Truck Stop - Liebe, Lust und Laster Pros
- Likely, the proudest German country act
- Some songs feel quite modern
- A couple of good stories Cons
- There are also some very thin songs on the album
Even though we are currently struggling in Germany to build a (modern) country music scene, there has always been some quite popular and commercial country music in my home country. While acts doing modern country music are typically labelled as pop, rock or folk, the acts people usually connect with “country music” typically represent very traditional style of the genre. The long runners of that part of German country music are definitely Truck Stop, who have been founded in 1973 already. On 2nd April 2021, they release a new album called Liebe, Lust und Laster (“Love, passion and trucks / vice”) – trucks and vice are the same word in German.
Truck Stop – About The Artists
Truck Stop has been founded in 1973 in Hamburg – or in Seevetal-Maschen, how you would state precisely. Three of the six founding members, Günter “Cisco” Berndt, Burkhard “Lucius” Reichling and Erich Doll, already died in the meantime. Only drummer and singer Teddy Ibing is a founding member, who is still in the current lineup. Uwe Lost, who is part of the band since 1978, and Knut Bewersdorff (since 1983) are the other rather famous faces of the band. Apart from them, the band consists of Chris Kaufmann, Andreas Cisek and Tim Reese. They are singing in German nowadays, but their first four albums were English. They are very active and already released some 50 studio albums. Their albums still make it to average placements in the German charts nowadays. Their latest, the 2019 Ein Stückchen Ewigkeit, peaked on 21st position in Germany and was Top 50 in Switzerland.
The band had two major single hits. Their German breakthrough Ich möcht’ so gern Dave Dudley hörn (“I long to listen to Dave Dudley that much”) in 1978 was in the German charts for 16 wees. In 1980, Der wilde, wilde Westen (“The wild, wild West”) even stayed there for 24 weeks and had a fourth position in the Austrian charts. As guest musicians of Stefan Raab’s Maschen-Draht-Zaun, they topped the German and Austrian charts and peaked second in Switzerland.
Truck Stop – Liebe, Lust und Laster – Track by Track
The fourteen song album lasts 40 minutes.

1. Liebe, Lust und Laster
The album starts with its title track. A typical Truck Stop song, which is referring to Truck Stop stereotypes: truck driving, money, girls.
Liebe, Lust und Laster
Sind die besten Pflaster
Für all die harten Stunden
Zum Schutz der vielen Wunden
Die uns der liebe Alltag so beschert
(“Love, Passion and trucks
Are the best patches
Against all the hard hours
To protect the many wounds,
which are caused by the dear everyday life”)
I feel it is a quite good listen – in fact it is a general topic if this is really country music – but I will come to that topic during he review.
2. Mein Zuhaus
Mein Zuhaus is da wo Du bist – “My home is where you are”. Is that really a country song? It feels so much like German schlager… Wait, ain’t (especially: traditional) country music the schlager music of the United States? Truck Stop is definitely going for the country music branding (even though the promo package calls it “schlager” itself).
3. Yeehaw
I feel this is a classic “love it or hate it” track. People who enjoy Yeehaw, the latest single of the album, will say it is a nice stomping country music party song. They are not too wrong about it. Vice versa, you can state that the song is just extremely thin. I just cannot stop listening to the lyrics and fail enjoying that vibe.
Yeehaw! Yeehaw! Auf die Pferde
Treibt die Herde – Yeehaw! Yeehaw!
Brigt die Kuh nach Hause! Yeehaw! Yeehaw!
Einmal um die ganze Erde – Yeehaw! Yeehaw!
Bringt die Kuh nach Hause!
(“Yeehaw! Yeehaw! On the horses
Drive the herd – Yeehaw! Yeehaw!
Bring the cow home! Yeehaw! Yeehaw!
Once around the world – Yeehaw! Yeehaw!
Bring the cow home!”)
