25. March 2025
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Schorl3 – Sprudelpop EP

Schorl3 - Sprudelpop




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Cool, well produced pop for the dancefloor
  • Funny, ironic lyrics

Flyctory.com Cons

  • Melodically, the songs are very similar

I am not even sure if it was about the cheeky lyrics and the fresh sound or simply the album cover: when I ran into the debut EP Sprudelpop (something like “Sparkling pop”) by the new German band Schorl3, I just felt that I had to share the tunes with you. The EP has been released on 12th March 2021.


Schorl3 – About The Artists

Schorl3 is a pop trio from Hamburg, Germany. The three members are Anton Krogmann, Johannes Ellerbrock and Elias Ehoulan. It is a brand new project being founded in 2020. They define their music style as Sprudelpop, which is also the name of their debut EP. All material released so far is part of this EP, so that I do not have an additional video.


Schorl3 – Sprudelpop – Track by Track

The seven tracks album lasts 19 minutes.

1. Gib mir mehr

Gib mir mehr von dem, was du hast
Denn ich weiß genau, dass du zu mir passt
Die Nase gepierct und die Zunge auch
Ihre Lippen waren rot und ich mag’s, wie sie schaut

(“Give more of what you got
As I exactly know that you fit to me.
A pierced nose as well as the tongue
Her lips were red and I like how she is looking like.”)

The opener of Schorl3’s debut EP is about love – as quite a lot of their song. A fresh, pop-ish dance sound, which feels like a good dance.

2. Gegenverkehr

While the first song of the EP was about a perfect fit – this one is quite different:

Gegenverkehr, Gegenverkehr
Ich hoff, ich seh’ sie nie mehr
Denn ich mag sie nicht sehr

(“Oncoming traffic, oncoming traffic
I hope I don’t see her any more
Because I don’t her too much”)

Quite a contrast. But again the song is produced in a straight and nice way – good listen for sure!

3. Pia

Pia (which is a German first name) is one of the most hilarious songs of the album. It is about a date, where the protagonist missed the name of his meet. Nice rhythmic pop song. I am smiling for almost three minutes listening to that.

4. Zu arm

This song is the shortest of all seven, exactly two minutes long. Zu arm simply means “Too poor” – but in fact the chorus states Ich bin zu arm für Kokain – “I am too poor for cocaine”. A rather slow track with trumpet sounds and an R&B touch.

5. Für Dumme

The fifth one is Für Dumme – for the stupid ones. The song is about a relationship, which is having quite some difference between the two:

Sie ist gebildet, ich nicht
Sie geht zur Uni und ich bin dicht
Sie macht Ihr’n Doktor, ich mach krank
Sie ist belesen, ich bin charmant
Und ich weiß, dass sie weiß
Dass ich ihre Nachricht leider nicht verstehe
Und ich weiß, dass sie weiß
Dass ich mich dafür sogar ein bisschen schäme

(“She is educated, I’m not
She is at University and I am drunk
She is going for a doctor title, I am off sick,
She is reading, I am charming
And I know ahtat she knows
that I unfortunately do not understand her message
And I know that she knows
that I feel a bit ashamed about that”)

6. Du bewegst Dich

Du bewegst Dich (“You are moving”) is about a dancing lady who is fascinating the narrator of the story. A nice musical request to enter the dancefloor as well.

7. Rosen und so

Drugs are also playing a part of the final song, Rosen und so – even though the song title just means “Roses and so”. A song about somebody who is preferring parties over student life. Not too exemplary, maybe, but it could be a nice track for any Hamburg University party.


Schorl3 – Sprudelpop – Spotify

Here is the Sprudelpop on Spotify:


Schorl3 – Sprudelpop – My View

Sprudelpop is definitely fun. I loved to listen to the songs of the Hamburg trio. Yeah, sometimes, the songs are a bit thin and stereotype, but they make you smile. I would have loved to have more differences between the songs. This finally prevents the top rankings for the really nice seven song collection of this new project.


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