Linda Mar (or Linda Marlen Runge, which is her civil name) is truly a multi-talent in performing: Likely, most people know her as Andrea “Anni” Brehme, a role, which she played for five years in the very popular German TV series Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten (“Good Times, Bad Times”). She also acted in a couple of other TV productions. Linda, however, is also a very talented musician. She was part of several band projects, In mid-April, she released her current single, Irgendwann (“Sometimes”). In this Spotlight interview, we talk about all of her artist live – but of course especially about her music. I really loved to learn about Linda Mar in this chat – enjoy! meets Linda Mar
Linda, you did so many things in your life, it is hard to find a good start of the interview. I just take a statement from your website “I like changes, that’s why I have been to a lot of places in this world. Nice ones and shitty ones”. Which are the nicest places you lived in?
Haha okay, that’s a tough one cause yes there were many places and I think if I have to pick a favorite I’d have to pick the one that changed me and my life the most which would definitely be Guadalajara / Mexico. I met my brother there with whom I formed my Band Lejana, I met the coolest and most unique and lovable people there AND Mexicans are my soulmates when it comes to humor. Mine is too dark for most of the Germans.
And, vice versa, do you also want to share some thoughts about the least favorable ones?
In the quote from my website I didn’t only refer to places I lived in or I went to – places can also be on your very inside and the shittiest place I have ever been to was definitely the place where I felt unwanted and like a loser cause I let the opinion of certain people reign the thoughts of how I felt about my very self. That was a pretty shitty (and LONG) period and obviously that lead me to a bunch of shitty places inside and out. Im glad I met the right people who helped me discover peace and freedom within myself. Once you got this, there are no shit places anymore.
You are an actress as well as a musician. On the music side, many people know you from a song, Far Away, which has been recorded as part of a very popular German daily soap, Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten. How was it like for you to combine your talents in that way to a major public?
I honestly didn’t even know that ‘many people’ know me from the Far Away song since we never released it but okay that’s cool! It was a decision to make at first since writers and producers back then had an idea of how the music of my character should sound and I didn’t like what they came up with at first so we all sat down and decided to create something together. I didn’t write Far Away, but the first version of it was in German and was supposed to be more pop than singer songwriter so we decided it would be cooler if Anni could sing in English – good decision since we had a fanclub from people of more than 26 (!!!) countries for that specific love story.
After that the composer Uli Beck and me started writing together for Anni. That also was a good decision cause we stayed friends until today and now we work on my solo music together again. (the term SOLO keeps confusing me by the way. I work together with Uli and other musicians, so actually the term isn’t correct)

At GZSZ, you played Anni Brehme, who is showing another character, Jasmin, her bisexual side. I heard that you got a lot of great feedback about it. Is that still the role people identify you with most?
To be honest I don’t know and I don’t really care where people ‘know me from’, to me it is important that people can identify themselves in whatever I do. The feedback for playing Anni was enormous and I loved it because I wanted to portrait an authentic lesbian woman who treats her sexuality in a healthy and free way and hearing that so many people fell in love with her natural spirit showed me that I reached my goal there. You know when I was a teenager I wasn’t what you’d call “a normal girl”.
My parents divorced on my 13th birthday and after that my brother and me went to live with my mom and life wasn’t easy back then. So I had a lot going on inside of me that I couldn’t let out because even in the early 2000’s it was not supposed as “chique” for a girl to say “I AM NOT FINE” or ‘ “I DON’T WANNA BE LIKE A GIRL SHOULD BE IN YOUR EYES” and i carried a lot of pain around. I didn’t find help in other girls who where like me, cause I was living on a small village and there were no other girls like me so I found help in music, in riot girls from bands or in characters from TV shows that I could identify with – even a total fiction cartoon show on MTV called ‘DARIA’ helped me to feel less lonely.
So when they offered me the part I was like ‘Ok. If you play a lesbian tomboy you’ll go there without compromise and you’ll help girls out there to be a bit cooler with who they are’ and yeah. It worked.
So to cut it short: I absolutely have to problem with people identifying me with Anni still cause I LOVED playing here and obviously a huge part of myself is in her and vice versa.
I guess working for a daily 30 minute TV format is extremely stressful. What did you learn most during that time?
