Carrie Welling is a very interesting folk / Americana artist, who is nowadays living in Nashville. She was born in Maryland and grew up in Germany, though, and still got close familiar connections to my home country. On top, parts of her earnings as an artist are gained by her active Patreon community. On top of that, Carrie released her debut album High Heels & Heavy Things this year, so that there were a lot of interesting topics during this December 2020 interview with her. Hope you enjoy it! meets Carrie Welling
FLYC: Hi Carrie, thanks for joining me for an interview. How would you describe your kind of music to people who are new to your music?
Carrie: Thank you so much for having me! My music has definitely changed and evolved over the years. I wrote my first solo EP when I was in the midst of a lot of major life transitions and I was still finding the courage to trust my unique voice and style. Now, with my debut album, High Heels And Heavy Things, I finally feel ready to share the real “Carrie Welling” stories. High Heels and Heavy Things is a collection of empowering songs that speak of vulnerability, self-healing, and hope. I recount my struggles with change from an early age, channel all the heartbreaks, and share how self-love and giving myself the permission to heal has saved me.
FLYC: What was the first time in your life when you felt you want to become an artist and songwriter?
Carrie: My Dad played guitar, and I can remember sitting on his bed mesmerized while he played. He’d say “Carrie, write a song to these chords!” There’s actual footage of the first song I wrote with my Dad at six years old called Teachers.

FLYC: You spent your childhood in Germany as a “military brat”. What kind of memories do you still have to the country?
Carrie: So many! Germany was amazing. I remember being in love with the nature that surrounded us and being so intrigued by the culture. My parents would take us skiing in the Alps, which seemed completely normal at the time. It wasn’t until I moved back to the States that I realized how incredible it was to actually experience skiing in the Alps as a child! I also think the culture and movement in Germany became a huge influence in how I learned to experience and understand the world. I credit those years with my desire to become a better, more well-rounded songwriter.
FLYC: Do you still speak German, by the way?
Carrie: My sister still lives in Leipzig, Germany, and when I visit I try to speak with her because I know she won’t judge me. It’s so hard to retain a language when you don’t use it regularly, and I lost a lot of my German when I moved to the States because I just didn’t speak it. But I like to make the effort when I’m in Germany, so I usually have a glass or two of wine first… I find that makes the language come back easier (or it just calms my nerves around my German-speaking friends!).
FLYC: I found in your bio that you were planning to tour the Netherlands and Germany in spring 2021 – which might now be delayed due to the pandemic situation. How did Covid-19 in general impact you as an artist?
Carrie: Oh it impacted me in so many ways! My 2020 looked a lot different back in December of 2019. When the pandemic hit, I was definitely overcome with disappointment and grief over the loss of tours and gigs that were booked. Those experiences are so crucial to your opportunity and growth as an artist. It was really unfortunate, but it forced me to go down a different path because I had no other choice. Everyone had to! Once I accepted that, my life made some pretty incredible turnarounds – mostly because my Wellos (my fans and friends who support me via Patreon and social media) showed up and have been a complete godsend. The online live show world and audiences have been incredibly engaging, especially during these trying times. I think they needed the music and the escape just as much as I did. The key is to be creative in your virtual live shows!
FLYC: You already mentioned your very interesting way to connect to your fans – and also to have a professional music career: you are very active on Patreon, where people can support you. How did you get to the idea to the idea to use that way of support?
Carrie: Such a great question. I’m weirdly grateful for 2020 because it forced me out of my comfort zone. I learned how to properly use socials in order to promote my music, connect with fans, and make revenue as an artist. I had actually started my Patreon about three years ago, but it didn’t really start to boom until the pandemic happened. People were looking for ways to support their favorite artists, and so my team and I steered them toward Patreon. I absolutely love it! It holds me accountable to always be doing things, even non-music related activities. As many of my fans know I’m an avid yogi and yoga instructor, and I give away two free Zoom yoga classes to all my patrons each month!
FLYC: Please tell us a bit how it works. I saw that, depending on the level of support, you are even automatically on the guest list for your shows?
