11. March 2025
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Deutsches Museum – Flugwerft Schleissheim

Due to the limited exhibition space of the “Deutsches Museum” (German Museum of Technology), the famous Munich educative center had to roll-out two more attractions in Greater Munich: while the “Verkehrszentrum” (Center for Traffic) is comparably central, the “Flugwerft (Hangar) Schleissheim” is located next to an airfield in the North of the Bavarian Capital and concentrating on aviation and offers some aerospace exhibitions.




Flugwerft Schleissheim – Location & Admission

The Flugwerft Schleissheim is located in the South of Oberschleissheim and thereby very close to the two other key attractions of the Munich suburb, the old and new castle. However, you are guided to the museum via the Jaegerstrasse, which is taking you on a some 5km route from the A99 Munich orbital motorway, Munich-Neuherberg exit. The direct road to Oberschleissheim seems to be blocked for cars, there may be some local shortcuts, which I did not try to explore. The admission is moderate, 7 EUR. Parts of the buildings are monument protected – the key exhibition hall, however, has been built for purpose. The museum is open daily from 0900 to 1700hrs.


The area is very popular for recreation, so be aware of bikes and pedestrians. The huge area also includes a hub of the Federal Police and a civil aerodrome. The military commands in Oberschleissheim (see below) are all closed.

Flugwerft Schleissheim – Main Hall (“Werfthalle”)

You enter the museum through the historic “Werfthalle” (historic hangar), which is concentrating on showing exhibits having a direct link to the Schleissheim airfield. This leads to a quite broad exhibition of sailplanes, but in general, the tour starts with a huge variety of planes, even including model airplanes.





Flugwerft Schleissheim – Turn back the Time

The next two exhibits are dealing with historic aviation: Dawn of Aviation shows the first steps of manned flight, including baloon rides. Though this space is rather small, I felt it is quite impressive.




Next to it, you learn about the history of Schleissheim airfield, from its early 20th century roots to World War times, the times being a US military airfield to the decision to turn this part of the airfield to a museum. Parts of the exhibits is also the historic command station and the possibility to climb up historic tower and have a nice view on the airfield.






Flugwerft Schleissheim – Civil Aviation

Before you enter the main exhibition hall, you pass by the aircraft restauration area, which you can only watch from the top, but also includes detailed explanation on the planes currently processed there.


The most interesting part of the civil aviation section are maybe three very interesting VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) exhibits, dominated by the huge Dornier Do 31E-3. A very interesting aircraft is the VFW 614 ATTAS plane, which was used by the German Association for Air and Space, DLR, for in-plane experiments. Like in the whole museum, there is also a significant focus on sailplanes. At the edge of the hall, you also find some rocket drives as well as a vast exhibition of piston and jet engines.





Flugwerft Schleissheim – Military Aviation

I am personally much more in civil aviation, but the military aviation exhibition in Schleissheim is definitely interesting. There is a secion on World War II planes and some post-WW jet planes. On the historic site, the Henkel He 111 is maybe the most impressing exhibition, but some others are very interesting as well, as the Antonow An-2. There is also a military DC-3. The jet aircrafts exhibition is outstanding, starting with a MiG-15 and a MiG-21 and including a Starfighter, an Eurofighter or an F-4E Phantom II. There are also some military helicopters.






Flugwerft Schleissheim – Temporary Exhibition

Next to historic hangar ist the space for temporary exhibtions. The one I visited, showing really top-notch aerial photographs, was absolutely stunning and interesting and even included some equipment used for the pictures.





Flugwerft Schleissheim – My View

If you want to see somebody sitting in a Faraday cage at which artificial lightning is shot, you have to choose the central exhibition of the “Deutsches Museum” in the heart of Munich. The exhibition in Oberschleißheim is of less less bombastic and more limited, but I feel it is absolutely worth a visit, if you are somehow in aviation. With a broader focus on technology, you might like the Technical Museum in Sinsheim or its sister outlet in Speyer more. The vertical take-off planes are very impressive definitely, the historic part are definitely a nice place for everyone. It may take some 90 minutes to two hours to see the whole exhibition if you go for some of the interesting videos here and there. If you are around (and have a car or a bike), I definitely recommend to stop by this museum.


Flugwerft Schleissheim – Website

The website of the Flugwerft Schleissheim is very good and offers a nice catalog of details of the exhibits. Thus, in case you want to need any additional information, maybe also on what is displayed in the pictures of this article, I recommend to visit their website:

However, some of the later exhibitions do not seem to be integrated to the website.


Technical Museums – Other Postings

Here are all other Flyctory.com postings dealing with technical museums and exhibitions:


Flyctory.com in Munich

Here are all other Flyctory.com postings related to Greater Munich:




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