Matthias Reim - MATTHIAS Pros
- Very versatile range of schlager songs
- Very good lyrics
- Some very deep and personal songs
Matthias Reim is one of the big names in the German schlager-rock scene. After some rather difficult times, he came back to the German music scene quite a while ago and is one of the best selling artists of the genre – in the (virtual and physical) record stores as well as on stage. On 14th January 2022, he is publishing a new album, MATTHIAS.

Matthias Reim – About The Artist
Matthias Reim was born on 26th November 1957 in Korbach, Northern Hesse, in Germany. He is a son of a teacher and grew up in Homberg (Efze). He had some bands in early years, but none of them has really been successful. During the 1980’s, he rather established as a writer and composer for schlager tracks. Finally, an appearance in a popular German TV show in 1990 paved the road to success: the single he presented there, Verdammt, ich lieb Dich (English version: I think I love you) topped the charts in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The single has been sold some 2.5 million times. The song even received a golden record in the Netherlands. Later, Reim recorded a French and an Italian version, but there are also covers in other languages like Polish.
The corresponding album Reim was a triple platinum success in Germany and Switzerland and platinum in Austria. The 1991 follow-up album Reim 2 has also been Top 10 in all major German-speaking markets. There were other single chart success releases in the three German countries as well.
Nonetheless, the following album sold worse and worse and Reim finally ended up with a huge amount of debts of some 13 million Euro. However, with a lot of energy and also self-irony (including that he covered his success song as Verdammt, ich hab nichts – “Damn, I don’t have anything” for a rental car commercial) and a new record label, he fought back. In 2005, the album Unverwundbar made it back to the German Top 10. Reim has released seven more studio albums since then – all made it to the Top 10 in Germany and most had good placements in the adjacent countries. His latest album, MR20, has been published in 2019 and was in the German album charts for about a year. MATTHIAS is the 21st studio album of the artist.
Matthias Reim – MATTHIAS – Track by Track
The thirteen song album lasts 44 minutes.

1. 4 Uhr 30
The opening track is one of three single releases Matthias Reim has done before the album release. The song is a classic Matthias Reim: a bit of electro-pop, a bit of rock and quite a bunch of schlager. A lot of power, good narrating, nice one to get into this 2022 edition of the German artist.
2. Bon Voyage
Ich wünsche Dir von Herzen
Bon Voyage, bon voyage
Die Zeit mit Dir war wunderbar
Und dass Du wieder gehst, war klar
Und daher Bon Voyage
(“I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Bon Voyage, bon voyage
The time with you has been wonderful
It was clear that you leave again
And thus: Bon Voyage”)
The song has a lot of energy and drive and overall has more of the electronic pop and disco-fox touch of a traditional schlager. Despite the lyrics, Matthias Reim makes the song rather feel like a cool party song and not like a cheesy, outdated song.
3. Blaulicht
I have been quite surprised that Matthias Reim is using the Blaulicht (“Emergency Lights”) metaphor again after he recorded Bastian (Blaulicht in der Nacht) about his son, which has been born with spasticity. This love song might end up with this part of his life – he never commented about the faith of his son in public. This 2022 song is powerful, but a bit of thin on the lyric side.
4. Du liebst mich auch
The fourth song is rather ballad-alike. For the first time a very emotional song, rather made for hugs than to put our your dancing shoes or party at a Matthias Reim show.
5. Reise um die Welt
The “Trip around the World” (which is the translation of this song) really comes with snappy unusual melodies and somehow exotic rhythms. One of the most characterful songs of the album. Rainer “Elute” Kind has a bit more action at the drum in this songs. Put this one on the set list for the next shows, please.
6. Typisch anders
Typisch anders (“Typically different”) is the second ballad of the album. I feel, it is one of the most atmospheric songs of the album. Reim, who had a couple of relationships in his life, is still able to do beautiful love songs about any new love.
7. Paranoid
That’s obviously not at all a Black Sabbath cover – but the song is one of the straight-forward and powerful songs of the album.
Noch gestern war’s mir scheissegal
Dass ich mal von Wolke 7 fall’ mit Dir
Paranoid, paranoid,
Dass Dich sonst keiner kriegt.
(“Yesterday totally did not care
That I fall down from Cloud 7 with you
Paranoid, paranoid,
that nobody else is getting you”)
8. Acht Milliarden Träumer
The eighth song is another previous single release. The song about unity, peace, following global dreams is very optimistic and comes with a nice melody. Nonetheless, I prefer other tracks on this album.