Carrie: Patreon is a subscription-based platform, similar to streaming services like Netflix, but what makes it unique is that you support an artist that you love so they can make more art for YOU. There are different incentives depending on what tier you sign up for, for example, the automatic guest list for a show is one of the top level Patreons. I LOVE and I’m so grateful for them! But even if you subscribe at the lowest level, you still get things like “Patreon Zoom hangs/games and chat” and “Yoga Zoom Classes”… and of course you get to hear all the new songs first! I love connecting with my Wellos and this is a platform that allows me to do so on a really personal level.
FLYC: You have over 100 Patreons, who are supporting your work. That also gives you a lot of potential to interact with your community. Have there been some special memories with your supporters you like to share?
Carrie: My Patreons (aka my Wellos) have become my friends. Each and every one of them! I actually just got back from a trip to Maui visiting with two of my fellow Wellos. Some of my favorite memories as an artist have come from getting to know fans and supporters and forming new friendships. That’s why I love the Patreon Zoom Hangs!

FLYC: You founded the Patreon support after you released your debut EP in 2015. Tell us a bit about the EP, please.
Carrie: The Edge EP was very special to me because it was my first real album as a solo artist. I was in a band for years in NYC called The Vanity Belles. We had such a great run, but like bands sometimes do, we broke up. Soon after I ventured to San Diego, California. I was feeling a little lost, having just moved across the country and unsure of my next move, and so I’d sit by the Pacific Ocean everyday just thinking and pouring those emotions into my writing. The EP was born out of that period of time. I finished and recorded it when I moved to Nashville. The Edge is my transition period – a tipping point in my discovery as a solo artist.
FLYC: Does the EP maybe have a song you especially like?
Carrie: The first song on the album is called Getaway Driver – that’s probably my favorite because it gets the best reaction from the crowd. People tend to roll down their windows and scream, I’ll be your Getaway Driver!!! which is so much fun! There’s nothing better than hearing the crowd sing your song back to you.
It took you quite a while to publish new music. Your following single, Good to Me, was available four years later. What were the reasons for the quite long “publishing hiatus”?
Carrie: Music is like that. I believe some songs are meant for certain albums and sometimes you just write them too early. Good To Me was written first and it prompted the birth of the new album. I realized it had to be the theme of the next record so I waited until I wrote the complete story.
FLYC: You very often hear that Nashville is especially challenging for female artists. What are your thoughts about it?
Carrie: Nashville can definitely be a boys club, but you just have to make sure to surround yourself with the right people and be true to yourself. I think now more than ever women are thriving in music and starting to be recognized. I was thrilled to see so many female artists nominated for Grammy Awards this year.
FLYC: Good to Me received quite good receptions. What is the song about?
Carrie: This song was certainly Good To Me. I wrote it with Eric Holljes from the band Delta Rae. I came home from working late at a restaurant that I’d been at for quite some time, exhausted and feeling pretty down from working a job that wasn’t serving me anymore. I wanted to just do music. I wrote myself a note on a bar napkin that night that said I’m Gonna Be Good To Me and left it on the kitchen table. In the morning, Eric found it and said, “Let’s write this song!” So we did.
I was afraid to write it because I knew I was going to have to get deep with this one and be super vulnerable. I forced myself to be real about how difficult it is to be good to yourself sometimes, and how I would shame myself for not being where I thought I would be by now. But that’s the key – for us all to be kind to ourselves, and to trust you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. More importantly, if we’re good to ourselves then we can be good to other people – and pay it forward. After I wrote Good To Me, I took a leap of faith, quit my restaurant job and went on a year tour all over the country. Doors started opening and people started listening. It was exactly what I was supposed to do, and I haven’t looked back since.
FLYC: A song I especially liked is your first release in 2020, the quite rocking Settle Me Down. Would you like to share the story of the song with us?
Carrie: Thank you for liking this song. It’s an ode to some of my biggest inspirations – Sheryl Crow and Bonnie Raiit. I wanted to start the record off with a groovy, fun tune. This song is the product of my military brat upbringing. I never really had a “home” and my life wasn’t very normal growing up. I was forced to move and leave friends behind and find new ones in every city, which was really hard. But on the flip side, it also taught me to roll with the punches and keep following my passions and dreams no matter what. Once I started embracing my story I found peace in it but it has definitely been a struggle finding a steady relationship. Whoever finds me won’t be able to Settle Me Down – they’re going to have to join in for the ride!
These single releases are all included in your debut album High Heels & Heavy Things. Why did you select that track as the title track?
