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P!nk – Trustfall

P!nk - Trustfall




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Great range of songs
  • Beautiful songwriting
  • Very touching finale

It is almost four years ago, since I had the last P!nk review on Flyctory.com. In 2019, I had mixed thoughts about Hurts 2B HumanThe more, I was curious about Trustfall, which has been released on 17th February 2022.


P!nk – About The Artist

Alecia Beth Moore Hart, known as Pink or P!nk, was born on 8th September 1979. She has sold 60 million albums and 75 million singles worldwide during her career. The Billboard magazine named her to be on the fifth rank of all female artists of the 2000’s. However, even though she is still running large stadium tours and having a large fan base, you can’t deny a certain decrease. Songs like So What (2008) have almost sold five million copies in the USA only, while recent songs neither topped the chart nor sold similar volumes. This might sound very negative – especially as Hurts 2B Human has still been a chart-topping album in several markets. Similar success may be expected from Trustfall as well.


P!nk – Trustfall – Track by Track

The thirteen song album lasts 43 minuites.

1. When I Get There

When I think of P!nk, I think of powerful blasts of pop music – but her last albums and collaborations already showed very other sides of the artist. The opener When I Get There is absolutely in line with that. Trustfall is opening with a beautiful ballad – and the multi-selling pop queen mesmerizes you with piano and strings sounds.

2. Trustfall

The title track is likely more in line with traditional expectations of P!nk’s music. However, the song with synth sounds and the a bit of electronic sounding drumming has a very vulnerable part as well. The basis might be a “bloody” pop composition, but it is amazing to see how multi-faceted these P!nk songs are nowadays.

3. Turbulence

After two single releases, Turbulence features the first tunes which are new to fans of the Greater Philadelphia artist. The guitars are slowly strumming and feel to just reverently do what is needed to support the lyrics. I absolutely enjoy this intense listen.

You can’t help when your stomach sinks
See your life happen in a flash
In your head it could be so real
That you almost feel the crash
The panic is temporary
But I’ll be permanent
So when it hits, don’t forget
As scary as it gets
It’s just turbulence

4. Long Way to Go (feat. The Lumineers)

Especially in the last years, P!nk released some amazing collaborations with other artists. The song selection of Trustfall is in line with this, Long Way to Go is the first song with guest musicians. The alternative folk band adds a nice signature to the song, which feels on the one hand so traditional (like the marching band-alike drumming), but also has some very modern and progressive elements. We got a long way to go – regarding songwriting, this song has already reached the target.

5. Kids in Love (feat. First Aid Kit)

It is quite peculiar to the album that the first two collaborations are selected from the folk music sphere. First Aid Kit is a folk music duo consisting of the sisters Johanna and Klara Söderberg. Together with the main artist, they creates one of the most beautiful songs of this album.

6. Never Gonna Not Dance Again

With figures like 42 million streams on Spotify (at album release), Never Gonna Not Dance Again is by far the most successful single release of the album. I am sure that’s the song which makes the P!nk fans dance on her upcoming stadium tour. Trustfall had some lovely folk tracks – now we do disco! Time to take out your dancing shoes and enjoy having fun with the world-class artist.

7. Runaway

When I heard Runaway for the first time, the introducing keyboard lines made me think of (sometimes, a bit of uniform) 1980’s pop. And even after some more listens, I would definitely not assign the attribute “progressive” to it. Nice pop song with a good speed and drive. P!nk does great in here.

8. Last Call

Last call before the world ends
Right before the avalanche
Last shot for us to make amends
Do you think I could have this dance?
It’s all just a game, a game of chance

The lyrics might feel like a rather depressive track, but in fact, the sound of Last Call is in fact a slower, but happy pop song, which cannot deny a certain folk music basis. Nice one.

9. Hate Me

Hate Me is a straight pop song which some nice guitar work and a touch of an angry character. There is a flavor of 1990’s touch in the chorus. Even though I wouldn’t list it among the top songs of the album, it leaves a mark and adds a new sound to. Thus, I appreciate it.

10. Lost Cause

Lost Cause sets its direction from the very first moment. Piano, rather quiet, intimate vocals. This break-up ballad is one of the emotional highlights of the album. I love to have that wide range of sounds and moods on this album.

But don’t tell me I’m a lost cause
Don’t tell me I’m a lost cause
Say you’re sick of my guts
But don’t tell me I’m a lost cause
Tell me I’m a loser
Tell me I’m a stranger
You don’t want to see again
But don’t tell me I’m a lost cause

11. Feel Something

The background of Feel Something is made of acoustic guitar sounds and slow drumming – but Feel Something keeps the album on the emotional side. Lovely vocal performance and another intense listen.

12. Our Song

Now we don’t know even know the words to it anymore
And you don’t look at me that way like you did before
Now it’s just another song on the dance floor
And we don’t even know the words to it anymore

Wow, this one is made for the goosebumps moments. The section of intense break-up ballad songs reaches its climax at Our Songs, which is my favorite song of the album. I can’t say too much… Just wow…

13. Just Say I’m Sorry (feat. Chris Stapleton)

Alongside P!nk, the rough-feeling country rock heart Chris Stapleton is doing one of his most amazing and emotional recordings.The finale of Trustfall is outstanding.


P!nk – Trustfall – Spotify

Here is Trustfall on Spotify:


P!nk – Trustfall – My View

This album got everything: party tracks, gentle folk strumming and an extremely touching finale. P!nk set up a new masterpiece. I love Trustfall. There is not more I need to say.


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