Discipline. I didn’t have a lot of that before I started working there and that’s the truth. I was an irresponsible and never on time f*ck up and since day number 1 on set I knew ‘okay that’s not gonna work here, you gotta get yourself together’ and i am very thankful for that cause being disciplined and being responsable made my life a whole lot better.

Heading back to your music, you lived in several countries. You were born in Marburg, a University town in Germany, later lived in Los Angeles and Mexico. How did that influence your music?
Marburg definitely planted the Rock’n’Roll seed since there were many concerts of – don’t laugh – really cool coverbands. My music taste was always at least ten to twenty years behind so good coverbands- and Marburg had a lot of them (two of them with my uber-talented stepfather on guitar) – played music from the 60’s to the grunge 90’s basically every weekend in some crappy bar or tiny open air festivals, which was my favorite thing to do back then. Also in Marburg, there is the KFZ Club where a lot of good Rock’n’Roll bands used to come and return every year like Mother Tongue and Tito and Tarantula, which I became friends with. So when I went to Los Angeles I already had cool people to hang with.(Oh AND I played in my very first band back then in Marburg when I was 16).
L.A. was a short but intense time with an eye opening experience when it comes to music cause. Oh my God, there are SO many great bands that you get pretty down to earth after one night at some small festival and you feel pretty Wayne’s World like: “i am unworthy, I am unworthy”… From there I went to Guadalajara Mexico and to be honest what’s going on there musically I have never experienced in any other place anywhere in the world. ‘Cause people there knew so much more about music than I when I came there that I felt stupid at first. When some Mexican twenty-something who looks like someone who works in a bank tells you about German Krautrock Bands like GURU GURU – that’s pretty amazing!
So, Mexico made me study Rock’n’Roll history. For real. And it widened my spectrum obviously even more, cause I found out more and more about cool and unknown bands from all over then world. I also found so many, many talented people there because everybody plays an instrument, everybody has at least one band project. And the coolest thing about Mexico and the influence it had on me: It made me trust in what I do. ‘Cause people were so open to me and my “i have three chords and I never sang before but I have those songs” that they started a band with me that is now existing for eleven years and I can honestly say that THIS saved me.

Part of your musical career in Mexico was the band Lejana, you founded with your guitarist Eder Perales. What does Mexico and Mexican music mean to you?
Oops I think I just answered that. Just a little add on about Eder: He became my true brother. From Day Number One we had a connection that we couldn’t describe in words. We both had similar traumas/experiences in our pasts, we both have similar family stuff to struggle with, and we fulfill each others talent in a way that just works. I never know what I do, he always knows what he does. Fantasy meets rationality maybe – we are a German- Mexican Yin and Yang maybe. Gin and Mang? Not always in total balance tho. When it comes to final song decisions we were close to fist fights a couple of times 😉
Oh, and about Mexican Music: Traditional Mexican Music gives me the chills whenever, wherever. Mariachi and Ranchera music immediately set me into a state of trance and meditation and I can literally beam myself to another place within three seconds once the guitar and the guitar and the trumpets start playing.
If somebody wants to get into your music with the band, which Lejana song would you recommend to listen and why?
Two worlds. Cause it sounds like the feeling I had when I first came to Mexico. ‘from now on my way or the highway’…
Then I would continue with Devil cause I just simply love it.
Another band project your are in is Blood & Honey, which you founded with the Irish musician Chris Morrin. What kind of music are you doing in that project?
Blood & Honey unfortunately has been over for like 4 years now- we never split up for real or anything but apparently it is not the right time for us to continue making music.
It was pretty cool folk-indie music based on female/male duets with pretty bittersweet lyrics and instrumentals. I still love the tunes. Maybe one day that album will come 🙂
Of course, we should head to your latest single, Irgendwann. First of all, what did you make to record this song in German?
Irgendwann is a lock-down baby from 2020 like all the other solo songs that will be released. And the lock-down was a pretty awful moment of desperation for all musicians, artists and the crews behind them. I felt so down and so desperate the moment where I grabbed my guitar that I didn’t have the energy to think about lyrics in English, I just started singing in German – cause that’s the language I think in and that felt pretty right and honest.

What is Irgendwann about?
