Rather dark rock tunes from Munich: the Band Versus Goliath is releasing their album Liebe & Chaos on 12th August 2022. I received their songs rather early before the in-fact release date and already had a listen. Here is my review
Versus Goliath – About The Artists
Versus Goliath is a trio from Munich. They mix rock, metal and rap elements to a rather dark sound. Founded in 2019, the band consists of singer Florian Mäteling, Andreas Zöller (keyboard and guitar) and drummer Jonas Keller-May. They have already released two EPs, Der Sechste Tag (May 2020) and Der Weg nach unten (January 2021).
Versus Goliath – Liebe & Chaos – Track by Track
The twelve track album lasts 34 minutes.
1. Liebe
The album is named Liebe & Chaos, “Love and Chaos” – and it opens with Liebe (“Love”) and closes with Chaos (“Chaos”). The opener is a very melancholic and rather slow song with a lot of distortion, whiny tunes. It is not my favorite song of the album, definitely. Look forward to the following listens.
2. Ich Sterbe Nicht
The title of the second track translated to “I am not dying”. The screaming sound, which is continuously popping up, is one of the reasons why this track stays in your mind. Verses like
Du willst mich nie wiedersehen?
Du brauchst nur einmal abzudrücken, bitte?
Warum beendest Du es nicht
Und lässt mich brennend hier zurück?
(“You never want to see me again?
You just have to pull the trigger, please!
Why are you not finishing it
And leave me here, burning”)
Illustrate the dark characters of the song. The slowly moving forward song thereby creates a very own atmosphere. Impressive.
3. Im Regen
Needless to mention that Im Regen comes with a dark atmosphere again. The spoken word parts almost feel like narrating and contrast nicely to the catching chorus. “Sometimes you need to pass darkness to see the stars”. Wow, good one.
4. Distanz
Distanz is the leading single of the album. The rap parts are more intense than in the song, which also has a bit more of a metalcore touch. The structure of this song is similar to the predecessor, i .e. it working with rap/words parts in the verses and a bombast, catching rock chorus.
5. Die Unschuld
Unschuld in German means “innocence” as well as “virginity”. The song is a very straightly written song about social injustice and differences. “We pray peace, but peace is too expansive” or “We are solely fighting fire with fire” are two of the statements of the song. Good one.
6. Zivilisation
The sixth song is a 73 second very dark and a bit of space-style bridge track.
7. Stadt aus Glas
The seventh song is another rather short listen (2:37 minutes). The song has a strong industrial metal touch to me. Overall, it does not come with as many touching elements as other songs of the album.
8. Ein letztes Mal
These 3:33 minutes are about Ein letztes Mal – “A final time”. The song is getting back to the powerful, bombastic metal choruses and slowly marching storytelling. Fans will love that one – also due to the very picturesque and precise lyrics.
9. Alle Hände Hoch
Florian Mäteling seems to use is very raspiest voice for this stomping song. A track like a musical battle-mech in music, coming with a very atmospheric bridge. Cool.
10. Bis es verloren ist
You won’t find too much optimism in these songs – this also applies for this track, translating in the main line to “Until everything is lost”. The song itself does not have to presence and the substance of other tracks of the album – but it is good listen.
11. Nicht Allein
The second last song of the album comes with to a level of dramatric and theatric sound. This just leaves you back being impressed by the this powerhouse, which is closing with rather dreaming sounds.
12. Chaos
Chaos is indeed chaotic and feels a massive set of different sounds. The outro of the closing song gives some sort of positive outlook.
Versus Goliath – Liebe & Chaos – Spotify
Here is Liebe & Chaos on Spotify.
Versus Goliath – Liebe & Chaos – My View
Wow, that’s a massive package of songs for friends of dark music. The Southern Germans created a signature sound, which includes a lot but optimism. Some songs feel a bit weaker, but the album comes with a nice touch which will attract listeners, indeed. I feel it is a really nice work.
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