Carrie: I felt like that name best encompassed what the record was all about. The change, the vulnerability, the heartbreak that we all go through as humans. The struggle of trying to appear to have it all together as the weight of the world bears down on us… I’m walking on high heels holding heavy things. It’s also about letting go and releasing past baggage to become a better person, which is a theme that threads through many of the songs on the album. Owning up to my mistakes and looking towards a brighter future.
FLYC: Is there any track you especially like on the album?
Carrie: Happy First is one of my favorites to play LIVE. It’s a sad little diddy.
The artwork of the album cover is quite colorful. You are in the waves with a pink sky in the background. Did that have a special meaning to you?
Carrie: The artwork was done by one of my favorite local artists here in Nashville – Kelly McKernan. She also did the artwork on my EP cover, and always does such an amazing job. We sat down and I told her what the record was all about and the sort of energy and vibe I wanted for the cover. She then listened to the album start to finish and this is what she came up with.

FLYC: I guess that your debut album is a very special moment in your life as an artist. From writing the songs, recording them, presenting them on stage – is there any moment during the creating of “High Heels & Heavy Things” you still especially have in mind?
Carrie: There were so many great moments. One that sticks out was tracking my song I Don’t Want To Be Friends. It was strictly a guitar song at first, but when we finally got in the studio to record it, it turned into a piano ballad. My producer, Eric Holljes, wrote the piano track on the spot and I sang over it in the same room, live. It was definitely a magical and organic studio moment.,

FLYC: Regardless when you can in fact tour Europe next year – how is a Carrie Welling live show alike?
Carrie: I’ve been touring Europe acoustically – just me, my guitar and my songs. One day I would love to do a full band tour!
FLYC: Last, but not least: if you think about being back in Germany for touring, is there anything you especially look forward to?
Carrie: I love all of Germany! The people there are such avid, loyal music lovers and treat all musicians with such respect. It’s truly humbling and inspiring as an artist. I’m looking forward to connecting with new people, exploring places I haven’t yet seen, and playing in more beautiful cities!
Follow Carrie Welling Online

Spotlight – Interviews
Here are all postings of my interview section Spotlight:
Big names and emerging artists - I love to cover the full range of musicians in my Spotlight interviews. This ...
It late January 2025, I introduced you to the third EP by the German artist Luna Morgenstern, Heartbreak Hotel. Luna and ...
Last week, Frances Darling had a big day in her young career. With the song Flight Risk, the US-American-German artist released ...
This episode of my Spotlight interviews was one I was looking forward to for a long time. Australian Chelsea Berman ...
Tyler Sjöström played acoustic sets between the main stage acts during the first and second day of the Sound of ...
Ben / Benjamin Moske is a quite well-known artist in the Northern German singer-songwriter scene. His songs are influenced by ...
Georgia Nevada felt to have the potential to become one of the key British country and Americana artists in the ...
A really nice way to see that has established and has a certain history is that some artist happen ...
The Cumberland River Project is on the final straight towards a new release. On 22nd March 2023, Frank Renfordt and ...
The British country music artist Twinnie will always be a special person to me. The very first time I saw ...
I am always flattered when there are new, interesting German acts who are releasing country music. This week on ...
Over two million followers on YouTube, slightly less on TikTok and still about half a million on Instagram - Indonesia's ...
It is very hard to put the music by Israeli artist Dekel into a single genre. There is a touch ...
This April 2023 episode of my Spotlight interviews is one I have been a bit of nervous about, indeed. After ...
I have been so excited about that news that she will be touring Europe soon: Jessica Lynn is such an ...
Julian Taylor is just about to make it to Germany and the Netherlands. Right before the Sound of Nashville shows ...
When I thought about the concept of, I wanted to bring people together. I wanted to teach travelers about ...
I follow the British country music artist Vic Allen since quite a while already. You also find some pictures of ...
My first Spotlight interview of the year 2023 is with US country artist Zye Ca$h. He is having a rap ...
They started in school years in Kassel, Germany and are now a global musical success. The song Stolen Dance catapulted the German ...
This is already the second time I met Nik Wallner for a Spotlight interview on While the first time we chatted ...
I am already flattered to head to the United States. I am going to Florida next week to see five ...