9. Reisen durch die Zeit
This song feels so much like a Matthias Reim classic. To me, the song is very magical and catchy. My favorite song with an Americana touch in the verses.
10. Gar Nichts
Gar Nichts is not only a song about relaxing and just “doing nothing”, it also comes with a relaxed reggae-style rhythm. Cool one and another song, which leads a a very wide range of schlager tunes.
11. Kindertraum
Kindertraum is not only the longest song of the album, but also the likely most personal one. The guitar feels to be the sword and the shield in childhood dream. An amazing track about Matthias Reim and his grandparents.
12. Schick mir einen Engel
After this emotional highlight. the disco sound of Schick mir einen Engel feels a bit too contrasting to me. I am still stuck in this amazing story. The song is a nice dance schlager track, though.
13. Nächsten Sommer (2022 Edit)
The closing track of this album is Nächsten Sommer (“Next summer”). The track has already been released in a more folk-alike version. This one is a dance song with some cool background guitar riffs. Dancefloor time – you just have to finish listening to this album with a smile.
Matthias Reim – MATTHIAS – Spotify
Here is the album on Spotify
Matthias Reim – MATTHIAS – My View
I personally don’t like when Matthias Reim is going too closely to traditional schlager tunes – and this 2022 album perfectly illustrates why: he is such a talented, versatile artist. Reggae, rock or disco tunes, MATTHIAS is a fun album with (mostly) really good lyrics and stories. Matthias Reim is a guy which just guarantees to have good fun with his music – and these latest tunes will not prevent the party on the tour tour. Love it!
Matthias Reim – Tour 2022/03
Matthias Reim is scheduled to tour with his new album in 2022 and 2023. There is quite a large number of open air concerts as well.
Th 02.06.2022 |
Gifhorn, Schloss Gifhorn |
Fr 03.06.2022 |
Dresden, Freilichtbühne Junge Garde |
So 05.06.2022 |
Lübben, Schlossinsel Lübben |
Mo 06.06.2022 |
Fulda, Universitätsplatz |
We 08.06.2022 |
Wolfhagen, Kulturzelt |
Th 09.06.2022 |
Nuremberg, Serenadenhof |
Fr 10.06.2022 |
Gera, Hofwiesenpark |
Mo 13.06.2022 |
Mannheim, Capitol |
Tu 14.06.2022 |
Cologne, Palladium |
We 15.06.2022 |
Neunkirchen (Saar), Neue Gebläsehalle |
Fr 15.07.2022 |
Eberswalde, Familiengarten |
Sa 16.07.2022 |
Torgau, Neue Festwiese |
Th 21.07.2022 |
Tuttlingen, Honberg-Sommer |
Fr 22.07.2022 |
Regensburg, Piazza im Gewerbepark |
Sa 23.07.2022 |
Bad Elster, NaturTheater |
Sa 06.08.2022 |
Landsberg, Freilichtbühne |
Fr 12.08.2022 |
Creuzburg, Burg Creuzburg |
Sa 13.08.2022 |
Chemnitz, Wasserschloß Klaffenbach |
Fr 19.08.2022 |
Weissenfels, Marktplatz |
Sa 20.08.2022 |
Cottbus, Spreeauenpark |
Sa 27.08.2022 |
Hemmoor, Schlager Arena |
Fr 02.09.2022 |
Kamenz, Hutbergbühne |
Sa 03.09.2022 |
Oranienburg, Schloss Oranienburg |
We 07.09.2022 |
Radolfzell, Tagungs- & Kulturzentrum Milchwerk |
Sa 10.09.2022 |
Potsdam, Sportpark Kirchsteigfeld |
Fr 30.09.2022 |
Freiberg, Tivoli |
Sa 01.10.2022 |
Bernstadt / Kemnitz, Festzelt |
Th 15.12.2022 |
Erfurt, Messe |
Fr 16.12.2022 |
Magdeburg, GETEC-Arena |
Sa 17.12.2022 |
Leipzig, QUARTERBACK Immobilien ARENA |
Su 18.12.2022 |
Zwickau, Stadthalle Zwickau |
Tu 27.12.2022 |
Neubrandenburg, Jahnsportforum |
We 28.12.2022 |
Berlin, Mercedes-Benz Arena |
Th 29.12.2022 |
Hamburg, Barclays Arena |
Fr 30.12.2022 |
Rostock, Stadthalle |
Fr 24.03.2023 |
Oberhausen, Rudolf-Weber-ARENA |
Sa 25.03.2023 |
Stuttgart, Porsche Arena |
Fr 14.04.2023 |
Kiel, Wunderino Arena |
Sa 15.04.2023 |
Lingen, Emsland Arena |
German Schlager
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Just two months until Christmas. You feel that in my this week's edition of the Songs of the Week definitely. First ...
