Due to the limited exhibition space of the “Deutsches Museum” (German Museum of Technology), the famous Munich educative center had to roll-out two more attractions in Greater Munich: while the “Verkehrszentrum” (Center for Traffic) is comparably central, the “Flugwerft (Hangar) Schleissheim” is located next to an airfield in the North of the Bavarian Capital and concentrating on aviation and offers some aerospace exhibitions.

Flugwerft Schleissheim – Location & Admission
The Flugwerft Schleissheim is located in the South of Oberschleissheim and thereby very close to the two other key attractions of the Munich suburb, the old and new castle. However, you are guided to the museum via the Jaegerstrasse, which is taking you on a some 5km route from the A99 Munich orbital motorway, Munich-Neuherberg exit. The direct road to Oberschleissheim seems to be blocked for cars, there may be some local shortcuts, which I did not try to explore. The admission is moderate, 7 EUR. Parts of the buildings are monument protected – the key exhibition hall, however, has been built for purpose. The museum is open daily from 0900 to 1700hrs.

The area is very popular for recreation, so be aware of bikes and pedestrians. The huge area also includes a hub of the Federal Police and a civil aerodrome. The military commands in Oberschleissheim (see below) are all closed.
Flugwerft Schleissheim – Main Hall (“Werfthalle”)
You enter the museum through the historic “Werfthalle” (historic hangar), which is concentrating on showing exhibits having a direct link to the Schleissheim airfield. This leads to a quite broad exhibition of sailplanes, but in general, the tour starts with a huge variety of planes, even including model airplanes.

Flugwerft Schleissheim – Turn back the Time
The next two exhibits are dealing with historic aviation: Dawn of Aviation shows the first steps of manned flight, including baloon rides. Though this space is rather small, I felt it is quite impressive.

Next to it, you learn about the history of Schleissheim airfield, from its early 20th century roots to World War times, the times being a US military airfield to the decision to turn this part of the airfield to a museum. Parts of the exhibits is also the historic command station and the possibility to climb up historic tower and have a nice view on the airfield.

Flugwerft Schleissheim – Civil Aviation
Before you enter the main exhibition hall, you pass by the aircraft restauration area, which you can only watch from the top, but also includes detailed explanation on the planes currently processed there.

The most interesting part of the civil aviation section are maybe three very interesting VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) exhibits, dominated by the huge Dornier Do 31E-3. A very interesting aircraft is the VFW 614 ATTAS plane, which was used by the German Association for Air and Space, DLR, for in-plane experiments. Like in the whole museum, there is also a significant focus on sailplanes. At the edge of the hall, you also find some rocket drives as well as a vast exhibition of piston and jet engines.

Flugwerft Schleissheim – Military Aviation
I am personally much more in civil aviation, but the military aviation exhibition in Schleissheim is definitely interesting. There is a secion on World War II planes and some post-WW jet planes. On the historic site, the Henkel He 111 is maybe the most impressing exhibition, but some others are very interesting as well, as the Antonow An-2. There is also a military DC-3. The jet aircrafts exhibition is outstanding, starting with a MiG-15 and a MiG-21 and including a Starfighter, an Eurofighter or an F-4E Phantom II. There are also some military helicopters.

Flugwerft Schleissheim – Temporary Exhibition
Next to historic hangar ist the space for temporary exhibtions. The one I visited, showing really top-notch aerial photographs, was absolutely stunning and interesting and even included some equipment used for the pictures.

Flugwerft Schleissheim – My View
If you want to see somebody sitting in a Faraday cage at which artificial lightning is shot, you have to choose the central exhibition of the “Deutsches Museum” in the heart of Munich. The exhibition in Oberschleißheim is of less less bombastic and more limited, but I feel it is absolutely worth a visit, if you are somehow in aviation. With a broader focus on technology, you might like the Technical Museum in Sinsheim or its sister outlet in Speyer more. The vertical take-off planes are very impressive definitely, the historic part are definitely a nice place for everyone. It may take some 90 minutes to two hours to see the whole exhibition if you go for some of the interesting videos here and there. If you are around (and have a car or a bike), I definitely recommend to stop by this museum.
