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Hi! Spencer – Memori EP

Hi! Spencer - Memori




Flyctory.com Pros

  • Very good lyrics
  • Great atmosphere, entertaining songs

Flyctory.com Cons

  • One weaker song
  • The songs are a bit of similar

Hi Spencer are a punk rock band from Osnabrück, Germany. Especially with their 2019 album Nicht raus, aber weiter (“Not out, but advanced”), they established in the German music scene. On 8th April 2022, they released a new EPMemori. I felt it is a good opportunity to have a look at the band on Flyctory.com.


Hi! Spencer – About The Artists

Hi! Spencer have been founded in 2012. Their music is a mixture of punk and indie rock elements. The band currently consists of five members, lead by singer Sven Bensmann. His outing is also a main influence of Memori. While their previous album Nicht raus, aber weiter rather dealt about doubts and fears, Memori is more optimistic and self-confident. Their first album Weiteratmen (“Breathe on”) is has been recorded in 2014 and was published the year thereafter. The other band members are drummer Niklas Unnerstall, the guitarists Malte Thiede and Janis Petersmann and Jan Niermann (bass, keyboard). In 2020, they released the EP Bei den Hunden (“WIth the dogs”). Three Memori songs have already been released before the EP.


Hi! Spencer – Memori – Track by Track

The six track EP lasts 20 minutes.

1. Fotopapier

I love the story of the opening track: looking at old family pictures and other photographed memories – knowing that many of them tell wrong stories. Good lyrics which a slight touch of the raw sound of punk rock. Great one!

Und kein Augenblick wirkt real
Diese Welt existiert nur auf Fotopapier
Jedes Lächeln war nie da
Alles Triste wird von der Belichtung kaschiert

(“And no moment feels to be real
This world only exists on photo paper.
Every smile has never been there
All dumb things masked my the exposure”)

2. Club 27

In Club 27, Hi! Spencer rather present their indie rock heart. A very powerful vocal performance by Sven Bensmann. Vielleicht holt mich der Club 27 bald ab (“Maybe Club 27 is calling me soon”). Let’s keep our fingers crossed that this kind of wish does not come true – would really be a shame.

3. Alles was hier steht

Und ich web’ Dich ein in jeder meiner Zeilen
Jedes Wort das bleibt ist nur für Dich gereimt
Aus jedem Vers springst Du mich an
Ich hab Dich dort platziert
Dich eingewebt
In alles was hier steht.

(“And I weave you into any of my lyrics
Any word which stands is only rhymed for you
You jump at me from any verse
I have placed you there
Weaved you into it
In anything what stands here”)

The third song really caught me. Great rock song with a beautiful, metaphoric language. German rock music on a high level.

4. Muttersohn

The song title translates to Momma’s Boy. The song has a stronger punk touch again, but the lyrics don’t catch me as much as the stories told in the other songs. Good sound, but I feel a lack of depth here, unfortunately.

5. Dahinten fängt die Welt an

Dahinten fängt die Welt an is a song about enlarging your perspective, your horizon. A song, which is definitely feels like a strong reference to Bensmann’s coming out. The song is also a nice showcase for the instrumentalists of the band.

6. So schön allein (feat. Nicholas Müller)

Jupiter Jones is quite a major act in Germany. Having their Nicholas Müller in the closing track of the EP illustrates the reputation Hi! Spencer gained already. The song feels like melancholy and pain, but this also leads to a very honest, direct touch. Great work with a beautiful focus on a beautifully told message.


Hi! Spencer – Memori – Spotify

Here is the EP on Spotify:


Hi! Spencer – Memori – My View

I did not know the band before I ran into their music on the promotion platform – but it did not take me too long to decide that I had to share their sound with you. Now, having a much deeper look into Hi! Spencer, I feel I was really right. Six songs with mostly very good songs. Muttersohn is a bit of a weak spot on the EP and some tracks have similarities, but it is finally a really nice collection of good German rock tracks.


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