What an amazing series of country music interviews on in September 2022: after I finally managed to publish the ...
I simply cannot deny that I have been a bit more nervous before this Spotlight interview. While most of the ...
Great to have a new country music interview in my Spotlight section right at the beginning of August 2022! The artist I ...
I am really glad to present you a new artist in my Spotlight interview section. Tomas Rimeika became quite famous ...
Upsahl is a pop-rock singer-songweiter from Phoenix, Arizona. Just before she is setting foot on German soil during her 2022 ...
Just this weekend, I introduced you to Fear & Dagger, the second album by the Swiss beatdown band Paleface. Even though ...
If you think about Dutch country music, you definitely think about Ilse DeLange. Of course, if you follow my blog, ...
Rickie Lee Kroell, the second time: I just introduced you to the pop artist and her new EP Hauptsache was mit ...
The Canadian country recording artist and songwriter Jesse is about to release a new single this week: On Friday (4th ...
Ontario, Nashville, Scotland - Brittany Brodie is home somehow in many places in the world. I have been in contact ...
It's been quite a while since I released my previous Spotlight interview. The more, I feel flattered to dip into ...
Lori Rayne, Stephanie Ryann and now Presley Aronson - after I had quite a break from my Spotlight interviews, ...
Even though Stephanie Ryann is already in her mid-30's, the New England artist is not a stranger to North American ...
It's been quite a while since I published my last Spotlight interview. The more, I feel flattered to have a ...
A debut on this week, I am featuring a very special interview in my Spotlight interview category. While I ...
Linda Mar (or Linda Marlen Runge, which is her civil name) is truly a multi-talent in performing: Likely, most people ...
After my recent Spotlight interview episode with Christina Taylor, I feel really gifted to chat with another very interesting Nashville ...
It's been quite a while that I released my last Spotlight interview. The more I am happy that I have ...
Emma Stevens is not only one of the big names of the British country / folk music scene, she is ...
I am always happy to chat with German artists on my blog in the Spotlight interview category. Ann Doka is ...
Brian John Harwood is indeed an interesting artist. Not just only as one part of Kansas Stone, Harwood is a ...
Frances Luke Accord is a US-American folk music duo, which has been founded during their common time at high school ...
Right at the beginning of the 2020 holiday season, I had a very interesting chat with Tristan Cole. The North ...
Nikita Skogen just released her debut single, Break Your Heart. Nonetheless, the Norwegian country music artist already has gained comparably quite ...
When you look at European country music, you very often purely focus on British artists. However, the German country music ...
This week, I am gifted to have very interesting interviews again in my Spotlight section. Just a few days ...
When I reviewed her album Lucky in mid September 2020, I felt that the bio information about the country artist ...
Emily Lockett is am impressive young British artist, just at the end of her teen-ages. After I saw her live ...
Riley Whittaker contacted me just some one or two weeks ago. She is a young artist from Sedona, Arizona, who ...
In the recent past, my Spotlight interview section hosted some very interesting young artists as well. For example, I chatted with ...
Just in time: one day before Jim "Kimo" West will release his new album More Guitar Stories, I had the opportunity ...
I am really gifted to chat with some interesting artists in August 2020 in my Spotlight interview section. Right after I ...
In my Spotlight category, I am dealing with another interesting artist. Sandra North is originally from Trosa South of Stockholm ...
It's quite a while since I published my latest Spotlight interview episode with Carolyn Miller in mid-June 2020. The more ...
Meeting Carolyn Miller and seeing her playing live on stage at the BB King was one of the hightlights during ...
When I was scanning songs for my New Country Hits Playlist, I ran into Lightning by the Colorado artist Kimi Most ...
Lucy LaForge is the head and lead singer behind Lucy & La Mer. Based in Los Angeles, the singer / ...
I am really glad that my Spotlight interview section is growing and also having some increasing popularity. In this interview, I met ...
I was really looking forward to have this chat with Rob Favotto, who is an Australian artist doing instrumental music ...
I ran into the music of Sylvia Aimee, a Dutch country music artist, some one year ago. The quality of ...
Already the first single Back On The Road felt very promising - and at least when The Cumberland River Project released their ...
Buy her incredible debut album No Saint during the C2C in Berlin in 2019 was maybe one of the events ...