I spent almost the entire week at work in Dublin at one of our offices. Quite an intense time, which ...
Maybe, due to the national holiday in Germany, the list of new songs was rather short on the platform I ...
The Geschwister Hofmann (namely: "Hofman Siblings") have been a German schlager duo of two sisters. From their first stage appearances ...
Unfortunately, I had to kick out quite a lot of songs from my list, which I really liked. They just ...
There is somehow always some sort of "topic" behind each and every Songs of the Week episode. If I would pick one ...
The Songs Of The Week is one of my favorite categories of posts on my blog. Even I don't know how the ...
Wow - I had so many albums this week. Even if I skipped all travel posts and do the regular ...
I have quite intense weeks at work, not too many thrills on the side. The next weeks will have ...
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I am still relaxing from all the trips I had during the last weeks. Nonetheless, things are just busy and ...
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The Monheimer Sommer is a small series of open air concerts, driven by the city in the Rheinland region. Apart from ...
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I typically rather focus presenting new and emerging act in my Song of the Week, but this time, the list of ...
I received so many great albums this week - no chance to process a fair fraction of them. However, the ...
Due to my recent illness, I have to reduce my travel activity in June significantly. Nonetheless, there will be ten Rock ...
I have struggled quite much with health issues this week - which also prevented me to travel to some British Rock ...
A public holiday in (parts of) Germany gave me the opportunity to collect some status Tier Points for my British ...
After the volume of songs in the last two weeks has been rather thin, this week's Songs of the Week comes with ...
I did a bit of an ESC week this week, featuring Guildo Horn's Guildo hat Euch lieb! in my Songs of the Week and ...
There are these days in life which you remember. The days you exactly remember what you did on that day ...
I am quite surprised about a rather short list of new songs today. Might be because of Labour Day on ...
As I told you in previous postings, I initially gather candidates for my Songs of the Week, before I narrow the ...
This April 2023 episode of my Spotlight interviews is one I have been a bit of nervous about, indeed. After ...
After some rather intense traveling, I am glad that there is just a short trip this week. I concentrated on ...
Not too many releases due to the Easter week. The week was dominated by my Rock of Ages coverage. First of all, ...
Vanessa Mai is back with a new album. However, the German artist with Croatian roots is going back to her ...
I have to give in: the song leading this week's Songs of the Week might also be a candidate for the ...
After a lot of tour-chasing Weird Al Yankovic and watching the Pittsburgh Penguins, the first weekend home after quite a ...
I am always impressed where the Songs of the Week each weekend finally end of. This time, for example, i have been ...
Sometimes, it is easy to select the leading track of my Songs of the Week: I had two hot candidates, but ...
After my most recent edition of my Songs of the Week majorly featured German artists and a lot of pop, my song ...
I love gathering songs for Songs of the Week, as the result is so unpredictable, even for me, until short before ...
I was quite surprised when I received the press kit for Antonia Kubas' debut EP: Liebe und Musik ("Love and music") ...
Damn - just when I had a massive travel volume, the number of new releases of all genres went up ...
Ireland, the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands, USA, Canada - and of course Germany lay ahead of me for the ...
I am kicking off the most stressful part of the year, quite likely. This week, I headed off to Peterborough ...
This weekend was really difficult for me to plan ahead. With the ISTAF Indoor in Dusseldorf, I had a fixed ...
Oh wow, I really have to limit myself this week. There is so much good music being released this week ...
Wow, that's massive! After I had a quite thin list of new releases since mid-December 2022, Christmas break is officially ...
Welcome to the first Songs of the Week posting in 2023! Despite the music industry is slowly getting back to business, I ...
I guess that the next weeks will be more intense. Depending if you look at the publishing or the cut-off ...
Since I started working with, I present you a list of my favorite songs at the end of every ...
Now that Christmas is getting closer, it is also a great opportunity for less known artists to receive some additional ...
Just some ten days left until Christmas. Instead of my typical album preview, I this time go for a preview ...
Very interesting weekend this time: with the shows of Milky Chance and Brett Young, both in Cologne, I had quite ...
After two intercontinental trips in October 2022, I am somehow glad that I am scheduled to stay in Europe until ...
Just two months until Christmas - but I still refused to have an according song in my Songs of the Week ...