4. Wie’n schönen Country Song
The only thing which is really separating this song from a kitschy schlager track is the instrumentation – and Truck Stop’s hats, which you simply don’t see in an album review. The band states that “I love you like a beautiful country song.” I am sure that this song is a good reason to stop listening to this album for many German modern country fans latest. I personally feel it is not that bad.
5. Endlich wieder auf Tour
Wann geht es endlich wieder auf Tour – “When is finally touring going on again?” is undoubtedly the unofficial Covid-19 song by Truck Stop.I feel it is a really catching and energetic song.
6. Großstadt
Großstadt (“Big City”) is a musical praise to Hamburg, the home town of the band. To me, the song is one of the best ones of the album. Finally, I love this city songs, and Hamburg is definitely a nice place as well. Nice one.
7. 7.000 Meilen
7,000 Meilen is a mid-tempo country song, rather with a touch of a ballad about longing to coming home, 7,000 miles away from home. I feel it is a nice fit into the album.
8. Wird schon geh’n
Wird schon geh’n (“It will work out somehow”) is a song about staying motivated even in difficult situations. It comes with a nice sound, even though I would not list it as one of the best songs of the album.
9. Sinnlos verprasst
The melody of Sinnlos verprasst (“Senselessly blowing [money] out”) is about spoiling money for party, cars and girls. The melody feels a bit too sleazy at first sight, but I like the irony in that song, so that I feel that the ninth track is better than average.
10. Einsame Insel
This song is pondering about what you would take with you on a lonely island – in order to finally see that home is better than fleeing abroad. Even though I relate to the general message of the song, it does not catch me too much.
11. Morgen gleich Morgen
The album unfortunately gets a bit thinner. This song about deferring work to the following day. There is a nice irony in the songs again, but I just have trouble to relate to it.
Morgen, gleich morgen, da pack ich es an,
Irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann
(“Tomorrow, Soon tomorrow, I will do it
Somehow, somewhere, at some time”)
12. Supermann
The traditional Truck Stop fans will praise that song, which feel like some of their 1980’s production. This thin song has in my point of view no chance to attract new fans. This song is really a shame to me, the album has some really nice pieces of a modern touch.
13. Easy Rider Keep On Ridin’
This song about an old Harley Davidson bike (which is sung in German, despite the title) comes with a quite powerful and present melody. The story of the song is not too deep. At least the second last song does not hurt as much as Supermann.
14. 40 Wagen westwärts
40 Wagen westwärts (“40 waggons westbound”) is a melancholic slow track. I feel it comes with a really nice feeling and vibe. The album closes with one of its best songs.
Truck Stop – Liebe, Lust und Laster – Spotify
Here is the 2021 Truck Stop album on Spotify:
Truck Stop – Liebe, Lust und Laster – My View
“Liebe, Lust und Laster” is a perfect illustration of the struggle in the German music scene with country music. There are bands which do great modern country sounds, but record companies are very hesitant to call it country music and rather call it rock, pop, whatever. Then there is Truck Stop. The keep this “country music” banner up high. And as they are the only ones – apart from some exceptions – people tend to feel that this is the whole variety of country music. It is a shame, because it gives a limited, very schlager-alike picture in the German public.
Is that Truck Stop’s fault? Not at all in my point of view. They definitely do country music and they even promote the genre. It is the fault of the other bands and companies who are not brave enough. And there are some quite modern songs on this 2021 album. A couple of tracks are really (as a modern country listener) good vibes for me. On the other hand, I would beg on my knees to the band to skip songs like Supermann on their next one. The album offers a nice variety of songs and ends with a lovely story. Due to some average and worse songs, it just cannot touch the very high rating classes, but it offers some nice songs, indeed.
Country Music in Germany
Here is any Music & Media posting related to country music and Germany on
Country To Country 2025 in Berlin is in the books. Three days and the kick-off Bluebird Cafe session are over ...
Country To Country 2025 in Germany came to an end. The Sunday Main Stage (and the Spotlight Stage) hosted the ...
