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Track 45 – Big Dreams EP

Track 45 - Big Dreams




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Nice vocal performance
  • Nice songs with good melodies

Flyctory.com Cons

  • Too rarely harmonic with all three vocalists in parallel
  • Feels a bit unbalanced to me still

When I was scanning new releases as of 26th February 2021, I ran into the EP Big Dreams by Track 45 – a band, which I haven’t heard of before. Just when I was thinking about how to start the review, I also received their five songs release from a promotion company – double pressure on me to give you a good and fair review.


Track 45 – About The Artists

Track 45 is a country trio consisting of the three siblings Jenna, Ben and KK Johnson. They are from Meridian, Mississippi, which is about right in the middle between Birmingham AL and New Orleans. They do a mix of several genres, like country, rock and R&B. They did release their three song debut EP Small Town in 2020 – however, all three songs are part of the Big Dreams as well (and one song on the new EP is a cover).


Track 45 – Big Dreams – Track by Track

The five track EP lasts 17 minutes.

1. Met Me Now

The EP starts with Met Me Now, a nice listen good mood country ditty. Not a revolution of the country. Nice one.

2. Little Bit More

Little Bit More feels as if it wants to be more rocking. Overall, the song could have been recorded with more bass and power, regarding my taste. Sometimes, the vocal part could also be deeper – some notes reminded me a bit of Alvin & The Chipmunks… Sorry for that!

3. Come On In

Come On In is my favorite track. The key reason for that is the vocal harmony, which is indeed best on this track. The two ladies create a nice presence on this tune

4. Me + You

Me + You is in fact a Me plus You, not a Me and You. The two female vocals, the light rhythmic tunes and instruments in the background – and Ben Johnson joining his sisters here and there later in this song give a very pure and also close-to-the-audience touch. Not too bad.

5. Light of a Clear Blue Morning

Who would be a better artist to close with than good old Dolly? Track 45 complete their five song collection with Parton’s 1977 classic. Ben Johnson has a much stronger vocal presence than in the other songs. I feel it is the most beautiful song regarding its melodic atmopshere.


Track 45 – Big Dreams – Spotify

Here is the Big Dreams EP on Spotify:


Track 45 – Big Dreams – My View

Big Dreams is almost a debut EP – and it shows that these three siblings have some potential. Towards the beginning of the EP, I rather felt that they try to do some kind of Little Big Town sound with three (and maybe also less talented) voices. This is quite risky, especially as the girls have extremely high and reedy voices so that it is eally hard for Track 45 to act as a trio. I feel it is an interesting project – even though these five song might just be a rather small step towards the really Big Dreams.



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