Flugwerft Schleissheim – Website
The website of the Flugwerft Schleissheim is very good and offers a nice catalog of details of the exhibits. Thus, in case you want to need any additional information, maybe also on what is displayed in the pictures of this article, I recommend to visit their website:
However, some of the later exhibitions do not seem to be integrated to the website.
Technical Museums – Other Postings
Here are all other Flyctory.com postings dealing with technical museums and exhibitions:
I am transportation nerd. Even though there is a certain touch of aviation in that regard on Flyctory.com, I do ...
When I was in Newport, Rhode Island, in summer 2024, I unfortunately did not have too much time to visit ...
Before I visited Rytiri Kladno in the Czech ice hockey Ekstraliga, I visited another interesting attraction in the Prague outskirts ...
In the second posting about the Autostadt in Wolfsburg, I take you to the VW ZeitHaus Museum (ZeitHaus translates to ...
On a Sunday in mid-August 2024, I visited the Autostadt ("Car City" or "Motor City"). Located in Wolfsburg in Germany, ...
Apart from having an outstanding Douglas C-47 flight experience with them, I was also really curious about the Palm Springs ...
Mitsubishi is a widespread technology group. Even though their headquarters are in Tokyo, they run an industry museum in a ...
The excellent reviews of Wheels of Yesteryear made me put this place on my bucket list for Myrtle Beach. I ...
Balboa Park in San Diego hosts numerous attractions. The most famous one is likely the San Diego Zoo, which I ...
Unfortunately, I had very limited opportunity to explore the sights in and around Newport, Rhode Island, during my visit in ...
A musieum about nuclear power and atomic bombs? Sounds like a place which is either a great scientific one - ...
During a trip to Liege / Luik in Belgium, i took a short detour from a shopping mall to visit ...
Germany is famous for its car manufacturers. With Porsche and Mercedes, Stuttgart is likely one of the key cities car ...
I still have quite a backlog of reviews of attractions I visited during my recent trips to Florida. Time to ...
Cyprus is full of historic museums, excavation sites and touristic attractions. Why should you care about cars when you are ...
For the second part of my "review battle" of museums dealing with visions around the future, we leave the Museum ...
Honestly, when my wife and I visited the Count's Kustoms Showroom in Las Vegas, we just had very little knowledge ...
Wernigerode being located right North of the Harz mountains might not be the most obvious location for an aviation museum ...
I love historic planes and explore the feeling of flying in a historic manner. For example, I am really happy ...
Is it really New Year's Eve already again? The last day of the year? I am posting this one in ...
Being in Crawley near Gatwick Airport (LGW) by rental car gave me the opportunity to visit the Gatwick Aviation Museum ...
It is well-known to most visitors of Iceland that the Nordic island produces a vast majority of their energy with ...
The Arabia steamboat is something like what the Vasa is for European ship history (just dated a few centuries later...). The side ...
No, this place is not about The Tudors. Henri Owen Tudor might not be in scope of some of you, but ...
Despite just being in the little country for less than 48 hours, I ran into some very interesting sights and ...
Especially as a German aviation enthusiast, being on board of an aircraft carrier is just a cool experience again and ...
When you think about Nashville, you think about country music, partying and music-related attractions like the Country Music Hall of ...
During my trip following the Weird Al Yankovic 2022 Tour in Florida, I also passed the East Coast of the ...
The website states that the Nederlands Spoorwegmuseum (also: Het Spoowegmuseum) is the best train station in the Netherlands. In fact, the ...
A Rock of Ages musical weekend in Milton Keynes gave me the opportunity to visit a place I have been aiming to ...
During my most recent trip to the Emilia Romagna, I also visited the Umberto Panini Collection Motor Museum. Yeah, it ...
If you nowadays look at the map of Cyprus, you won't find any rail-driven vehicles. However, the country did have ...
With Malta being an island, it feels quite obvious that you might expect a rather interesting local history of air ...
Especially when I visit large places for Flyctory.com, which give me a lot of memories - and pictures - I ...