Three days of country music (or even four, if you include the Bluebird Cafe session on Thursday) are tiring and ...
The second day in Berlin was slowly coming to an end. Country To Country 2025 in Berlin hosted the second ...
Saturday in Berlin - the Country To Country festival went into its second day. 8th March 2025 again featured some ...
Welcome to the main event! While I really enjoy the daytime stages with the variety of comparably less popular artists, ...
Ladys and Gentlemen, welcome to the Country To Country 2025 in Berlin! After the Passionskirche in Berlin already hosted the ...
6th March 2025 was time to kick off the Country To Country Festival 2025 in Berlin. While the main festival ...
February 2025 is over - and it came with a lot of new music. In some of the weeks, I ...
Another Sound of Nashville country concert right before I headed to Pittsburgh: on 25th February 2025, Drake Milligan had a ...
In exactly two weeks, on 6th March 2025, Country To Country (C2C) Berlin is kicking off with the The Bluebird ...
I recently forgot a name of a German country artist and had to google it. I started typically by looking ...
In my September 2024 Spotlight interview, I already introduced you to Frances Darling. On 7th February 2025, the German-US-American artist ...
Michael Moravek already made it into my Songs of the Week thrice. The last time has been as of 10th January 2025 ...
It all started in August 2019 - and it has become a key delivery of since then. The Country ...
Time to look back to the year of music, part 2. In my 30th December 2024 posting, I am ...
The first one of my Best of postings at the end of the year is always reserved for looking back to my ...
After I missed two early December 2024 country music concerts in Cologne due to trips to Switzerland and the United ...
German artist Mense traveled through Spain for half a year. It was only himself, his wife and his dog Angus, ...
I had a quite turbulent and emotional November 2024. The more, I appreciated good music. Here is my overview of ...
On 20th November 2024, I was able to report from an artist I had on my "bucket list" for quite ...
Club Volta again - just three days after I featured the Stephen Wilson Jr. concert there, I was back at ...
Time for some country music concert coverage again: On 4th November 2024, I headed to Club Volta in Cologne. Sound ...
My new way of presenting my Country Music Picks, i.e. having a focus on new songs, which I just did not ...
The country music September 2024 is in the books. At least in regards of my Country Music Picks, which feature ...
Just the evening after the Visions of Atlantis show in Essen, I headed to the E-Werk in Cologne. On 29th ...
Last week, Frances Darling had a big day in her young career. With the song Flight Risk, the US-American-German artist released ...
After a one day break, the Sound of Nashville Open Air2024 was back in Cologne. Sunday, 25th August 2024, featured ...
Country-rock made in Germany - there are not too many acts in my home country who are able to deliver ...
After featuring the Giovanni Zarrella concert the week before, another very special show was on my list on 12th August ...
Ben / Benjamin Moske is a quite well-known artist in the Northern German singer-songwriter scene. His songs are influenced by ...
On the weekend of 5th July 2024, I feature some interesting releases by German artists. One of them is T.G ...
Right after I returned from a weekend trip to Norway, my home town Cologne hosted another really interesting country music ...
Three years ago, I introduced you to the album True Stories by Jack McBannon. Despite his artist name, the country ...
End of April and beginning of May 2024 featured a couple of very interesting country music gigs in Germany. For ...
End of April and beginning of May 2024 came with quite some photographic dates for me. Right after the Carrie ...
What an honor - Darius Rucker kicked off his Starting Fires Tour World Tour in my home tome Cologne. The Live Music ...
Frank Renfordt is back - and this time he is wearing his cowboy hat again! The Cumberland River Project releases ...
The Cumberland River Project is on the final straight towards a new release. On 22nd March 2023, Frank Renfordt and ...
Right the day after the Sound of Nashville show in Cologne on 5th March 2024, I headed to Frankfurt. Again, ...
I am always a bit of extra-flattered when my most frequently used promotion platform shows an album by a German ...
