21. January 2025
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Sonor Teutonicus – Morgenrot

Sonor Teutonicus - Morgenrot




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Very well recorded tracks
  • Very versatile songs
  • Includes Middle Ages classics

Apart from global mainstream sounds, there are some genres, which have a quite local popularity. The German Schlager is one example – another genre which is quite commercial in my home country, however, are also medieval sounds. There is a wide range of domestic bands ranging from very authentic sounds to medieval metal bands. Sonor Teutonicus are somewhere around the mean of that huge range. On 12th February 2021, they release their fifth album, which is self-titled. I happened to run into it and just felt to share it with you – unfortunately, there is just very limited online material about the band.

Sonor Teutonicus – About The Artists

Sonor Teutonicus are a band from Osnabrück in Germany, which has been found in 2003 as a fusion of two medieval music bands. The band is performing medieval folk rock. During the eighteen years, there just have been very few changes in the lineup. Today, the band consists of Martin Dreier, Sebastian Beermann, Katharina Dreier, Christian Dreier and Klaus Grundwald. The band released their first album … durch manche Land (“through some land”) in 2006 already. Their first two releases are out of stock though, so that you can only buy two albums at the band directly. The previous album, Fürchtet Euch nicht (“Don’t be afraid”) has been recorded between 2014 and 2015.


Sonor Teutonicus – Morgenrot – Track by Track

The eleven song album lasts 55 minutes.

1. Sonor Teutonicus

Wir rufen laut ohne Verduss
es grüßen Sonor Teutonicus
Wir rufen laut bis zum Schluss

(“We shout out loud without annoyance
Sonor Teutonicus are greeting,
We shout out loud until the end

The opening track is introducing the band. The song is not only a nice way to start the album, but also a great sing-along. I am sure the fans will love this powerful song live on stage.

2. Ecce torpet probitas

One of the outstanding features of the album is that it is not only featuring songs in modern German, but also in historic German – and Latin. Ecce torpet probitas is thereby a cover version of the famous Carmina Burana. While the opener was a Middle Ages rocker, this one feels more authentic in its instrumentation – but still comes with a nice vibe and rhythm.

3. Es trügt der Schein

The third song is called Es trügt der Schein, “Appearances are deceiving”. The track is dealing with exactly that topic, being wrong to people and lieing to them. I love how the band is using different vocalists here. Apart from that, the bagpipe and the violin lead to a very authentic sound. Cool track.

4. in dem Aberellen

In dem Aberellen is a song, which has originally been written by Heinrich von Veldecke in the 13th century. It is a classic Minnesang style track, performed with flute and a cither. It is fascinating that the slightly pop-ish way to interpret it makes the song feel comparably modern.

5. In die Weite

Sonor Teutonicus are indeed no band for the short songs. This one, In die Weite (“Into the Wideness”), is one of three songs which even exceed a duration of six minutes. This, of course, gives a lot of potential to tell stories in a quite detailed way. In die Weite is a song to listen to – the partying potential is therefor rather limited.

6. Diacove

It feels like Sonor Teutonicus try to offer medieval style music for everyone – Diacove is a fully instrumental track, which has a very powerful, almost rocking character to me. Nice listen.

7. Maledictio

Du alleine warst mir zugewandt
Doch mein kaltes Herz hat Dich nicht erkannt

Only you have been facing me
But my cold heart did not realise you.”)

Maledictio (Latin for “Opprobium” or “verbal abuse”) is the epic masterpiece of the album. The melancholic song with modern German lyrics comes with a duration of 7:14 minutes. However, the song not boring at all and comes with a lot of power. No doubt, this is my favorite tune ont he album.

8. Papst und Sultan

After the slow melody and dark mood of MaledictioPapst und Sultan (“Pope and Sultan”) is the complete opposite. The song is having a happy melody, almost feels like a dance pop track and is full of lovely irony. The song illustrates why life in these positions is not too favorable. The pope is not able to share his bed, the sultan is not drinking alcohol. Vice versa – what about having the best of two worlds? If you speak German, I promise you a laugh while listening.

9. Schwarz war die Nacht

Schwarz war die Nacht (“The night was black / dark”) is the showcase of the lovely voice of Katharina Dreier. This is one of the songs, where the band is creating a very rock-ish music feeling without using any electric guitars or similar instrumental. Very powerful.

10. Wol auff wir wellen slauffen

Wol auff wir wellen slauffen is a classic medieval drinking song, which is performed by many bands of the genre. Nice song sung in historic German language (I tried my best with the translation, may not be fully precise)

Heb auff und lass uns trincken
Das wir aiso nicht schaiden
Von disem guten wein
Und lämt er uns die schincken
So musst er doch hereyn
Her kopff nu iat ew wincken
Ob wir zu bette hincken
Das ist ain klainer pein

(“Stand up and let’s drink
So that we don’t go apart from
From this good vine
Und even if he is laming our bodies
He needs to get inside
The head is now see-sawing
When we totter into the bed
This is just a small pain”)

11. Wettergott

The album closes with it second-longest track. The Wettergott (“God of Weather”) comes with a lot of power – the press package even calls it to be “almost a heavy metal track”. I would not go that far – but it is a cool sound, for sure.


Sonor Teutonicus – Morgenrot – Spotify

Here is Morgenrot on Spotify:


Sonor Teutonicus – Morgenrot – My View

Wow, that’s really cool stuff. Sonor Teutonicus turns the traditional instruments (and some traditional songs) into modern tracks. You feel the experience of the band, who deliver a very straight and strong album. I like the melodic variety of the songs, but also the individual skills. The songs are unique, each of the eleven tracks add a very special and individual touch to Morgenrot. Overall, this is truely a Top Pick! – it’s simply great medieval rock music!


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One thought on “Sonor Teutonicus – Morgenrot

  1. Hey!
    Danke für die tolle Rezension zu unserer CD!
    Wie bist du über uns gestolpert?
    LG, Katharina

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