I love unique places, weird locations - and even mark them by the Flyctory Obscura tag - The more I ...
Lüdenscheid in the Sauerland region of Germany, Southeast of Dortmund, might not be on the top of the list when ...
BMW - the Bayerischen Motoren Werke are definitely one of the most famous companies of Munich and a synonym for German ...
The museum at the Schwelmer Straße 41 is not exactly at birthplace of Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen - but it is just a ...
The harbor area is the heart of the German city of Hamburg. The history of the city is closely linked ...
Despite the country as such is rather small (measured by the number of people, not by area), Iceland has some ...
One of the largest aviation museums of the world is in fact located in Krakow, Poland. Thus, it was not ...
The last stop of a trip through Italy in late summer 2021 lead me to Volandia, an aviation museum (and ...
At the beginning of July, my wife and I visited the LWL Freichlichtmuseum Hagen, the LWL Open Air Museum in Hagen. The ...
Flugsafn Islands - or the Icelandic Aviation Museum - has of course been a attraction I just could not miss while ...
Van Doorne’s Automobiel Fabriek is typically known as DAF. The company has been founded in 1928 in Eindhoven. While the ...
I felt really happy to have a deeper view to the Northern and East parts of the United Arab Emirates ...
During my trip to Canada right after the borders have been opened again in September 2021, I visited a very ...
A museum full of computer games and gaming history? The German capital can offer that one! Right in the city ...
Even though people might initially think about Lamborghini and Ferrari when it comes to Italian sports car, Alfa Romeo is ...
National Emirati people love cars - and if they are close to the reigning families, they are typically also rather ...
The Deutsches Museum (literally: "German Museum") is an amazing technical and scientific museum in the heart of Munich. While I just did ...
During a trip to the German North Sea shore in later 2021, we also visited the Automobil- & Spielzeugmuseum Nordsee. The ...
Campers, motor homes or recreational vehicles - no matter how you call do have your hotel room with you during ...
The region of Stuttgart is one of the key car manufacturing areas of Germany. Thus, it has been not too ...
The Lokwelt Freilassing is one of the most famous train museums in Germany. During a trip through Bavaria, I had ...
The Gloster Aircraft Company (the original name has been Gloucestershire Aircraft Company) has been active from 1917 to 1961. The most ...
Hauptstadt der Spione - "Capital of the Spies". This is a book, which you can buy at the souvenir store of ...
In quite some postings about the emirate North of Dubai, I already stated how much I value and enjoy the ...
If you are at Gran Canaria and dare to head away from the beaches, there is a quite wide range ...
Even though my summer 2021 trip to the Emilia-Romagna was majorly featuring the two Ferrari Museums in Maranello and Modena, ...
The place the red cars with the horse in the logo made famous: after I already introduced you to the ...
From outside, the Auto & Traktor Museum Bodensee ("Car and Tractor Museum") at Lake Constance looks like a traditional old farm ...
Before flying back from Graz Airport (GRZ) to Frankfurt, I just had to head South of the terminal area. Right ...
Ship lifts are one of the most fascinating technical constructions to me. Being able to move ships like in an ...
If you think about oil producing countries, you may think about the USA or the United Arab Emirates. In fact, ...
As I said in other posting, I really enjoy being in Sharjah and feel the vibe of the city and ...
The place where the story of the famous (typically) red cars started? Walking on the routes of the Ferrari company ...
My trip to the Bodensee / Lake Constance region in summer 2020 brought me to a surprisingly large number of car ...
Professional stargazing: The European Southern Observatory, short ESO is a collaboration of multiple European countries to gather astronomic forces on the ...
A museum with an amazing collection of luxury and top-class racing cars, driven for the cause of charity. This is ...
The story why I felt I had to visit the Bergisches Museum für Bergbau, Handwerk und Handel - the Bergisches ...
The German Movie Museum - or: Deutsches Filmmuseum is located in the heart of Frankfurt (Main). It gives you an overview about ...
In February 2020, I visited a lovely aviation museum in Santa Ana, Greater Los Angeles: the Lyon Air Museum is ...