I am always flattered when there are new, interesting German acts who are releasing country music. This week on ...
Yeah, I am still more of an album person. I feel that a long-play is still able to tell stories ...
It's time to look back to . After I shared my new format My Year in Travel with you the first time, ...
His show in Aschaffenburg 2019, the main stage appearance at the C2C Berlin 2020 and now Cologne 2023: Eric Paslay ...
Afrer his very interesting album release Going Solo, I was really curious about how Gergor McEwan would be alike live on ...
At the end of September, some miraculous things were happening on the Instagram accounts of the Country To Country Festivals ...
Home Free - the a capella country band has built a fan base all over the world nowadays. I was ...
In March 2020, just at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, Melanie Wiegmann went to the Maltese island of Gozo ...
One evening with six different artists? The opening night of the Heart To Heart concert series definitely came with high ...
When I prepared for the review of this album, I read in one magazine article that Gregor McEwen is a ...
I am surprised that it has never been there before, stated Jackson Dean, one of the four artists, who will ...
Tom Astor is likely the most important living artist of the German country music scene. In 2023, he did not ...
After I gave you three postings about the music at the Seepark Biker Days 2023 in Pfullendorf already, it is ...
Closing day in Pfulllendorf - after Saturday came with a long line-up and a lot of acts, the musical side ...
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I am not a Harley rider and I will travel to Pfullendorf by rental car. But I am really looking ...
Due to my recent illness, I have to reduce my travel activity in June significantly. Nonetheless, there will be ten Rock ...
On 23rd May 2023, the Sound of Nashville concert series had a very special even in Cologne's Helios37. Despite being ...
Sound of Nashville time again. Right after I returned from a brief trip through the Nordics, Semmel Concerts and their ...
I am always glad to present you German artists, who have a touch of international-style Americana and country music influences ...
Heading to Hamburg for a day just in the middle of Weird Al Yankovic tour-chasing for country music? February and ...
February and early March 2023 held a couple of concerts and shows for me. Thus, right after returning from the ...
Ireland, the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands, USA, Canada - and of course Germany lay ahead of me for the ...
27th January 2023, the first concert coverage of the new year. I will feature a couple of really cool ...
While the music market is more and more focusing on singles and even writes weird stories like Taylor Swift's "Top ...
Since I started working with, I present you a list of my favorite songs at the end of every ...
Just some ten days left until Christmas. Instead of my typical album preview, I this time go for a preview ...
Quite a lot of interesting music on in November: after the Alexander Ludwig and Nik Wallner show in Cologne, ...
This is already the second time I met Nik Wallner for a Spotlight interview on While the first time we chatted ...
Right after coming back from New York City, I headed to the Helios37 in Cologne the same evening. Sound of ...
What a lovely combination of two amazing female country artists: on 12th September 2022, Sound of Nashville presented Carly Pearce ...
Hallo, ich bin Jolina Carl - "Hello, I am Jolina Carl" rather sounds like a debut album than the release of ...
23rd August 2022 has been a very special day to me. Always great to be able to cover a Lindsay ...
Legendary Gipsy Kings and one of Germany's biggest potential drivers of country music, More Than Words - I felt really ...
German schlager icon Wolfgang Petry is back with a new EP. After a "real" Wolfgang Petry album release, Auf das Leben, ...
Also due to their rather well-known band members, More Than Words is one of the most promising country music acts ...
Even though Chris Colter seems to be quite active artist since decades, I could not find too many bio information ...
So good to have a new one from The Cumberland River Project: one of Germany's finest manufacturers of country music ...
Some country music made in Germany: After the intense week traveling with Weird Al Yankovic to the first three shows ...
New songs from Mrs. Greenbird: Cologne's finest Americana pop pair released a new set of tracks on 9th April 2022 ...
House of Change by Ann Doka has indeed bin one of the German artist albums I have been looking forward to ...
TV appearances, support act of famous musicians like Heinz Rudolf Kunze or Rea Garvey: Jördis Tielsch has indeed grown quite ...