While my Spotlight Interview so far have been concentrated in the country music scene, I was very happy to run ...
In this edition of my Spotlight interviews, I ran into a very interesting - and nice - artists in the British ...
Many people in the German country music business see a lot of potential in Southern German artist Nik Wallner. At ...
Van De Forst is one of the most interesting German country music / country pop music act. Vanessa, the person ...
Top Pick! Travel in Germany
Here are all travel experiences in Germany, which received my Top Pick! award:
Apart from the very inner city center, Stuttgart is a rather hilly German city. On one of their higher elevation, ...
I typically prefer Hilton Hotels and my second-most flown airport so far is Frankfurt Airport (FRA). Thus, it feels quite ...
Being on some sort of Lufthansa farewell tour after I decided not to prolong my Senator status gave me an ...
Attending a conference in the city, I had one night at the IntercityHotel Mannheim. My typical choice, the Hilton Garden ...
As I didn't feel like taking the night ICE train after my August 2024 trip to Dresden from Berlin to ...
I really enjoy riding the Railjet. The type of trains is majorly the backbone of the Austrian high-speed rail network ...
Watching a musical show with a performer I know brought me to Bielefeld in September 2024. Due to my Accor ...
Wolfsburg might not be the first place which comes to your mind when you think about German touristic hotspots.. However, ...
Having a nice walk in the (somewhat) nature and meeting some animals out there - the weather was just too ...
In order to cover the German Athletics Nationals 2024, I needed to have a three night stay in Braunschweig. I ...
I have stayed at the Mercure Hotel Düsseldorf Ratingen a couple of times before my night in June 2024. However, ...
Germany is famous for its car manufacturers. With Porsche and Mercedes, Stuttgart is likely one of the key cities car ...
The history of Berlin nowadays is also a story of two airports which have been closed down in the meantime ...
Meeting with friends in Troisdorf between Bonn and Cologne in the evening and relaxing at the Wellnest private spa Bonn ...
12th March 2024 brought me to Bochum in the German Ruhrgebiet. The city hosted my very first Rock of Ages ...
As I knew it would be rather late after I visited the TSV Erlensee Floorball Bundesliga home matches vs. Dümptener ...
When I introduced you to the Audi & Siku Museum Höing about three years ago, you already saw that the ...
My trip to the handball matches at the EHF Euro 2024 preliminary round matches in Berlin did not feel being ...
Wernigerode being located right North of the Harz mountains might not be the most obvious location for an aviation museum ...
As you know, I am very interested in iconic public transport systems. Thus, I had to visit the Schwebebahn, the suspension ...
Typically when I fly from the B Gates at Frankfurt Airport (FRA), I love opting for the Air Canada Maple ...
Before I have just been close to the NH Collection Hamburg City, I knew that this hotel will give me ...
There are so many art museums and technical museums out there. However, do we really care sufficiently about the items ...
Just as it felt convenient to stay somewhere closer to the office where I work, I had a night at ...
Golf? In Germany, the sport is rather regarded to be elite entertainment, a free time activity for the rich. Our ...
I love small regional air service like the Essential Air Service in the USA or flights to small and rather ...
Looking for a hotel to cover the Seepark Biker Days 2023 in Pfullendorf did not give me too many options ...
As part of my overnights bridging the night between two mandatory days at the office in Cologne, my last stay ...
Just a week after I stayed at the Mercure Cologne City Friesenstrasse, I tried out another hotel of the Accor ...
Being on a five-day seminar in Lünen North of Dortmund lead to a comparably long stay at the Hampton by ...
Due to its harbor, Hamburg is a very important place for trading goods of all kinds. Not too surprisingly, there ...
NH Hotels are rolling out a new brand of hotels in Europe: nhow (pronounced as "now") is a group of ...
The name of the German city of Wuppertal in the Bergische Land region near Cologne is indeed a perfect fit ...
Sad and touching moments just need to have a good hotel stay for your soul. For the very last leg ...
The former concentration camp site at Bergen-Belsen might not be as prominent as Dachau, but it is nonetheless one of ...
Even though Accor is likely the second-most frequented hotel group in my bookings, a night in Bremen in April 2023 ...
Visiting Dortmund, my wife and I also headed to the Naturmuseum (Nature Museum) in the city of the German Ruhrgebiet. After the ...