The Cap San Diego is a general cargo vessel, which has been in duty between 1962 and 1986. Since then, it ...
If an industrial site is jokingly called the Eiffel Tower of the Ruhrgebiet Region, it seems to be quite an impressive ...
Zeppelinheim - the nominal reference in the name of the borough South of Frankfurt to the legendary German airships is ...
I am really fascinated by Leonardo da Vinci and his concepts / inventions. Thus, during my summer 2020 visit to ...
A museum with 90 vintage cars and so-called Yountimers might not feel to thrilling. If you add that about half of ...
Even though I could likely never have a maritime life (I would feel too locked away on a ship), I ...
The Aviodrome in Lelystad in the Netherlands calls itself a Luchtvaart Themapark - an "Aviation Theme Park". You can definitely spent as ...
What would a visit to the Silicon Valley be without at least visiting one computer museum? Duing my February 2020 ...
The marketing flyer of the Museum Prototyp in Hamburg is really self-confident. The name of the car history museum is not ...
I already presented you my review of Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh. As its key attraction is that special, I ...
The Louwman collection, nowadays driven by the son of founder Pieter Louwman, Evert, is a private collection of oldtimer cars ...
Even though architecture is a topic which so much influences our everyday life, the German Architecture Museum (Deutsches Architekturmuseum - ...
Some cities are economically dominated by one big company player (which can have good and bad effects). Eindhoven in the ...
The Carnegie Science Center is one of the best rated attractions in Pittsburgh. Of course, I have visited the nicely ...
The Deutsches Museum (German Museum for Science and Technology) in Munich is one of the most fascinating places in Germany ...
Though there is the amazing tiny Zeppelin Museum in Meersburg, not too far away, people tend to think about the ...
Hangar 7 at Salzburg Airport, driven by (likely) the world leader of energy drinks, is a quite popular and well ...
What is Germany's most popular tourist attractions? According to many popular rankings including TripAdvisor, it is neither the Brandenburg Gate ...
Aviation fans likely first think about the zeppelins when it comes to Friedrichshafen, Germany. However, the city is also home ...
A museum for home computers feels like a technical reflection of my biography. I personally started with an Atari 800 ...
Las Vegas offers entertainment for everybody. One of the places which I love most in the city is definitely the Pinball ...
The Imperial War Museum operates five sites throughout Britain. While I already visited the interesting Churchill War Rooms, I was ...
Out of my archived postings, it is sometimes very hard to find the right option to publish next on Flyctory.com ...
Air ship and zeppelin flights / flight history is a quite popular part of a visit at Lake Constance. In ...
I am not too much of a casino person. However, I love being in Las Vegas as it is also ...
You are free to mention the Colts (see my review of the Lucas Oil Stadium Tour), but finally, if you ...
In close proximity to Sharjah Airport, there is the Sharjah Classic Car Museum. On my November 2019 trip through the ...
The De Havilland company is a huge name in the aviation history, especially regarding British aviation history. Close to the ...
A Calculation Museum? Sounds like a place for die-hard nerds - but the Arithmeum in Bonn is really a popular ...
If you look at the mega-airport of Dubai International nearby, it is hard to believe that Sharjah once was the ...
There are quite many museums about civil emergency services. After I visited the amazing National Emergency Services Museum in Sheffield ...
I am sure you know all the details (non-fictional and dramatic ones) about the tragic end of the RMS Titanic ...
The next cities around are Trier, Sankt Wendel or Idar-Oberstein - the small city of Hermeskeil could be seen as ...
Video Gaming and arcade machines have been a significant part of my life. I grew up with an Atari 800XL, ...
Not just due to my favorite flight with LATAM from Frankfurt to the Spanish capital, I love being in Madrid ...
When I select the places I want to visit in a city for flyctory.com, there are typically two kinds sights: ...
The historic Cental Fire Station is one of the most iconic landmarks in Singapore. While you likely pass by this ...
On the return trip from Singapore and Malaysia, I had more or less a whole day around Manchester before I ...
Just around all the National Historic sites in Philadelphia, there is a load of additional museums, which are more or ...