I won’t tell! That’s in the hands (or heads) of the listeners fantasy… The headline could be ‘Irgendwann’ is an Ode to relationships worth fighting for, to your own depression that drags all the energy out of you and that takes you to dangerous walks on the borderline but specially to hope and dreaming cause as long as you keep walking forward – even in tiny baby steps- that’s a progress and progress is good.
The song is released under the name Linda Mar. What can fans expect of Linda Mar in the future? Any plans for an EP or album or a tour?
For now its dropping releases whenever it feels right and if it keeps feeling right we might have an EP by the end of the year- and about touring I’ll speak once touring is allowed again…
Last, but not least: in your “GZSZ” online profile, you state that your favorite holiday destinations are California, Mexico and Eastern Europe. Where will your first holiday trip go to after the Covid-19 lockdown?
Viva Mexico, Cabrones <3
Follow Linda Mar Online

All pictures: artist material. Photographers: Alejandro Torres, Serkan Sevindik in Berlin
Here are all postings related to the German capital:
The 2025 Country To Country in Berlin took quite a lot of energy from me. On top of that, there ...
Country To Country 2025 in Berlin is in the books. Three days and the kick-off Bluebird Cafe session are over ...
Country To Country 2025 in Germany came to an end. The Sunday Main Stage (and the Spotlight Stage) hosted the ...
Three days of country music (or even four, if you include the Bluebird Cafe session on Thursday) are tiring and ...
The second day in Berlin was slowly coming to an end. Country To Country 2025 in Berlin hosted the second ...
Saturday in Berlin - the Country To Country festival went into its second day. 8th March 2025 again featured some ...
Welcome to the main event! While I really enjoy the daytime stages with the variety of comparably less popular artists, ...
Ladys and Gentlemen, welcome to the Country To Country 2025 in Berlin! After the Passionskirche in Berlin already hosted the ...
My weekend this week is dominated by the Country To Country Festival 2025 in Berlin. My report of the kick-off ...
6th March 2025 was time to kick off the Country To Country Festival 2025 in Berlin. While the main festival ...
The Wellerman gave fame to two bands almost in parallel in the early 2020's. While I already featured the Cologne show of ...
In exactly two weeks, on 6th March 2025, Country To Country (C2C) Berlin is kicking off with the The Bluebird ...
I had a quite frustrating week. My accreditation requests for four photography events, three sports reports an one concert, have ...
I recently forgot a name of a German country artist and had to google it. I started typically by looking ...
I'm in Finland this week, featuring two floorball match. However, the Nordic country is not represented in my Songs of the ...
Ladies and gentlemen (and all the others of course as well), we got it: here is my first Songs of the ...
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Just two months until Christmas. Times are getting colder (at least on the Northern hemisphere), people spend more time inside ...
As I didn't feel like taking the night ICE train after my August 2024 trip to Dresden from Berlin to ...
Hungary this weekend! After my trip to Indonesia, I am back in Hungary after such a long time of absence ...
I really enjoy riding the Railjet. The type of trains is majorly the backbone of the Austrian high-speed rail network ...
I am currently on my first trip ever to the Southern Hemisphere. As expected, the German music market on 4th ...
I loved Bell Book & Candle in the late 1990's. The German band from Berlin especially stroke with their debut ...
I had a very tough business trip to Paris this week. Nonetheless, I somehow managed to compile this list of ...
Another year, another time for Rock of Ages. Similar to the previous years, I disclose some of the international dates I ...
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Medieval music, metal style - the German band In Extremo is really successful with this rather rare blending of genres ...
This edition of my Songs of the Week feels like a ballad edition. There are a lot of gentle and emotional song ...
Summer vacation season in Germany, national holiday in Switzerland - the music industry obviously felt (or was right) that this ...
What a week - I returned from my tennis coverage in Newport, now I am at the Olympic Games in ...
My bags and cameras are packed, I am ready to head to Newport for the Infosys Tennis Hall of Fame ...
The press kit to the debut album Integration describes the music of Command0 as an exploration of spacey synths, big beats and ...
The history of Berlin nowadays is also a story of two airports which have been closed down in the meantime ...
For the second part of my "review battle" of museums dealing with visions around the future, we leave the Museum ...