In January 2023, I took a rail trip hitting all 16 German states in one day. Apart from that geographic ...
For a night after a photo trip to the Harz mountains in January 2023, I had a one night stay ...
Attending a frequent traveler meeting nearby, I had the opportunity to visit the Hampton by Hilton Frankfurt Airport towards the ...
In order to explore Hamburg and upgrade my contents about the Northern German city, I had a two night stay ...
Back to my former home, the Harz mountains: watching two matches of the Red Devils Wernigerode, visiting my student residence ...
After my - a bit of weird - trip of passing all 16 German states and eleven largest cities of ...
What a day - on 14th January 2023, I traveled through all 16 German states in a 24 hour train ...
For a trip to Pinneberg just outside Hamburg, I needed a stay close to one of Hamburg's regional train stations ...
The Wasserturm in my home town Cologne is indeed one of the most iconic hotels of the city. Literally, the ...
Dud you ever feel like learning more about the current operations and future plans of Germany's largest airport? Frankfurt Airport ...
The Pergamonmuseum is one of the key touristic places in Berlin. The museum features over 250,000 objects of German-lead excavations ...
Especially when I visit large places for, which give me a lot of memories - and pictures - I ...
The Reeperbahn area in Hamburg's borough St. Pauli has undergone quite a significant transformation. Some decades ago, the red light and ...
There are two major soccer clubs in Hamburg - and they are so different. If you look at their national ...
Unexpected encounter in October 2022: right when I was about to have my first Eurowings Discover intercontinental flight to Tampa ...
I had a couple of private spa experiences with my wife already, like the MyWellness in Cologne or the Pure ...
Lüdenscheid in the Sauerland region of Germany, Southeast of Dortmund, might not be on the top of the list when ...
Saving my Melia frequent traveler points and doing some research for were two really good reasons to try out ...
My review category Hotels & Accommodation in fact only features hotels so far. Thus, the review of Holiday Home Wonderland is some sort ...
The museum at the Schwelmer Straße 41 is not exactly at birthplace of Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen - but it is just a ...
The area around Trier is holding a bunch of records for the oldest buildings and structures in Germany. The rationale ...
Okay, I have to give in from the very beginning: I love my home town Cologne - and this my ...
A museum about pigs? Indeed, that's something you can do when you are in Stuttgart. Interestingly, the former slaughterhouse is ...
The Deutsches Museum (literally: "German Museum") is an amazing technical and scientific museum in the heart of Munich. While I just did ...
Even though Mannheim is not too much of a touristic highlight in Germany, it is a very important rail traffic ...
During a trip to the German North Sea shore in later 2021, we also visited the Automobil- & Spielzeugmuseum Nordsee. The ...
The reason why I traveled to Hamburg in March was a German show of my favorite musical Rock of Ages in nearby ...
After the end of World War II, the blocking of access to West Berlin by the Soviet Union (the so-called Berlin ...
I already introduced you to the Visiodrom in Wuppertal, for which a former gasometer has turned into an audiovisual exhibition ...
Germany between World War II. - this is roughly the mission of the House of the History of the Federal ...
As I have been in Berlin but could not and did not really want to do a full coverage of ...
Apart from regional local soccer dominator Borussia and the coal production history, Dortmund is quite well famous for a very ...
One of the architectural witnesses of the industrial heritage of the Rhein-Ruhr Region in Germany are definitely the gasometers. These ...
The region of Stuttgart is one of the key car manufacturing areas of Germany. Thus, it has been not too ...
In January 2022, I had a rail trip to Munich. As I arrived rather late, the Hampton by Hilton Munich ...
Doing Christmas shopping with a hotel room around? Right next to Germany's largest shopping mall, the Westfield Centro in Oberhausen, ...
I have been a bit of puzzled when I arrived in Munich in late January 2022, learning that the Stammstrecke, the ...
Even though it is a some 50 kilometer drive from Cologne to Gummersbach, the VfL Gummersbach is not only the ...
Due to its rather hilly geography, the German city of Stuttgart has some quite iconic public transport systems. During a ...
The Lokwelt Freilassing is one of the most famous train museums in Germany. During a trip through Bavaria, I had ...
Hauptstadt der Spione - "Capital of the Spies". This is a book, which you can buy at the souvenir store of ...