If you use the Madrid Metro Line 1 between Bilbao and Iglesia, you will likely notice that you pass another ...
Ever dreamed of becoming a fire fighter or a policeman? Maybe the National Emergency Services Museum in Sheffield is the ...
During a weekend stay in Sheffield, where I had an overnight due to a Mike & The Mechanics concert, the ...
My first steps around O2 Arena in London during the Country 2 Country Festival 2019 were not motivated by country ...
Bergisch Gladbach, a 110,000 inhabitant city East of Cologne, is a traditional location for the production of paper. While nowadays, ...
After I visited the Sinsheim sister museum in February, I have been very curious about visiting the Speyer Technology Museum ...
The area feels like nomansland in the desert - but when you take a 30 minute Southbound drive from Abu ...
One of the key attractions in Ratingen, Northeast of Dusseldorf, is the remarkable Cromford Textile Factory, which is driven by ...
As an aviation nerd, I just had to visit the quite well-rated Finnish Aviation Museum (Suomen ilmailumuseo), which is located ...
Being a UNESCO World Heritage for its famous colorful city center and harbor area, it is not that surprising that ...
Located quite prominently right at the motorway A6 at Sinsheim (home of the TSG Hoffenheim soccer club), the Technik Museum ...
Flyctory.com in Munich
Here are all other Flyctory.com postings related to Greater Munich:
I had a quite frustrating week. My accreditation requests for four photography events, three sports reports an one concert, have ...
Happy Thanksgiving (especially to my North American followers)! While the North American music market is currently rather concentrating on Black ...
Spending some time in and around Munich Airport (MUC), I also took the opportunity to have their Airport-Live-Tour, the basic bus tour ...
Are you already counting down the days to Christmas? You definitely feel an impact on the music industry of the ...
Hungary this weekend! After my trip to Indonesia, I am back in Hungary after such a long time of absence ...
I am writing this post from Abu Dhabi Airport (AUH), I will likely publish it from Doha (DOH). A cool ...
Maybe it is because I had to do some long evenings to prepare my Media Review coverage for the weekend of ...
Having a nice walk in the (somewhat) nature and meeting some animals out there - the weather was just too ...
This week, my Songs of the Week are full of pop tracks. There is a lot of sports coverage on Flyctory.com ...
I feature athletics events three weeks in a row before I head to Newport in Rhode Island for tennis coverage ...
A rail strike destroyed our travel plans in and around Munich in March 2024. Thus, on a rather short notice, ...
Munich is always a special place to me. As parts of my family roots are from there, I always feel ...
This time, selecting the leading track of my Songs of the Week was really troublesome. Three candidates have already been released ...
Returning from the World Floorball Championships in Finland, heading directly to a business trip to Paris - this week was ...
At the time when I started writing this posting in early March 2024, Flyctory.com already featured reviews of over 320 ...
Coming back from the United Arab Emirates and about to head to Malaysia soon - thus, some really interesting experiences ...
January 2024 has already passed and we are running into the first February 2024 edition of my weekly release radar ...
I still feel that in many athletics meetings, the track events are somehow still more in focus than the field ...
This week, I published how I feel to concentrate on one Country Music Playlist - at least until I found ...
This time, my Songs Of The Week consist of 14 new releases as of this week. The Christmas break is definitely ...
It's Christmas Eve, the main day of the Christmas celebrations in Germany. However, all the holiday songs seem having been ...
Unfortunately, I could not complete the Country Christmas Playlist this year due to technical issues. However, since the days become ...
I am a bit of angry as the tool I loved to use to scan for new country releases does ...
December, when the frequency of album releases significantly decreases, is also a time for me to have some more outside-of-the-box ...
I had a short trip to Hamburg this weekend, watching my last Nacht der Gitarren show (see my Reutlingen show report) ...
I always love being able to look into new names, new sounds, new bands. This one is about the rock ...
Just two months until Christmas. You feel that in my this week's edition of the Songs of the Week definitely. First ...
I spent almost the entire week at work in Dublin at one of our offices. Quite an intense time, which ...