October is quite a busy time for me. Private and business trips take most of my time. My Songs of the ...
I had an amazing week in Cyprus and am just about to prepare for my second trip to the Weird ...
The last three months of the year are about to start. Traditionally, the focus is rather on well-known artists, their ...
Her song I steh auf Bergbauernbuam ("I love male mountain farmer boys") has been streamed some 8.5 million times on Spotify and ...
Even though there are quite a bunch of German (language) songs and German artists in the set of new releases ...
While the last week brought me to Sunderland, Hamburg and Lillehammer in Norway, the song selection of the week comes ...
From a boy group teenage idol to an established schlager artist - Eloy de Jong truly took a remarkable transformation ...
This week, my Songs of the Week features a wide range of sounds. Quite a focus on Austrian and German artists ...
The first contact I had with the album Kuhrios was the title: "Kurios" in German means something like "peculiar". However, the "H" ...
The studio album Perspektiven is actually my second album review of a Roland Kaiser release. After the Christmas album Weihnachtszeit, Kaiser is back ...
Hallo, ich bin Jolina Carl - "Hello, I am Jolina Carl" rather sounds like a debut album than the release of ...
A talent show changed the life of a teenage German artist - and the result is this album. Luna Klee ...
Giovanni Zarrella is one of these artists I just cannot have negative feelings about. One rationale might be that his ...
My 5th August 2022 update of the Songs of the Week this time features 15 songs. Again, there is a wide ...
After I featured Marie Reim's debut album 14 Phasen in June 2020, I was really curious how her music has evolved during ...
Weird times: my list of candidates for my Songs of the Week this time was much longer, but a lot of ...
Even though there are also some examples in the rock industry as well, boy bands are typically a pop music ...
Typically, I first collect tracks for my Songs Of The Week and, once the set is complete, pick my favorite and ...
The list of songs as of 15th July 2022 is rather compact. I open with a very interesting British pop ...
Everybody in Germany knows the songs Ich will Spaß ("I want to have fun", a song about having fun cruising in ...
Okay, this week, my Songs Of The Week listeners need to stay strong: I started my list with schlager (with a touch ...
This week, I had at least an easy time determining the leading track of my Songs of the Week. I listened ...
Whenever I start working for my Songs of the Week, I typically scan the candidates I archived for that reason and ...
I had a long list of songs for my Songs of the Week... and after I composed a nice order of ...
I am still in the process of recovering from illness - not sure if that had any influence on my ...
Schlager, pop and country - that's how Christa Fartek brands herself on her latest seven track album Nashville and Me. Indeed, ...
Due to illness, I unfortunately cannot provide you the full coverage on the music side of - and it ...
Wow... This edition of my Songs of the Week was a huge bit of work. I simply had so many candidates for ...
The Reim family on after the big daddy Matthias Reim, one of the biggest German schlager-rock artists in Germany, ...
Verrückt es nicht zu tun - "Crazy not to do it" is the new album by Geschwister David, a twin schlager ...
Oh, I feel that the Songs Of The Week are really a tradition on now. More than three months since I ...
Not really sure why the release calendars are so seasonal (apart from major holidays like Christmas) - but I generally ...
While the last week's edition solely covered a few songs, my 25th March 2022 version of the Songs Of The Week ...
My trip through the United States following the Pittsburgh Penguins in eleven days was definitely the highlight of my week ...
Definitely my toughest edition of the Songs of the Week so far. It is very hard for me to concentrate knowing what ...
Second album release by German schlager artist Alexander Martin. The Rheinland musician publishes Wir zieh'n das durch on 18th February 2022 ...
The last two editions of the Songs Of The Week had a really nice load of positive feedback. Thus, I am really ...
German schlager with a good touch of pop from the region West of Berlin: Joe Carpenter has just released his ...
I am still evaluating whether the Songs Of The Week are an interesting format for you. While the first postings got ...
My Songs Of The Week slowly turn into a tradition. This week, I definitely saw that the number of releases massively ...
Julia Raich is naming herself the "Schlagerprinzessin" - schlager princess. On 7th January 2022, she is releasing her new album Schlagerr(a)ich, ...
G.G. Anderson is one of the most well-known German schlager artists since the early 1980's. 30th December 2021, he is ...
Every week, I am scanning hundreds of new releases, albums and singles, to pick the right (and sometimes: the wrong) ...
Christmas is approaching really quick now. While I traditionally do a festive edition of my Country Music Picks, I also ...