The Tränenpalast ("Palace of Tears") in Berlin is the former border crossing point between East and West Berlin. It is located at ...
Oberhausen might not be regarded to be one of the most beautiful cities of the German Ruhrgebiet region - but ...
Due to rail strikes, I had to re-plan my whole trip to Frankfurt Airport before heading to Canada. I finally ...
In July 2021, I wanted to explore some of the rather centrally located attractions of Berlin. Due to its good ...
From outside, the Auto & Traktor Museum Bodensee ("Car and Tractor Museum") at Lake Constance looks like a traditional old farm ...
Doing a cruise on Berlin's key river Spree is one of the classic touristic options when you visit the German ...
Apart from several stays around the terminals, Frankfurt Airport nowadays features four airport hotels with direct walk-in connection to Terminal ...
If you think about oil producing countries, you may think about the USA or the United Arab Emirates. In fact, ...
Not only because auf an early 1990's video game, I am deeply interested in the Hansa and its history. Thus, ...
I remember having a flight from Lübeck / Lubeck Airport (LBC) in the very early 2000's. At this time, I ...
At the end of an interesting trip in June 2021, I stayed at the Mercure Hotel Hannover (Hanover) City. I ...
It is almost needless to say that Adolf Hitler was obsessed with megalomanic ideas. Apart from ruling the world and ...
For years, if I would have wanted to deeply bash the Deutsche Bahn (German Rails), there would have been a simple way ...
Especially after all the Covid-19 restrictions, my wife and I were really looking forward to two relaxing hours in a ...
Have you ever heard of Surströmming, Hakarl or Spam? Do you mind eating eyes or drinking cow blood? All these ...
If you know the name Carlo Pedersoli by heart, then you are likely ready to head to Berlin since 27th ...
A Panoptikum is a place for everything you can see, if you translate it roughly. The Hamburg Panoptikum in St ...
For a trip to Lower Saxony in early June 2021, I needed a stay in Hanover / Hannover close to ...
Helgoland (in English also called Heligoland) is very often referred to as Germany's only deep-sea island. Even though this nice ...
There is always (mostly?) a second chance at After I haven't been too pleased with my first ever IntercityHotel ...
As the reviews of the park were pretty good, my wife and I headed to a deer park / wildlife ...
Professional stargazing: The European Southern Observatory, short ESO is a collaboration of multiple European countries to gather astronomic forces on the ...
Fortunate unexpected upgrade: I originally planned to go from Paderborn/Lippstadt (PAD) to Westerland/Sylt (GWT) to check out a new German ...
Even though the Netherlands capitulated against Germany just after a few days under attack during World War II, they have ...
Nuremberg (or Nürnberg, how it is named in German) has some sort of tough political-historic heritage. Several sites still remember ...
In April 2021, I finally had my first flight connections to/from the new Berlin airport, BER - Berlin / Brandenburg ...
Despite the limited travel situation in Germany due to Covid-19, there are some quite interesting virtual airline projects in Germany ...
Two Olympic Gold Medals and multiple other medals and World Cup victories (with a special focus on Super-G) - undoubtedly, ...
Undoubtedly, Munich Olympic Tower is one of the iconic buildings of the Bavarian city. Even though the tower is located ...
Gronau in the Münsterland region in Western Germany calls itself the "Music City". The some 50,000 inhabitant town is definitely not the ...
The Weiße Rose / "White Rose" was a resistance group during the German Nazi regime. Mainly consisting of university students, she ...
The Berchtesgadener Land is not only nowadays well-known as a popular tourist destination, there is also a dark part of ...
A museum with 90 vintage cars and so-called Yountimers might not feel to thrilling. If you add that about half of ...
The marketing flyer of the Museum Prototyp in Hamburg is really self-confident. The name of the car history museum is not ...
The Munich Toy Museum is one of these typical hidden gems you find in many cities. Right in the city ...
While I have a couple of "PCR professionals" in my circle of contacts, it took me until December 2020 until ...
I haven't been to too many hotels which are featured in own wikipedia articles in my life. One stay, at ...
Due to the early departure of an ECE 451 ride from Frankfurt to Milan in September 2020, I looked for ...
Cologne Cathedral is the key attraction of my home town Cologne, of course (it is even one of Germany's very ...