There is somehow always some sort of "topic" behind each and every Songs of the Week episode. If I would pick one ...
The Songs Of The Week is one of my favorite categories of posts on my blog. Even I don't know how the ...
It is just mid-year 2023 and I already start working on my 2024 Rock of Ages International Tour list. I am sure ...
Wow - I had so many albums this week. Even if I skipped all travel posts and do the regular ...
Home is where the heart is - I had the idea to this posting about my favorite cities of the ...
I never know what is really happening when I compose a new episode of my Songs of the Week. Until Friday, ...
World class athletics in walking distance to my home? The #TrueAthletes Classics in Leverkusen has been on my bucket list ...
With this fourth posting, I am closing my coverage of the German Athletics Nationals 2023. The Auestadion in Kassel hosted ...
I start my coverage of the second day of the German Athletics Nationals 2023 in Kassel with the field events ...
I am a huge fan of the field events in athletics - and thus, I am really glad to also ...
The German Athletics Nationals (or German Athletics Championships... or Deutsche Leichtathletik-Meisterschaften) 2023 in Kassel were truly one of the events I ...
Traveling out of nowehere: I compiled this set of songs in Swansea in Whales, watching the very last Rock of ...
My visit at the Sea Life in Munich has still been under Covid-19 regulations. However, I feel that most of ...
I received so many great albums this week - no chance to process a fair fraction of them. However, the ...
I have struggled quite much with health issues this week - which also prevented me to travel to some British Rock ...
I received the album Maniac by the Munich post-hardcore band Marathonmann way before its release on 19th May 2023. Short message: I ...
After some rather intense traveling, I am glad that there is just a short trip this week. I concentrated on ...
I have to give in: the red carpet is not my favorite location. Nonetheless, I felt very thankful that after ...
I had seen the musical Rock of Ages 73 times before this show - but show #74 made me kind of extra-nervous ...
I am always impressed where the Songs of the Week each weekend finally end of. This time, for example, i have been ...
Damn - just when I had a massive travel volume, the number of new releases of all genres went up ...
Ireland, the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands, USA, Canada - and of course Germany lay ahead of me for the ...
An album with a bunny - how could I not give a review of Warlord, the album by the stoner rock band ...
For some reviews, I just need much longer than expected to find a good slot in my publication planning. One ...
Despite the project name sounds rather Ruhrgebiet-alike, Umme Block are an electronic pop duo from Munich. The German artists release ...
AIthough has just been a day trip, but I just felt it is too long to tell the story of ...
Okay, I give in: this trip is weird. While people typically feel that I am "just" a die hard aviation ...
Welcome to the first Songs of the Week posting in 2023! Despite the music industry is slowly getting back to business, I ...
I guess that the next weeks will be more intense. Depending if you look at the publishing or the cut-off ...
Asam Church in Munich is regarded to be the most beautiful church in the Bavarian capital. Thus, on one of ...
October is quite a busy time for me. Private and business trips take most of my time. My Songs of the ...
It's already quite a while ago since I visited the Deutsches Jagd- und Fischereimuseum, the German Hunting and Fishing Museum, in ...
BMW - the Bayerischen Motoren Werke are definitely one of the most famous companies of Munich and a synonym for German ...
Rock and harder rock styles have been a bit of under-represented in here the last weeks. The more I am ...
Rather dark rock tunes from Munich: the Band Versus Goliath is releasing their album Liebe & Chaos on 12th August 2022 ...
LustfingeR is named to be one of the oldest punk / punk rock bands in Germany. The Southern German band ...
Okay, this week, my Songs Of The Week listeners need to stay strong: I started my list with schlager (with a touch ...
From the senior girls to the very young ones: while the Dümptener Füchs from Mülheim, Ruhrgebiet region, just have become ...
I had a long list of songs for my Songs of the Week... and after I composed a nice order of ...
The Deutsches Museum (literally: "German Museum") is an amazing technical and scientific museum in the heart of Munich. While I just did ...
I typically love glam rock - and thus, the German band Shameless had a rather easy time to get into ...
