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Colby Keeling – Catch Me If You Can EP

Colby Keeling - Catch Me If You Can




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Talented country artist
  • Six songs, which are individually not at all bad

Flyctory.com Cons

  • The songs are too close to each other
  • No qualitatively outstanding track
  • The EP gets boring quite quickly

Even though the music market was still kind of slow after the holiday season on 8th January 2021, you saw that there is a significant increase of releases already. I stumbled upon Catch Me If You Can, the second EP of Texas artist Colby Keeling. The six tracks felt like music worth sharing.


Colby Keeling – About The Artist

I unfortunately just found very limited bio information about Colby Keeling. He is originally from Lufkin in East Texas. He played baseball at school, but then learned to play the guitar and more and more went towards a musical career. His first EP was the 2018 five track Whatever It Takes. His 2020 single Wild As Her was some sort of breakthrough to the artist, when the song almost made half a million streams on Spotify. Two songs, Call Me Drunk and Smoke, have been singles to his second EP, Catch Me If You Can.


Colby Keeling – Catch Me If You Can – Track by Track

The six track EP lasts 21 minutes.

1. Smoke

The EP starts with Smoke, which has everything to make a modern country music fan happy – at least for the three minute the song lasts: a good, a sufficiently catching voice, a good melody. Good track with a good touch of guitars.

2. Til The Lonely Runs Out

Til The Lonely Runs Out is a bit of slower compared to the first song of the album – but apart from that, it is quite comparable to Smoke – and this also means it is not at all bad.

3. Call Me Drunk

Which song is it? The more I listen to the Catch Me If You Can EP (I had a couple of repeats before starting to write about it), the less I identify individual tracks. If you look at Call Me Drunk individually, it is definitely a good and well done modern country track. But there is not that much of a difference to the two previous. tracks. By the way: these song even have about the same duration.

4. These Hands

These Hands is definitely a bit of an alternative, as it is more heading towards the slow-ballad character of country music. I love the atmospheric backing instrumentation as well. Nice.

5. Catch Me If You Can

With 4:24 minutes, the title track is not only the longest song on the EP, but with its present rhythm and a bit of an uptempo touch, it is definitely quite characteristic and by that outstanding in this collection of six tracks. I would, however, not necessarily call it an very good track – it is just a bit more present.

6. The Sunset

The closing track, The Sunset, is a bit on the smaller side – apart from that, its atmopshere connects quite closely to the first half of that EP. I would still say, as it having a bit of a different touch and as I just love the story most, it is my favorite song on Catch Me If You Can.


Colby Keeling – Catch Me If You Can – Spotify

Here is the Spotify widget to the EP:


Colby Keeling – Catch Me If You Can – My View

Catch Me If You Can is not a bad EP. If you would rate the songs individually, the average rating resulting would even be pretty good. The songs are pretty solid country songwriting, Colby Keeling’s voice is a good one. In some songs, the instrumentation is even very good and creates a nice atmosphere to support the lyrics. Bad luck that US country is very often not daring to create versatile music, that the artists can really showcase their potential. This may even be profitable for the single and airplay driven market over there – unfortunately, you always risk that albums and EPs get boring. Catch Me If You Can comes with that touch.


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2 thoughts on “Colby Keeling – Catch Me If You Can EP

    1. Thanks for your comment.

      I felt that the EP is a bit too straight, too monotonous. But I agree that he has quite a bunch of potential… Let’s see what his next releases are alike 🙂

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