70 years of Klaus Lage - the rock singer-songwriter is one of the most iconic artists of the German music ...
2021 definitely lifted to another level. The community is steadily increasing - days with less than 2,000 page hits ...
Year-end is the time to look back to all the stuff what happened to you. Ideally you rather remind the ...
The week of Christmas is typically one of the weeks of the year with the lowest amount of new music ...
Every week, I am scanning hundreds of new releases, albums and singles, to pick the right (and sometimes: the wrong) ...
Okay, I give in. In the world of country music, Christmas starts in early September. That's when the first song ...
A German artist presenting modern country songs - even though A Life That's Good is a cover album, I felt ...
On the promotion platform I use most frequently, I rarely run into songs or albums which are labeled as "Country ...
This is the third time I am looking into the country music scene of Germany and neighboring German-speaking countries. So ...
The German artist Det Haggard is a new name in the German lyrics country music scene. After he had some ...
Summer feels to be over - Fall 2021 is coming. Finally, I had much more - and better - trips ...
Country from Germany with an important background. In his 2021 release, Jesse Cole deals with the impacts of being a ...
Without a doubt, Peter Maffay is nowadays one of the most well-known rock artists singing in German. As a result ...
Some country from Germany: just in the week I did the second edition of my German Songs Country Music Picks, ...
I received quite a lot of feedback on my initial (late April 2021) version of the The German Songs edition of ...
After quite a hiatus - the last regular Country Music Picks edition is as of November 2020, I felt it ...
Modern country from Bavaria? No, this is not about Nik Wallner, but about pez, who is singing in English and ...
Some cool music from Germany: the album New Songs And Untold Stories was soloely flagged as pop music in a promotion ...
A Viking doing modern country? Sounds like a weird Scandinavian story - but in fact the artist is a Canadian actor, ...
It's been just too long since I did the last episode of my Country Music Picks. At the end of ...
The promotion material to Timo Scharf's new EP Everything Ever Always Is All Forgotten contains a magical sentence. He is writing ...
Jack McBannon does a quite interesting and versatile fusion of different Americana music styles. Being on stage for twenty years ...
I am always happy to chat with German artists on my blog in the Spotlight interview category. Ann Doka is ...
292 Media Review postings - looking into new music (and a few other) releases was definitely some sort of core ...
2020 is about to come to an end - and the last three posting of the years re about to ...
Just ten days before she is releasing her debut album Desert Diamond, I introduced you to the promising German country music ...
When you look at European country music, you very often purely focus on British artists. However, the German country music ...
During the last years, October has been one of the big months for European country music fans: being already "traditional" ...
The Yonder Boys are definitely an interesting, but also kind of weird and funny combo, which is based in Germany, ...
Undoubtedly, Van de Forst is one of the most interesting German acts in the country music scene. Her country / ...
Covid-19 has a huge impact on the music industry. My home town Cologne's local country music heroes, Mrs. Greenbird, were ...
Even though Covid-19 is taking quite much of our time, we should really enjoy the good things - and at ...
Already the first single Back On The Road felt very promising - and at least when The Cumberland River Project released their ...
Due to the late cancellation of the C2C festivals in London, Dublin and Glasgow and all the organizational trouble caused ...
Many people in the German country music business see a lot of potential in Southern German artist Nik Wallner. At ...
The last four big acts of the C2C Country To Country in Berlin 2020 - the three days have been ...
My third and final issue of stories around the C2C in Berlin - time to finish the days of country ...
Sunday, 8th March 2020, the third day in Berlin. Already that typical mixture of feelings: looking forward to the last ...
After a good start on Main Stage on Day 1 with Luke Combs, Jimmie Allen and Darius Rucker headlined the ...
After the the first side stage acts on Day 1 of the C2C Country To Country 2020 in Berlin, Day ...
Saturday in Berlin is over. A lot of good music has been played on several stages - but some stories ...
