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Matthias Reim – MATTHIAS

Matthias Reim - MATTHIAS




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Very versatile range of schlager songs
  • Very good lyrics
  • Some very deep and personal songs

Matthias Reim is one of the big names in the German schlager-rock scene. After some rather difficult times, he came back to the German music scene quite a while ago and is one of the best selling artists of the genre – in the (virtual and physical) record stores as well as on stage. On 14th January 2022, he is publishing a new album, MATTHIAS.


Matthias Reim – About The Artist

Matthias Reim was born on 26th November 1957 in Korbach, Northern Hesse, in Germany. He is a son of a teacher and grew up in Homberg (Efze). He had some bands in early years, but none of them has really been successful. During the 1980’s, he rather established as a writer and composer for schlager tracks. Finally, an appearance in a popular German TV show in 1990 paved the road to success: the single he presented there, Verdammt, ich lieb Dich (English version: I think I love you) topped the charts in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The single has been sold some 2.5 million times. The song even received a golden record in the Netherlands. Later, Reim recorded a French and an Italian version, but there are also covers in other languages like Polish.

The corresponding album Reim was a triple platinum success in Germany and Switzerland and platinum in Austria. The 1991 follow-up album Reim 2 has also been Top 10 in all major German-speaking markets. There were other single chart success releases in the three German countries as well.

Nonetheless, the following album sold worse and worse and Reim finally ended up with a huge amount of debts of some 13 million Euro. However, with a lot of energy and also self-irony (including that he covered his success song as Verdammt, ich hab nichts – “Damn, I don’t have anything” for a rental car commercial) and a new record label, he fought back. In 2005, the album Unverwundbar made it back to the German Top 10. Reim has released seven more studio albums since then – all made it to the Top 10 in Germany and most had good placements in the adjacent countries. His latest album, MR20, has been published in 2019 and was in the German album charts for about a year. MATTHIAS is the 21st studio album of the artist.


Matthias Reim – MATTHIAS – Track by Track

The thirteen song album lasts 44 minutes.

1. 4 Uhr 30

The opening track is one of three single releases Matthias Reim has done before the album release. The song is a classic Matthias Reim: a bit of electro-pop, a bit of rock and quite a bunch of schlager. A lot of power, good narrating, nice one to get into this 2022 edition of the German artist.

2. Bon Voyage

Ich wünsche Dir von Herzen
Bon Voyage, bon voyage
Die Zeit mit Dir war wunderbar
Und dass Du wieder gehst, war klar
Und daher Bon Voyage

(“I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Bon Voyage, bon voyage
The time with you has been wonderful
It was clear that you leave again
And thus: Bon Voyage”)

The song has a lot of energy and drive and overall has more of the electronic pop and disco-fox touch of a traditional schlager. Despite the lyrics, Matthias Reim makes the song rather feel like a cool party song and not like a cheesy, outdated song.

3. Blaulicht

I have been quite surprised that Matthias Reim is using the Blaulicht (“Emergency Lights”) metaphor again after he recorded Bastian (Blaulicht in der Nacht) about his son, which has been born with spasticity. This love song might end up with this part of his life – he never commented about the faith of his son in public. This 2022 song is powerful, but a bit of thin on the lyric side.

4. Du liebst mich auch

The fourth song is rather ballad-alike. For the first time a very emotional song, rather made for hugs than to put our your dancing shoes or party at a Matthias Reim show.

5. Reise um die Welt

The “Trip around the World” (which is the translation of this song) really comes with snappy unusual melodies and somehow exotic rhythms. One of the most characterful songs of the album. Rainer “Elute” Kind has a bit more action at the drum in this songs. Put this one on the set list for the next shows, please.

6. Typisch anders

Typisch anders (“Typically different”) is the second ballad of the album. I feel, it is one of the most atmospheric songs of the album. Reim, who had a couple of relationships in his life, is still able to do beautiful love songs about any new love.

7. Paranoid

That’s obviously not at all a Black Sabbath cover – but the song is one of the straight-forward and powerful songs of the album.

Noch gestern war’s mir scheissegal
Dass ich mal von Wolke 7 fall’ mit Dir
Paranoid, paranoid,
Dass Dich sonst keiner kriegt.

(“Yesterday totally did not care
That I fall down from Cloud 7 with you
Paranoid, paranoid,
that nobody else is getting you”)

8. Acht Milliarden Träumer

The eighth song is another previous single release. The song about unity, peace, following global dreams is very optimistic and comes with a nice melody. Nonetheless, I prefer other tracks on this album.