The German band Brokof is active since 2007. They established in the German music scene and already released five studio ...
A lot of traveling is ahead of me. I just returned from a trip to Bochum, watching my first two ...
Germany is sunk in strikes of different kinds, mainly in transportation business. I have been impacted this week by that ...
I struggled a bit compiling the Songs of the Week this time. The partial flight miles for my current trip ...
February 2024 is quite an intense month for me. Even though the trips I have planned and done are comparably ...
Coming back from the United Arab Emirates and about to head to Malaysia soon - thus, some really interesting experiences ...
January 2024 has already passed and we are running into the first February 2024 edition of my weekly release radar ...
In the relations of my home town Cologne, we are celebrating a big Songs of the Week anniversary with this edition. My ...
After I gave you my report of the field and side events of the 2004 Sparkassen Indoor Meeting in Dortmund, ...
Seeing one of the very first appearances of the Faroe Islands at a EHF Euro in handball just felt too ...
Typically, there are two sorts of album reviews at I received the vast majority of reviews as a promo ...
A big name in the schlager business: 41 years after Andreas Martin releases his very first studio album, he is ...
Unfortunately, I could not complete the Country Christmas Playlist this year due to technical issues. However, since the days become ...
TraMy trip in late October / early November 2023 involved a lot of traveling. Once I made it back to ...
Halloween is not that much of a big deal in Germany - but some parts of my home country have ...
Just about a month after I saw Randall King at the Cologne Club Volta, I was back there again on ...
At the end of September, some miraculous things were happening on the Instagram accounts of the Country To Country Festivals ...
There is somehow always some sort of "topic" behind each and every Songs of the Week episode. If I would pick one ...
It is just mid-year 2023 and I already start working on my 2024 Rock of Ages International Tour list. I am sure ...
September 2023 will be a quite busy monh. If I finally receive all press passes I envisage to get, there ...
I am still relaxing from all the trips I had during the last weeks. Nonetheless, things are just busy and ...
I am surprised that it has never been there before, stated Jackson Dean, one of the four artists, who will ...
After some rather intense week of traveling, I feel rather happy to spend the next two weekends in and around ...
My first posting from the Manforter Stadion at the #TrueAthletes Classics 2023 in Leverkusen has been about the field events. Now, ...
With this fourth posting, I am closing my coverage of the German Athletics Nationals 2023. The Auestadion in Kassel hosted ...
I am a huge fan of the field events in athletics - and thus, I am really glad to also ...
The German Athletics Nationals (or German Athletics Championships... or Deutsche Leichtathletik-Meisterschaften) 2023 in Kassel were truly one of the events I ...
Motorbikes and good music - I am having a really good time in Pfullendorf at the Lake Constance region in ...
I typically rather focus presenting new and emerging act in my Song of the Week, but this time, the list of ...
I received so many great albums this week - no chance to process a fair fraction of them. However, the ...
Sad and touching moments just need to have a good hotel stay for your soul. For the very last leg ...
It is already the second time, the Germany-based, but international folk duo Flora Falls is releasing a major set of ...
After the volume of songs in the last two weeks has been rather thin, this week's Songs of the Week comes with ...
As I told you in previous postings, I initially gather candidates for my Songs of the Week, before I narrow the ...
As I am having some quite intense travels ahead of me, I currently try to prepare as much contents for ...
Pop, rock, schlager and much more - I feel that this week's Songs of the Week is a really nice mix of ...
I have to give in: the song leading this week's Songs of the Week might also be a candidate for the ...
I am always impressed where the Songs of the Week each weekend finally end of. This time, for example, i have been ...
Sometimes, it is easy to select the leading track of my Songs of the Week: I had two hot candidates, but ...
Ten shows within three weeks - I was just so flattered to welcome Weird Al Yankovic and his lovely band ...
After my most recent edition of my Songs of the Week majorly featured German artists and a lot of pop, my song ...
I love gathering songs for Songs of the Week, as the result is so unpredictable, even for me, until short before ...
I was quite surprised when I received the press kit for Antonia Kubas' debut EP: Liebe und Musik ("Love and music") ...
Medieval hard rock, Gothic, dance music? Tanzwut is definitely one of these bands in the German music scene, which are ...
