show – this posting is just about the people who came to rock for the first official night after the preview show. A bit of yellow press feeling on Flyctory.com – hope you nonetheless enjoy this very special Pictured Story on Flyctory.com.

There is a combined gallery with a total of 311 major size pictures as part of the concert gallery, featuring the show epilogue as well as the red carpet impressions.


Rock of Ages Germany Opening Night – Main Posting

This is the main posting about the opening night in Munich, including my thoughts about the show:

Rock of Ages (German Tour Opening Night in Munich, 5th April 2023)


Rock of Ages Germany Opening Night – Red Carpet Impressions

Here are some impressions from the red carpet at the Deutsches Theater in Munich, where quite a significant proportion of shows takes place at the beginning of the tour. There are more views in the galleries. Whenever there is a new person on the pictures, I tried to give the name under the picture. Even though I have a list of names with pictures, they don’t match with al the people on the snaps.


Rüdiger Bach (actor)

Dan Lucas (musician and musical actor)

Clus Lessmann (formerly Bonfire, left) with Manfred Hertlein (producing company, right)

Misha Kovar (actor and singer, 2nd from the right hand side)

Martina Schlaucher (Perlregen, lady in the background)

Petra Drechsler (actor)


Doro Pesch (the metal queen)

Thomas Linsmeyer (Head of Deutsches Theater)


Andreas Steinfatt (brewery executive board,very left), Hugo Bachmaier (bar host, right)




Corinna Binzer and Sepp Schauer (both actors)


Nicole Hayduga (actor, left)

Alex Balga (director of German Rock of Ages)



Arno Baum (Rockwolves), Tom Fock (LustfingeR), Tommy Wagner (LustfingeR), Georg Kleesattel (Head of Press Deutsches Theater), Michael Schinkel (Eternal Flame)


Rock of Ages Munich – The Gallery

Here are 311 major size pictures of the show and the red carpet impressions. They are located in the concert gallery:


Rock of Ages (Musical)

Here are all postings related to the musical Rock of Ages:


All “classic” blog posts

No reviews – just debating and certain topics – these are my “traditional” blog posts in the categories Just blogging, Just blogging on music and Sports Blogging:

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