Time for the big party - after the side stage artists of Day 1 have cheered up the audience, it ...
C2C Country To Country in Berlin 2020 - time to start the second edition of the festival on 6th March ...
The German Country Music Scene is having their highest holidays - The C2C in Berlin started on 6th March 2020 ...
Country music made in Germany? There are more and more projects which feel to be very promising. In my point ...
A lot has happened since the Country 2 Country 2020 headliners for all five venues have been published in October 2019 ...
Country music made in Germany? Especially in the last few months, there have been a couple of acts, which feel ...
The first Sound of Nashville show of the year - it felt really good to be back close to the ...
I decided to split the "Best music" postings of 2019 into two parts: while I already published my personal Best ...
2019 has come to an end - and music has been one of the key topics of in 2019 ...
Right after I returned from Pittsburgh, Sound of Nashville and the German country music scene came back on my schedule ...
Though the Pete Wolf Band just released their second album on 6th December 2019, they are big names in the ...
I was quite stunned when I ran into an Instagram advertisement: Björn Heuser, a Cologne singer- songwriter just recently released ...
One of the few German country/folk acts, which gained some international reputation in the past is Cologne-based Mrs. Greenbird. Before ...
I have to admit that I had been very nervous before that concert. The LANXESS arena, Germany's largest multiplex arena ...
An eventful debut of the first German Country Music Week presented by Sound of Nashville ended in Cologne with the ...
While the Sound of Nashville October started big with the the concert of Old Dominion. One day after the big ...
I had a quite unfortunate timing with the debut of the German Country Music week. I missed some shows due ...
During the London Country Music Week, Country 2 Country traditionally presented the lineup for the festival. Every year, fans pray ...
Right after I returned from a vacation trip to Tenerife, I headed from Frankfurt Airport to Das Bett (literally: The Bed), a Frankfurt ...
Quite surprisingly, there seems to be a quite sudden competition about the promotion and management of country music concerts in ...
The Sound of Nashville series of concerts more and more established in the German country music scene. While I visited one ...
September 2019 is a country music concert months full of highlights. Just one day after I returned from my Aschaffenburg ...
Eric Paslay and his song Friday Night was one of the first songs, which really made me get in touch with ...
The second half of 2019 features a massive lineup of country music stars in Germany. As you can see in ...
After my posting in April, which was already speculating about a country music boom in Germany and Central Europe, a ...
Country music in Germany has a hard standing. It is still not played in most radio stations - or declared ...
Mrs. Greenbird was the only Germany-based band who were playing at the C2C debut in Berlin 2019. This definitely illustrates ...
The beginning of March 2019 was a country music powerhouse to me. The Country 2 Country (C2C) debut in Berlin, ...
How to spent the time best between Country 2 Country 2019 in Berlin and Amsterdam and the "main events" in ...
I visited Europe's biggest country music festival, Country 2 Country (C2C), for the first time in 2018 in London. I immediately ...
As blogging on music became a quite frequent category at, I felt to look back to 2018 and introduce ...
German Technical Museums
Here are all Technical Museum postings about places related to Germany:
In the second posting about the Autostadt in Wolfsburg, I take you to the VW ZeitHaus Museum (ZeitHaus translates to ...
On a Sunday in mid-August 2024, I visited the Autostadt ("Car City" or "Motor City"). Located in Wolfsburg in Germany, ...
Germany is famous for its car manufacturers. With Porsche and Mercedes, Stuttgart is likely one of the key cities car ...
For the second part of my "review battle" of museums dealing with visions around the future, we leave the Museum ...
Wernigerode being located right North of the Harz mountains might not be the most obvious location for an aviation museum ...
Is it really New Year's Eve already again? The last day of the year? I am posting this one in ...
Especially when I visit large places for, which give me a lot of memories - and pictures - I ...
Lüdenscheid in the Sauerland region of Germany, Southeast of Dortmund, might not be on the top of the list when ...