I am kicking off the most stressful part of the year, quite likely. This week, I headed off to Peterborough ...
What a day - on 14th January 2023, I traveled through all 16 German states in a 24 hour train ...
AIthough has just been a day trip, but I just felt it is too long to tell the story of ...
Okay, I give in: this trip is weird. While people typically feel that I am "just" a die hard aviation ...
Wow, that's massive! After I had a quite thin list of new releases since mid-December 2022, Christmas break is officially ...
Especially when I wrote my Best Ones 2022 posting recently, I absolutely felt that I should increase the coverage of sports events ...
Welcome to the first Songs of the Week posting in 2023! Despite the music industry is slowly getting back to business, I ...
The Pergamonmuseum is one of the key touristic places in Berlin. The museum features over 250,000 objects of German-lead excavations ...
I was quite amazed that there were quite a lot of interesting single releases this week. At least artists from ...
Nina Hagen is one of the most iconic entertainers in the German cultural scene. The German "Godmother of Punk" wrote ...
A lot of Christmas songs, a lot of covers and best of albums are the new releases in the - ...
Very interesting weekend this time: with the shows of Milky Chance and Brett Young, both in Cologne, I had quite ...
After two intercontinental trips in October 2022, I am somehow glad that I am scheduled to stay in Europe until ...
Freddie! Who would have thought that Mr Mercury is part of my Songs Of The Week one day. Not sure if Bryan ...
I typically rather sort out new albums by the sound than by the popularity of the artists. Thus, I am ...
"One man, one camera, one guitar" - that's about the idea of the current mission of Jim Kroft. The Berlin ...
After I gave you an overview of 2022 European appearances of my favorite musical Rock of Ages, I felt to ...
I typically just select the song, which is leading my Songs of the Week. This week, my favorites of the week ...
Rock and harder rock styles have been a bit of under-represented in here the last weeks. The more I am ...
Weird times: my list of candidates for my Songs of the Week this time was much longer, but a lot of ...
Typically, I first collect tracks for my Songs Of The Week and, once the set is complete, pick my favorite and ...
Survive is the debut EP by a Berlin-based project, Confirmation. I got in touch with their music and felt to share ...
Whenever I start working for my Songs of the Week, I typically scan the candidates I archived for that reason and ...
The press kit to Brain Freeze, the second EP by Leepa, states that the German is maybe the most promising talent ...
A museum full of computer games and gaming history? The German capital can offer that one! Right in the city ...
Due to illness, I unfortunately cannot provide you the full coverage on the music side of - and it ...
While I had to process quite a lot of country music new releases this week, the list of non-country songs ...
Debut EP release: German-Iranian artist Mina Richman releases her first five song set on 6th May 2022. The EP is ...
Oh, I feel that the Songs Of The Week are really a tradition on now. More than three months since I ...
After the end of World War II, the blocking of access to West Berlin by the Soviet Union (the so-called Berlin ...
The name of the German band Der Sonne zu Nah roughly translates to "Too close to the sun". In fact, ...
As I have been in Berlin but could not and did not really want to do a full coverage of ...
Britpop / Britrock made in Germany - that's a likely the best short description you can do about the Berlin ...
Hauptstadt der Spione - "Capital of the Spies". This is a book, which you can buy at the souvenir store of ...
Yes, I do like flying - but I am also a fan of rail travels. Just to find out how ...
It is time for the final posting of the years, simply named The Best Ones 2021. After looking into my ...
The Tränenpalast ("Palace of Tears") in Berlin is the former border crossing point between East and West Berlin. It is located at ...
In early November 2021, I received a promo EP from a folk music duo from Berlin, Flora Falls. A bit ...
In July 2021, I wanted to explore some of the rather centrally located attractions of Berlin. Due to its good ...
Madame Tussauds is a global franchise - not too surprisingly, they also have an outlet in the German capital, Berlin ...
He does it again: after he successful of three 1990's pop tracks, transformed into orchestral arrangements, Alex Christensen is back ...
What is happening if you are running and airport and you just don't fine an airline which is motivated to ...
Doing a cruise on Berlin's key river Spree is one of the classic touristic options when you visit the German ...
Driving a model landscape or a large model train landscape in Germany is a difficult business: Even if you do ...