There is no better start of the day for Munich people than a Weißwurst breakfast with a prezel and a beer. The Weißwurst, ...
Before Germany went to a lock-down of touristic travel in November 2020, I had a short trip to Munich. For ...
For a stay in September 2020, I tested the Hilton Garden Inn Munich City West for two nights, Friday to ...
Frankfurt is the banking capital in Germany and one of the key financial centers of all Europe.Thus, it may not ...
Similar to the Europarad Ferris Wheel in Cologne, Munich is hosting a giant mobile ferris wheel, which is offering its ...
After we visited a couple of hotels in Bonn, we finally wanted to check out the only five star one ...
Especially in the recent past, I read a couple of ridiculous comparisons between certain people and political groups (which I ...
The Königssee (literally: "King's Lake") is a beautiful lake in Southeastern Bavaria, not too far away from the Austrian border ...
The Rheinturm - or Rhine Tower - is definitely one of Dusseldorf's most iconic viewpoints. During a recent stay at the ...
What is Germany's most popular tourist attractions? According to many popular rankings including TripAdvisor, it is neither the Brandenburg Gate ...
Aviation fans likely first think about the zeppelins when it comes to Friedrichshafen, Germany. However, the city is also home ...
The "Flower Island" Mainau is one of the key attractions of the whole Bodensee / Lake Constance region. No doubt that ...
For my June 2020 stay in the Salzburger Land / Berchtesgadener Land area, I decided to go for two nights ...
Whenever you happened to watch Bobsleigh races in TV, did you also often think about how it is like to ...
During my Covid-19 day trip to Berlin, I spent some time in the Berlin Zoo. Berlin is quite famous for ...
Air ship and zeppelin flights / flight history is a quite popular part of a visit at Lake Constance. In ...
A Calculation Museum? Sounds like a place for die-hard nerds - but the Arithmeum in Bonn is really a popular ...
If you fly a non-Schengen flight from Terminal 1 (the non-Lufthansa one) at Munich Airport and depart from the B ...
After I had some stays at Hilton Munich Airport in the past, I was happy to be back in this ...
As an overnight stay after the Mrs Greenbird concert in Frankfurt, I decided to opt for a hotel chain, which ...
You may know Mönchengladbach (or: Moenchengladbach) for soccer, likely. However, the city hosts one of the most remarkable Star Wars ...
Though it just processes about a half of the number of passengers of Munich Airport and even just a third ...
Like you already saw in my review of the Emirates Aviation Experience, including the A380 simulator, I have a certain ...
The next cities around are Trier, Sankt Wendel or Idar-Oberstein - the small city of Hermeskeil could be seen as ...
After I mentioned the Air Canada Lounge at Frankfurt Airport already in my love letter posting to LATAM flight 705, ...
Flying back from the Write Like A Girl event in London, I had the opportunity to fly Sun-Air of Scandinavia for ...
My trip to Singapore and Malaysia was my debut First Class experience (apart from Domestic First in the USA). I ...
For customers flying on Lufthansa's top notch First Class product (and HON Circle Members), the German airline offers a very ...
Wuppertal in the Bergisches Land region Northeast of Cologne hosts a very special attraction for train and rail enthusiasts: the ...
The Lufthansa Lounges for Senators and Business Class customers are tending to be too crowded, especially in peak times. Thus, ...
Due to a career event of my wife, we had to travel to the trade fair area of Hanover in ...
Lindlar, a minor Eastern suburb of Cologne, hosts one of two open-air museums driven by the regional Rhineland authority LVR ...
Bergisch Gladbach, a 110,000 inhabitant city East of Cologne, is a traditional location for the production of paper. While nowadays, ...
After I visited the Sinsheim sister museum in February, I have been very curious about visiting the Speyer Technology Museum ...
The route between Cologne and Rostock is a quite traditional connection from Rhineland to the Baltic Sea - which has ...
Located North of Cologne, the "Wildpark Tannenbusch" offers a nice way to spent your free time with your family, enjoying ...
As I for example stated in my review on Louvre Abu Dhabi, I am quite much interested in ancient cultures ...
If you collect and something, you likely also have one or more several favourite pieces in your collection. What do ...
Located quite prominently right at the motorway A6 at Sinsheim (home of the TSG Hoffenheim soccer club), the Technik Museum ...