9. Reisen durch die Zeit

This song feels so much like a Matthias Reim classic. To me, the song is very magical and catchy. My favorite song with an Americana touch in the verses.

10. Gar Nichts

Gar Nichts is not only a song about relaxing and just “doing nothing”, it also comes with a relaxed reggae-style rhythm. Cool one and another song, which leads a a very wide range of schlager tunes.

11. Kindertraum

Kindertraum is not only the longest song of the album, but also the likely most personal one. The guitar feels to be the sword and the shield in childhood dream. An amazing track about Matthias Reim and his grandparents.

12. Schick mir einen Engel

After this emotional highlight. the disco sound of Schick mir einen Engel feels a bit too contrasting to me. I am still stuck in this amazing story. The song is a nice dance schlager track, though.

13. Nächsten Sommer (2022 Edit)

The closing track of this album is Nächsten Sommer (“Next summer”). The track has already been released in a more folk-alike version. This one is a dance song with some cool background guitar riffs. Dancefloor time – you just have to finish listening to this album with a smile.


Matthias Reim – MATTHIAS – Spotify

Here is the album on Spotify


Matthias Reim – MATTHIAS – My View

I personally don’t like when Matthias Reim is going too closely to traditional schlager tunes – and this 2022 album perfectly illustrates why: he is such a talented, versatile artist. Reggae, rock or disco tunes, MATTHIAS is a fun album with (mostly) really good lyrics and stories. Matthias Reim is a guy which just guarantees to have good fun with his music – and these latest tunes will not prevent the party on the tour tour. Love it!


Matthias Reim – Tour 2022/03

Matthias Reim is scheduled to tour with his new album in 2022 and 2023. There is quite a large number of open air concerts as well.

Th 02.06.2022 Gifhorn, Schloss Gifhorn
Fr 03.06.2022 Dresden, Freilichtbühne Junge Garde
So 05.06.2022 Lübben, Schlossinsel Lübben
Mo 06.06.2022 Fulda, Universitätsplatz
We 08.06.2022 Wolfhagen, Kulturzelt
Th 09.06.2022 Nuremberg, Serenadenhof
Fr 10.06.2022 Gera, Hofwiesenpark
Mo 13.06.2022 Mannheim, Capitol
Tu 14.06.2022 Cologne, Palladium
We 15.06.2022 Neunkirchen (Saar), Neue Gebläsehalle
Fr 15.07.2022 Eberswalde, Familiengarten
Sa 16.07.2022 Torgau, Neue Festwiese
Th 21.07.2022 Tuttlingen, Honberg-Sommer
Fr 22.07.2022 Regensburg, Piazza im Gewerbepark
Sa 23.07.2022 Bad Elster, NaturTheater
Sa 06.08.2022 Landsberg, Freilichtbühne
Fr 12.08.2022 Creuzburg, Burg Creuzburg
Sa 13.08.2022 Chemnitz, Wasserschloß Klaffenbach
Fr 19.08.2022 Weissenfels, Marktplatz
Sa 20.08.2022 Cottbus, Spreeauenpark
Sa 27.08.2022 Hemmoor, Schlager Arena
Fr 02.09.2022 Kamenz, Hutbergbühne
Sa 03.09.2022 Oranienburg, Schloss Oranienburg
We 07.09.2022 Radolfzell, Tagungs- & Kulturzentrum Milchwerk
Sa 10.09.2022 Potsdam, Sportpark Kirchsteigfeld
Fr 30.09.2022 Freiberg, Tivoli
Sa 01.10.2022 Bernstadt / Kemnitz, Festzelt
Th 15.12.2022 Erfurt, Messe
Fr 16.12.2022 Magdeburg, GETEC-Arena
Sa 17.12.2022 Leipzig, QUARTERBACK Immobilien ARENA
Su 18.12.2022 Zwickau, Stadthalle Zwickau
Tu 27.12.2022 Neubrandenburg, Jahnsportforum
We 28.12.2022 Berlin, Mercedes-Benz Arena
Th 29.12.2022 Hamburg, Barclays Arena
Fr 30.12.2022 Rostock, Stadthalle
Fr 24.03.2023 Oberhausen, Rudolf-Weber-ARENA
Sa 25.03.2023 Stuttgart, Porsche Arena
Fr 14.04.2023 Kiel, Wunderino Arena
Sa 15.04.2023 Lingen, Emsland Arena


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