Andreas Dorau everywhere: just two weeks after I reviewed GschichterIn aus dem Park Cafe, the new album by Die Liga der ...
It is almost needless to say that Adolf Hitler was obsessed with megalomanic ideas. Apart from ruling the world and ...
I started to enjoy the pop-Northern Soul style of the German band Die Liga der gewöhnlichen Gentlemen, when the recorded ...
Have you ever heard of Surströmming, Hakarl or Spam? Do you mind eating eyes or drinking cow blood? All these ...
If you know the name Carlo Pedersoli by heart, then you are likely ready to head to Berlin since 27th ...
I ran into Orian and his music by scanning new releases on a promotion platform. I just loved the special ...
During my recent daytrip to Berlin, I took the opportunity to have a walk through sunny - and empty - ...
Historic panoramic painting fascinated me massively the last months. I already introduced you to the Panorama Mesdag in The Hague ...
Indigo by Noah Levi is another publication with talent show background: in young teenage years, Noah Levi became famous by ...
From a school band to a flat share and finally their debut album - this is a very short wrap-up ...
The promotion kit of People Club calls the act an indie-lo-fi-slacker band. Ooops, I have to admit that I would ...
The fourth album by the multi-national project Mighty Oaks on 7th May 2021: boosted by lead singer Ian Hopper in ...
I originally planned a flight to the new Berlin Brandenburg Airport in late October 2020. Due to all the pandemic ...
When I listened to Robert John Hope's solo album debut Plasticine Heart, I felt that I should definitely share these ...
More than thirty years ago, Diane Weigmann was part of the founding of a legendary German band, the Lemonbabies. She ...
In April 2021, I finally had my first flight connections to/from the new Berlin airport, BER - Berlin / Brandenburg ...
The band which is featured in this review is called Löwen am Nordpol - "Lions at the North Pole". Apart ...
Indeed, Hanna Batka is Mitten in Berlin - "In The Middle of Berlin". She is not only indeed living in the ...
Alphaville, Ultravox and Mike & The Mechanics on one album? Okay, I have to give in that neither of the ...
Fourteen years after their latest album, the German project X-Perience is releasing a new album. The fifth long-play release of ...
During my Covid-19 day trip to Berlin, I spent some time in the Berlin Zoo. Berlin is quite famous for ...
Coming back from London from the (finally cancelled) Country To Country Festival 2020 was the last trip I took before ...
Due to the late cancellation of the C2C festivals in London, Dublin and Glasgow and all the organizational trouble caused ...
The last four big acts of the C2C Country To Country in Berlin 2020 - the three days have been ...
My third and final issue of stories around the C2C in Berlin - time to finish the days of country ...
Sunday, 8th March 2020, the third day in Berlin. Already that typical mixture of feelings: looking forward to the last ...
After a good start on Main Stage on Day 1 with Luke Combs, Jimmie Allen and Darius Rucker headlined the ...
After the the first side stage acts on Day 1 of the C2C Country To Country 2020 in Berlin, Day ...
Saturday in Berlin is over. A lot of good music has been played on several stages - but some stories ...
Time for the big party - after the side stage artists of Day 1 have cheered up the audience, it ...
C2C Country To Country in Berlin 2020 - time to start the second edition of the festival on 6th March ...
The German Country Music Scene is having their highest holidays - The C2C in Berlin started on 6th March 2020 ...
A lot has happened since the Country 2 Country 2020 headliners for all five venues have been published in October 2019 ...
Bad times of terror, being pried and controlled in a country without the freedom to move - or good times ...
During our visit of the Country 2 Country 2019 in Berlin, we chose the Hampton by Hilton Berlin East Side ...
I visited Europe's biggest country music festival, Country 2 Country (C2C), for the first time in 2018 in London. I immediately ...
Kiddo Kat already a viral hit on Youtube in 2016. Now, Anna Guder produced her first album "Piece of Cake" ...
More than 1,100 rooms in the German capital - the Estrel Hotel in Germany's capital Berlin is just a massive ...
Musical History
These are all articles, in which I dealt with events and places influencing musical history:
has come to an end - and my Best of posting is the one which is "traditionally" concluding the year. The ...