I just happened to run into the music of KIDSO (which is written as KIDSØ, but I try to avoid ...
The website of Tame The Abyss introduces themselves as Your new favorite band. In order to gain this kind of global ...
In January 2022, I had a rail trip to Munich. As I arrived rather late, the Hampton by Hilton Munich ...
I have been a bit of puzzled when I arrived in Munich in late January 2022, learning that the Stammstrecke, the ...
Rickie Lee Kroell, the second time: I just introduced you to the pop artist and her new EP Hauptsache was mit ...
In later 2021, I ran into the music by German-American artist Rickie Lee Kroell by a contact to her promotion ...
The DFEL (German Women Ice Hockey League) leader traveling to the bottom team of the table (which had, to be ...
Especially when I am in London, visiting a stage play is always a must on my list (time permitting). One ...
It's been quite a while since I released my previous Spotlight interview. The more, I feel flattered to dip into ...
As Munich Airport (MUC) is one of my most traveled ones, I know the business lounge situation there quite well ...
Arriving late from my Lübeck Air flight from Lübeck Airport (LBC), heading out early for my train to Bolzano in ...
Fancy has truly been a Eurodance legend in the 1980's. Even though his last Top 20 chart entry, a mix ...
Professional stargazing: The European Southern Observatory, short ESO is a collaboration of multiple European countries to gather astronomic forces on the ...
It's been just too long since I did the last episode of my Country Music Picks. At the end of ...
Undoubtedly, Munich Olympic Tower is one of the iconic buildings of the Bavarian city. Even though the tower is located ...
While so far the only German dialect I feature on Flyctory.com is Kölsch, the lovely way to speak in my ...
Gehst Du mit mir unter - "Are you drowning with me" is the album title of a new German music project ...
The Weiße Rose / "White Rose" was a resistance group during the German Nazi regime. Mainly consisting of university students, she ...
I already introduced you to Feli, the German Girl in America, now Feli from Germany, in my Flyctory.com posting about her ...
Due to a late rail arrival at Munich Central Station, I looked for an overnight opportunity around the central travel ...
The Munich Toy Museum is one of these typical hidden gems you find in many cities. Right in the city ...
There is no better start of the day for Munich people than a Weißwurst breakfast with a prezel and a beer. The Weißwurst, ...
Before Germany went to a lock-down of touristic travel in November 2020, I had a short trip to Munich. For ...
For a stay in September 2020, I tested the Hilton Garden Inn Munich City West for two nights, Friday to ...
Similar to the Europarad Ferris Wheel in Cologne, Munich is hosting a giant mobile ferris wheel, which is offering its ...
Especially in the recent past, I read a couple of ridiculous comparisons between certain people and political groups (which I ...
A legendary architecture (many people even regard it to be the most important building in the city), a sheer endless ...
One thousand kilometres to the sea - or vice versa One thousand kilometres to the Alps - was the slogan a new private ...
While - especially for business reasons - trans-European rail connections may still take too much time for daytime transfers, night ...
2020 is just halfway done - but if I was to choose a German person of the year, regardless whether ...
Arriving at Munich Main Station by rail at 22:00, grabbing a rental car there at 8:00 (earliest possible time during ...
Heading back home. As said in the Day 3 coverage, I did not expect too much going on on that ...
The Hofbräuhaus is one of the maybe most well-known and iconic places in Munich, Germany. Even if you don't care about ...
If you fly a non-Schengen flight from Terminal 1 (the non-Lufthansa one) at Munich Airport and depart from the B ...
While I so far made an semi-annual look back in time, the "Very Important Postings", I decided something with my ...
After I had some stays at Hilton Munich Airport in the past, I was happy to be back in this ...
The reviews I found so far are quite clear: 9 out 9 users assigned a 1.0 to the Eurowings Lounge ...
After reviewing four Christmas markets in Cologne recently, I did not expect to get in touch with any additional ones ...
"Stylish", "Surprising" or "Modern design" might not really be the attributes which you combine with ibis hotels. The more I ...
As I for example stated in my review on Louvre Abu Dhabi, I am quite much interested in ancient cultures ...