Who does not know Art Garfunkel, part of Simon & Garfunkel and their famous songs? Sometimes, you run into albums, ...
From TV talent show to her debut album - some one and a half year she became well-known to the ...
One of the German schlager artists I honor most is definitely Roland Kaiser. He is active since decades and is ...
In December 2019, I praised the album 2084 by the Pete Wolf Band. The artist behind that project is Wolfgang ...
From a TV talent show to the top of the charts: Beatrice Egli definitely took profit of winning the tenth ...
The first album by LaFee since ten years - and in fact this one is heading back some more decades ...
I have to be straight: I did not know Tom Niklas before. I ran into the schlager artist by a ...
I have to admit: I loved Jasmin Wagner... or Blümchen... during my childhood years. As a young girl, the Hamburg ...
Schlager music from Switzerland: Cristina Maria Sieber has been releasing her second album on 9th July 2021. The title is ...
An Austrian with roots in three other different countries, being successful with other bands in the past... and also being ...
There are multiple ways to fame. Maybe countless ones. Tinka is driving trucks. Full stop. The 31-year old was part ...
Bernhard Brink is indeed one of the big names of German schlager. His songs attract a huge fan base. On ...
Despite Mike Leon Grosch had a huge success in Germany in 2006, his career had quite a hit shortly thereafter ...
Sarah Lombardi's career started with a bit ups and downs in the German version of American Idol. Three years after ...
Welcome back to, Ben Zucker. After I have been gifted to report from his arena show in Cologne in ...
Even though Giovanni Zarrella is singing in Italian, his music is definitely aiming to be sold on the German-speaking markets ...
Even though we are currently struggling in Germany to build a (modern) country music scene, there has always been some ...
New stuff from Vanessa Mai: just about a year after the German Schlager star released her album Für Immer ("Forever"), she ...
Recently, Maite Kelly had a lot of presence in German TV as part of the Deutschland Sucht Den Superstar (German ...
The ability to simply link two nouns to a new word is a lovely property of the German language - ...
German schlager is one of the most popular genres in my home country. On 12th March 2021, the classics of ...
Nino de Angelo is one of my favorite German artists. I will definitely tell you about a very special concert ...
2020 is about to come to an end - and the last three posting of the years re about to ...
The story of Ross Antony is quite amazing: having an English education as a musical artist, Antony is nowadays a ...
Latest when Michelle represented Germany in the Eurovision Song Contest 2001 in Copenhagen, she became an important part of the ...
I saw Sarah Zucker for the first time on stage, when she joined her brother Ben in Cologne's largest LANXESSarena ...
20 year old Marie Reim is an interesting upcoming artist in the German schlager scene. Both of her parents are ...
Thomas Anders and Florian Silbereisen are some sort of a new super-band in the German Schlager genre. Both are famous ...
While there were not too many country music releases on my intiial review list, there were some quite interesting new ...
I have to admit that I had been very nervous before that concert. The LANXESS arena, Germany's largest multiplex arena ... on Mallorca
Here are all my postings related to Mallorca:
Palma Cathedral - or Catedral de Mallorca - is definitely one of the most iconic buildings in Palma. Of course, I did ...
Bellver Castle - or Castell de Bellver - is one of the most iconic places of Palma de Mallorca. The ...
You might not make it to the Mallorca city of Manacor just to visit their history museum - but the ...
While being in Soller on Mallorca, Spain, my wife and I definitely wanted to visit the Soller Botanical Garden, Jardin Botanic ...
Even though many people exclusively associate Soller with the Tren de Soller historic train and the Tranvia de Soller hostoric tram, the city ...
While Palma Cathedral or the Palma Arena are regarded to be iconic pieces of architecture in the Balearic capital, I ...
Summer feels to be over - Fall 2021 is coming. Finally, I had much more - and better - trips ...
The Big Three of Tennis - Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal - dominate their sports since ages. Hard ...
An attack into enemy grounds? You simply see that I am not a Mallorca expert at all based on this ...
Millions of tourists just cannot be too wrong: after Madrid Barajas (read my review of Terminal 4) and Barcelona El ...
Port Soller or Port de Soller is named to be one of the most beautiful places on Mallorca. The trip from ...
I haven't been too future-looking when I recently introduced the Car Rental category. I felt that even if I rent ...
When my wife and I went to Mallorca in late May 2021, we opted for a local provider for our ...
It is one of the the classic trips on Mallorca and something like a must-do for many tourists: taking the ...
Trying to get (a bit) back to normal. The Covid-19 regulations at that time allowed me to have a (relatively) ...