Vienna is full of places with references to composers and musicians. Big names like Beethoven spent time of their life ...
During my most recent trip to Utrecht, I unfortunately did not have too much time to explore the city. Apart ...
The Broadway is one of the key global centers for theatrical entertainment. With all the tourist attractions New York City ...
There is a lot of stuff to see and experience in Las Vegas. The temple for hard rock fans in ...
Even though with Lordi, one of my favorite all-genre-all-time music acts are from Finland, there are of course many other ...
I haven't taken you to Kansas City for quite a while. That's rather unfortunate, as my backlog still features some ...
Nashville is Music City - and what would music be without the musicians? The band members, which create the right ...
On the week at which I am publishing this review, many people are focusing on Liverpool. They look forward to ...
The area around Prince Consort Road in South Kensington, London, is a treat for music lovers. It hosts one of the key ...
The music genre of the blues is becoming more and more present on Thus, opting for the National Blues ...
Elvis Presley solelyrecorded more than 200 songs at this location - and the list of artists who also worked there ...
Is there is a place with feels more "mandatory" to be a contents than the Country Music Hall of ...
The more the Christmas season is getting closer, the more you run into compilations of all kind. One of the ...
A gallery of music instruments which became part of music history - where could that place be better located than ...
In my blog, I already took you to several Nashville museums, which are dedicated to famous artists of the genre ...
Willie Nelson is simply unique to me. There is hardly any doubt that he is an absolute legend in country ...
During my visit of the Northern part of the United Arab Emirates in February 2022, my trip to Ras Al ...
Even though there is the new Grand Ole Opry building (which I, for example, visited on 18 March 2022), the ...
flycOn the second day of my Weird Al Yankovic tour-chasing trip in April 2022, I was gifted to visit a ...
Even though Patsy Cline died at the age of 30, she is still regarded to be one of the most ...
Johnny Cash - do I really need to say anything about this living country music legend? Cash is having its ...
Iceland is indeed a country, which is famous for its broad music culture. There are several Icelandic acts, which became ...
Without a doubt, the Scala in Milan is one of the most famous opera houses in the world. While I ...
What do Icelandic people do if there is a public toilet in the heart of their capital, which they don't ...
Without a doubt, Luciano Pavarotti is one of the biggest music legends in recent history. The Italian is regarded to ...
Undoubtedly, Munich Olympic Tower is one of the iconic buildings of the Bavarian city. Even though the tower is located ...
Gronau in the Münsterland region in Western Germany calls itself the "Music City". The some 50,000 inhabitant town is definitely not the ...
Venice is not only the city of vaporetto rides, Murano glass and the doges - it also has quite a ...
Right before I watched the match of my Pittsburgh Penguins at Staples Center vs. the Los Angeles Kings, I strolled ...
A museum about drums and percussion? Sounds like a perfect visit for a travel(, sports) and music website! Before I ...
The Memphis Recording Service, Sun Studio or Sun Records (however you like to call it) is one of the most ...
On my very final stage on the road to the 2019 CMA Fest in Nashville, visiting the West Tennessee Heritage ...
Memphis and the surrounding area is so full of music history - it is not that surprising that there are ...
After I dealt with visiting the Graceland Mansion in a separate posting, the second part of my review of Graceland ...
Even if Elvis was born in Tupelo and there are so many other great musicians (which you can for example ...
Nashville is the dominating super-city of music in Tennessee, despite there is so much musical history in Memphis as well ...
Even more than 80 years after Elvis Presley's birth, Tupelo in Mississippi is still dominated by memories of its most ...
If you drive the US-61 between Tunica, Mississippi, and Memphis, you just cannot miss the iconic wooden building called Gateway To ...
The final day of my trip report to Nashville. The tour is coming to an end, the next days, I ...
After driving quite a bunch of miles the two days before, 4th June was planned to be a sightseeing day ...
3rd June 2019 on my trip to Nashville was "Elvis Presley Day". Waking up less than a mile away from ...
Oxford is full of amazing collections. Many of them are driven by University institutes. This leads to two key advantages: ...
What is more characteristic about Liverpool than John, Paul, George and Ringo? It is not too surprising that one of ...
Sweet interview 😎
Thanks a lot for your feedback 🙂