BMW - the Bayerischen Motoren Werke are definitely one of the most famous companies of Munich and a synonym for German ...
The museum at the Schwelmer Straße 41 is not exactly at birthplace of Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen - but it is just a ...
The harbor area is the heart of the German city of Hamburg. The history of the city is closely linked ...
At the beginning of July, my wife and I visited the LWL Freichlichtmuseum Hagen, the LWL Open Air Museum in Hagen. The ...
A museum full of computer games and gaming history? The German capital can offer that one! Right in the city ...
The Deutsches Museum (literally: "German Museum") is an amazing technical and scientific museum in the heart of Munich. While I just did ...
During a trip to the German North Sea shore in later 2021, we also visited the Automobil- & Spielzeugmuseum Nordsee. The ...
Campers, motor homes or recreational vehicles - no matter how you call do have your hotel room with you during ...
The region of Stuttgart is one of the key car manufacturing areas of Germany. Thus, it has been not too ...
The Lokwelt Freilassing is one of the most famous train museums in Germany. During a trip through Bavaria, I had ...
Hauptstadt der Spione - "Capital of the Spies". This is a book, which you can buy at the souvenir store of ...
From outside, the Auto & Traktor Museum Bodensee ("Car and Tractor Museum") at Lake Constance looks like a traditional old farm ...
If you think about oil producing countries, you may think about the USA or the United Arab Emirates. In fact, ...
My trip to the Bodensee / Lake Constance region in summer 2020 brought me to a surprisingly large number of car ...
Professional stargazing: The European Southern Observatory, short ESO is a collaboration of multiple European countries to gather astronomic forces on the ...
The German Movie Museum - or: Deutsches Filmmuseum is located in the heart of Frankfurt (Main). It gives you an overview about ...
The Cap San Diego is a general cargo vessel, which has been in duty between 1962 and 1986. Since then, it ...
If an industrial site is jokingly called the Eiffel Tower of the Ruhrgebiet Region, it seems to be quite an impressive ...
Zeppelinheim - the nominal reference in the name of the borough South of Frankfurt to the legendary German airships is ...
A museum with 90 vintage cars and so-called Yountimers might not feel to thrilling. If you add that about half of ...
Even though I could likely never have a maritime life (I would feel too locked away on a ship), I ...
The marketing flyer of the Museum Prototyp in Hamburg is really self-confident. The name of the car history museum is not ...
Even though architecture is a topic which so much influences our everyday life, the German Architecture Museum (Deutsches Architekturmuseum - ...
The Deutsches Museum (German Museum for Science and Technology) in Munich is one of the most fascinating places in Germany ...
Though there is the amazing tiny Zeppelin Museum in Meersburg, not too far away, people tend to think about the ...
What is Germany's most popular tourist attractions? According to many popular rankings including TripAdvisor, it is neither the Brandenburg Gate ...
Aviation fans likely first think about the zeppelins when it comes to Friedrichshafen, Germany. However, the city is also home ...
Air ship and zeppelin flights / flight history is a quite popular part of a visit at Lake Constance. In ...
A Calculation Museum? Sounds like a place for die-hard nerds - but the Arithmeum in Bonn is really a popular ...
The next cities around are Trier, Sankt Wendel or Idar-Oberstein - the small city of Hermeskeil could be seen as ...
Bergisch Gladbach, a 110,000 inhabitant city East of Cologne, is a traditional location for the production of paper. While nowadays, ...
After I visited the Sinsheim sister museum in February, I have been very curious about visiting the Speyer Technology Museum ...
One of the key attractions in Ratingen, Northeast of Dusseldorf, is the remarkable Cromford Textile Factory, which is driven by ...
Due to the limited exhibition space of the "Deutsches Museum" (German Museum of Technology), the famous Munich educative center had ...
Located quite prominently right at the motorway A6 at Sinsheim (home of the TSG Hoffenheim soccer club), the Technik Museum ...